Why don't you believe in Jesus? He died so you can be saved

Why don't you believe in Jesus? He died so you can be saved.

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Abrahamic religions are evil. Fucking jews making a covenant with a demon.

I believe in ghosts and other paranormal, so dismissing religion would be stupid. That being said, I'm just on the fence myself since I havent had any "divine" happenings concerning my life so far. I do keep my mind open to it, though.

I am Muslim, habibi

I believe in Jesus Christ, user.
Good job spreading the message.

I do believe In him actually op!

>He died so you can be saved.
He did way more than die. He actually opened his mouth and said shit.
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth;"

He was a bronze age philosopher and moralist not a lightning throwing super-being that you should be afraid of.
And he sure as fuck doesn't grant you free ice cream in the "spirit realm" for believing (believing what exactly?) in him.

He doesn't give me a gf, why should I worship him? Why would he make me like this?

Hamoot! Hamoot!

>I believe in Jesus Christ, user.
i'm ok with that, but...
>Good job spreading the message.
...why do you feel the need to spread your message? treat your religion like a private matter. it works for you: congrats, but keep it to yourself / your religious buddies.

Saved from what?
Life is nothing but pain and fear then we die

Niggas read one book and become tradcaths SMDH

Because more and more materialistic answers and being found for all the phenomena of the universe. That leaves less room for Devine intervention. We no longer thank the gods for rain or believe that the earth is 6000 years old due to carbon dating. More and more contradictions to Christianity are being found.

I was raised with one Christian parent, and one atheist, so I was allowed to decide for myself. I just don't find the teachings of the Bible to be very convincing.

I hope this gave you some insight into the mind of an atheist and hope it made some sense. :)

>bronze age philopsher
kek what?
jesus came after ancient greek philopshers which was well past the bronze age. his philopshical ideas (paul the apostle) were just taken from socrates (plato) and twisted in such a way that led to one of if not the most vile religions in history

I do user the issue is me living a lazy life

Christ is but a manifestation of the demiurge

*blocks the path of christfags everywhere*

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>He died so you can be saved
wut? explain?

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religious people are some of the most self important people ever, they think that a god, even if it did exist would give a shit about their lives, thoughts or actions

already do user. glory to our Father

If God is supremely good, then he has the desire to eliminate evil

Where does it say he wants to eliminate evil? This post is basically "If God exist,why does bad things happen to good people" argument. Evil is a product of choices,which God has given man. Getting rid of Evil is like stripping away Free Will.

No, Christ came from the true God of creation to save us from the demiurge's trickery. Read the gospel of Thomas and you might come to understand

is following gods rules not the act of abandoning your own "free will"?

and whats so bad about removing free will from humans? all animals lack free will or the ability to think and they are infinitely more content and lead better lives than any human ever could. animals dont murder eachother for fun, they dont commit suicide, dont enslave eachother or exploit them, dont feel insecure or suffer from depression, etc. seems like if a god existed and gave humans free will it was a personal sick joke to entertain him.

Because religion is just one phase in solving our existential crisis as a sentient species, humans themselves are the embodiment of spirituality, it doesn't come from above, it doesn't come from below, it doesn't come from idols or higher beings, we project it outward from ourselves into our collective consciousness as we try to find out what it all really means.

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>God decides I must be punished
>God dies as a sacrifice to spare me all punishment
>except I'm still going to be punished anyway
>and by the way he never actually died

If God existed he would be a dick.

Because the more I live the more I'm convinced there is no god. Where is god when there are millions of children who starve to death and never see their parents? Where is god's mercy when some people get raped and brutally murdered? Don't give me that crap about "god helps who he wants", god is like an entitled child then. He's supposed to help everyone.

>trying to solve our existential crisis
whats there to solve? you will die, ultimately your life is meaningless because eventually everyone else will die as well. most humans cant cope with that so they make up fantasies about gods, ghosts and all this other bullshit. they choose to live in ignorance by following religions because its easier to be a stupid sheep

>most humans cant cope with that so they make up fantasies about gods, ghosts and all this other bullshit. they choose to live in ignorance by following religions because its easier to be a stupid sheep

No. Humans need fantasy to be human. To be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape.

The concept of an everlasting mark on history is also human, because the universe is finite and any such idea that actions are meaningless because of the finite nature of existence is, also, a flawed human concept.
Things do not need to last to be important and importance itself is defined by us. The universe will not answer our plea so it's best if we are the ones trying to figure it out.

>b-but free will allows evil, not god!

You're just kicking the can down the road. An omnipotent, omniscient God is capable of making a version of Free Will that excludes Evil. If you're going to claim otherwise, then you're denying the omnipotence and omniscience.

He wouldn't have died if he didn't know he was just gonna be ressurected

Exactly. God creates an imperfect creation, then his deluded braindead cult followers make up excuses on his behalf. That's like me selling a car with no wheels to someone and then the guy asks me where are the wheels and I tell him "well it's your fault you bought it"

so if someone didnt have the ability to fantasize they wouldnt be considered human? what about if someone didnt have the ability to empathize, are they inhuman as well?

so how meaningfull were the actions of other humans on different planets? what if humans at one time lived on mars or any other planet? how usefull or even existent was their everlasting mark on history? how meaningful was their existence? how important were they and their thoughts and achievements now that theyre all extinct with no trace?

Monotheistic religions with all-loving Gods have to perform a ton of mental gymnastics to justify why life is shit. Most of it is nearly identical to how narcissists and their enablers justify abuse:

>You just don't get it, everything I'm doing is actually good and just and you're just too small minded and ignorant to see my grand vision
>No you see, it's actually YOUR fault bad things are happening
>You deserve it for not loving me enough

Polytheistic religions, like greco-roman paganism, didn't buy into the meme of a purely benevolent deity. When bad shit happened to them, all they'd say is:

>Fuck, Jupiter's pissed. Get inside before he wrecks your shit.

Will Jesus give me a blowjob? My succubus gives me blowjobs that feel heavenly. What do I need Jesus for?

Monotheistic religions are flawed to begin with. It doesn't make sense there is ONLY one creator, provided the fact there are so many contradictions everywhere. According to the desert manga canon, god also took 7 days to create the universe which implies he has energy and had human qualities. Egyptians had the right idea of what religion should be, many different gods with different purposes and philosophies.

Jesus died because a whore named Marry lied about her whoring so that Joseph a Chad wouldn't beat the shit out of them so they invented a whole religion

God impregnated Mary from the sky and gave her the son of god..... who also happens to be god himself....yeah sure. It hurts my brain that people above the age of 10 believe in this crap.

>Egyptians had the right idea of what religion should be
yeah human sacrifices to the "gods" is definitely the right idea

>human sacrifice
You're talking about pre-Abrahamic Jews, Aztecs and so on. Egyptians did not do human sacrifice. They also didn't enslave the Jews, that's another myth. They did tests on the "slaves" in tombs, and found out they were healthy and in good condition, and they were just labourers of Egyptian descent.

>whats there to solve?
The very things you mentioned after asking this question. I'm not religious but I don't agree with easily throwing around phrases like everything is meaningless or religion is ignorance, in fact suggesting that is massively ignorant. It's purely human to project meaning onto things to find comfort when it comes to asking the big questions, just as you find comfort in nothing mattering, but if nothing matters then there's no endgame, there's no progress because there's no point, if you want to live like nothing matters than you're just a damn dirty ape. Our minds allow us to rise above the rest and to question our own existence and the existence of everything else, we can give it meaning, we can find comfort in it, which we do simply because we can, and we'll keep progressing because not all of us are apes that reject our humanity.

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Monotheism comes from an innate desire in people to submit to big strong Daddy/Alpha Male chimp pack leader. Fascism and other authoritarian ideologies revolve around a powerful, venerated leader for that reason.

Abrahamic religions make more sense when you view it in terms of what people want to believe is true (in moral and existential terms), instead of as an explanation of the existing world. A lot of it involves rejection of the physical world as false and illusory, and promises a truer, more correct world to the select, correct few.

Because the whole Jesus story just seems so implausibly ridiculous.

Yeah, they should just endlessly focus on a single, overhyped human sacrifice. And then perform symbolic cannibalism of that person's flesh and blood for thousands of years. And make the associated torture device a symbol of the religion.

Glory to our Father. God bless your soul, user. This kind of post makes me happy, Keep it going my fellows robochristians!!

It all boils down to Jewish manipulation. Notice the similarity in all Abrahamic religions? It's all based around the Israelites and Jews. They need to carry on that narrative that they're a divine race of people so people protect them and they can claim any land as holy and as their own. Jews are a disgusting race of kikes who manipulate people and rewrite history to fit their narrative.

everything is meaningless, because everyone else has differeing meanings behind everything. if meaning existed then everyone would agree on what it is. the one thing everyone can agree on is that you will die (that in itself isnt meaning its just a fact, even religious nutcases believe in death).

religion is ignorance because youd choose to just accept in a fairy tale that explains everything for you. if you werent ignorant then youd study science.

you realize that humans evolved from dirty apes right? and i dont recal any dirty apes suffering from diseases like the corona virus. i dont recall apes commiting suicide , causing wars, destroying their enviroment, enslaving others? tell me how were so much superior than apes again?

All you're saying is that everything is meaningless because people are applying meaning to things, that doesn't make it obsolete, people giving a different meaning to things than yours doesn't make the comforts that it provides obsolete either. In fact one credit you should give to the bible - though perhaps unintentional, I don't know - is that to this day people will still debate the meaning of it, and I think you'd agree with me that you shouldn't take everything written in it literally.

>if you werent ignorant then youd study science.
It's a dumb old argument that I'm sick of seeing because there's nothing preventing anyone religious from scratching away at the wall of knowledge to reveal the secrets that God left for him or however he interprets it and keeping his faith, in fact it usually reveals more questions and possibilities than it answers. The war between religion and science is all in your head.

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science has already proved the bible wrong, darwin to be specific. the bible is shit, theres more interesting philopshical literature to study like socrates (ancient greek philopsher who paul the apostle based christianity on)

if people believed in science over religion then im sure the world would be a better place since more money would go towards scientific research to discover cures for illness, etc, instead of people throwing away money to the church

I do believe, though. He's my Lord.

I can't stress enough that if you're seriously pitting science and religion against one another than you're nothing but a fool and a caricature of new atheism, and an atheist even Darwin did not consider himself because he also understood the value of spirituality, and perhaps even more importantly did not consider science as something to be believed over religion, because it's plain fact that you don't need faith to understand.

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Don't forget they stole Epicurus works as well on the prove of existence of God

>even Darwin did not consider himself
Not only are you scientifically illiterate, you're also historically illiterate. Darwin was a strong atheist, who got ostracized from his religions family because of his views.

This just proves how influential Darwin is. If he is causing a lot of chaos and arguments today then you can bet your money he was one of the greatest thinker of Humanity

His ideas weren't his own either. He borrowed a lot from other sources, but that still doesn't discredit his achievements. If I gave you a hammer and you built something with it, sure it's my hammer, but that's still your success.

Darwin was agnostic. Perhaps today there are more shades of agnosticism than there was back in his day though.

No he was an atheist you filthy Jew worshipper. He changed his views progressively and chose to larp as a spiritual person to get his dad's approval.

I'm not arguing with you, I'm telling you he was agnostic and he said so himself. He just didn't like to get into religious arguments because it was more of a cause for an uproar back then.

And I'm telling you you're wrong. He was an atheist and his dad rejected his beliefs and abused him and disowned him. His dad was important to him, so Darwin tried to please his father by changing his views. It was only later on when his dad realized his son was right and that he was retarded, that he started to feel bad for his own son. That's a common theme with religious parents, they all abuse their children and traumatize them in the name of god.

>...why do you feel the need to spread your message?
The message is that we are Gods (Psalm 82:6) and that Jesus restores us to holiness (Hebrews 10:14) so that we may have a father/child relationship with the creator Elohim.
It was also commanded by Christ to spread the message. Jesus basically invented "please send this letter to 15 of your friends." Christians are going to spread the good news, so deal with it.

Since you seem religious, I'll ask you a question. What kind of benevolent god would cause plagues, have people kill in his name and have a hell for people who don't believe in him? Seems more like a demon than a god.

Save us from his angry father I'd say

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I'm not wrong, he was agnostic and said so himself in his letters long after his father died.