I don't know who I was trying to kid, I'm just a filthy coomer and that's all I'll ever be...

I don't know who I was trying to kid, I'm just a filthy coomer and that's all I'll ever be. Just got a penuma implants and I've got an appointment for breast implants coming up. I may as well just turn myself into a fetish freak and die cooming.

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What's a penuma implant?

Post pictures of yourself when everything is done so I can laugh at you and robot coomers can masturbate to you.

numa numa yeh penis implant

I plan on it. If I'm going to spend the rest of my life jerking off I'm gonna need somebody to pay for my food
Dick implant, the XXL to be precise

What does your face look like?
You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

Average manly but I'll be getting facial feminization later

When are you getting these surgeries, why, how much money do you have to spare? Post proof of original one (not a dickpic, there's nothing with which to compare).

Implants are next month, facial surgery is in 4. I'm doing this because I may as well considering my life revolves around cooming, I have enough that I don't need to worry about it right away.

i think this is OP look

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I'm going to at least try a little harder. Besides right now all I have is the thick cock.

You still haven't posted proof of your lunacy user: reciepts of all 3 or larp.

Why would I just post my info like that online?

Blur it you muppet. Just proof that you're not larping.

I also want to do surgery. is it worth doing surgery for your butt?

futa please we'll have fun together

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Nice try fbi
I plan on it but don't have it planned yet.
That's what I'm going for, a proper futa body

Imagine the future where genemanipulation is rampant and everything and everyone is hypersexualised to ridiculous degree. Everyone will be a 10/10 by todays standards and will have whatever kind of body they desire. A coomer's paradise is coming, I just hope I'll be there to live it.

Digits say LARP.

Quads mean truth brother

Nah he fobbed the other guy off with nice try fbi.

Sorry you lost me with that. What do you mean?

i hope you become a cute futa
are you happy with your implants?

even if i had the money current surgical methods just seem so tacky and ffs wouldn't fix me

That's the plan, right now I've only got the dick and I'm super happy with it. Thick as hell and I can grasp it with both hands. As for being tacky they probably will be but I don't care. I want some fat tits I can grope and even maybe be able to titfuck myself

Post discord futanon

does it feel the same to touch?
h-how big is it
i really want to be a futa but i'd never be cute so i'd always feel like a freak

I'm not gay, but why the fuck does seeing thick curvy girls with big cocks turn me on so hard?

Cringy weirdo is real

Sort of, it's just more surprising in my hand because of how much more space it takes up. Right now it's 14 but I still have a bit of swelling so that could go down. I don't care about feeling like a freak, my life is already over
Because you can be attracted to multiple things.

>Right now it's 14 but I still have a bit of swelling so that could go down
calling bullshit on this
if you're not larping hope you're good. i'd never be able to take you up my bussy but i hope for the best for you

I didn't get it for you, I got it for myself. I don't plan on fucking anyone with this thing. I just wanted it to coom better

>I didn't get it for you, I got it for myself
heh, such a cold rejection. enjoy your cooming

There's just something about it man. Something about seeing some angry bitch with a huge 10 inch cock just slapping your face with her dick, and dominating you. Turns me on so hard.

We will watch your career with great interest


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Thanks user, if I somehow manage to go even bigger I'll hit you up.

w-whoa hold up i gotta figure out how to grow a vagina or take anything bigger than myself in my ass first! y-you'd break me in half!

Again, didn't get it for fucking. You're right I'd tare you in half

Genuinely want to follow this development, but a thread can only last so long futanon.

Maybe once I get my tits I'll start another

one day i'll be able to take you...just not today

A flimsy promise like that ain't going to help us cooooooom user.

Well what do you want to know while this thread is up?

What drove you to this? Why is your "life already over" user? How can you afford this, and with whom are you having the face surgery? Are you sure you won't just end up a man with tits even in spite of the FFS, and then never be able to get that 14 incher up?

What drove me was that I'm a filthy degenerate, I'm a 30 year old robot, I have money tucked away, my surgeon, and even if I am just a man with tits I'll still be happy Becuase I don't really care for other people. And if I can't get it up I'm fine with that, so long as I can slap it against my leg and coom I'm happy

how long were you planning this? this is peak bdd

I ought to go now, which is a shame because I really wish to know more. You had better post a thread in a month or a discord or something. Thanks OP, hope it goes well for you.

Technically forever? But it wasn't until a few months ago
I lurk a lot so feel free to call me out

i really hope you turn out cute for all of our sakes!

Pretty hot thread.
God bless degeneracy.

Can I really be cute with a hog like this?
God speed brother

What does your goal look like?
I'm curious if it's anywhere near my dream degen body.

Well my goal is impossible, like my cock needs to at least double for me to be satisfied but that's not happening. My dream would be a chest like Beshine, lips like Silicone bunny and an ass like Persian baddie. But we'll see how far my money takes me.

Pretty niceu. What about bigger balls, tattoos and piercings?

>Can I really be cute with a hog like this?
if you're talking about your dick? yes!
the world needs to catch up and give you something to fuck though

Are there ball implants? I'd do silicone but don't they just end up looking like one solid piece from your groin?
Still not in it for the fucking. This baby is for my two hands and the new fleshlight I had to buy

No clue. I just like big nuts.

Would you ever do video content for other perverts to enjoy? I'd love to watch someone with a cock like yours desu

>Still not in it for the fucking. This baby is for my two hands and the new fleshlight I had to buy
i know you're not, but a world where futacocks are normal is a hot one to me

My bulge does look pretty good now

Show fat bulge.

what said

>Are there ball implants? I'd do silicone but don't they just end up looking like one solid piece from your groin?
no, but if you got your testicles removed you could have fake ones of basically any size put in.
Are you on hormones anyway? I don't know how much you'll look like like a futa without them