Shes 17. Why doesnt she have any tits? Or any secondary sex cgateristics for that matter

Shes 17. Why doesnt she have any tits? Or any secondary sex cgateristics for that matter.

Attached: teen-climate-activist-greta-thunberg-leads-a-protest-outside-the-u-n-following-her-two-week-sail-acr-1167486240817635328.jpg (1280x1280, 374.15K)

>Shes 17. Why doesnt she have any tits?

Pedo pls go

>Girls dont grow tits before they are of legal age

How am I a pedo?

Not only does she not have any tits, she also has no hips, prepubescent body frame and face

She's disgusting

She ain't 17 no way. She looks 12 dude. Gross

Surprise surprise, this board's hebephile statistics about age are wrong, no better than yellow fever delusions. Women only age like dogshit if they're whores and use makeup, which is why so many age that horribly because most really are like that.

It's very odd. She's basically a fully formed adult yet she looks like a literal overgrown 8 year old child

>she looks young
There's something wrong with you user

veganism does that, no fuel for hormone production

What arent the Euros putting in their water?

I read somewhere that she's just malnourished.

She had an eating disorder afaik

The semen of African men

She has Asperger's and didn't eat for a period of time when she was growing up. Malnutrition stunted her growth.

the semen of african men belongs into the vaginas of our wifes and gfs not our water

If dubs she has a big thick bush

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She's been vegan from an early age.

>She's been vegan from an early age.
That would explain a lot of things

i hope her clothes arent made in sweatshops

>tfw no climate change fighter legal loli gf

She looks like an absolute goddess next to that horrible fat hag. I wish Greta would pee in my mouth.

Veganspammer irrevocably BTFO

I want to flick her nipples and make out with her from behind.

>Before legal age
She's legal in most the world

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>Why doesnt she have any tits? Or any secondary sex cgateristics for that matter.

Because she doesn't want to have sex with your perverted and degenerate thot ass

Vegan diet, not even kidding. She's basically malnourished and thus not developing correctly.

is veganism a (((plot))) to create legal lolis?

Fuck. She looks 10. I've seen little girls more developed than this.

>Breasts usually start growing some time between 8 and 13 years

Hot take: people chasing after legal prepubescents (late bloomers) like this deserve the rope more than people falling for jailbait.

seethe more, soiboi

Girls like this is what normies are referring to when they say "17 is a child you're a pedophile!"

It's a plot to weaken people, for sure.


because she's a vegan, also there are way better teenagers to latch onto than that.

how does it work, is she going to go through puberty eventually or will she look like a 8 year old girl for the rest of her life?

vegan diet lacks all the necessary proteins, fats and vitamins that your body needs to grow normally.

I wish all women were grown on vegan diets so they would end up with Greta's cute chibi proportions

She will go through a delayed puberty of her nutrition intake is corrected, but there will be lasting effects and they will be more severe the further it is delayed (ranging from being shorter than average to osteoporosis, diabetes and infertility).

pedos get the vlad tepes treatment, no lube.

She doesn't look young, she does look malformed.

she looks like what an alien would come up with if you gave it an accurate description of humans.

its the new 10/10 if you ask me

I'm not a pedo, I just want to kiss Greta's tummy and maybe also her cunny.

There's something deeply disturbing about a bunch of adults acting submissive to a child

She looks more like a 12 year old, her appearance is very neotenous. I wonder if it is due to her vegan diet or consumption of onions milk, or is it related to some developmental issue?

She's an ugly mutt vegan. Why do you obsess?

she has a severely underdeveloped brain, why are you worried about her tits?

We're just so used to teen girls these days being hucows that when one actually looks normal we cant fathom it

the brain isn't that important in women.

neither are tits

Same and I'm also no pedo

okay but you're retarded though

>lmao anyone younger than you can never have anything useful to say

That's true I have never once met someone more intelligent or intellectual than me who had been alive for a shorter time than I.

>unironically beli
i cant even be bothered

>perpetual cunny
god this is so fucking based

flat chest is best chest, deal with it nerd


She would look the same as now if she were male and living the same lifestyle. The body needs dietary cholesterol to produce sex hormones and needs sex hormones to cause the pubescent transformations that make people conventionally sexually attractive.

You proved him right with that post, zoomzoom.

No you are a dumb kid so please don't bother. Us adults don't care

flat chest is great but she looks 10yo it isn't just the chest.

swedes just tend to look like potatos nowadays