Talk about NEET food

Talk about NEET food

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>not going with deluxe

Goddamn stop wasting my fucking oxygen bro

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i'm unironically cooking a box of this right ucking now

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bro you think i'm rich

fuck you bro I eat kraft mac and cheese by the fucking galon straight from the stobe

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Quality over quantity. You and over half the planet should have never been born. Then the remaining 2 billion or so people could be eating ultra giga deluxe kraft mac but nooooooo plebs have to exist and multiply

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unironically eat this 3 times a day

best neet food is dried peas, lentils, and frozen veggies. i make vegan soup with it daily. its cheaper than anything on this thread, and tastier, and is morally superior, and doesnt make you fat or cause cancer

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Morally superior??

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just ignore the vegan user and maybe he'll go away

>tfw you've been dieting since new years and suddenly think you've got the moral high ground

Fucking literal baby food, that looks and probablt smells like vomit. Also I highly doubt you are a real vegan or else you wouldn't be able to stand frozen vegetables you fucking tard. How long have you been vegan huh? since this year?

sometimes i'll add cheez whiz to my KD and make it super extra cheezy

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(maybe because their diet doesn't provide enough nutrients for them ahaha )

Have you ever had your sodium levels checked?

user can you tell me what its like? I am too cheap to buy it but it looks mighty better

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I like this despite it's horrible nutritional stuff.

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i thought they did that when you brought your car in for an oil change

>whinge about a healthy and nutritious meal as he actually attempts to justify eating box mac cheese like a literal fucking child.

You deserve to have your face caved in with a brick. I hate vegans, but people like you are instant disfigurement tier.

I've been vegetarian for a good half of my life and the thing is that human beings, human nature is what is fucking stupid bullshit. Like literally any "scene" you get involved in these days there is a giant swath of annoying insufferable attention whoring faggots going "HUUUUEE LOOK ATT MEEE AM VEEEGAAAN SO COOL AND TRENDY DDDUUUUURRRR"

Stupid faggot ass people crave having an identity and feeling validated in this world so when they have no personality or identity they try to define themselves by one usually boring as fuck little trait like their sexuality or what they don't eat and then make that their defining fucking feature. Its the same trope over and over anywhere you go. Autists and chads ruin everything. People in the middle are the best and It's not just vegans or weebs or car people or rappers or e-girls ect that suck ITS THE ENTIRE FUCKING HUMAN RACE THAT SUCKS ASS

I cook nothing but eggs and hashbrowns.

Im 6 foot and weight 230lbs of muscle I bet you couldnt even lift a brick to my face you kissless little beta virgin anime watching incel faggot

It tastes like real food and not chemicals that you've been conditioned to love by childhood memories.

holy fucking shit this stuff right here is the absolute best, i can shove that goodness right in the microwave for when i'm up late at night to cure my ever so expanding hunger. i highly recommend adding some kind of meat unless you really are a vegan then add potatoes instead or something.

kd is gross. making mac n cheese from scratch is simple enough plus youll have a ton of leftovers that doesnt taste artificial

I eat a bag of this every ten days, usually without milk.

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Nothing wrong with frozen vegetables, peas in particular are barely different and often nutritionly better if anything. if you are vegan you cant always just fill up with fresh or they go off. Its important to have things in the freezer too

>love it or its free
what if you call them and tell them that you LIKE it, but not LOVE it, and so want your money back even though you ate the whole bag?
then go and buy another one and do the same thing?

bro if you're 230lbs you're a fat fuck

Favorite flavor right here

How do your hashbrowns come out? I try but they always end up stuck to the pan

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tips for making better kraft mac
>put salt in the pasta water
>cook noodles for 1-2 minutes less than it says on box
>mix sauce in a separate bowl
>in your sauce mix add some butter and cheese if you have any

this is how your kraft mac goes from poor person slop to halfway decent

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>Yea lets just add even more salt to something that is already like 50% of your DV

Christ, this is why I'm not an organ donor

>and doesnt make you fat or cause cancer

Anything thats processed gives you cancer. Even fresh foods are covered in pesticides or grown in soil thats full of harmful chemicals.

I eat crackers and frozen shit from costco.

>have to boil water
>wait for the macaroni to soften
>stir in a ton of shit
>clean the pots afterwards
real neet food is just microwaving a few hotdogs on a plate and squirting some ketchup on the side

i never said it would be healthy just better tasting

Real neet food is feasting on the corpses of conquered normies and moralfags.

All veggies are processed and man made
Youre gonna get cancer from lack of animal vitamins

Tell me more convenient foods user. I dont wanna eat hot dogs tho

almost anything can be microwaved if you agree on taking a hit to food quality


frozen pizza


I really enjoy smoked oysters on saltines. Cheap, filling, and some nice protein.

making some microwave spaghetti rn

I love the lime chile shrimp cup noodles.

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>serving suggestion enlarged to show quality
That may be the most disappointing thing I have ever read

This is some serious gourmet shit, I really just don't understand people that waste so much time cooking when you can just have frozen fish every day and it tastes way better than anything you could ever cook.

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Just cook some proper food, it's not that hard

I add garlic salt to mine.

I'm cooking a box of it, but only ironically

This is eat. this is the best and official neet food. you cannot claim to be a true neet without having at least three cans of spam available to you at any time.

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I like wrapping spam with seaweed and stuffing it with rice and onions sauce.

kraft is a nestle company.

whats wrong with nestle?

just google it and you get a complete picture
(child labor, water scandal, pollution, ...)
its a huge company though, you can't really boycott them

Based and neetpilled let's commence feast

i love these with hummus on them

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>not going with five single boxes so that you can separate rations more
I am a literal autist. I refuse to buy combined boxes, since then I would need to eat all 5 packs in a single meal, which would be too much for me to eat.

Also Deluxe has too much cheese, which would mean that I would get conflicted on the types of cheese I am eating. You need to keep your cheeses separate so that you can better enjoy each individual cheese.

I feel like everyone puts things too much together. These are probably the same people who unironically eat sandwiches instead of eating the condiments and thus appreciating each element whilst tricking your brain into thinking you are eating more meals than you truly are. This in turn cuts down on costs, weight gain, and allows for maximum food enjoyment.

Mcdonalds released a four burger patty today. I am despairing over the fact that people actually would buy that instead of four Mcdonalds burgers separately. Why do people like cramming everything together into one ball? That is horrible food enjoyment management, that is more what you do when you are a wagie cramming for time in a lunch break.

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Going through the pain just to feel something

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I unironically hate real food. I have tried getting more premium meals, but every time results in me feeling the taste was just far less than the chemicals I am used to. I think my brain is so fried on chemicals that I no longer find enjoyment in anything else.

A bit incorrect user, this is how you make kraft mac
>put a small amount of water in a bowl and heat it up. Not a lot, just mostly at the bottom of the pan.
>Cook noodles for exactly 3 minutes. No less, no more. You must time it precisely right with a stopwatch.
>Put pasta in strainer, make sure all water is gone.
>Put pasta back in pan
>Put all the cheese in the cheese packet on the pasta
>Do not mix the sauce under any conditions. Lightly shake the pan so that the sauce filters down.
>Eat out of the pan so you don't lose any cheese or pasta

Normal people make disgusting kraft mac & cheese. I need to make it myself or else people don't do it right. This makes it hard to eat kraft mac & cheese, since I am not trusted with an oven and generally don't eat dinner until 2 AM or so, plus people get mad that I bang the pans together to ensure everything is out of the pan.

What is wrong with child labor? If I could get children to work for me, I would gladly do such. As a kid I never got an allowance, meaning them getting actual tangible money would be an improvement.

This is certainly ok but taste wise it's bland.

I'd maybe add one or more of the following: a veggie stock cube, some chopped onion or garlic, some good seasoning such as salt and black or cayenne pepper, maybe a bit of chicken.

I used to think fish was the best thing and I ate tinned sardines every other day until I did some research about purines and uric acid in fish and now I just stick to chicken and very occasionally a bit of fresh salmon.