Why do you still come on to this board if you are 21+?

Why do you still come on to this board if you are 21+?

Just why?

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Nothing better to do and I'm 29. Got no life.

Why do you come on my board and post unoriginal shitty images? You leave, newfag.

l still don't have a gf.

Oh wow just wait til youre 26 and still yere and you life is shit it's gonna be such a blast

Because this website has been my home for the last 12 years. Why are you here, newfag?

Nothing better to do.
I'm turning 25 in 3 hours

what the fuck does being 21 have to do with anything? who the hell are you

can't wait until OP sees the exact same post in 6 years and fucking hangs himself

You can't escape being a robot.
I regularly have sex but still feel like an incel. The misogyny and victim complex become deeply ingrained. I'm more comfortable here.

I don't have sex and don't feel as hateful these days. I've become more of a simp apparently.

Because once you're here, you're here forever.
My life isn't even that bad anymore, and I'm 33... still find myself here though.
Yas Forums used to be my home, but this board is a lot more tolerable these days minus the weeb shit.

I've been on Yas Forums since I was 19...
I'm 30 now
you're here forever

fuck you OP, I was here before you and I'll be here after you. Die mad about it, faggot.

I mean it's funny seeing some 20-year-old user claiming to be forever alone when they are barely out of high school

Simping is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself. I don't understand how someone can sink so low as e-thots

Look kid, we don't all grow up to be super heroes and pussy slayers, okay?

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Im in this shit website since 05,you should be the one leaving and getting your life together instead of wasting your youth with us in this shithole

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yes op i am 27 and i still browse Yas Forums.org/r9k everyday

>He thinks his life will be much different at 21 than it is at 18 if he follows on this path
oh poor user...

IDK but I'm tired seeing teenagers complain that their crush didn't like their posts on snapchat or whatever the fuck. Can't relate to you underaged dingleberries.

>Why do you still come on to this board if you are 21+?
More than twice that, boyo.
It is nice to hang with other broken ones without having to endure the rotten teeth or not- washed-in-months-cloth smells many of them tend to be surrounded by in RL
Also fem"bots" can be sexy af if you find the right ones

same but one year older
why do you care Op ? Are you afraid ?

happy birthday! timezone dependent, of course.

You are supposed to realize that your life is limited, nonetheless I still find myself refreshing an assortment of Yas Forums boards for hours.

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No friends, no gf. Literally just work eat sleep shitpost and VR games. t. 28

At least you have a job
>t. unemployed 28 years old that just finished high school

>mfw dumbass boomer thinks Ill be like him

because i hate my job and i hate the people i work with
fuck healthcare
never should've fallen for the med school meme

We're the ogs and the only ones who belong here, fuck off lol nigga I bet your biggest problem is boohoohoo no gf

what og? og of fuck up lol

this place wasn't like that before you newfaggots come and ruin everything

i fucking hate underage newfaggots so goddamn much

personally its because im on a demoralizing campaign and i like making you all feel horrible about yourselves :)

Habit. I lurk but occasionally talk to the other old fucks on here. The 25+ threads were nice.

34 here. Dunno, I started coming here ages ago and it became habit. I've got nothing better to do I guess.

u must be depressed yourself
don't even dare to give me a you niggerfaggot

What boards? For me its


scammers are retards that are clueless about life. lot of mean retards too
fastest board on Yas Forums
slow shithole
kill yourself fast. world is overpopulated user, we need less retards

I have fun socializing with you guys, and I don't an alternative

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what's wrong with /vp/? i like finding frens to fight with

how old are you anonymoose

despite my pic I am an adult

Anyone under 25 should leave the board.

I'm the guy you replied to.

>rarely use v nowadays, used to be one of my main boards
>when I want to find cute anime girls I use /c/
And some boards in other websites.


Is this supposed to be irony?

original sin

>Why do you still come on to this board if you are 21+?
because I'm still single, I will probably still post from time to time here, but not as frequent if I ever get a gf.

I dislike reddit and none of the other boards except Yas Forums are really relevant to my interests, and Yas Forums is shitty

Been coming here for like a decade now and I'm curious about how things change here, so I hang out for a while every year or two.

I found myself fucking a fair amount of e-girls around 2014 to 2018, before I knew of the phrase e-girl. Had to stop fucking them because they were all like
>vegan, liberal or socialist
>do coke, smoke weed, or smoke cigarettes
>massive daddy issues

How could you be so naive? There is no escape; no recall or intervention can work in this place.

continue to seethe you fucking zoomerlite scum

I'm a fuckin loser man. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so shameful.

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Cope, niggerfaggot. cope

I always have been on Yas Forums. Yas Forums is just the new Yas Forums now.

because, being 21 is just being your age + x. I've been the same person since the ninth grade. or at least, it feels that way... sure you gain more experience and skills and you're further refined (or dulled) but end of the day it's all just layers of programming on top of the core human process.

I browsed here a little less when I had a pseudo girlfriend but ultimately I just like being around others who think the way I do, it's a comfort I guess... I just want to feel normal and like I'm not the only one. also not a footfag but this was some really tasteful "art" so I saved it.

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Yas Forums really died offically some where around 2015

>I've been the same person since the ninth grade.

Dude im constantly fucking changing, learning and growing . if you are still the same and you are above 21, thats just plain retardation

26 years old
this site is the only social interaction i get

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What's the alternative? Television? Facebook? Fuck that. R9K is purely wholesome content in comparison

Actually that would be in 2012. Some would say when the news report happened on fox news. This also is a very legitimate argument.