Cathartic letter bread! U guize kno the drill!

Cathartic letter bread! U guize kno the drill!

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Dear C
Why the hell do you want me to contact you?


Please kill me, thank you!


Please read that final email I sent you. Nothing I wrote in it was hurtful. It will be our last interaction unless you, some day down the road, choose otherwise. I won't bother you after this.

Dear K,
I just want you to feel okay. I love you and I have found much better ways to cope than i had. Let's keep these good jobs we have, just keep these good things we have going, and make it through college together. Love,

Dear Anyone,

I was looking at different ambient bits for something and came across a quiet loop of the sound of train from inside the cabin. I let that play for a while. I wonder where it's going? I miss going on a journey by train, especially when it's cold or late at night, waiting on the platform for something that will always arrive. Sometimes I used to buy a newspaper, because it made me feel like I existed, and sometimes I'd have a coffee, because that's what real people do too. I used to stare past the window and wonder if I'll see each of those places again, and if somehow my life would take me to see them from another perspective, in some strange loop of coincidence. I'd see the same things for years and then suddenly a burst of hundred places. Those journies are over.


I already wrote you back, but you but you still have me blocked.

Dear Corona-chan,

It's pretty funny seeing all of the cheap toilet paper and tissues completely vanished, but the branded expensive items are completely left behind. Cheap fish, all gone, except for the sardines, because eeew sardines. The world may be ending but I'm not paying that!!

Someone also bought every single donut (???) and all of the brown bread. I also had a nervous cough and cleared the end of the lane. I only like looking at the baked goods but never actually buy any. I just like the colours.

Thanks for making my day interesting, Corona-chan.

A less than concerned citizen.

My V,
I miss you and I'm worried about you. Please come back.
Your F.

U probly dead rn from crona but if u not pls contact me... So many years.. Ive been waiting to talk to you :(


I thought you'd be there holding daisies
You always waited for me


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Dear God,

Why did you make women deceitful and spiteful emotional children with room temperature IQ? What did we do to deserve this?

Some dude you crated

>some dude you crated
Did that hurt? Was there anything in it?

Dear P,

Why in the fuck do I fucking bother with you, obviously I'm a fucking sap who always gets sucked back in but jesus h constable are you a fucking idiot. A braindead, bad-decision making town bicycle who is lightyears away from seeing what is good for them. All those times you say people need to man up and sort shit out, while you're lingering around every horrible cunt to ever crawl through your life like a stupid bad fucking smell.

I'm not saying I'm a solution, I both want it and don't but I know the sensible answer. Doesn't matter about everything thats happened before, its about what you're going to do to make a better future for yourself but so far it looks like you're actively shooting yourself in both feet and your fucking kneecaps.

Stop looking back and start using that fucking brain of yours that you do actually possess, contrary to popular fucking belief.

I love/hate you,

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Thanks for showing me that Tragic Circumstance Theory Nikki fan album. I've been bumping (that's how the kids say it, right?) that daily for weeks now.

All i truly wish is for you to love me like the way i do to you, i haven't wished for anything so hard in my life.

Yeah, It was a bumpy ride and there was no packing foam or anything.

Stop popping up in my readings. You're blocking my wishes. I will not allow a rebirth. What doesn't the universe understand. When the inevitable happens I will be sure to fulfil my promise. No closure for you.

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Dear ?,

I spent 20 minutes putting up a curtain railing, made of old and wrecked material, and several times it fell down and hit me, so I smashed it up. I never used to be like this. I was patient and kind.

I'm depressed and abandoned, tired, I can barely breathe. When I leave the house, it's suffocation, I remember what life no one would want to be a part of. Each day I've watched my behaviour fall apart, and have to medicate and cope more, to find ways to justify how little others have thought of me when I showed them everything I used to be. I can't eat because something subconsciously has bottomed out, I am slowly approaching anorexia. I cannot focus without my heart slamming in my chest from anxiety over a hundred impending things like poverty and lack of future, over the state of my health, memories I can't overcome, I've had years of therapy to try to repair the damaged reflexes of my self value, but there's enough of it that I can't remember the origin. I've books and books and nothing changes abandonment. I used to be a clear person. I used to be kind, and less like this place, and now I'm not, and less, and I will kill myself before I lose anything else.


Oh god.
Just break up with me already!
End my suffering.

Why won't you do it user

Life is a special kind of jazz.

Im atoning for my sins + have to get cumbrain a job and milf.

I very much doubt you are the girl I write to in these threads but regardless if you are or not male or female do not give up hope user. Open your heart to someone or something and have faith let someone pick you up and show you how beautiful life can be.

>let someone pick you up and show you how beautiful life can be.
Yeah, that'd be the life. Imagine.

It's been a while and it wont be like usual, but every once in a while I feel like I have to apologize for all the melodrama. If only I made some better choices maybe there would still be remnants of the past with me today, but all I'm left with are memories. I'd love to leave initials but I haven't really written anything to anyone specific, thanks for the read

Dear Miss Corona
You are the only girl for me.
Please come see me soon.

Some people have enough for two. Just have to give it a try.

I'm sure. I don't have the correct set of genitals to exchange for shelter or opportunity currently.

The fairweather world,

I totally give up on talking to people. Everyone always promises the world, claims to care, claims to want the best for me. This is never the case. Whenever I need something no matter how minor, or simply want to talk everyone is absent. The only times people bother with me is when they want something. I know the truth, I am an annoyance. I don't even believe people won't tell me that out of malice, rather it is pity. Rather than hold false hopes and wait for hours in isolation everyday, I should give everyone what they want and disappear.

No one important

I was not talking about anything financial or an opportunity to increase societal status. I was talking about love.

Okay. I hope you find it.

Dear men,

Why do you get mad at women for having premarital sex, and call them used up sluts? You expect us to stay virgins. Then when we try to stay pure virgins you get mad at us for not having sex with you before marriage. What do you want?

Roast Beef


Please accept this poem in return for your treasure.

Slaying boomers left and right,
and giving normies isolation fright,
while draining the west of toilet paper overnight,
please impart upon me your sending,
so I can die in delight of a world that is soon ending.

- An adoring fan.

We want you to behave like you're actually attracted to men *and* like you give a single fuck about loyalty.
This thing about needing a virgin is mostly a big psy-op. It's something Asians and weebs care about, so the local spooks are coaxing it into this filter bubble to further eradicate our ability to find relationships.

People want honesty, something few of you can seem to afford.


You say you like it when I'm possessive, but I'm still to scared to tell you when I'm jealous. I don't want you to do ((that)). Actually, I'm pretty upset about it. At the same time, I don't want to be controlling, or less attractive to you. I'm too scared to tell you.


Dear P,
Thanks for being my friend. Thanks for taking care of me. Thanks for existing and being such a beautiful person. Thank you for the words and ideas you bring into this world. You are the most magical of mushrooms.
All My Love,

;3c hehehhehe

Don't bully crated religiousfags.

I expect you to not date a piece of shit and have self respect for yourself. Why can't you?

Dear people who know words I don't,
I don't know what cathartic or poignant means. I see people use those words a lot. I goggled the definitions but forgot what they mean. I'm confused. Please use small words. Thanks
Sincerely, forever stupid

Don't try to be cute here, I'm trying to hate you.
I'm not a religious fag and I highly doubt true religious fags come to 4chin.

Dear toilet paper hoarders,
You're ignorant and I hate you. I saw the massive crowds. It felt like it was Black Friday. You are all exposing yourselves to infection. I'm very happy for that. I just wanted my regular supply of toilet paper. I hope you all become infected and die. If i get the virus, I will cough on all of you. Fuck you.

Dear apocalypse fanatics,
I will be a raider. I will break in to your stupid houses and loot your supplies. The majority of you won't survive. I will form a cult and you all will be my slaves. That is what you get for hoarding toilet paper. I just want some toilet paper dammit. Fuck you all again.

My halloween costume is going to be me wearing a sumo suit and pushing a cart with a tower of toilet paper glued in.

Just kidding, killing myself by then.


Eat more fiber so your ass stops bleeding and you'll need less paper.

Never! I rather use leaves!

You can! Just eat them instead and technically your ass is wiped from within, see?

I'm always going to want you. There's always going to be a place for you next to me. I love you, even if you don't think I do. It hurts but I value the time we spent together over anything else.

Fine. You make a lot of sense. I shall eat more fiber! Also, pls don't kill yourself.

Sounds like the kind of garbage I'd write. It only gets worse.


I love you and I don't. I don't miss us and I do. I can't help but feel no one compares to what we were. I guess I'll have to accept that part of me will always miss you. I'll never forget that summer.


Why does it get worse?

It's blunt, but if they loved you, they'd be in your life.

Thinking I care about lukewarm insults at this point

Slavers are r*ddit tier. I bet you make human skin cowboy hats instead of manufacturing useful things. Retard.

How are you drawing so much heat with this comment? Teach me your ways.

dear john cusack
fuck you

Only out of the best skin.

>I don't care so I will respond letting you know that I don't care instead of ignoring your post and reading the rest of the thread.
I'm convinced.

Just speak from the heart user, Cuntoids hate honesty with passion so much so that they'll detect it through the screen and make sure to respond by letting you know that they don't care, but we both know that's not the case.

I like your passion for detecting cuntoids. Like a bloodhound that refuses to eat anything but sardine.


i love you i wish things wouldve been different but i dont think you ever actually liked me you were just nice. i hope you and him enjoy sharing men as much as you share clothes. maybe if i was a cross dressing faggot. nah forget it id rather live alone than wear little girl panties like your beloved sissy bf. i hope you die. rot in piss weirdos


i like you, youre cool


where the fuck do i even begin youre the reason my life is so fucked. at least unblock my number and let me talk to my daughter. i dont want her to end up fucked like T. as much as i hate to say it youre a good mom i know im kinda psychotic and a bum but you cant just take someones life like that and think everything would be peachy. i dont care if you have her call me sperm doner just let me be a part of her life again. i hate you so much we couldve been a family. now im so fucked up nobody wants me. i take out all my frustration i have towards you on them. fuck you i shouldve strangled you to death when i had the chance


I ask if you have to leave please at least let me know you are still alive sometimes. You are the only one I have ever loved.

>love you i wish things wouldve been different but i dont think you ever actually liked me you were just nice. i hope you and him enjoy sharing men as much as you share clothes. maybe if i was a cross dressing faggot. nah forget it id rather live alone than wear little girl panties like your beloved sissy bf. i hope you die. rot in piss weirdos

This post directed by M. Night shiggydiggy

uh oh its mr cuckie. put your socks back on tranny

>Bothering to reply
I see you're upset.

Did you lube thoroughly before climbing into his asshole?

Me from Two Days Ago,
God fucking damn you. You did not nearly make the kind of prog you needed to. Alright, today is the day, back to business.

I'd still be cleaner than you, if I did.