Is she actually deceased?
Is she actually deceased?
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I certainly hope so.
yEe e tath sutpid bthich is ded as fukuck
Unironically, yes.
Her dad posted a picture of her with sisters/aunts/cousins giving their best wishes.
I genuinely believe that Yas Forums fucked her life up to this point.
really do you have a picture of this ?
I don't think so, there would have been a LOT more threads than there were about this if she had died.
I did see the supposed screenshot of her dad's facebook implying she was dead but I think it was either a fake profile or photoshopped.
Plus when you google her name & obituary there's no results. Obituaries always pop up in online searches when a person has died and there would be something findable on google about it especially for someone that young.
>I genuinely believe that Yas Forums fucked her life up to this point.
Did she an hero or something? Who is this bitch, anyway?
youre stupid as fuck if you think this was ~4chans~ fault instead of her own. she was an adult who never made any changes to her life and fucked up other peoples in the process. good riddance
Can somebody fucking tell me who this bitch is now?
underage whore turned druggie pimp who oded recently
Seriously why are people so obsessed with her
Shes a standard druggy story. Good for northing girl gets addicted to drugs and then OD's. Happens to peoplpe just like her thousands of times every day
its because she would rope underage retard girls on here into sending nudes to pedophiles and would take money from orbiters to buy heroin you retard go check the archives before you say dumb shit
>underage whore turned druggie pimp who oded recently
Wew, that's a fucking story there. Press S to spit, though, junkies like her get what they bargain for.
>Shes a standard druggy story. Good for northing girl gets addicted to drugs and then OD's. Happens to peoplpe just like her thousands of times every day
Not necessarily. user says she turned into a pimp or something? That's kind of interesting, and it also makes her dying that much better.
Yeah so shes a standard good for nothing druggy..
facebook /thoran
r9k tripfag from 2015/16 who posted her and other people's nudes around. posted cute youtube videos where she showed off her autism.
scammed people a few times too. later become a hardcore junkie and overdosed
wasn't 4chans fault but I believe getting into r9k at such a young age fucked her head up
>she would rope underage retard girls on here into sending nudes to pedophiles and would take money from orbiters to buy heroin
wew lads, that's a fucking story right there if I ever heard one. Well, nothing of value was lost at least.
Unfortunately yes... we lost our queen, our angel... it's the end of Yas Forums
Jesus fuck. Kind of a morbid question bud did she post nu- I mean did any of you go and, like, tell her family what the fuck she was doing? I mean, y'all obviously have her Facebook info. Her family seems to be either ignorant of what she was doing or just, like, pretending it didn't happen.
so what's the chances one of you glows in the dark
her family didnt care because she would give them orbiter money too kek
hyello r
I got turned down for a job with the glowies.
Why are people like this allowed to have kids?
her family most definitely knew about a lot of this shit because she got doxxed a while back and all their info got leaked along with it. unless you mean the drugs, in which case if they didn't know they weren't trying to know.
and yeah she had some pretty bangin nude videos:
>if they didn't know they weren't trying to know.
So, they knew. These people belong in fucking jail. They aren't parents, they fucking enabled that shit.
if they glow in the dark take the car out of park
I was initially thinking the same thing, but just look up Tom Horan on Facebook. You can see the photos and commenrs
Does anyone know for sure how she died?
she was almost 20 and ran away from college to go live with a 30 something year old boomer. it wasn't their responsibility at this point, she was an adult making her own terrible decisions. she definitely had a drug problem back when she lived with them but it was no where near as severe as it ended up being when she died. they got her therapy back then and everything.
no one will know what the fuck was wrong exactly with Yas Forums's late queen ciara but there was absolutely something off about her that made her do the things she did and I don't think person or problem would explain it.
I love this bitch, but she was fucked up in her later years. take me back to 2016 bros
junkie that was with her that night when she died said she od'd on drugs, not a lot of details
JT killed her, ask him for details
>suspicious link
I ain't clickin that shit
Terry? Is that you?
>JT killed her, ask him for details
Who the fuck is JT?
>no one will know what the fuck was wrong exactly with Yas Forums's late queen ciara but there was absolutely something off about her that made her do the things she did and I don't think person or problem would explain it.
I think her drug addictions and anorexia really ramped up in the last 2019-2020 period. She looked like a skeleton and not the beautiful angel we were accustomed too. Pictered is peak ciara. Her tomboy and tracksuit phase.
She was completely delusional and narcisitic, and if you said she looked better before she would say you're just some pedo. She did look so rough this last year.
>Who the fuck is JT?
After she left Jay she moved back home and for the last few months of her life she was makign weekend trips to NYC to meet Marc Lindon and some other guy (the one they posted with the bloody faces in bed) and then recently to NYC to meet JT. I think this was her meeting JT the first time and that JT is a druggie newbie. That might help explain why she OD'd like that. Probably would nto have died with Marc or anyone else.
He should be arrested
According to him, they or her alone bought the heroin, and the benzos were hers. Ciara brought this upon herself. He was an idiot but just a stupid kid really. Just really irresponsible.
The mere mention of this word brings me to my fucking knees. I left Yas Forums for other boards a while back, but how have I not heard of her before?
>(the one they posted with the bloody faces in bed)
Ah yeah I've seen that pic! That's her? She definitely looks underage.
>Probably would nto have died with Marc or anyone else.
Drawing from my experience with junkies, I entirely agree. It's really just a matter of time.
>She definitely looks underage.
she was 18 at the time.
What is it with r9k and being obsessed with skinny girls that look like guys and are mentally damaged
Does it reflect what their mum was like or something
I suspect that facebook account is fake the images are reuploads and they don't relate to anything it could easily be a clone from previous
Ciara is either banned from the internet by her family in rehab or something playing a hoax / running with the drama or shes kidnapped
its bullshit the stories from the discord are different to the story JT gave
was that pic not recent i thought she's 19 currently also a massive legend regardless
These girls all kinda look the same. It's quit e shocking how little variance there is. As to them being mental, they have to be mental to attention seek on here.
I want to believe.
But i'm looking at the account of the people replying and these are all real accounts of boomer relatives and friends of her dad. The ONLY way to explain this is to say that her dad lied on social media about her being dead. So now we have to expand the conspiracy more and more and more, and I think that's really implausible. Would a father really lie liek that to people on social media like that? Pretty nuts to think about.
The simpler explanation is she really did die.
she died at 19 yes.
the accounts doctored all the files are renamed there not original camera pictures
has anyone thought to contact the FBI ?
she looks like she has a smelly fanny
Not sure if you guys believe in paranormal shit but on Bianca's mom's youtube live she was featuring a medium who supposedly confirmed Ciara's death on the livestream. At first I completely didnt believe it but I became skeptical when she started naming things off about her; Dark hair, bitchy personality demonstrating a "fuck you, its my time" attitude, mentioning that she died of an overdose, mentioning that Ciara was "popping off" at people (guessing sheep village people) kinda freaked me out that the old lady said all that stuff without researching. I dunno what do u guys think?
Mediums are scumbag frauds, and it's fucking Ciara. Of course she researched ciara beforehand all her info is fucking public.
But the most important fact is that Kim Davis', Bianca's mom is saying ciara's dead which just adds to the evidence that ciara died. I think a lot of people just don't want to accep that ourgal ciara died a rather stupid preventable death. She was like our little mascot dancing around for us and keeping us happy.
Sounds like bullshit dude! :D
A gigantic attention whoring, underage slut who gathered an army of SIMPs and roastie supporters who engaged in a giant shit posting pysop over the last 5 or so years.
>A gigantic attention whoring, underage slut who gathered an army of SIMPs and roastie supporters who engaged in a giant shit posting pysop over the last 5 or so years.
You forgot to add that she was an angel that stole our hearts.
is this how the followers of jesus felt when he died? just lost and confused and looking for answerS?
Man, this is fucking crazy. God rest her soul. It'd be crazy if somebody actually lowkey murdered her. Haha people be crazy bros.
She was with JT, who was some orbiter. You'd have to assume he gave her more opioids to intentionally OD her, and it's way more likelythat two junkie retards just over did the dosage accidentally.
RIP Beautiful Angel Ciara.
i think whats happened from the nature of the fake facebook and conflicting stories is either
>shes a fucking crackhead faking her death from the kicks
>or she ran away from Jay because hes a pedo and she wanted another boyfriend and then he found her and JT and hes got her on lock and is lying about her being dead
>You forgot to add that she was an angel that stole our hearts.
3. Idiots are spinning conspiracy theories when it's much more likely ciara is dead.
We can just pretend the bitch owed us money and request a death certificiate if we care that much.
You're all retards, she has an instagram where she looks for new followers and orbiters and posts constantly.
then post it? morrisy rocks is her current one and it's dead. like her. ciara is dead.
Yeah but like, what if somebody intentionally got her hooked on drugs or smth
Ciara got onto hard drugs through a kid named Noah. Not clear who did whom though. Was she a druggie who hooked up with a dealer or did he introducer her to them? But age 14 is the earliest we knwo for ciara's drug addictions.
trust me none of it adds up there more evidence against that being the case now then it being true hardly anyone believed it to begin with
none of the stories are the same the information is clearly fake the facebook is obviously fake apparently shes done this before her tik tok leading up to it seemed to hint something was going to happen.
its pretty suspicious its likely untrue more so the question is why I blame her boomer EX who she just left who is clearly and apparently a heroin dealer
oh ok i didnt know that. Fast response lol, did u know her ?
I'm just a ciara-ologist. But all my research is via following her on r9k since 2015 and youtube. I didn't go into any of the discords or ohter groups so I am missing big parts of her story. I did very little interaction with her driectly, but I did make her cry once. I said in a chat group that she needs to shape up or she'll end up like all the other Yas Forums chan girls. She made a video crying how I had hurt her and I had no clue what I was talking about. Turns out I was even more right than I thought I was.
She got him into it because she wanted to be an edgy kid who got involved with the wrong crowd, ie: Yas Forums.
all the fbi are going to need to do is
>check the criminal records against jays appearance
>see that he claims shes dead
>check the death records
and then bam that's what conspiracy, extortion and intimidation, kidnapping and pushing drugs onto kids among other things
Ciara was only on Yas Forums at this time, and she met Noah at 14. It was at 15 she started going onto r9k and got e-girl famous.
I don't think Jay was a big time dealer. He just facilitated Ciara's lifestye of scamming and drug use and she used his home as a base of operationgs.