

>what are you on
>what is your favorite drug
>what do you want to try in the future

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im sober right now but my drug of choice is weed. i kind of hate the extreme paranoia, dissociation and self loathing introspection i get from it though. sometimes its kind of fun though and it distracts me from my crippling depression so that's nice. psychedelics sound interesting but im kind of scared because of how sensitive i am to weed which is barely psychoactive. maybe one day when im in a mentally better place ill try mushrooms but right now that would be a terrible idea.

I like weed too man, I'm actually growing my own mushrooms right now, people don't realize it's legal to get the equipment and easy as fuck

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do people not like drugs anymore? I had a bunch of people at my place and they just wanted to take selfies in my kitchen. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE it was only weed shrooms xtc and lsd but they're ok having one beer and fucking on my bed ffs.
>what is your favorite drug? shrooms
>what do you want to try in the future? mescaline

How does one acquire drugs?

nice, i didn't know that it was legal to buy the equipment in the us (assuming you're a burger) i think its legal to buy and sell them in colorado though. what are your favorite mushrooms/psychedelics in general?


if you're a college student just hang out and talk with the stoners

How do shrooms compare to lsd? I've never tried either of them.

>what are you on
just my opioid substitution i need to shoot up really bad! im so suicidal.
>what is your favorite drug
methamphetamin definetly! and then rc's with similar flashs like aphp apvp etc.
>what do you want to try in the future

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I don't go to college and I'm from eastern europe where drugs are very looked down upon and the police take it seriously
I've always wanted to try but I don't have any connections and I don't want to get arrested or shanked in some alley

>>what are you on
Weed (currently) , Mushrooms, LSD, Alcohol, Caffeine, Lexapro
>>what is your favorite drug
>>what do you want to try in the future
Mescalin, DMT, Salvia, Opium Poppy, 2 C-B.

>people don't realize it's legal to get the equipment and easy as fuck
Which technique do you use to grow it?

If you have an access to the drugs you're not a robot.

not that user but im guessing you just need woodchips, water, heat lamps and or a light source and a controlled temperature environment, some mulch mixed in and of course lots of spores.

I only have access to legal ones
and well, the ones i bought aren't really working
does anybody here use illegal drugs for health reasons?
because i have the nastiest flu i've ever fucking had, hope it kills me lol

but what if you live somewhere where drugs are legal?

well i havent actually gotten to try them yet sadly but i am growing a batch of golden teachers and cubensis
im using the brf method, I bought a full mushroom grow kit on amazon with the jars included and then just order some spore syringes off of a random site, was super easy

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there are a few legally obtainable ones

>dxm (from cough syrup)
>lsa (from morning glory seeds)
>dph (from benadryl)
>alcohol if you want to count that
>weed is basically legal everywhere
>shrooms if you know how to grow

there you go man thats a lot of choices right there

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Watch out for the glowies based mushroom user. I'm fortunate enough to live near an area where azurescens grow so im thinking about trying some.

>heat lamps

Pretty much what prevents me from growing it. My electric bill is high enough.

every drug i use I obtain myself:

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I buy drugs without ever leaving my house. Remind me again how im not a robot.

On shrooms I feel heavier and more emotional. I feel connected to Earth and its people. On LSD I feel very lightweight and energetic. I think more objectively on LSD. I feel connected to my inner self.

seriously tohugh haha do any of you use drugs to deal with medical issues?

damn fucking fine weed, my god its so strange, i can barely form a sentence
u guys are nice, these threads are such a nice place

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I'm on
>nothing at the moment
My favorite is
>weed or alcohol. Alcohol makes me feel worry free and confident, makes me happy and silences the negative thoughts plagueing my mind. It makes me live in the moment. Downside is I open up too much, reveal to much information and do and say cringey shit.
Weed is just a fun high that makes the time go faster, it alleviates boredom when I'm alone. Downside is it makes me paranoid and anxious
What do I want to try
Dimethytriptamene, maybe ecstacy because I really enjoy being a horny coomer

I like weed and booze in the future I would like to TOP a trap while high and hopefully she is drunk to the point of violent abuse if she is into it

Coming down off of speed

learn to TOR retard, literally any loser can save up his GBP and buy anything without even leaving his house

>if you have internet connection you're not a robot

I spent my last few bucks on speed in hope to get productive and get some money. I don't know if that was a retarded move yet. I'll see.

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>nastiest flu I've ever fucking had

I hope, maybe then i can die

Do you have a good stash of drugs to be quarantined with?

Not really, i'm boring and the most fancy thing i have is an opiod which i don't take

>Not really
Me too. I have a bottle of weak moonshine I made myself (~15% alcolhol) and a bottle of delsym cough syrup, as well as one 25mg pill with 4 aco dmt.
I wish I had a drug that didn't have a cross tolerance with dissos and psychs to do alone.

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I used to smoke weed once a week while listening to Mac DeMarco and Mac Miller with my friends.
It makes me tear up at how happy and care free those times were: youtu.be/KWtg0BDRl9k

>tfw teetotaler because family abused alcohol
sucks, i guess i can't turn to the bottle for my woes

You don't want to, being able to process your shitty thoughts is essential if you want shit to get better.

acid was my fav drug but someome gave me mdma the other day and nothings as good as that like wow
i really wanna try candyflipping now

>>what are you on
Mix of different weed strains
>>what is your favorite drug
>>what do you want to try in the future
Mescaline, 4-HO-DMT, 2C-x

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Last night I wanted to see how fast I could make myself pass out, so I mixed 7.5mg zopiclone, 90 mg codeine, and 100mg dph. Out cold as soon as I closed my eyes.

>drinking alone
Yea, it's kind of a shit idea. When I drink alone I get the happiness of the alcohol hitting and knowing that I'm drunk, but afterwards I don't know what to do with myself and just get depressed and drunk.

ok? enjoyed your wasted drugs?

Someone wanna help a complete newfag to drugs get some. I don't think I'd need much, and I got money. Just looking for enough opiates to fall asleep for good

>100mg dph
have fun with your alzheimers

no, how about you eat a bag of dicks officer nigger.

Tried it; didn't help. I live on a college campus so I guess it shouldn't be that hard but I'm kinda sick of going outside

i don't give a fuck about the lies you make up to try to bait people, ACAB

>newfag to drugs
What have you done allready?
For opioids here are the options:
>Make tea out of unwashed poppy seeds (legal to purchase). They contain morphine and codeine
>Buy Kratom, legal weak opi
>Buy Research Chemical opioids on clearnet markets, I remember seeing a tramadol analog called O-DSMT a while back.
>Learn how to buy from the dark net.
>Ask your friends if you have a lot around you.
>Raid medicine cabinets when visiting other people, especially if they have some problems with their health and need pain medication

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New as in like I've only drank alcohol
Basically I just want to od, I have another thread here already, and I'm asking here to try and see the quickest route to that end. I'll look into some of those, though, thank you

Being too much of a pussy to even kill yourself right.

>kill yourself right
Allahu akbar.

this kek. imagine crying for attention so hard you go to drug threads begging people to talk to you about opiates. lmfao if he wanted to kill himself he could do it right now in any number of ways

how do i find a drug dealer? im not in the environment and socially inept

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Drug dealers are faggots.

Yeah I know I could, dipshit. I wanted a quick and painless way, someone suggested going here. If you got another way I'm all ears because I don't feel like running a razor down my arms in the tub or some shit

we love to hate em

opioid overdose is not quick nor painless. please leave us alone with your attentionwhoring

>If you got another way I'm all ears
get AIDS

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>opioid overdose is not quick nor painless
Based user secretly preventing suicides by providing inaccurate information.

i dont care desu, i risk loosing my meds and need an alternative source of relief if that happens

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based opioid junkie blinded to the shitty negative effects of opioids especially in higher doses and without tolerance.

If he's going for an OD dose he's not going to experience any side effects.

>If he's going for an OD dose he's not going to experience any side effects.

No it's not.

>No it's not.
Yes it is.
>No it's not.

>>No it's not.
>Yes it is.
>>No it's not.


can you stop spassing out?

based autists of r9k going at it again.