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There's no good end for some people.

>that much focus on the dude
gay af famalam

What the flying fuck

What's stopping you from being the guy in the photos with the hot girl? You'll never get your good ending if you don't try.

thats not a serious question is it? If you believe you have hope, then I won't crush it by revealing the truth. Just exit the thread now.

damn, unironically extremely hot

genes, memes and aspergers

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Is this video games?

You could work out and then get someone's used goods, maybe.

But... the doomer is a guy that doesn't care anymore, he "took the black pill". This isn't right.

that's what these "doomers" idealize themselves to be

I'm guessing that the point here is that doomers are deluding themselves

I know at least this about myself:y disappointment is limitless and immeasurable. But at least I don't pretend to have become immune to it.


Better get started before they're all used up then. Go do ten pushups right now.

I'm a wizard, it's too late for me.

>le jojo meme

>You'll never get your good ending if you don't try.
Nah, it's obvious that's normielized warped view of a meme. Fuck, you can't even get an obvious in your face meme of a depressed guy that just gave up, it's in the fucking name "DOOMER"
noun: doom
death, destruction, or some other terrible fate.
"the aircraft was sent crashing to its doom in the water"
grim/terrible fate
You fucking tourists, how can you be so stupid to think a fucking doomer, of all people, would waste money on porn?

Attached: doomer.jpg (1177x686, 93.47K)

Use your newfound gifts and turn your life around. For what purpose did you think these powers were supposed to be used for if not making yourself happier?

Damn... if only the artist put their name on the image just once so i could give them credit...

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It's there, incorporated into the doomer's beanie

Looks are mostly genetics. Anyone who denies this is a coping brainlet.

Shit like this tells way more of "Doomer Girls"/Women. What the fuck she's got anything to do with the Doomer?

Rich Evans can get laid. What's your excuse? Also yeah. "GENETICS" is what made you a lankmaster or a fat blob.

Attractiveness is mostly face, height and frame, brainlet.

ah whatever, fuck this shit
>As Doomer Girl became more popular, her connection to her origins became far less clear. According to Tumblr, searches for Doomer Girl increased by 558 percent from January 7 to January 15. Most of what they turned up weren’t memes, but people dressed up as Doomer Girl or images of her redrawn in more detail. Within a few days, versions of Doomer Girl that were actually human faces or borderline-unrecognizable overhauls were more visible on the platform than the original.
theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2020/02/doomer-girl-meme-Yas Forums-tumblr-wojak-history/605764/

not that user but rich has no standards. most doomers won't fuck an ugly or skanky girl

Keep making excuses loser. Lol.

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more bad endings.

I need higg quality pic, please, give it to me


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lmao get fucked incels

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since it has been moved

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I'm a genetic dead end, I've come to accept it.
I am still trying to dampen the pain by working out and trying to stay healthy and keeping a little bit of hope in my heart that I will somehow get lucky but I know I will most likely die alone and broken.

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Excuses about what? I'm merely telling you what the research says. Fundamentally ugly men will never be hot, no matter how much they lift.

>dripping mascara
that's my weakness

based mods anyway

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If you do the math, there should be approximately 1 girl in my state compatible with me. Think she's a virgin, user? After college? I am turning my life around, but I'm not going to get what I want. I've lost 70 lbs. and am looking into starting a new career, but it's not going to have a happy ending. I'll make some money and get fit so my corpse isn't too ugly, though, and I can know what it feels like.

I was upset about the artists' name all over the comic. But damn he/she can draw some hot shit.

Do people really think that gym will change their life?

I'm so fucking sick of "doomers." You faggots are just normies who are sad they've been single for a few months.

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try 22 years

This, but only if the running make up is accompanied by a satisfied expression.

I'm a wizard. I don't know if I qualify as a doomer, though.

I'm not Yas Forums but I'm guessing that lots of hard work and sacrifice to improve your physique just has to have some positive impact on you.

I don't get the whole obsession with virgins. I'm a 20 y.o doomer male, my opinion is that the idea of "le virgin trad wife" wouldn't actually be good in reality. Most modern roasties don't even know how to suck dick, do you honestly think a virgin trad girl would know how to do anything sex related besides laying there like a fucking starfish while you masturbate with her pussy?

I don't care about sex, I just don't want to be lonely anymore.

>someone was mad enough at men they'll never date to spend time drawing this
lol indeed

genuine incels actually think roasties are the result of frequent sex

somehow that only applies to having a bunch sex with different partners, not a bunch of sex with in one commitment relationship, funny how that works

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>not a bunch of sex with in one commitment relationship, funny how that works

>Picking the woman to mother your children based off of how well she sucks dick

I thought the issue was the roastbeef vagina?

No, that's just an insult to make you insecure about being a SLUT

Obviously. It was made by a porn artist. Everyone who draws porn is at least a little bit gay.

It's fine if you turn a girl into a roastie for you. It's not fine to have some other guy's used goods roastie.

>used so commonly it becomes a nickname for sluts
>n-no it actually has nothing to do with it
just admit you dont know how a vagina works

>Having children in 2020
>Not wanting her to be able to suck your dick good

Nobody keeps a woman around if a wank does a better job.

>somehow, the flaps don't stretch like all other parts of the body because it's a magical fairy princess area
Roasties on suicide watch.

>thinking the labia minora gets stretched inside out during sex
have sex
you might learn something

Being fit, reading, and having motivational philosophy make you a well-balanced person. It's not the only important thing, but it IS important.

>The labia doesn't move and get stretched during sex. This doesn't add up after literal miles of cock.

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