Is it worth visiting prostitutes or escorts or better to stay a pure chaste virgin?

Is it worth visiting prostitutes or escorts or better to stay a pure chaste virgin?

I'd be literally shaking if I saw a women dressed like this in front of me. I'm watching these Hong Kong red light district videos and just seeing them in these kind of outfits is enough to make me coom.

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I had to go to escorts, because it was the only way for me to get past trauma from various sexual abuses.

just do whatever it takes to find some confidence in who you are as a man and start developing better habits, eating better, working out, sleeping better, and just being more thorough mentally with how you see things through

Don't fucking do it, got my dick sucked only twice and now I think I unironically have HIV. Life is ruined and I'll probably kill myself as soon as I test and it comes back positive. An entire life ahead of me, an entire future filled with limitless possibilities is squandered for 2 minutes of mediocre sensations. It was 10000% not worth it, I caught a life ending disease just to coom on a level equivalent to fapping with lube. At least fapping you don't have deep regret, awkward moment and a secret you have to take to the grave.

You make this thread every day. Are you just going to discuss this for the rest of your life or are you going to try?

>now I think I unironically have HIV
What symptoms do you have? You would be the first person to have contracted HIV from oral sex.

Why do you need to stay a virgin? There's no benefit to it. Can you go and do it instead of posting these fucking threads every day now?

That would be just my luck. I suddenly have gross itchy sores all over my skin and scalp starting around 2.5 months ago, sore throat and losing my voice, fatigue, headache and loss of ability to focus and think clearly. Also every small knick is not healing and is becoming infected despite me having a strong immune system my entire life until now.

>sticking your penis in a literal cumrag

No, you might die virgin but at least you'll have your dignity intact

Lol , first of all he can post whatever the fuck he wants , any amount of times he wants. Nobody is forcing you to reply. Wtf is wrong with you lol

What does this have anything to do with dignity ? What are you talking about ?

Why do niggers feel the need to type in a unique and incorrect manner. You don't need spaces between punctuation, silly monkeyman

No, what are YOU talking about?

Would you tell your gf that you lost your v card to a hooker? I doubt it, hookers are mentally deranged people and if you wanna share fluids with them you're just as fucked up as them. A man with dignity would find a way to have genuine sex, not cheat his way into pussy.

>hookers are mentally deranged people
No they're not. Are you stupid or lying?

Lol why do I have to type grammatically correct on this stupid website ? Are fucking retarded ?

I did it so I can experience it just once before I die, I was feeling very suicidal at the time. Now I regret it deeply. Wish I could go back and do things differently, god I'm so sorry I repent please forgive me I am sick please forgive me

Yes they are. Do you think someone who is mentally sound would have to resort to fucking strangers? It's dangerous.

I never said you HAD to. I have a new question, why do niggers love playing the victim every chance they get?

is your gf going to tell you everything she did with other men? doubt it.

ok if you want to whiteknight for whores, maybe you need to save one that's past their prime and marry them, dont blame them for divorcing you and taking half your shit since they destroyed their ability to pairbond just so they can make all that money. they traded their ability as a gatekeeper of reproduction so they could make a quick buck to support their hedonistic lives.

All legal sex workers (camgirls, strippers, and av actors too) and regular johns should be force onto a registry with their real names so people know that trying any future with them except for being a sugar daddy simp is going to be impossible

>I'd be literally shaking if I saw a women dressed like this in front of me
Go to a prostitute if you're this much of a wimp

If you are 25 + it will be the best you can get, you will never find a relationship at this point might as well give up and take care of yourself and from time to time pay for a Asian escort you are not missing out having a gf is worst and more expensive than paying a prostitute, plus they don't judge you like those whores do

I can't imagine a women dressed like that being interested in me, I'm cooming just watching the videos of them walking around

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Damn where is this place i need to go there asap
Macau! I'd literally be shaking see all these sexy women walking around, some even beckoning to me...
Hong Kong looks fun too when you can knock their doors and then a sexy scantily clad lady appears!

It's extremely unlikely that you would contract HIV from getting your dick sucked.

Here we go. The 'Just take a shower bro' advice.

who do asian prostitutes look so good? westerners don't even try to. They all have tattoos and look gross as if on purpose.

I have symptoms and am terrified. I will eventually work the courage up to get tested as symptoms get worse, and will make a thread with the results. If positive, trips will decide my suicide.

I'd be shaking so much if I rung the doorbell and saw a women dressed like this open it...

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Dude are you ever going to go to Honkers and fuck a prossie there? Probably not I imagine, so why are you obsessing over videos of HK prostitutes? In any case Thailand and Philippines are far better places in Asia to get laid. But with Corona Chan on the prowl right now maybe best to stay at home and pull your dick for a bit. When the time is right you can find an escort. If you live in the USA this could be a problem as prostitution is illegal in most places there. You probably won't get great service or have a memorable experience. Maybe go down south to Dominican Republic or Colombia for some fun. Be careful because mongering can be an addictive hobby, you gotta keep it under control.

I'd be instantly hard as a rock, excited for the immense pleasure that I'm about to experience, just knowing this sexy asian woman in skimpy clothing is gonna touch me and make me cum

Who's to say he won't ever find a relationship if he is 25+??
I was 28 when I first started dating and I've had a few relationships since then. Some people start later in life, in fact some people become a lot more confident and attractive later in life.

>why are you obsessing over videos of HK prostitutes?
Hong Kong looks fun when you can ring the door bell... I'd probably fall pray to the first attractive one in scantily clad clothes and confess to her that i'm a virgin

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Dude calm down. You went to a prostitute you had a shit experience, it happens, move on. I've had plenty of crappy experiences, but it doesn't stop me fucking hookers because just one awesome experience can make up for all the shit ones. As it happens I've had quite a few awesome experiences. If you tried it and didn't like it ok, no harm done, you live and you learn. But stop being a whingy, whining cuck.

Oh yeah, also just the fact that they're desperately competing for my attention and money is hot as fuck, knowing they try their hardest to be sexy for me and give me the best orgasms and sensations, my personal little slut working hard for my money, genuinely trying to please me and make me cum everywhere

A beta like me would feel bad for knocking or ringing and not having sex with them and wasting their time... but if they're pretty and scantily clad I probably couldn't help myself. I would beg and ask to pay for a longer session because I have premature ejaculation

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Could be true maybe its just me, im 28 as well but i kinda gave up on this subject

Thanks OP i will be watching this

Chinese prostitutes in Honkers would see you coming from a mile off and they would extract every penny out of your pocket.
You can find the same shit in Singapore, go and look for videos about Geylang and Orchard Towers (aka The 4 Floors of Whores), not to mention Thailand, Cambodia and Philippines. These are all destinations I would choose for mongering over Hong Kong. In Thailand you can go and visit a soapy and pick a scantily clad girl who will take you and give you a bubble bath and nude massage and then fuck you.

I'm literally cooming to these videos
If an attractive one opened the door, I'd just hand over my wallet immediately...

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virginity loses it's importance once you go past the age of like 25. It means nothing. Just do it. Literally no one cares, you shouldn't either. Internet hypes losing virginity as something grand. It's really not. You put your pp inside vagege in and out. Great.

A room full of them looks really intimidating...
Her friends would laugh and tease her that the beta chose her

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OP sauce on the video pls

just search hong kong red light on youtube
theres no sex its just scantily clad women opening the doors that makes me coom

Jesus fucking Christ, that's like heaven on earth, how much it would cost to fuck one of them
I would literally coom in my pants instantly if a women dressed like this walked in to my room

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Its worth it. You'll regret not doing when you're older and still a virgin.

HIV is basically cured these days.

literally how do you walk away from a women dressed like this she opened the door??

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it depends what the face looks like and if she's willing to do 69 without condom. The body looks good.

I don't think you should be having sex without a condom and 69ing

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69 isn't sex, it's fine to do it without condom.

From what I've see in these videos they stay inside and you knock the door of you liked her you enter, it's literally a building full of prostitutes and some of them are really cute

I thought i saw the same thread yesterday?
>I'd be literally shaking if I saw a women dressed like this in front of me.
I already told you, if she's a good escort and you're a virgin, she will treat you well. In fact she would be happy if she got to fuck a young shy virgin boy instead of the usual hairy boomers with nasty fetishes. Just go along with the flow... but keep your head on your shoulders. Get a good one not a random hooker

I used to go to these brothels all the time since i actually live in HK. I've stopped going for about 2 months now because of the Corona-chan.
these places are reasonably priced. usually $600 HKD ($78USD) for 1 pop. these brothels are entire buildings with apartments that have been subdivided into 3-4 individual subunits, each subunit has its own bathroom. once you see a girl you like, you go into the room and she undresses you then takes you to the shower and showers with you. once thats done you both dry off and get on the bed for a quick catbath, then blowjob for a few minutes then she cowgirls you for a bit before saying shes tired and for you to get on top. you fuck her till you cum and shower together once more before paying her. its usually a 30-45 minute session. pretty fun as you can fuck a different girl everytime. also prostitution is not as stigmatized here as in other western countries so you usually see people from all walks of life lining up for the elevators when you get into these buildings.

This user is based and he knows the truth, you can say to a escort you are virgin she will more likely to treat you better and will be happy to help you lose your virginity

>literally how do you walk away from a women dressed like this she opened the door??
because there are literally 50 other women dressed exactly like this in the building

they dont care if you're a virgin, they just want your money. i lost my virginity to one of these hookers and it was an awesome experience. she knew exactly what to do and how to do it. she even gave me a rimjob, which turns out to be pretty common among hk hookers.

>Her friends would laugh and tease her that the beta chose her
They don't give a fuck about that beta or alpha shit. A long line of betas go through those brothels all day.

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There's a similar place in Cologne, it's called the Pascha. But instead of knocking on the door they just sit outside the room.

Would you tell people that you spent countless hours browsing an imageboard for autistic neckbeards?
Would you tell your wife about all the degenerate shit you have masturbated to?
Everyone has some dirty secrets, harmless things that are just better kept as secrets.

>also prostitution is not as stigmatized here as in other western countries
Azn countries are based.

>A room full of them looks really intimidating
they are
next time i go i'm going to see if i can pay the whole room full of girls to bully me

If you prefer fresh air several european towns have windows:

I'm a beta and would feel bad if I knocked and didn't pay them or reject them as though a beta like me has a choice (I would most certainly reject them if they were ugly though)

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>I'm a beta and would feel bad if I knocked and didn't pay them or reject them
it literally doesn't matter at all. if you ring her bell and she opens the door and is not what you like then just walk away. that is literally how it works in there brothels. they have hundreds of people ringing their doors daily and obviously not everyone that rings her bell is gonna walk in. just dont overthink it, theyre just hookers at the end of the day.

They are not at all intimidating. Asian women generally don't act in an obnoxious, loud or belligerent way. Especially hookers who are trying to attract customers. They are quiet, act as if they are a bit shy, and will often smile.

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