ITT: Coronavirus

How is your country reacting? How are YOU reacting? Share your NEET viewpoints on this social madness!
Thread mainly for eurofags.
Also I heard Kim Jong Un executed an infected person haha

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I'm fucking pissed at all the cancelled events.
The year I am finally financially in a spot to attend shit is the year everything gets 'postponned' because of a virus that's had less fatalities than the fucking flu.

>How is your country reacting?
Most places are down for 2 weeks, some for longer. People are retarded and buying out shops, pharmacies and such. That's all I know.
>How are YOU reacting?
Not reacting at all, nothing has changed for me.
>Share your NEET viewpoints on this social madness!
Shits dumb, I didn't expect such panic, especially from my country that has 17 fucking cases.

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this summed up everyone of my answers
No fucking toilet paper for miles for some fucking reason. Don't have a fucking clue why considering toilet paper doesn't even come from China

i had a job opportunity lined up where i would have made over 300 bucks just for standing around giving directions to retards for 3 days and it was cancelled because of the virus. sucks ass.

worst part is seeing my family panic and shit, always forcing me to wash my hands even if i just go outside to get bread or even to just breathe fresh air for a sec, buying supplies to live out for a few months like it's some apocalypse type shit, etc. when all you really need is to just not fucking be a retard and move away from people who cough on the subway, try to not touch handrailings, lick the floor, etc and you'll probably be fine.

you can't really compare this to the flu because the flu is way more common than covid-19, it's like that age old stat of saying "well cows are more dangerous than sharks because you're statistically more likely to die to a cow" well no shit we live near them, there's more of them, etc, in order to die to a shark you need to go out of your way to go to the ocean. just like you need to go out of your way to meet a very tiny % of your country's population in order to get the virus.

i rarely leave the house so i don't care
people around me either don't give a fuck or they're out buying as much toilet paper as possible

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My university just shut down yesterday, as well as a lot of other public services for the next 2 weeks.
It didnt really matter to me since i already hadnt attended my university in over a months time.
Im just chilling at home like i've been doing for the last month or so.

>my family forces me tp wash hands after buying bread (outside)
Retards die every day

not quite sure who you're calling a retard in that situation, i go into the coffee shop, ask for bread, they hand me a clean bag with some bread in it and i come back home, i don't touch anything, i don't even touch the door handle for our building i always push it with my knee and elbow like i always have done, the only thing i touch with my hands is the damn bag

supermarket workers are wearing masks and the shelves are empty
i really didn't think people would overreact this much over this shit, i can't even get ramen noodles because everything's been wiped clean

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My hoarding of ramen noodles will finally pay off. I got a bag full of ramen.
Wish i bought some toilet paper though before it was too late, i have like 2 rolls left.

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Where is this clearout shit happening, I haven't noticed any difference on the shelves at my grocery store (Canada).

No one gives a shit. Death is always a preferable option. Russia.

Somedays ago they played it cool, now that shit hits the fan you can see them realise how naive they were. Schools in my state are suddenly shut down one after another, everything gets cancelled and now everyone keeps buying toilet paper for no fucking reason. Because i have to shit up to 8 times a day i bought 24 rolls just in case it gets sold out. My mom is buying the last essentials tomorrow morning for lockdown case. I am avoiding social interaction at all cost, stopped going to work and went NEET now for the first time in my life, pretty /comfy/ desu. It would be even better if i didnt have a anxiety disorder. Just hope this is over soon so i can go back to work and meet my friends again

Oh forgot to mention i live in germany.

Are prices going down on anything? What should be purchased during this time?

Think how many hands touched that bag of bread, how many of those hands have touched other hands, touched money that was handled by hundreds of other hands etc. The product inside is clean but the packaging will still be tainted.

Kindergardens, schools and universities have been closed until the 24th of March (with the possibility of the closure being prolonged). Free public transporation for students and the elderly has been temporarily abolished. There are rumours that the government might enforce a curfew starting in a few days. Most business are forced to close at around 18:00-19:00.

I myself have stayed home and chatted with IRL friends through Discord, played Doom and Quake, watched some anime, read through some books and have generally avoided going outside (though I might meet up with some friends at someone's house for a drink or few - my social circle has decided that going to restaurants or social gatherings like we usually do is a bit risky in the present circumstances.

>completely over the top
>humor at the retarded obese droves aside I do not give a rats ass about it, who knows though, maybe the store I work at will close down for a bit over it
Either I get some great stocks for cheap and hold onto them for a bit or I drop and take an eternal nap and do not have to worry about this retarded nonsense anymore. Either way I win.

Where do you buy stocks? Walmart?

Everything is going on as normal as always.

t. north Italian

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We're about 9 days away before our hospitals get overwhelmed in the states apparently.

I went shopping this morning and people were panic shopping out in full force. I imagine it only got worse after 5PM when the wagies got off of work.
Toilet paper aisle was empty, I got the last 4 pack, found it under some cardboard.
I'm gonna buy some more shit tomorrow when I get paid, I wonder how empty the shelves will be?
Go out and get enough supplies to last at least a month bros, rumors are that there is gonna be a nationwide 4 week stay at home quarantine coming up in the next week.

>Not washing hands after you've been outside
Ew. That's basic hygiene at this point.

>t. north italian
Are you sure about that?


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Yes famlamsam

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u danish???

Did you happen to be a NEET before the outbreak?

Our governor sneezed on his hand while making a communicate with an expert asking people not to sneeze on their hands. That was funny. (Argentina)

Nope but I wish I was if I have to be honest, especially now that wow classic is out.

I work at a dentist's office and he's freaking out. Normally this would be funny but I have to carry out all his retarded schemes
>reads that doorknobs are the dirtiest place in the office
>"user I need to you to remove all doors in the office and put them in storage."
>"Also I don't have a drill, but here's a screwdriver"
>Half way through removing all the fucking doors, patients confused
>Office manager approaches me, tells me she convinced him to let me prop the doors open instead
>replace all doors

>Patients in waiting room
>brings his dogs in to help calm people down, actually a good idea
>whenever someone walks through the door he walks out of the back and hands them a bunch of """""educational""""" material, talks about how "this is the big one" with them and then leaves
>cancels out calming doggo aura

>wants to hand out baggies of antiseptic wipes at the door
>lots of doorknobs between the office and their hourse
>Stuff them into sandwich bags, put them in a box near my desk
>handing them out to people, most people think I'm retarded for doing this, low-info boomers think I'm fucking superman
>half way through the day he approaches me
>"we're going to run out of wipes user. You can't give them out anymore, you have to save them for your loved ones."
>don't take any because if I get the Chingchong flu I get the week off
I kind of want to get sick so I can stay home for a while, but I'm sick of boomers and retards talking to me about it.

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The fucking president won't stop international flights and Im worried because I use subway and bus almost every fucking day.

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>No friends
>Have my own flat
I'm just gonna stay at home, chill out and watch the world outside burn

Boomers are prime candidates to die to corona-chan, their age group's mortality rate is about 100 * general public. That's what all this quarantine and panic shit is about, protecting boomers.

>tfw unsure if I feel like shit because I'm getting sick or because of allergies and stress

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Just been through Gatwick but it was a domestic flight from somewhere that has no cases yet. What's my chances of getting fucked

Dude the death rate for people in the 0-39 age range is 0.2%, you'll be fine. Just make sure you get tested so you won't spread the diseases to elderly people who are the vulnerable group.

Burger reporting. My school has moved all classes to online only. spring break has been doubled but Disneyland is closing down I already fucking bought my tickets I'm fucking upset guys. now I just have two weeks of cabin fever and prepping to entertain myself.
Also what's the best shotgun?

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Then just stay home. I know they're doing it because I take 15-20 calls a day from boomers who are cancelling their appointments to stay in quarantine. Whenever they come in they ask they harp on and on about if anyone here is infected, as if anyone with Boomerslayer 2020 is still in the office. But now there's fuckall to do all day so I download coloring books online and fill them out in paint. Are you actually DEFENDING "no doors no knobs?" Do you think rationing sanitary wipes in a logical thing to do?

>like many dentists, does outreach in countries that aren't smart enough to brush their teeth
>planning big trip to small country (won't specify which one so as to not dox myself), lots of media hype and fanfare in my small town
>tell me today that it's cancelled
>reeeeeing inside because that's a 2 week vacation I won't get now
>"You've heard the story user. White man goes to a brown country, takes his diseases with him. Before long the whole country is wiped out. I don't want that to be on me."
>it'll probably be me who has to call the newspapers and tv stations, fuck!

>makes me read the """educational""" material from before
>written by someone in his family
>guy isn't a doctor or even in medicine
>just some random dude with too much time on his hands
>compares corona-chan to the fucking Spanish Flu, worst epidemic in human history.
>"I know you've heard it before, but this is the real deal."
>calls my literally where small town "ground zero in North America."
>constantly handing it out to kids
>have to sit there and look at their faces as they read this shit.

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Oh I know I'm not gonna die. I just don't want to be quarantined and feel like absolute shit for the next two weeks. Rationally, I think I'm overreacting because there are 0 cases in my county, but emotionally I'm worried

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Lmao where do you live? Basically everywhere has at least one case

Nah, there are boomers at my workplace sitting on good jobs who refuse to retire. Gotta keep coming in and help corona-chan help them get the fuck out.

You just need to print out a self-certificate to fill with your own street of residence, the reason why you are moving (buying groceries, work, etc) and show it to the police if they stop you, that's literally it, everything is still open, just bars and restaurants have to close by 18:00, though most shops and places where you eat just keep closed since the upkeep costs aren't covered on a daily basis due to people not going out to eat.

Benton County, Oregon. I've been following several sources, and there are no confirmed cases here yet. But I've heard extremely spurious rumors that there's one being treated in the hospital, and there are a few confirmed cases in the surrounding counties.

That said, I'm a university student here so I might have been exposed, I've been around a lot of people in the past few weeks. Time will tell.

did you take the tube home?

Any Georgia bros here? It looks like schools are closed indefinitely and I have a feelings most universities will be canceled by next week.

Sad that the virus will cuck me out of seeing the qt in my class, but extremely happy that I'm going to get of doing 4 presentations.

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>benton counry oregon
mah nigga, I'm benton county WA

>how is your country reacting
italianon reporting in. they blocked everything except for hospitals, you can't go out even if you need to

>share your NEET viewpoints on this social madness!
this shit is good, i can finally get to live an apocalypse

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Hell yeah, brother, I'm a washingtonfag too. Born and lived in Seattle for the first 21 years of my life. I'm just down here for school I'm gonna move back up there once I get my degree. I hope my grandparents get through this okay.

The no sports thing is crazy.

Sports bars are gonna have a ton of layoffs

My grandparents live there too, but they were paranoid before so I'm sure they'll be fine.

Rip Italy user

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so if you've been following the statistics you might've found out that there are only 28 cases here, but before you think it's all good here you should know that we don't have such a thing as systematic testing - there might as well be 28 hundred cases
doing a test by yourself is unimaginably hard even in Moscow|St. Pete
the pandemic is also being used as a neat political tool: public gatherings with more than 5000 people are now forbidden
so nothing surprising, really

When it comes to the UK im wondering if i can dodge the roadblocks with a bicycle, do you think it's possible?

I mean it's not an unliveable disastrously disruptive situation, but it ain't same old same old either.

>there are only 28 cases here
isn't HIV like Africa level rampant in Russia?

yeah it is, the government statistics are way lower than the actual HIV count
I might've worded it poorly, I meant to say that the official statistics state that there are only 28 cases

don't bother with a shotgun user. if you insist, "shell" (eheh) out for a remington 870. whatever the one the border patrol uses. personally i'd go for a firearm that shoots common calibers, like 9 mm, 5.56 mm, hell, even an AR platform that shoots both .308 winchester rounds as well as 7.62 NATO rounds. imagine finding ammo for something you can't shoot in a million years.

>inb4 9 mm
I agree

Fucking zoophiliac maniac.