Your preferred phenotype for your future partner

Guys what is is your preferred phenotype for your potential partner?

pic related is mine, although I don't know what this phenotype is called anybody know?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I know you faggots have a favorite

My type is black curly hair with pale skin and freckles and a meek look (aka jewess). Like Maryjane Auryn minus the blonde part.

Mine is like a tall thick wide hipped hispanic women like pic related. And guess what, I was able to get one as my gf. Only bad thing about her is her big stomach. But that's an easy fix by just transferring that fat over to her ass and hips to make her even more thick.

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Mine is this
Qt3.14 art major shy girl type
Max is MINE

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>Guys what is is your preferred phenotype for your potential partner?

pic related, nothing fancy imo.

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interesting, you must be high test user
I can totally see why you'd like that user good taste
oh boy, there are a few at my uni who look similar to this they are qt's

But what personality would you like for her to have?

I would want rose from two and a half men minus the stalker part

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Smug irish girls of course

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Winona Ryder
Emmy Rossum
Lizzy Caplan
Krysten Ritter
Fran Drescher
Famke Janssen
Zooey Deschanel
Anne Hathaway
Tania Raymonde
Jennifer Connelly
Hedy Lamarr
Bess Myerson
Rachel Weisz

thats the plain lookin big tiddy british girl phenotype. dispite being rather plain looking she is in fact a 9/10 for a british woman

>oh boy, there are a few at my uni who look similar to this they are qt's
I saw a girl like this at my uni too I think about her a lot but don't see her around too much. I think I talked to her once. She did have a personality similar to mine I guess kinda shy and introverted

Alison Brie 13 years ago was perfect.

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Step aside peasants with your shit taste in woman

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Pic related and I refuse to compromise.

Haha whoops.

They do not have to be Asian, but most of the time they are some sort of hapa.

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also Goddess Connelly in her prime she still looks good tho

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Most outright full East Asian girls dont really do it for me, idk. They are almost always halfu. But this is a problem because I am against race mixing. I think I like central Asians, but I still havent found a Eurasian girl that fits the description well enough.

t. pure ethnic Turkic central Asian

I think it was how assertive/dominant I was with her during my first date with her that I was able to score her giant ass. I guess you can say I have test since, I have large balls and a long thick dick. But I went with her because I want my children to be physically strong and tall. I see her as an investment to strengthen my genetic lineage. But dont tell her that, lol.

>pic related, nothing fancy imo.
if you don't consider that fancy I'd like to know what you do consider fancy
hmm, Irish girls eh? Never met one, have you met an Irish girl user, what are they like?
Really? I guess I have a thing for brit women then
thanks user they do look like my favorite type, especially Jennifer Connelly. When I saw career opportunities as a teen I had a huge crush on her.
Make a move user don't hesitate
what movie is that think I've seen it before
what made you guys like that type of girl? was a movie, people you know, etc. I'd like to know

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Every 60s 70s girls, they didn't have many rights that's why the world is burning now, they were tradicional housewives

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forgot to post my webm

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Linda Hayden in the movie blood on Satan's claw (71 i think)

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Great taste. She's gorgeous and I've never seen anyone hotter.

Jesus user you're pretty based and considerate for your future children, your sons and daughters will thank you for looking out for them

She's was a 11/10 in my book never seen anyone like her

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>have you met an Irish girl user, what are they like?
I have met one and she is objectively the sweetest most beautiful person in the world
Here is a cartoon depiction

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What movie is this from? I always thought her tits were bigger before the reduction.

the real world shall always disappoint.

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It's Hot Spot (1990) user

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My type is a really hairy girl who's preferably fat/obese, would be good if she was dark haired so that the body hair is dark and thick. Race/other stuff doesn't really matter.

like this

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t. Homer SIMPson

Imagine being attracted solely to a certain type of haircut, fuggin kek can't make this shit up. Nigger ya gotta find a hairdresser to wife up asap boi.

pale, brown eyes, hair color doesnt matter, butterface. preferably low iq

>butterface. preferably low iq
Kek, wtf?

European, light-skinned middle eastern or Hispanic, or east Asian.

>won't leave him
>can easily manipulate her

I think theres common facial features and body types and personalities there too. and style's of clothing.

t.underag& newfag

>tfw no one seeding good copies

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t. user with psychopathic tendencies

Sure, fair enough. But they're all paleskinned girls with black hair in a bob, that's what jumps out at me.

Kek, is that your go-to insult? Not being an absolute simp is newfaggotry now? I've probably been on this site for longer than you've been around in existence, zoomer.

Look at the little joke of this retarded child this is some YouTube comment section shit gtfo retard
It's actually not a bad noir movie user i might do the same this weekend im planning on watching noir movies

>im probably longer
No you are using underg& retard slang i really doubt you are past your 25's

>softcore porn
>noir movie
Jfl @ this coping coomer simp. Hey buddy boyo, in the real world no woman gives a shit about how much you fawn over them if you look like actual shit. Just a tip for once you get old enough to enter a bar, kek.

"Zoomer" is an excellent word to put you faggy numales in your place. Would it kill you to not act so feminine for once? Maybe go to the gym too? I'm way past 25 btw.

Just ignore the angry emotional newfag

Aww, did I huwt youw widdle feefees coomer?

heye phenotypes finally i thought youd never ask

honestly i dont know i want to say a match to me maybe with some ascending characteristics that we could balance but i think we would need another partner to contrast us

can you tell phenotype from looks ? i think there might be something in that but it could also be coincidence because obviously these traits go beyond any group

then stop acting like a retarded child, im here since 06 and im ashamed to say that im still browsing this shithole,not the other way around

>tfw an out of touch oldfag that doesn't follow the site enough and still knows less than the typical fresh newfag

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>Can you tell phenotype from looks?
Phenotypes are observable characteristics. They are how an individual's genotypes are expressed.

Yeah, well you should also be ashamed of being simp and worshipping a roastiefoid who hit the wall a long time ago.

Who said he worships her?

alright man have a good night here's your (you)

>also Goddess Connelly in her prime she still looks good tho
>Great taste. She's gorgeous and I've never seen anyone hotter.
>She's was a 11/10 in my book never seen anyone like her

>Your preferred phenotype for your future partner
whatever kind this is

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Thx, u2.

>past your 25's
so, you get multiple years at 25?

I'd agree that sounds cheesy but it's actually rational behavior when it comes to young Jennifer Connelly.

She don't look like that no more. Beware of putting the pussy on a pedestal.

No, she has a square manjaw.

>She don't look like that no more.

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>She don't look like that no more
reading comprension

to each their own

qazaqsha bilesin' ba?

kek a tranny?

Natural pale face, pink lips, blue eyes.

Pretty weird, it used to be pale skin blonde hair, light eyes.
My first and only girlfriend was like that, but she broke up with me, now i'm 22 and my preferences are completely different.
I'm super tall, a bit swarthier carnation, hazel eyes and i find the girls with brown/hazel eyes+tall to be the most attractive now.
Funny i've read some study that we choose our partners preferably on our parents traits, seem to align now.

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crispy is not a tranny