Hey.... some of us really liked Ciara... i hope she is in peace wherever she is now, E-girls deserve to live forever on the Internet....
Hey.... some of us really liked Ciara... i hope she is in peace wherever she is now...
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egirls are destined to be forgotten since they've become nothing more than fucking objects
Be remembered forever for posting nudes while underage?
nude well... lets try not to remember her for her nudes for a second cant we?
>tfw your favorite e-girl is facing a fate worse than death
At least Ciara is at peace.
That's what made her famous though
Yeah sure... i mean its been a while now, at the end i was subscribed to her youtube channel and i was liking her posting the hamster videos and what not..., lets be honest, it was the eyes more then the nudes ;)
She is dead so who cares?
Go find and bring Marky, Erica, or Sunny back.
She had the potential to get dragged into the abyss, which happened.
she became a fucked up person, in the end, it's just sad.
No I think it was the nudes she posted when she was 15. That's what got her all the pedo orbiters.
I remember Erica and Sunny of course... but can you go back to 2014?, i mean i am old now, you know waht i mean, ciaras death means something... probably something dumb and superficial, but i can feel it.
sad indeed... i mean what can we say that has not been said yet really?, she probably hated herself a lot... i really dont know why?, i mean, she was not a complete idiot, she was struggling... why she had to go the road of the fucking lazy idiot, she could easily just grown and have children and everything...
I think that is over simplifying i mean, yes thats for sure something to tell, but in reality there are other edges of ciara worth mentioning, bit that she was just some pedo porn pics online... not claiming here that she was something especial... at the end she was one of us bro/sis.
I don't think she was one of us, she more absorbed the essence of that cancer site and mutated into what reflected that shithole.
we are all half fletched clerks somewhere
but could have been saved
This is pathetic. Why does anyone care about some decent looking mentally ill girl who didnt care about any of you?
she could have been... that stupid boyfriend she had the last time, it was simple to old and retarded, i blame big part to him
quick note, you dont have to care about something to do something about it
because you had the opportunity to talk to a girl.
she was a fine specimen thats for sure nigs
because she was /ourgirl/ you negro
hahahaha she was legit fun hahahaha
TikTok killed ciara
i like the drugged up slut before she became a drugged up slut... >w
I liked her before and after the drugs, but thats probably just because I like romanticizing my vices kek
who is joe?
heres to you queen
Marky will be the next one
Jesus please tell me this is photoshopped
nah its legit, someone just having fun with ciaras body when autopsy was being conducted around when the news of her dead where all over, we just know he is a black person
you had me at first
>she could easily just grown and have children and everything...
what do children fix? at all? They just create more problems. Even with her parents being wealthy and pouring money into therapy etc. she still was a struggeling mess.
And the solution is to duplicate, tripple that suffering by shitting out new humans.
Yeah yeah they might magically be happier and more successful in this existence.
Even during death these people get cucked by a black guy. Hilarious
I think he just means she could have just gotten married to some rich orbiter and been a stay at home mother and lived the good life instead of becoming whatever she became
She looked so young and innocent. She was so into MLP and Neopets. Such a childish and immature little kid. In less than 10 years she would be dead. killed before she could even hit 20.
Angel ciara was really going down a dark path. She just looks completely scary and crazy in her latest tiktoks. And then you get leaks and pics showing how completley insane she was.
If Ciara remained drug free could she have been saved?
Did she actually die? I don't keep up with memes
my fave ciara pic. a damanged angel showing off her cuteness.
>Did she actually die? I don't keep up with memes
Crooked Ciara died the way she lvied.
Sauce? How long ago did she post that one? Never seen it before
looks like early Brazil days
How do you even raise a BPD girl? My god. How much of a screw up do you need to?
this is still my favorite ciara music video, I used to love this song but now I can't listen to it anymore cause it just reminds me of ciara :(
I'm a boy but my parents raised me just fine but my lack of good friends and specifically having the shit beaten out of me by my "best friend" when I was very young gave me bpd and a slew of other problems growing up. its not always completely the parent's fault
cmvs are the best. she made so much footage over the years we could have years of cmvs. but nothing new. only looking at the past.
she was fin leather
Why did her parents let her go to NYC if they knew she was a junkie?
Daily reminder she died with JT. She did heroin with JT. She did not do heroin with Jay. She was safe with Jay. So fuck off with your blame game. Jay gave her nothing but love.
She died like she lived.
She fed off you fucking stupid and desperate orbitors who were ready to pay actual money for a bunch of naked pictures. Like her followers she also was a desperate loser who used all her money on literal death. Fuck you all, hope you learned lesson. Don't do drugs, don't orbit e girls and don't be a filthy loser
>Don't do drugs, don't orbit e girls and don't be a filthy loser
I do all of these things on the daily and I'm still here tho?
Jay was a useless bitch who let ciara do anything. He never fixed her serious drug addictions.
So am I. Does that make me a loser? No. Relax dumbo
Jay tried several times to get her to seek psychiatric help and also impatient treatment for substances. This is a 100 percent truth. Know your facts before you start spreading your rumors with the hopes that the masses will believe you. Im sure if you hit him up on IG or called him, he would tell you the same. But my thought is you are far too much of a bitch to do either. Like a large percentage of you edgy zoomer fucks on here who think you know fucking SHIT.
Pro tip - you dont.
>Jay tried several times to get her to seek psychiatric help and also impatient treatment for substances.
what would help though because ciara has done all that before. Nothing did anything.
Jay was the love of her life until like the last couple months when they quasi broke up. What I mean is, she said they broke up in January. But he was with her three nights before she died. According to him awhile back. His IG prof pic is from that night. Her last tiktok is partially in his room from that week. Like other user said, know your facts. Do your research. Critical thinking, kids. Dont believe things out of hand. Jay has been the most honest person out of all you fuckers through all of this.
ayo post her nudes tho bros
No one was gonna fix her user. Ciara was going to go her own way. You cannot be serious with your comment.
only because you asked nicely
Somebody repost the autopsy. This all seems sus.
This board killed her.
all other egirls > disgusting whore ci*ra
she was god's first go at creating an e-girl, she was the prototype. give her some slack bro
I wanna get this as a t-shirt.
and hence, all the ones that followed her were better. improvements
>and hence, all the ones that followed her were better. improvements
more like cheap knockoffs. angel ciara is alone in her perfection.
Feels good.