How come everyone blames their problems on their confidence anxiety etc and not on their looks and height
also Incel = involuntarily celibate aka cannot get a girlfriend
because everybody knows that one ugly or short guy who has girlfriends
blackpill is cope
I know that I would eventually get laid with some gross slut if I kept trying despite me being a fat ugly balding loser, but fuck that
Guys who are fatter and uglier and balder than me have gotten girlfriends, but they're also more fun and confident and outgoing and charismatic and shit
who is the one ugly short guy ??
the mad betabuxxer or cuck??
are they taller??
I'm 6'2", most men are shorter than me and most men aren't virgins
>gotten girlfriends
how do you know they arent orbiters,cucks,simps or friends??
lose some weight chad and help accelerate also are most zoomers tall as you?
I weigh well over 330lbs, maybe even 350lbs or more (my scale doesn't weigh me anymore). And I'm ugly, have a neckbeard etc. But I have had girlfriends before and even brought a hot thicc girl back home with me after a house party. I admittedly have gotten less sex than your average 23 year old, but I've done alright considering how unattractive I am. I think if the person likes who you are, looks don't always matter. Of course looks make a difference, if you're the elephant man then you won't get many dates. But the problem is, many guys THINK they're unattractive, which stops them from even trying in the first place.
quick question bud
are you tall if so how tall?
you got lucky, that's pretty much it
Well I've never had a girl give any indication of interest in me, so I can't be great looking
Incels are an American thing. In my country the virgin men just use hookers. I see a hooker every couple months and that keeps me satisfied. Idgaf about gfs.
I'm around 6"1 so I guess that helps.
Watch an Attenborough documentary and get back to me. We are animals and like animals, males have to attract females. The only exception to this is if you're a mega literally a 10/10. In any other case, you need to find the girl.
I don't try because I know my personality is unattractive
At this party there were 2 other dudes vying for this same girl's attention. One was black, the other was brown, and they were both in great physical shape. Typical tough guys. But this chick chose me over them. She wasn't ugly at all either, probably a 6/10 so definitely out of my league. Had amazing curves, but was a bit overweight admittedly. But the bottom line is, if the girl likes who you are and you treat her well, looks aren't hugely important.
Because you are a bunch of insufferable social retards that try ever fucking tactic in the world to not face the things you can actually change about yourself, and keep blaming everyone but yourself forever.
I mean in the rare instance that I talk to a girl they act really aloof and dismissive
No halo effect here
Well shit
I hate to admit it but you're onto something there
It feels like there isn't much I can do about my social retardation, small talk with coworkers never goes anywhere
>One was black, the other was brown
Whites can't be incel. You white guys have it so easy.
if she liked you so much she would still be with you lol. you got lucky
Maybe you need to talk to a specialist.
Or try and meet people with common interests.
Went to a therapist, she just told me tell myself things things I can't convince myself of
I live in the middle of nowhere and my interests are pretty solitary
Please elaborate. Did she flip a coin and decide on me? well she didn't choose me for my looks as I already explained. I was a student at the time washing dishes on the side, so it wasn't money. What was it then? it has to have been my personality.
sounds like you're in a dire situation then.
Make an effort to be with people and understand how you can do that,because you clearly want to but don't know how.
Maybe your coworkers aren't right for you and neither is your hometown. find a way to move.
then why didn't your amazing personality hold on to her?
Becasue sometimes peope habve one night stands or brief flings. it simply happens,to a lot of people
that's probably the only time that has ever happened to you. why are you so mad that you just got lucky? shit happens sometimes and you can't explain it. maybe you were her drunk mistake.
I've always felt distant from people, like a fifth wheel instead of part of the actual group
My friends didn't invite me places, I only got to go to parties that every single person in the class was invited to
work out what is the issue that makes you distant from people.
for me it was an almost paranoia type of deal.find out what your deal is.
I'm not the guy you were replying to,buddy.
wtf why are you pretending to be me lol Yas Forums needs an ID system like Yas Forums and /soc/
fake and gay
General inability to socialize, shyness, self-consciousness, low self-esteem, not being able to think of things to say, fear of being annoying around guys or creepy around women
Wizard in less than three years, I'm just a mess
oh ok, you're just pissed off because luck exists and you want to believe everything is only about effort.
I was just defending you kek
dig deepr,there's probably more in there
did someone/something break you in the past?
Why doesn't your weight make you ashamed to talk to women? I would worry they'd be disgusted.
No,I just hate dumb incel reasoning
What the hell are you on about? I never said anything about putting in loads of effort. Sometimes people just like who you are naturally. But if you stay in the basement 24/7 you will never know.
Not really, I've just always been this way
I also can't really do eye contact and almost never called people by name until I started a job where doing so was necessary
ALOT of them dislike me and call me names like 'fatty' 'Loser' 'ugly' 'lazy' etc. But I just grin and bare it. It's not a big deal. I don't let that hinder me from trying to live my best life. Sure, somedays I am ashamed of how I look and don't feel like interacting with people, but at the end of the day I wouldn't want to be with someone who was so interested in something as trivial as appearance anyway.
Well it's a big deal to me, I don't want her to feel insulted and think I'm so stupid as to think I had a chance
makes sense to me. how do you explain getting a one night stand with a girl completely out of your league? uh, you got lucky. if she stuck around with you then you could make an argument about her liking your personality, but if she doesn't it's most likely some freak incident that you can't pinpoint what you did or why it worked, you just want to chalk everything up to personality for some reason.
i'm talking to a girl on tinder right now and she called me a cute weirdo and she's still talking to me. if i was as delusional as you i wouldn't accept she pretty much only puts up with me because she likes what i look like.
Wtf kind of ass-backwards logic is this? who gives a damn about her possible thoughts? I know I said men do the chasing, but god damn you don't need to put women on this much of a pedestal. Even they wouldn't want you feeling this way I'd wager!
you need to find why you're so afraid of people,just dig into yourself. it hurts but it's worth it.
Okay you are arguing with some else here. But anyway, I did say looks factor into it but they are not the only way to get a girl. Sure, maybe this chick likes your looks and not your personality so much. But other ones don't care about looks and prefer dating based on personality. It's almost like every woman is an individual with different thoughts and feelings or something!
You just want to be some interesting black-pilled edgelord.
ahh, now it makes sense. hi femanon. i always forget its mostly women that get pissed off at all this blackpill stuff
Yes, I'm a femanon. It's okay, you're going to be alright user. There is medicine for this.
women are so wonderful, they always focus on the most deep aspects of a mans personality, they can sense when someone is an evil misogynist. they are perfect and so individualistic! i love women. they never choose the wrong man, they can sense if a man is abusive.
Top spergery.
You are a Neckbeard.
I've always cared very deeply what other people will think
I just feel inferior in almost every regard, I've pondered it for years
lmao who still uses neckbeard? at least call me a simp or something jesus
Try changing that.
I do.
Also, 'Simp' would not be fit for purpose. You aren't a cuck (at least not that I know of) but you are, however, a cringey neckbeard. You probably love Donald Trump and frequent alot too. Am I right?
Don't know how, I find it unfathomable how some people apparently manage to change their personalities
don't care about politics at all
goddamn you suck at this hahahahaha
Unless you're outrageously good looking or hideously ugly looks aren't a huge driving force. Women are attracted to competence first and foremost. Anyone who pulls tail will tell you the latter. Only virgin NEET blackpillers with no experience with women will tell you the former.
Fuckin' this.
Possibly the only other sane user in this thread.
you start by digging deep and finding out how you really function.
What do you mean by that
I run on fleeting moments of validation (usually brought about by making people laugh) that make me feel capable until the self-doubt takes over again, but lately it doesn't feel worth the effort to try to think of jokes so I just coast