>want to suck a dick for years
>give in and finally meet up with someone and suck him off
>instead of my curiosity being satisfied and moving on I desperately want to do it again and again and again
why am I like this
Want to suck a dick for years
Suck my dick and I will answer that
Ok I'll do it where do you live
Your dumb gay posts unirionically make me horny.
>tfw horny user will never have sex with you
why im live
We can fap together atleast.
I don't like touching myself very much these days but I can keep you company if you want
I live in central Florida
That's pretty far you'd have to buy me a plane ticket
I'm filtering your name and trip now, fuck you.
Okay goodbye fren
Damn looks like I'll have to wait longer still to have a cute Yas Forums tranny suck my dick
I'm not actually cute anyway so you're not missing out don't worry
Fuck you op, the thought has been stuck in my head for years... Haven't gone through with it..yet... So ... You know... How was it?
Do you have a way I can contact you then? A throwaway of the sort?
It's literally heaven. Feeling someone grab you by the hair and force their cock deep into your throat is the most incredible thing. I didn't think I'd enjoy gagging but somehow I did. I was proud of myself for taking all 6 inches even if I was choking and my eyes watering.
I don't use throwaways you can just have my stuff
Bandage#6422 if you want discord
[email protected] if you want email
Fuck fuck fuck fuck did you have any experience before or was your mouth a virgin? Did he cum in your mouth? Did you swallow? Were you hard the entire time? Did you jack off while sucking him or after or just kept it for home?
Also where did you find him?
Sorry for all the questions, I am just immensely interested
I sucked my trans girlfriend's tiny pp off before but that's only like 4 inches and it makes no cum so I kinda didn't count it as sucking off a guy since it would be different. He was going to cum on my face but it didn't come out hard enough so I went in and took it straight into my mouth instead. He made a massive load that I happily swallowed, it was honestly delicious. I don't get hard or touch myself anymore. I found him on here though lol. He lives 3 hours away but came all the way out to see me
Fuck thats hot as all hell.
Thank you for your wisdom fellow semifaggot of the board
Was he ugly? Did he put penis in your butt?
I hate his haircut but other than that he's fine
He tried but I was too tight for him I guess which made me sad. I thought I'd be fine because I take my 6x5 dildo like it's nothing and he's about the same size so I don't really get it
>robots will orbit a tranny who admits to not even being cute
What hair cut was it? Why didn't you ask him to rim you and finger your asshole until it's loose for sex.
Anal is fucking vile and disgusting but i wish i had someone intimate enough to do sexual stuff with, well, unrelated to you it seems since you'll do it with most people but at least you are getting what you want.
Idk how to explain it just sucked lol It's more that it wasn't a style at all
He tried all that he fingered me for a while but it didn't help. It sucks but maybe we'll try again sometime
Have a buttplug inside before meeting up.
This is a good idea but I didn't have one
>get horny at the thought
>not gay
i'm just lonely and this is fucking with my brain
You are certainly NOT straight if you get horny at the thought of sucking and licking a hard dick
You should meet up with someone to find out for sure
nah it's mostly getting my dick sucked, pretty sure i wouldn't enjoy doing it. there are other things too though.
i'm 100% sure this is prison gay shit just from being lonely.
bandage I want you to suck my dick. Did you swallow like a good slut when you sucked dick?
Find yourself a good guy or a nice robot to experiment with.
just use a dildo every 2-3 days at least. get a few and work up to his size like if you leave a dildo in for a while you'll get used to going for a bigger one and then leave that in and so on.
Reject those homosexual urges user. Jesus Christ can help you with that. Pray to him.
Enjoy your herpes.
Yes it was the yummiest thing ever
Yeah but dildos cost money which I dont have unfortunately
haha pwnd
cause you're gay/bi. just think of it as a fun new activity you can do now.
anyway how was it? how long was his dick? whered he cum? did you eat it?
He was 6 inches and I was able to take it all. He came in my mouth and I swallowed because it tasted really good.
im happy for you user. my first time sucking dick was years ago but i still remember it vividly
would love to treat you to a load down your mouth for you to slurp up. I want to face fuck you
It's really based
Even though I'm ugly?
What are we supposed to do, original faggot?
can i play? i want a load too
stop your not ugly bandage
fuck off fag
Are you cute? And would you a tranny?
They need to post pics of bobs and vagene first.
ive seen pics of her I think she's cute
user I am like a 3/10 according to everyone
I am not cute
I am the tranny
>tfw no bobs or vagene
Well fuck, same
well I disagree with that raiting I think you are cute and you have always been nice so that goes a long way. plus I bet you would love to gag on my dick
I would but are you sure you've actually seen me or did you see some random picture someone posted claiming it was me?
Do you want to see my face? I kinda need someone to rate me.
well I guess I am not really sure if it was you desu
Uh sure but I'm really bad at rating people because I just kinda see everyone the same
Was it a fatass whale with messy brown curly hair that's a little past shoulder length? Dead looking eyes? If so that's me
That's ok, can I trust you to not save it and show it to other people? I'll ask for your discord later, right now is not really possible.
you are so freaking mean to yourself you really need to stop you did not look fat to me but yes it was a pic of you with shoulder length brown hair but your eyes did not look dead lol stop being so hard on yourself
Yeah I really have no reason to share it dude
I'm like 320 lbs dude I am definitely fat so if it wasn't a fat person then it wasn't me
you dont want to look at his face and realize you are sucking a guys dick which will turn you off since you are not gay
Any fags in il want to suck my cock? Since this is a soc tier thread, now
I'll do it only if it's big and black
I want to cut it off and kick the shit out of you.