Are you going to vote in this year's election?
Are you going to vote in this year's election?
did the berniefags get cucked again? lmaooooo
Already did. I voted for Biden. If Trump wins again my life will be worse off than if Biden were to win
We ridin with biden nigga.
of course not. it's a waste of time and your vote doesn't matter federally
why can't you stay on your own board?
why? why do you have shit up everywhere else with this low-IQ NPC bullshit?
no one. Bernie got cucked again and it doesn't matter
I'm Australian, but I'd vote Biden even though he seems a bit retarded, at least he doesn't claw away at NEETbux and lie about decreasing taxes for the middle/lower classes and do the opposite
>I voted for Biden
Why not Bernie?
no because theres no feasible way biden or sanders can beat trump so fuck it all
How do you figure? Trump barely won last time, and that was only because hillary was immensely hateable. The only thing that his supporters could point to as far as reasons to vote for him (other than the wall which is a nonexistent joke and oWnIng lE LiBs) was the stock market which has shit itself.
Trump because mainly this image, The dude's great
Yes, and I'm voting for Trump again.
yes, now that the commie is out for good, I won't have to vote for the lesser of two evils and write in Ron Paul like I been doing for the past decade
It's been funny to see Berniebros run into the same demographic realities Republicans do when trying to win over certain groups of voters.
>wanting biden to beat trump
>dog faced pony soldier
>my leg hairs turn blonde in the sun
democrats are corrupt
Why wouldnt someone want trump to gtfo?
To replace him with... more of the same? Literally nothing would change dumbfuck
Ok so then whats the problem?
because people like this expected the administration to be like a Joker movie where the system is turned upside down. unfortunately, all it has shown is what everybody always knew. politicians are corrupt and get away with anything, and america has always been an asshole on the world stage. at least the Afghanistan war (not a war but us bombing a desert over and over with little to almost no allied casualties) is ending after 20 years
I won't vote for Trump or Biden. I'm voting for the Green Party.
i'd only vote for dems if the VP of their nominee is tulsi gabbard, otherwise trump has been doing a pretty good job getting my country back on track
Nah man. Not after what this country did to Sanders.
So thered be no point in voting Trump out either because the result would basically be the same thing.
How do you figure that theyre the same thing?
I think if Bernie gets the nomination, I will vote 3rd party, but if Biden gets the nomination, I will vote Trump. White women must be stopped.
What exactly is Biden going to change? What are his ideas? How much worth a shit has Trump done in the 4 years he has held office?
Probably going third party, anyone who feels the need to smell women that stand in front of him is unfit to command the military
I voted for Bernie in the primary, but I know he's not getting it. All I care about is fixing this country's shitty health care, and neither of those two give a shit about doing that, so I'll just vote Democrat downballot, and write in Bernie. Biden and Trump can both eat my ass.
Can Biden actually win? People make fun of Trump for being a dumbass but Biden is even worse. And there's the sniffing.
I think what people need to understand is that belligerent senile (or close to senile) old people are the ones that have the most voting power. Theyre the ones that vote. Both trump and biden are belligerent old coots close to senility and boomers can easily identify with either ofthem. This will be an interesting race.
Because Bernie doesn't stand a chance against Trump and also because I didn't want to cancel out my mom and dad's vote.
I'm about as left wing as one can get but it's over for Bernie. He's not going to beat Trump.
>because I didn't want to cancel out my mom and dad's vote.
Jesus what a fucking faggot
Yes. All I ever hear is you're wasting your vote. Even people that said vote no matter what and screamed at me about voting in off seasons if I didn't want to, and still said told me to stay at home if I told them how I was going to vote. It's not a DNC ballot stuffing thing. If it was I'd honestly regret a lot of my choices. I seriously do regret some of my choices. I agree with majority of this or that and maybe it exemplifies a few things while not making the worse of things I don't agree with. The major shift is I don't agree with this and want to get rid of it or make it as horrible as possible for people makes me really regret a lot of my voting. I just don't understand why I didn't vote republican instead of democrat sooner.
No. I don't have to vote and Hillary will win anyway. Neither of the dudes in your image will even be on the ballot.
Based schizophrenia poster.
>he thinks people vote based on an individual
hillary was shit too. her husband got fucking impeached and signed NAFTA yet she still won the popular. people vote in accordance to party loyalty and thats why i believe biden stands a chance. but i know trump will win by electoral college again anyway
yeah im sure all those jews arent pulling the strings
fuck you nigger rdditard. if you believe the government should be in charge of healthcare neck yourself commie nigger
You seem angry. Why do you feel so disenfranchised?
No, but it doesnt really matter. People under 40 tend to not vote.
Dude all I'm saying is, if you vote 3rd party people will screech at you to vote till it's time to vote. It's not fence sitting one side or the other has your interests in mind. I've never heard a republican tell me to stay home instead of voting.
bernienigger projecting again. get a 2nd job and pay off those loans. those holocaust classes were worth every penny
>Because Bernie doesn't stand a chance against Trump
Bernie isn't senile like Biden is okay
>I'm about as left wing as one can get
Bullshit. You're a shitlib.
t. pharma exec
I dont have student loans, nor do I lack insurance. I simply possess empathy and want an efficient society where social mobility is guaranteed and less fortunate people dont need to struggle in order to survive.
People under 35 have a really, really hard time finding a job. Unemployed under Bush and Obama. Unemployed under Trump. It doesnt matter who wins, the young demographic is fucked either way. I can fully understand why they do not care to vote. No amount of autistic screeching about Russia or white genocide can move them
This, we should kill boomers and take their resources.
Haha. the government must give you permission to build a hospital and produce medicine. these licenses are very difficult to get. the government is the reason a select council monopolizes healthcare. you can blame a richfag all you want. in the end the government having this much federal power is the reason this scenario even exists
Wat. Employment rates for all age groups is up under Trump. Where you getting that they are having a hard time finding a job?
Yes, and those policies were put in place by pharma lobbyists to benefit themselves. What's your point?
Working a bunch of shit jobs to make ends meet isn't exactly good for a healthy economy.
my point is lobbyists shouldnt be able to do that in the first place. the federal govt has too much of a stranglehold on its states. the govt is a powerful weapon now and whoever wields can abuse it. voting for a kike who wants to give it even more power will only lay the foundation for a totaltarian regime. states rights should triumph federal, but thanks to a certain nigger lover that is not the case. its no different than the EU courts overthrowing a decision made by a european country.
Not gonna voot unless Bernie does a third party run, both candidates want to make my life worse.
but the stock market is up. keep slashing taxes, reduce rates until it's negative, and forget about the federal debt that's somehow only important when there's a dem president. gdp or bust
We have "jobs" but not good ones, working minimum wage without being able to afford housing or health care cuts unemployment numbers but doesn't really do much to improve people's lives.
That said it does give employers less leverage, and organizing unions will do way more for people than vooting for either bourgeois puppet.
More young people have a job now than under Obama. Whether those jobs constitute a living wage is a different story.
I'll agree with you that it probably has led to a feeling of dissatisfaction.
you're delusional. i'm not even a bernie supporter but bernie has an astronomically higher chance to win versus trump then fucking biden does. and this is factoring in hillary being the VP.
i live in CA so my vote has never mattered and never will
you do understand how much easier it is to lobby a state government over the federal government i hope. like amazon could buy out the midwest or rust belt if it wanted to. like damn, there was that story about the governor pardoning a bunch of people connected to donors a few months back. people that donated "only" 20 grand
Well that's a stupid point. All that giving power to the states would do is create smaller fiefdoms for corporations to exert more total control over. You already see that happening with corporate-owned towns like Amazon in Seattle, for example. The problem with healthcare is that it is commodified and controlled by for-profit enterprises, making the end goal to fuck people and charge them out the ass rather than heal them.
The way to get the lobbyists to fuck off is to push them out of the game altogether. That's why the healthcare industry shills like yourself are pushing so hard against M4A, and why healthcare stocks went up after Bernie's recent setbacks. M4A would save the typical American thousands of dollars per year, that's money out of the pockets of healthcare industry shills and into the pockets of working people.
>muh kikes muh niggers
80-IQ shit.
>I didnt want to cancel out my mom and dads vote
You should be kicked in the dick for eternity.
Not him but my only gripe against M4A is the sheer amount of fat people in America. We blow a ton of money treating problems that occur because people want to be a fat piece of shit. I don't know how the system wouldn't be strained from dealing with beached whales and hamplanets all the time.
Just go fucking vote your conscience. When people told me to go vote, I voted against my own interest. Vote either way. Or neither way. Maybe it matters more if you vote something that doesn't fit either. I'm astounded every time I met someone that said they haven't voted before, obviously you're going to vote DNC. That's alright everybody would be inclined to.
Voting for my man Trump.
M4A would get those hamplanets in to see doctors more regularly, giving them more opportunities to be shamed for their unhealthy ways, resources for getting more fit, and preventative care/screening for issues that may arise from their obesity. Compare that to right now, where they just wait till they get a heart attack then get a $100,000 emergency surgery which they can't afford to pay, eventually putting it onto the taxpayer's dime anyway. Either way we pay for it, but with M4A we'll pay a lesser amount for more preventative care.
I hate to sound like a meme, but why are black people voting against their interests? Bernie wants to give everyone a ton of free shit and tax people making more than the average black person.
Biden's solution is to keep the same systems in haven't worked. I realize its the Obama affect, but if free shit doesnt entice these people, what will?
>Just go fucking vote your conscience
Cool, will do. Looks like I'm writing in Bernie in November, if he isn't the nominee!
state government shouldnt be as strong as it is now either
>youre being paid to voice against cental government!
lol so im on the libertarians' payroll now? i mean we kinda already tried medicare for all: obamacare. the government was all set and ready to funnel money into healthcare when suddenly.... the prices tripled. it collapsed because the guy in charge of it all sold out to a select few suppliers anyway. a monopoly was formed. you do not "push" lobbyists out. you simply appoint 1 head honcho to freely control the hose that squirts out infinite water. the taxpayers receive the water bill while only receiving a few droplets