Imagine betraying somebody that loved you and wanted to surprise you with an innocent little gift.
Men are evil
wrong im a man and im not evil
Nice, good for her. I'd do the same thing.
Yeah sure that guy is bad for cheating.
But women cheat way more.
Statistically, men cheat more
>after banging my ex she gave me vidya, breakfast, and then fucked off forever
stats can only show who admits to cheating more.
>more honorable gender has the higher stat
they just admit to it more when women take it to the grave
>But women cheat way more.
No they don't kek. Men are biologically programmed to cheat. Something around 7% more men cheat than women.
girlfriends are wasted on normies. i would never cheat on my girlfriend
What? From a purely evolutionary perspective it'd make more sense for men to be inclined towards cheating. A woman can only get pregnant so many times and should pick the best mate. Men can impregnate many women so should go after numbers. Why do you think polyamory is so much more popular than polyamory, history wise? Men definitely probably cheat more often. Well until the past ~50 years where things can get iffy due to birth control.
scratch that, still cuz of biological factors. but i imagine the gap has closed a teensy bit
most males dont have the option to cheat, meanwhile all females can cheat whenever they want.
True, men desire more partners, but that doesn't mean they have access to more partners, women are the ones that ultimately decide who has sex.
With the sexual revolution and feminism, women are being convinced to think more like men, that their youth is to be spent having a more male sexuality, and not settling for anything less than perfect.
It's only the very elite men of any society that have the freedom to fuck when they wish. All women have this freedom too.
If a woman wants to fuck someone else she'll do it, and blame the man she cheated on for not being good enough.
If a man wants to fuck someone else, it's most likely that no one else wants to fuck him, and they're more likely to get attached to a particular woman because of it.
Women have options so they can move on from a relationship quicker, whereas men can be obsessed with their gf from 10 years ago and never date again, unless they're in the top 20% of successful men.
Women only a man who can cheat on them.
>I ghosted my boyfriend of 5 years
FUcking christ these fucking women are out of control the LAST thing I needed was more fucking rage fue-
>Read the image
Ah never mind. Good for her honestly, lucky that happened at a time when she could dip easily. Fuck that dude.
Hypergamy is the driving force behind female sexuality. They want to "trade up" for a better male whenever possible. And even more importantly, women get countless opportunities to cheat ever day. All it takes for a woman to cheat is a single impulsive moment. A man would need to work just as hard to cheat as he did to get his initial girlfriend in the first place.
Get off my board cuntoid. Women deserve to be treated like trash. You are breeding vessels for male ego.
Deal with it.
Got a free meal out of it, and the bitch that he didn't want disappears forever while he's with the girl he always wanted. Absolutely based, I'd say.
Guy sounds based as fuck. If I ever become a normal fag I plan cheating on my wife or gf with as many women as I can. She probably would have cheated on him eventually anyways
Then why are 85% of women mothers and 75% of men fathers (men under 40)?
Lots of those men only think they're fathers, and are actually raising another mans child that his wife secretly cheated with.
This is extremely true. Even more true in relationships were both partners are the same race.
You don't know as a matter of fact that they are the father of their biological children.
Anyone got that study from England in which something like 30% of fathers were raising other peoples children.
Women are biologically more prone to cheating. Fuck the manly guy with good genes and then make some cuckold raise him. Remember the 80/20 rule because its true. Women want the top tier men and because men can fuck a lot of women thats what they get. They can safely ignore most men.
This is all ignoring the fact that the girl in OPs post is probably also a whore who has fucked multiple people before her bf and only settled with him because she thought a top 20% male was willing to settle with her.
Wow thanks for the personal blog. post this to plebbit so you can get some upvotes friend. Nothing like good clean double spaced humor with stale punchlines and "subverted" expectations.
>Free vidya game
>No need to skulk about
>No divorce rape
>Everyone knows its over. No whore drama
Stupid bitch did something good for a man completely by accident
that last sentence is sad pure unfiltered cope. she thinks she has one upped the guy but in reality her bf probably doesnt give a shit and is boning other girls as we speak
You really think I can get upvotes?? Thanks friend, you made my day! You're a gentleman and a scholar! -tips hat-
Wow, 7% higher, boo fucking hoo. That's nothing.
People are shit, deal with it. Incels and tumblrinas need to cope with that fundamental fact of life and get over it. Kill them and move on.
>Men are evil!
Lol, yep
Now go out and get fucked with a chainsaw sometime soon, cunt!
And then women cuck their man by cheating on them and get impregnated by another man.
>mfw women think all men are like that
>mfw I'm an affection starved lonely person that would never do anything to hurt my girlfriend be it emotionally or physically
>mfw just because I have a penis I am associated with people like that
More like
>dumb thot thinks she's in a committed monogamous relationship with a Chad but finds out she's just the dumbest most gullible ho in his harem
Actually his ex had just been brutally gang raped and he was consoling her and theyd fallen asleep on the couch together because thats the only way she felt safe and comfortable
bit strange theye were together 5 years and she didnt have any stuff at their place it sounds like girl bait to just slide out of someone's life completely unannounced i mean since when do girls go
Oh ill get my partner breakfast and buy him that game he oh so likes
and the the boyfriends like hm yes 6 oclock prime time to be cheating on my girlfriend with my ex it reaks of girl bullshit or am i just stating the obvious ?
>it reaks of girl bullshit or am i just stating the obvious ?
there are less woman and women get hit up alot more and approached not to mention they sneaky as fuck woman can have multiple affairs on the go at one time and fuck randomers woman im afraid take this hands down they sleep with all your friends like every single one and turn them against you you so as even look at one of her friends that is if they don't already hate you and then they blow the fuck up break up with you as guess what an excuse to have a break dont kid yourself they care more for cheating and are better at it
from now on im going to have no friends and only date strippers its the only rational way to live
>breed with alpha
>let beta take care of kids
Not rocket science.
I hope this woman is raped and beaten to death.
its basically the modern consensus that if you don't cheat your less of a human being there's no winning in the shifty land of lies
i want an upfront approach where a bunch of people that are all in a relationship live together and no one really cares and we like maybe idk take out women [on a nice date] like this (sexual predators that destroy families and try to emotinaly and sexualy abuse there partners into suicide ) doesn't this sound generally nicer ?
She gave back $447k of the $7m she got from him from divorce. She can afford bodyguards for life.
ikr and the kids dont even want to speak to him i doubt he cares tho with that money hes probably banging all kinds of people
>literally wasted 21 years of his life
>doubt he cares
>Girls falls in love with Chad Thundercock after he fucks her brains out
>We're in love, I think he is the one
>Chad keeps her as a side chick for 5 years, fucking her every once in a while
>Girl, desperate to get Chad attention, finds out where he lives( after she stalked him and made and stole his keys, since he only fucked her in the Arby's parking lot)
>Finds Chad in bed with side chick #2325.
>Lies on reddit about blocking him
>Begs for his forgiveness to be fucked at the Arby's parking lot again.
>He accepts with the condition of a blowjob while he plays the game she bought
>She happily agrees
Femoids in a nutshell.
Statistically men get caught more.
Women are better at hiding affairs.
maybe she should date someone who isn't a chad?
Dang and here i get ghosted by friends just for being a little clingy
imagine generalizing 3.7 billion people because of the actions of 1 person.
I double down on my statement. I hope she gets raped, raped, beaten and then beaten to death. It always amazes me how these divorces don't end up with the woman getting murdered by the ex-husband after losing so much.
Kek, it's funny because it's true.
Chad cheated on her. What a surprise.
Women are better liars. Women also have far more readily available options to cheat with.
Men are evil, but so are women. People, generally, are just selfish cunts.
If women have more options to cheat, then isn't it funny that statistically men cheat more? If women cheated as freely as all of you suggest then the numbers would be much higher with women cheating more than men. Strange.
>imagine generalizing 3.7 billion people because of the actions of 1 person.
> board full of "women are cunts"
yep we lost the battle
>i would never cheat on my girlfriend
That's why you don't have one, simp
89% of homicides and 98% of rapes are committed by men. so fair enough
Women have done this shit just as much, if not more. Not sure what your retarded point is buddy
>then isn't it funny that statistically men cheat more?
They don't, you just want to believe this shit so gobble up garbage data that seems to align with what you want to be true. You kind of people do this with all data, somehow what you currently believe to be true is inherently tied to your self worth or some dumb fucking shit. Something like half of all women or more have cheated bitch, the fuck kinda crack you smoking.
incel meme
only 2% of babies are from cheating according to studies
so it doesnt explain the numbers
men cheat more, accept it or cope
>would never cheat on his girlfriend, making him a good choice
>gets called a simp
>Good choice
men can't cheat dumbass, men are supposed to impregnated as many as possible, cheating is a feminine concept.
actually 24% of babies are from cheating
also, women cheat 2.18 times more than men
Lmao ur a funny1 m8!