At what point do we admit the human society experiment has failed?

At what point do we admit the human society experiment has failed?

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And to think this consoomer has been upvoted, Reddit is indeed full of soys.

I wish that wasn't real.

I can not put into words how much I hate leddit subhumans and wish them nothing but gruesome death and eternal suffering.

>he missed all of the distractions from the things that made him kill himself in the first place
The human society experiment is succeeding, that's what's terrifying. People are robbed of their true potential by deluge after deluge of mindfuck from a very early age, possibly immediately after birth. Existence is slavery and every form of rising up against it only attacks one superficial angle of the web. It's so deeply entrenched and saddening.

reading that made me feel like killing myself is the moral thing to do

Can we be real for a minute? What else is there to live for? Starting a family is out of the question, I've already traveled to almost everywhere I want to go, and there's no point in advancing my career if I have no use for all that money. Honestly other than "mom will be sad" the only thing I have to look forward to is vidya and not much else. I'm not saying that mindlessly consooming Disney movies is a good thing, but like, can you seriously tell me there's anything you're looking forward to about the future that isn't ultimately just consuming media.

yes, of course you mock and hate him because you despise the things that he likes. but if you step back for a moment and generalize the message, it's really just "don't kill yourself because you'll be missing out on all the future experiences that you'll likely enjoy". you can disagree with that of course and counter by saying the future is pure shit, but assuming you don't end up killing yourself, what are you living for then anons?

well, he has a point. You might abhor all the mentioned things, but, as far as can be expected, he is right

>you mock and hate him because you despise the things that he likes
No, I despise them for being incapable of critical thinking low IQ subhumans with no inner monologue.
>B-but why won't you consoom? why live if you no consoom? don't you like consooming? everyone likes consooming! if you're not consooming then stay alive? what's there to live for other than consooming? don't want to consoom with us? but we must consoom my fellow Yas Forums user

Dear God, Cosmic forces, Matrix niggers, KEK, space niggers, whatever entity out there with the power to make it happen, Please I beg you, Kill all leddit subhumans and make them suffer for eternity after death and give me nothing but dreams of watching them suffer endlessly.

well as someone who supposedly is not a low IQ subhuman, has an inner monologue and also is capable of critical thinking, what are you living for user? is it really nothing beyond just hoping other suffer?

Has someone got the screenshot of the fruit loops bowl, the bong and the switch with the monologue about no bad thoughts? It seems applicable


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Ooooh that is even better than the one I was after, you are a good cunt, thanks

what the fuck is wrong with these pop culture normies I fucking hate them so much their minds are really so empty they cant even fathom the idea of having ptsd or schizophrenia or anything, all they can think about is the next episode of family guy HOLY FUck I am so mad.

Its not their fault you are actually mentally retarded. Why SHOULD they think about you?

We dont necessarily disagree with the broad sentiment of "you might miss out on stuff you'd enjoy" but that's not what he said
What he said is very telling about who he is as a person. He did not mention a single thing to do with other people, or an actual experience, or anything that could occur in life. Hell since he was directly referring to his friend, he could have even listed an achievement or something cool he and his friends had done
What his post says is that none of that matters and he lives to consume media, not even any particular franchise, just mass mainstream media

funny thing is, what this motivates to do suicide more, than de-motivates.

I was thinking the exact same thing when I was reading posts like

lmfao imagine going about your life thinking this way about total strangers. i don't even like the shit that's in the pic he's criticizing but i couldn't imagine being that big of a miserable cunt. also major projection.

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amen (originally, of coursse).

robots will mock soiyims but the alternatives they offer are just as banal
woodworking really?
the reason you stay alive is gluing two pieces of wood together for fun

If you kill yourself you might miss out on game of thrones and thanos LMAO

wow what the fuck
no has ever done that in the history of DotA I mean humanity

its especially funny to me that robots/robot adjacents think that having an obscure hobby or point of view will turn them into some sperg super saiyan and they'll be able to "ascend" or w/e. reality is there's no difference between them and some stoner on reddit. unless you have real power in this world (if you're posting here or at all, you don't), you should just largely do what you want because that's all we get in life.

There's nothing to live for, but dying is scary. If I could just die in my sleep instead of ropping myself it would be alright. Why does the process has to be so hard, filled with pain and fear and all other uncomfortable feelings. It's not just pain, the whole idea of dying and heading into the unknown is frightening if you think about it.

Just wish I would've never been born in the first place and now I have to deal with death and all things that come with it. I will never understand the breeders and why they do what they do. You've got to be special kind of retarded to even consider breeding in this world. It isn't worth it. I'm not enjoying life and too scared to die, so I'm stuck in some fucking limbo of existential dread from which there's no way out.

this tbqh. I want those suicide booths from futurama.

if that garbage cope is all he have to live for then i dont blame him for roping

kek. The point is being unconscious when you die that you just never wake up from a dream. Even medical euthanasia, as the most painless method to go, is horrible in that sense that you still have to consciously experience it. I can only imagine the feeling of dread after getting the injection, when the minutes before it kicks in, last for hours.

>t. has never enjoyed some hard CNS depressant drugs
I'm pretty sure any feeling of dread would turn into uncaring bliss within seconds after an IV injection of that euthanasia cocktail

>funny to me that robots/robot adjacents think that having an obscure hobby or point of view will turn them into some sperg super saiyan
That's been the entire basis of counterculture goth/punk/whatever. I don't listen to the Bon Jovi like the popular people, I sit in the dark and listen to The Cure while smoking. I'm different.
Whether you walk the main road or trudge down a parallel path covered with thorns and quicksand you're still headed for the same destination.

what else is there to live for besides escapist pleasures? hobbies are a fucking meme.

I go about judging strangers the same way I judge myself. I'm generally happy with my life.

>He never got to see Game of Thrones
Dodged a bullet
>He doesn't know about Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet
Sounds like he was a fucking casual anyway

how do you spend your mornings user? you're probably a beast of productivity,

what do you do in your spare time user? besides brose Yas Forums?

the only times I jerked off when I had a gf was when I was a super horny high schooler or on a whim (and even then I usually fucked anyway). I can't imagine having the option of sex and passing it up for beating off

if you can't indulge in simple pleasures then whats the point

there is no point. everything including this thread is pointless

what is legitimately wrong with watching rick and morty, its a good show

Yes but reddit like it.

The consoomer shit started with the boomers. You hate post-war capitalism, not human society.

Lifting w8ts

It's pretty hit and miss. Either I'm busting a gut or I'm just sitting there wondering who came up with the garbage I'm watching. Consider all the netflix zog feminist shit they throw in and you can see why people think it's cattle feed for pseuds.

absolutely boring, and nothing of value is being created

getting pussy and money obviously


Equivalent to a cow asking "so when are we gonna admit this whole farming thing was a mistake"? We are basically a resource cultivated by capital to artificially continue monetary circulation and offset the inevitable collapse at this point. It's not like most of us do anything actually useful; enough wealth is redistributed from top to bottom that the production process to continue, but in order for production to be profitable in aggregate, the downward flow necessarily has to be lower in magnitude than the upward flow. We are no longer here for our own benefit, shut up and consoom so they have someone to sell to.

as long as you don't spend your money on excessive junk and learn to save and invest, this is easily avoidable

for me i can just play guitar and be happy also just listening to music and writing songs

oh fuck listening to music is consooming fuck oh well creating my own isnt i guess

Maybe on an individual level. If it happened on any large scale, it would collapse the money machine entirely, CF "millennials are killing the x industry".

That said, on an individual level, disengagement from consumer culture is pretty often tantamount to self-ostracisation. People are not meant to exist in an acultural setting, but culture has been so commodified and industrialised that engagement with culture almost necessitates consumerism.

Its a baitpost by an user on reddit you absolute retards. All you do is crossdress crossbrowse and you still fail to get the irony of this post.

consooming isn't inherently bad. im a major consoomer myself, the key is to find a balance. i am also a prodoocer.
>disengagement from consumer culture is pretty often tantamount to self-ostracisation.
pretty sure there are like minded individuals everywhere.

my life still revolves around vidya, but i also create vidya related media, so i don't think im getting off the train anytime soon.
i still don't buy dumb normie figures or eat fast food, and i enjoy hitting the gym.
idk at the end of the day, we're all heading down the path of inevitable death. you should still remain aware of the negative effects of overindulging in dopamine addicting vices tho

To live a joyless life of ascetic discipline until a set time which you plan to kill yourself at 30

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I'm less concerned with the effects of a consumerist lifestyle on individuals than the large-scale fabrication of consumerist compulsions to be harvested by capital, and the status of most people as basically nothing more than a medium to keep money circulating around the system that little bit longer.

I've never seen game of thrones.
What is a lil dicky?
What is a cardib?
What is Thanos and the infinitely gauntlet?

I literally don't know what these things are.

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That nuclear cope post gets more pathetic everytime I read it
>guy has a small bowl of cereal so he must be getting fatter and increasingly unhappy with himself
Whoever posted that response probably and hopefully killed themselves by now

Everytime I want to kill myself, I think about all the good times Ive had with my fren and all the good times I can still have with her.

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ITT this thread: projecting

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>the status of most people as basically nothing more than a medium to keep money circulating around the system that little bit longer.
without the system, our status would just be nothing. its all the same shit. im just glad im not some farmer in a 3rd world shithole working 16 hour days 7 days a week, or a slave, or anything else.
you could see the system as a failure, but just the mere fact that a bunch of hormonal sentient apes living on a floating shit rock even managed to create a system that holds together is nothing short of a miracle.

i want to lick megumins flat chest

Lil dicky is a stupid rapper who thinks he's funny.
Cardi B is a cunt of a person and a fellow rapper, and arguably worse than dicky.
Thanos is a villain in marvel and the infinity gauntlet is a plot McGuffin on par with the Chaos Emeralds in Dreamcast Era Sonic games.