How can anyone think women live life on easy mode?

Most men have no idea what it's like. Being a woman means constantly being alert of creepy men around you. It means having to be careful about being too nice to men because they will hit on you, assuming your compliments or friendliness is flirting (wtf?). It means constantly being seen as nothing more than a sex object. It means that everywhere you go, you have to wonder if your actions will cause men to hit on you or see you as a potential partner.

There is nothing easy about being a woman

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Never said life was easy as a woman. Just wish I had an easier time with dating. I'm always left out of everything and I'm pretty sure I'm that "creepy" guy that women refer to me as even though I don't hit on them or bother them at all. I just mind my own business.

heh, sounds like the struggle I face daily,
wanna fuck?
-t. chad

>baww someone could dare to want me!
Yeah that is easy mode, you pitiful whitekinght

Fuck off you cum receptacle!

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>imagine complaining about having constant attention

It's not easy. If you knew what it was like, you would want to go back to being a man

Haven't FtMs said otherwise? It's one thing to think you don't want attention until you're literally invisible to society.

Women have life on super mega hyper triple ultra easy mode while men live life on mega ultra nightmare mode.

Disagreeing with me proves me correct.

>a man that I didn't like complimented me incorrectly!
t. every female ever

damn it would suck to be this paranoid and insecure.
still easy mode though.

But what about the frumpy girls irl who get no attention
And are invisible to society because of their hobbies and not even their professers or family talks to them and forgets they exist and they try really fucking hard to have friends and be polite and to be noticed but they get nothing and no one fucking likes them or appreciates them
What then
>inb4 "They must be an asshole!"
Theyre the most polite people ever

>Implying I'll even respond seriously to this b8 thread

how is it easymode when hundreds of women are murdered/kidnapped/raped every day just because men see them as easy targets and feel they can?

Frankly I just assume every girl I meet has a bf at this point and therefore I don't give them special attention, because it's true 99% of the time. You must be doing something wrong if you're single and a female.

>bully the white knight nice guys away
>be completely vulnerable to non nice guys

Just have female friends then and ignore men.

I mean i have only male friends and have been ignoring women for years now no problem

>people get killed


as a female you don't have to go outside if you don't want to though, it's much much easier to make money online that way
everything you mentioned only applies if you have to be around other people

>men are the overwhelming majority of the victims of violent crime
>but it's women who have to be alert constantly
The fuck?
>you have to wonder if your actions will cause men to hit on you or see you as a potential partner
Boohoo people want to be with you, it's an advantage not a negative you stupid cuntoid.

Vast majority of rapes and harassment are done by men they know, not by some random boogeyman who jumps from behind a corner, except maybe in some nigger ghetto. Women's "incel radar" is solely based on looks, and they go for handsome alpha guys even if they beat women. Why else is there so much domestic abuse still if women can just sniff out creeps?

None of what you said is true OP. Just bullshit exaggerations trying to make it seem likes it's worse than it really is for women. You know why youre stressing the fact that women have it hard? Because you know the world is slowly realizing and waking up to the fact that that's complete and utter bullshit. End of discussion. Enjoy your mute faggot.

Obvious bait.
You'd have to be really tribal to miss this.

all bullshit.
just a comparison, it is 8 times more likely for a women to kill their own offspring than ever experience violence from a man. And that is without abortion taken into account. With abortion it would be a few 100 times more.
All of those thoughts and worries you have are just an example of how women constantly fantasize about being assaulted and rape because that's what they desire. Think about it, you live in the most protected environment in the 160.000 year long history of humankind, and the only thoughts that roam in your mind are "oh my god, I'm going to get raped right? I recently saw a man down the streets, he's probably gonna rape me omg Jesus"

Who are you fucking Helen of Troy?
The world doesn't care about you, fuck off

Attach the bait and throw your rod!

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Of course you are larping trannie

But being a woman (real female) is the easiest life you can get (unless extremely ugly)
Women literally born with an ATM between her legs

I'll put only one simple analogy

>born poor shit tier education
>have to work EXTREMELY hard for several years minimum wage
>get in severe debt
>study a highly complex STEM to have any chances
>think out of the box
>compete between thousands of NPC for a decent job
>struggle for decades with minimum wage
>apply and maybe get better jobs
>try to create own business
>invest taking huge risks
>slight chance of "making it"

>born poor shit tier education
>open legs

The idea women have it on easy mode is purely based on beta desperation and zero life experience.

That's not really an analogy. Women having sex doesn't give them everything they need. This is your beta desperation speaking.

>assuming your compliments or friendliness is flirting (wtf?)
To be fair, the girls this happens to do act with a kind of excess friendliness that's completely out of the ordinary and seems designed to draw attention. The fact that men assume that as a sign of interest is pretty reasonable. What I don't like is that girls like that will act that way (which would make it reasonable for you to assume interest, since it's so out of the ordinary), but then call you a creep and make it all your fault when you try to check if they are interested or not, as if they had absolutely no influence in the whole thing. Moreover, the women that this happens to will try to generalize this as if it's something that happens to all women. It doesn't. Most women will interact in a normally friendly way. It's just a few that will act excessively and then wonder why guys keep thinking they are interested. Must be their fault lel.

All you guys are fucking retarded. Their problem doesn't derive from the attention they are getting, or from the fact that some of those men are ugly. If that were the case, we would expect women to have the same opinion about this as chads do. Their problem derives from the fact that men are larger and stronger than them, and therefore a potential danger that they can't effectively defend themselves from. A guy they don't know showing interest in them, when they are not interested back, is bad, because she doesn't know whether he has bad intentions. If the guy decided to try to rape her, there is very little she could do to physically defend herself in the moment. This makes women be fearful of strange men showing interest in them. This fear resolves if the woman knows and trusts the man.

So it's my fault that women are paranoid wrecks now?
I'm not a rapist. The guys i know are not rapists. The guys they know are probably not rapists either.

You know there are women who murder men in their sleep after fucking them, right? Yet i'm not constantly terrified that any woman i meet is sizing me up for a steak knife to the spine.

Sounds like the problem is you, really.

I think you are living as a woman wrongly. Let me educate you.
> Being a woman means constantly being alert of creepy men around you
Carry knife
>It means having to be careful about being too nice to men because they will hit on you, assuming your compliments or friendliness is flirting (wtf?)
Don't give a damn. Or tell them that you are not really interested. Use their interest to get free drinks and stuff.
>It means constantly being seen as nothing more than a sex object.
This is troublesome and I don't know real answer to. Part of male nature. Probably tell them that you dislike that in men and watch em go white knight at least. Do something that they can respect.
>It means that everywhere you go, you have to wonder if your actions will cause men to hit on you or see you as a potential partner.
You can just sit still and this might happen. It just is how it is.

In my opinion those are nowhere near the worst things. How about?
>Be lower value member of family
>Be lower value member of society
>Organized religion hates you.
>Your mother will hate you instinctively
>Unlikely to get promotions for your work (unless you fuck boss)
>Will never raise to become a boss
>Less appreciated member in workforce.
>No matter how much you train. Some jackass special forces commando killing machine can turn you into his bitch.
>Your husband can beat the shit out of you if he feels like it and get away with it legally. Stabbing is no no.

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>So it's my fault that women are paranoid wrecks now?
I didn't even imply that, so it turns out it's you who is paranoid.
It's unfair that women make this judgement. It's fundamentally sexist. However, there's really nothing you can do about it. Women will never be convinced to change that, because they think it will lead to them being raped if they do. The way they see it, being sexist towards strange men is a good price to pay to defend themselves against rape. It's not fair, but it's something we have to deal with and recognize.

>You know there are women who murder men in their sleep after fucking them, right? Yet i'm not constantly terrified that any woman i meet is sizing me up for a steak knife to the spine.
Fear isn't a rational emotion. Men aren't very afraid of women physically harming them (we're afraid of them taking advantage of their status as especially vulnerable in order to try to convince our communities that we are predators), because we unconsciously reason that they are smaller and weaker than us, so we'd be able to defend ourselves. It's not your rational brain that's doing this. Otherwise you would be constantly afraid of women carrying knives and other weapons to harm you. The cause for you to not be afraid of women is the same (and just as irrational) as the cause for women being afraid of you.

>Sounds like the problem is you, really
We've already established that you are paranoid. You don't need to give me more evidence.

Men are statistically more likely to be victims of violent crime

You're going to have to explain to me how women being irrationally afraid of men makes me paranoid, because i'm not seeing it.

Doesn't matter. Fear isn't rational. You are also far more likely to die of heart disease than of coronavirus, but we keep seeing people take often extreme measures to prevent catching corona than we see then dieting.
Besides, telling that to women wouldn't make them be any less afraid. it would just make them think men are absolute madmen. This ignores the fact that a lot of that violent crime comes from the fact that men are way more likely to be involved in gang activity

1 out of 5 women have been raped at some point in their lives. That's a fucking staggering number, and obviously it's a big fucking problem, and justifies women being suspicious of men.

You assumed I was implying that women being irrationally afraid of being raped by men is a good thing, and that this is men's fault. The joke was implying you assumed that because you are paranoid about people laying blame on you.

Except the vast majority of rapes are committed by men the victim knows.
So if anything women have reason to be suspicious of their fathers, uncles and neighbors, not some random guy they meet on the street.

Good post, but:
>Carry knife
More like carry gun. I'm surprised most feminists aren't against gun control, considering how much they would benefit from the protection a gun could give them against men.

It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you though, and "it's all the men's fault" has been feminisms rallying cry for going on three generations now.

A gun won't help you if someone bigger and stronger than you already has a grip on you, which is probably the case where a woman realizes she needs to defend herself against a rape attempt.
Add to that that womens clothing generally doesn't have usable pockets and any weapon you have is very likely out of reach when you actually need it.
You're honestly better off with pepper spray in that case. Or even screaming for help, really. At least those won't be used to kill you.

>It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you though
To be fair, in this case, they're not. They'll only think you are a potential predator before they know you. After that, you'll be fine. They also won't try to screw you over just out of fear if you didn't do anything. The worst that happened to me was when a woman crossed the road and started walking in front of me (in the same direction as me), and then started feeling disturbed about the fact that I was behind her, even though I was already there when she crossed. She ended up going into a shop to see if I wasn't following her. Even in this case where a crazy bitch was being completely unreasonable, I wasn't negatively affected in any material sense.

Good point. I was referring to situations where the woman notices a creepy man and has time to react to what he does. Not to situations where the woman is ambushed.

At what point before being grabbed against your will are you actually justified to pull a lethal weapon on someone?
It's not like i have any practical experience with how a "normal" rape attempt goes, but i assume you don't generally announce your intentions across the room.

>At what point before being grabbed against your will are you actually justified to pull a lethal weapon on someone?
idk, dude, I've never been raped either.

>There is nothing easy about being a woman

at least they don't have to walk around being worried about being seen as a walking wallet. or someone to pin child support to for a kid that's not even ours. yeah women have it easy.

>at least they don't have to walk around being worried about being seen as a walking wallet. or someone to pin child support to for a kid that's not even ours
As an incel, I don't have to worry about this either.

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that's right. With life experience comes the knowledge that women live on tutorial mode.

you still ignore the fact that women are 8 times more likely to kill their own offspring than ever being harmed physically by a man. Your fear is delusional.

>1 out of 5 women have been raped at some point in their lives. That's a fucking staggering number
and a lie. There has never been any proof of that number and if you check where it comes from, the first person who fabricated this lie was a Jew who did a survey on how how many women on universities had sexual activities they later regretted doing. The attendees where explicitly asked if they were raped and they answered with no. She then just took the number of females who later had regrets about their sexual acitivites as rapes and there you go.

That's how easy you make up a lie of which gained females political power and extra rights and freedoms in all areas, because you just have to be that bad of a liar and still get through with it, if you are female.

>you still ignore the fact that women are 8 times more likely to kill their own offspring than ever being harmed physically by a man
You ignored everything I said, and what you've just posted is literally not an argument. Try harder or kill yourself.

Also: source?

>being a woman is hard because everyone desires you
wow sounds awful

Is this gonna be a thread about bitching about men like every media outlet does 24/7? Cause there's other places you can do that.

1047.7 Use of deadly force.
(a) Deadly force means that force which a reasonable person would consider likely to cause death or serious bodily harm. Its use may be justified only under conditions of extreme necessity, when all lesser means have failed or cannot reasonably be employed. A protective force officer is authorized to use deadly force only when one or more of the following circumstances exists:

(1) Self-Defense. When deadly force reasonably appears to be necessary to protect a protective force officer who reasonably believes himself or herself to be in imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm.

(2) Serious offenses against persons. When deadly force reasonably appears to be necessary to prevent the commission of a serious offense against a person(s) in circumstances presenting an imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm (e.g. sabotage of an occupied facility by explosives).

(3) Nuclear weapons or nuclear explosive devices. When deadly force reasonably appears to be necessary to prevent the theft, sabotage, or unauthorized control of a nuclear weapon or nuclear explosive device.

(4) Special nuclear material. When deadly force reasonably appears to be necessary to prevent the theft, sabotage, or unauthorized control of special nuclear material from an area of a fixed site or from a shipment where Category II or greater quantities are known or reasonably believed to be present.

(5) Apprehension. When deadly force reasonably appears to be necessary to apprehend or prevent the escape of a person reasonably believed to: (i) have committed an offense of the nature specified in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(4) 1 of this section; or (ii) be escaping by use of a weapon or explosive or who otherwise indicates that he or she poses a significant threat of death or serious bodily harm to the protective force officer or others unless apprehended without delay.

you can literally spend an hour taking pictures of yourself not even nude mind you. and make an only fan page and make thousands of dollars.

>Just wish I had an easier time with dating
You do, my man. Avoid online dating, go outside, and meet people in person. Just keep your head up. And avoid thinking it's "dating" because the primary objective strictly boils down to "making acquaintances." Just because you fuck doesn't mean you have to be friends.

Online dating is not easy for women in 2020. Most guys won't spend money on the first date and try to get around it by doing cheap shit like "coffee". Moat of them will ghost you after the first date if you dont fuck and even then they will still ghost you.

>Most guys won't spend money on the first date and try to get around it by doing cheap shit like "coffee".
Why would any man invest any of their time and resources beyond a "coffee" if they don't know the woman? Getting a coffee is strictly to assess the value of the woman prior to even engaging further. I used to use coffee as a pivot point to determine whether or not I wanted to see her again. My wallet, my choice.
>Moat of them will ghost you after the first date if you dont fuck and even then they will still ghost you.
Every woman I've ever met wanted to fuck me within seconds of meeting her. I'm not going to do that; I'm going to vet them because most women are a screw loose upstairs. You're not entitled to my body, whore.

Your approachis reasonable. The issue with most men is they want to be cheap AND they expect sex literally the same night meeting them.

And that's if you even get to the point of meeting them because they will send you messages like "those pants will look better on my floor".

>Moat of them will ghost you after the first date if you dont fuck and even then they will still ghost you.
You sound like a person I would date. Bitching on incel boards about men is just what every man dreams of in 2020 while being paranoid of being raped. Maybe you just have too many red flags.

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If you're going to quote the law at least find the right one.
I don't know what that one's from but i doubt most women have to worry about people trying to steal nuclear weapons.

Because we, as men, acknowledge that you build your own personality and emotions.
If you are in a prison of your own emotions, you have all the tools you need to break out of it.