How would anons react in this situation?

How would anons react in this situation?

Attached: 1526710844871.gif (500x281, 1.58M)

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I would ask her if she wants to chew on my cum ball like a wad of gum and blow a bubble until it goes *POP* then splatters all over her face, then pulls it all back into her mouth and does it again. I may ask her if she needs the second cum ball to blow a big enough bubble to fly away together

Probably get really nervous and try to avoid her

i have a better one for you OP, i'll tell you how i reacted in this near-exact situation
>be in japan
>qt jap girl smiles at me exactly like OP gif
>look away because there's no way that's for me
>look back at her and she's still smiling at me
>do this 3 more times, she's still smiling at me
>pay for my meal and leave because i started sweating and heart started beating too fast at the thought of talking to her

probably blush and try to not look at her

If you never tried how would you know if there's any chance?

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>How would anons react in this situation?
Smile back but do absolutely nothing until we both move away.

no you wouldnt you fucking cuck lord, youd cum from her smiling at you yeah, but theres no way youd talk to her at all. fucking retard kek

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That sounds like a flirt, do you want to chew my cum balls and blow bubbles with them?

Wave or say Hi and probably never see her again.

Nothing. I don't trust women at all. I don't care either.

I am an idiot with no self awareness so i would go up to her and get to know her without knowing she is trying to etheir embarrass me or get my organs harvested.

Approach her with romantic intent and eat her pussy like shrimp fried rice.

This doesn't happen in the real world, grow up.

That wasn't the question you drooling retard, now try again.

Okay then, nothing, because your little anime inspired, ooooohh cummie in my pants scenario never does and never will happen. You are a fool to believe otherwise.

Who hurt you dude? Maybe you should keep your edgey comments in your diary.

What kind of world are you living in where this fantasy meme shit actually happens?

It isn't that it happens. It is that you are shitting on fun posting for no reason. You could have just ignored it and went your merry way. But no,you didn't. You found it somehow constructive of your time to be a debby downer for no reason at all. All this time you could be doing literally anything else.

Smile back, while proceeding to plop my flacid cock on her desk

Id probably smile but freak out at the same time because Im insecure and just look awkward infront of her

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What situation?
Ignore it and move on. She's made of flesh and 3d.

I really like JKs and I'm almost tempted to get an ALT job to be in close proximity to them.

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Avoid her gaze. Can't believe I was caught looking.

So you've just proved my point that it doesn't happen. What great original reactions are you expecting anyway? *hurr hurr i look away quickly and never talk to her cus i are incel hurr hurr*

I would have never made eye contact with her to begin with.

Pretending to be a retard still makes you a retard etc etc. Eat shit and die.

Smile back, hows this even a question have you even interacted with humans before

Nice cope, faggot. This entire thread is just spasticated fantasy over a situation that only happens in Hollywood movies and anime. Pure cope instead of facing up to reality.

Eye contact is actually one of the main signals of attraction. Its not nearly as dramatic as that gif, but its a thing.

She was trying to suck your cock, user. Wtf...

People don't do this. How naive can you possibly be?

Uglyfag never heard of mirin.

Ok nigga.

Insisting that eye contact doesn't exist seems like a weird hill to die on.

"Mirin" is also a cope. Just made-up wishful thinking.

Have you consider leaving your house? Dont tell you never locked eyes a girl before?

If you were not hideous you would know how real it is.

Eye contact exists obviously but people don't do it as a hehe i like you kind of thing, that's only in high school/college movies.

Yes, I talk to women regularly and make eye contact because it's the polite thing when talking to someone and that's the reason anyone else does it back.

I think his fringe and smile are annoying.

>being this angry over a shitpost
you would lose your shit if you were in something awful back in 2001 or Yas Forums in 04

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>t. fat basement dwelling who lives with his grandparents

I will pretend that I believe in you.

That's where you're wrong. I have a job, go to work, have my own place, sensible plans for the future. I just don't buy into fake bullshit.

>guys here complain about tfw no gf
>most of the post here say they would avoid and ignore eye contact from girls

Why are robots so retarded?

I'd tell her that I am not frightened of her becausr i hab the meme illness. I'd then proceed to eat chinese food and crack open a corona beer. I don't mind watching the world burn lmao!

Why is eye contact being put on such a colossal pedastal? Isn't it just what you do when you talk to someone to be polite?

user it's just shitpost and others anons are baiting into you getting angry and act like a fag if you didn't like just leave and move on with your life

I'll give you bait, the remains of my masturbait in your nan's pussy.

>youtube video has a cute girl in it
>feel guilty about looking her in the eye
>either look away from my monitor or play the video in another tab
Why am I like this?

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I can see the frustration in your posts

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>i have a job
You sure do i bet you don't even wash yourself proper fatso

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Suck my thundercock

he's talking about unprovoked eye contact from a distance retard.

It's like hearing someone say "physical contact is a sign of attraction" and responding with something like "security guards physically contact people and obviously they're not attracted to everyone".

Who makes eye contact with someone unprovoked other than to politely say hi or good morning, etc?

I am going to penis your bottom now, user.

people who are attracted to you, did you forget the entire point of this thread?

People who are interested in talking to others.

HHHMMM ooh yess the scent of angry and frustration is overwhelming its so gratifying to see retards getting mad at trivial shit im almost cumming

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It doesn't happen though. If someone looked at you like the picture, you'd have to be thirsty as fuck to think they meant anything by it other than being polite.

ah youre a funny guy, I like you

I agree, the salt mining is great in these parts.

>Sorry, but I'm only interested in hapa girls.

Attached: hapa chad 5.png (800x1198, 474.43K)

it's a gif you fucking cretin

I'm just saying, like hell am I going to prison over a "signal".

Ooh the salt flows! GIFs are just moving pictures.