Is there anything more fun than trolling dog lovers?
Is there anything more fun than trolling dog lovers?
god i fucking hate dogs and their owners
Having sexuaI intercourse
Trolling pupperino people > cumming in nasty disease ridden hole.
You will never know the true enlightened joys of pissing off dog lovers, go on. Return to your own vomit pleb.
Hiding your gay ass tier threads.
Your are a bundle of joy! Yaaas bitch! Bet you have a heckin good woofer of your own!
^i am not giving you a proper you you utter fucking teenager. Eat shit and die hehe.
WOOHOO! You tell em bitch! Anyone gonna touch my pepperino poochie woochie gettin deez hands!
Sounds like someone didn't receive enough attention as a child and now despises people who give attention to others.
>"wow hurting dogs is bad because dogs have feelings"
>will happily hurt cows/pigs/chickens/sheep/fish
>trolling out of bitterness > recieving love
Yeah, I don't think so
Uhh, user? While you were making that totally epic post your uh,, lovely, cute and oh so innocent pooper wooper was uh, kind of.. biting a kids leg... it was the kids fault of course im just saying. You should uhh... probably do something about it.
This whole thread has been OP samefagging
Dogs have evolved to socialize with people. They look to people for guidance and even evolved to recognize our facial expressions. They even evolved new facial muscles to better communicate with us that wolves don't have.
You are clearly a psycho and belong far away from normal people.
Receiving love < endulging In lust.
Only you and the rest of the latter half of society thinks fucking a pirate hooker is the meaning of life. The same half of society that owns dogs and has homes that smell like a urninal because of it LOL
Having sex with biological females
Look at the forearms on this lad. I finna eat a mutt now to get like that.
>Dogs have evolved to socialize with people
All mammals have evolved to socialize.
>They look to people for guidance and even evolved to recognize our facial expressions
And other mammals don't?
>They even evolved new facial muscles to better communicate with us that wolves don't have.
So if an animal has undeveloped facial muscles, that means it's okay to hurt them?
>You are clearly a psycho and belong far away from normal people.
For understanding that it is just as wrong to hurt a dog as it is a cow?
"What we've found is that horses can not only read human facial expressions but they can also remember a person's previous emotional state when they meet them later that day and, crucially, that they adapt their behaviour accordingly,"
You mean... you mean!!! YOU MEAN EATING A PRECIOUS DOGGO!?!?!????
>>Dogs have evolved to socialize with people
>All mammals have evolved to socialize.
>all animals are people
>>They look to people for guidance and even evolved to recognize our facial expressions
>And other mammals don't?
No they don't. As demonstrated in experiments with wolves and dogs. Only the dogs looked to the human while wolves keep trying to figure shit out on their own.
>For understanding that it is just as wrong to hurt a dog as it is a cow?
It's not. You're a psycho because you think it's okay to hurt everything. Even though dogs evolved to work with us, and cows evolved to be farmed by us.
I never said all animals are people.
>Only the dogs looked to the human while wolves keep trying to figure shit out on their own.
So if an animal doesn't look at a human for help with a problem, that means it's okay to hurt them?
>You're a psycho because you think it's okay to hurt everything
I never said that. I think it's wrong to hurt anything.
This is too good. A vegan making a DOG LOVER not feel morally superior for once? Its come full circle.
>You're a psycho because you think it's okay to hurt everything
hahaha you're telling me that if you think it's okay to hurt every animal you're a psycho, but if you think it's okay to hurt some animals you're not?
how convenient that if you kill any animal except for the ones you like you're a lunatic, but killing massive amounts of the animals you don't like is fine. it's almost as if you're purposely cherry-picking
How could they? We got too cocky, dog lovers
I was about to call you guys a bunch of faggots for valuing any animal life at all but this picture stopped me in my tracks. Feels bad man
>you know you guys are a bunch of faggo-
>sees picture
>turns into a faggot
I don't trust anyone who hates man's best friend. They're guaranteed to be a sociopath.
>cant let them dog lovers near us yo, they be psychos
>so I trust pit bulls instead
>So if an animal doesn't look at a human for help with a problem, that means it's okay to hurt them?
Depends on context
>I think it's wrong to hurt anything.
Then you can't eat anything
>you think it's okay to hurt every animal you're a psycho, but if you think it's okay to hurt some animals you're not?
People are meant to socialize with certain animals and eat other ones.
In times of starvation people eat each other. But that doesn't make it okay in normal times. Why not argue to eat people to?
>you're telling me that if you think it's okay to hurt every animal you're a psycho, but if you think it's okay to hurt some animals you're not?
well yea? if your species work well with another species, you tend not hunt them. it's just logical ie coyotes and badgers
And who exactly are you quoting, Mr zoom zoom zoomer picture poster?
>Depends on context
Such as?
>Then you can't eat anything
No. I can eat plants. They cannot be hurt.
>People are meant to socialize with certain animals and eat other ones.
So it's okay to hurt animals because we're "meant" (whatever that means) to hurt them?
>They cannot be hurt.
>Trees also communicate through the air, using pheromones and other scent signals. ... When a giraffe starts chewing acacia leaves, the tree notices the injury and emits a distress signal in the form of ethylene gas. Upon detecting this gas, neighboring acacias start pumping tannins into their leaves.
So can we kill animals that we don't work well with? Like pugs. Pugs are useless. They're stupid and hard to train. Can we kill them?
So you're telling me that because trees have chemical reactions to external stimuli, that means they're conscious and can feel pain? That is one wild fucking leap. Are you next going to say that computers feel pain because they beep when broken?
If society tells you from birth certain animals are food and others are not, it takes a special kind of psycho to see everything as food anyways.
>If society tells you from birth certain animals are food and others are not
So what society tells you is okay is therefore ethical? When society said enslaving niggers is okay, did that also make it ethical?
>it takes a special kind of psycho to see everything as food anyways.
Why's that?
Now it's just semantics. By that logic you are nothing but a computer as well.
Because you're disconnected from society and don't function with it.
Also enslaving nigs was hurting them. Going against that emplies more empathy, not less. Where as hurting dogs implies less, not more.
>By that logic you are nothing but a computer as well.
Not really. You and I can agree that you and I are both capable of feeling the same things. We have evidence of our shared symptoms (expressions of pain, etc), and a mechanistic understanding of these feelings (neurons going ape shit when someone's in pain).
Trees? Nothing like us. We have no symptomatic evidence of their pain, nor a mechanistic understanding of their pain. There's also no evolutionary advantage for trees to be sentient and capable of pain.
>Because you're disconnected from society and don't function with it.
...because I think it's equally wrong to hurt all animals? How do you come to that conclusion?
>Also enslaving nigs was hurting them.
Precisely my point. Ethics are based upon not hurting others, regardless of what society says. That is why it is equally wrong to hurt a dog as it is a cow, despite society saying something to the contrary.
I think we're going to far down the rabbit hole. Let's back things up a little.
People have mirror neurons. We imagine ourselves in other's situations. If you think it's okay to eat a dog that means you've never felt feelings for them in a culture were dogs as companions are abundant. That's pretty psycho.
You can feel for a cow if you want, but practically they serve no function other than to be food. You know this to be true.
humans tamed horses and dogs to aid us you fucking retard. you don't eat dogs because they're bred for companionship and it is immoral to do so due to the perceived value of a dog. that's how morality works.
pugs aren't useless, we specifically bred them to be the way they are because we think they look funny, that's their use.
>If you think it's okay to eat a dog
I don't.
>That's pretty psycho.
Know what's even more psycho? Literally inventing any old shit excuse for hurting cows. Like saying that because cows have no utility to us other than as food, that it's okay to hurt them. That shit is fucking psycho. Some downie who licks windows serves no purpose to us, either. You telling me that it's okay to kill retards?
What about stupid dogs? Chihuahuas have no utility for us. Can we fuck them up?
So it's unethical to kill dogs because you like them, but it's ethical to kill cows because you don't like them? Is that how it works? How fucking convenient.
I don't like beaners. Does that mean it's okay for me to kill them? Because according to you, ethics are based on who you do or do not like.
Look at all these trigger onions fags. I hope your dog dies in front of you
Ethics are purely based on what society collectively agrees upon.
Haha good point. Because 84% of people who were in a habit of eating meat and then tried quitting that habit but later relapsed, that proves we should eat meat.
Hey did you know that 95% of people who quit smoking return to smoking? I guess that proves we're meant to smoke.
Did you know that 87% of people who commit gang-related crimes and are then "rehabilitated" go on to commit further gang-related crimes? I guess that proves we're meant to cap niggas with our Uzis.
>Ethics are purely based on what society collectively agrees upon.
Does that mean slavery was ethical at one point? How about killing Jews?
>comparing smoking to eating
I never compared smoking to eating. Are you retarded? Did your mommy shit you out onto your head? Because nowhere did I compare smoking to eating.
The person I replied to (you?) posted a link that said 84% of vegetarians go back to eating meat. I assume he (you?) implied that because many vegetarians go back to eating meat, that it proves something. All it proves is old habits die hard.
>Because 84% of people who were in a habit of eating meat and then tried quitting that habit but later relapsed, that proves we should eat meat.
>Hey did you know that 95% of people who quit smoking return to smoking? I guess that proves we're meant to smoke.
>I never compared smoking to eating. Are you retarded?
That's a comparison of relapsed changes in behaviour, not of the behaviour itself. I compared "people who return to smoking" to "people who return to eating meat", not "smoking" to "eating".
If you're going to say I compared smoking to eating, you could also say I compared the number 95 to 84. Or the word "smoker" to "vegetarian".
And even if I did compare smoking to eating, what's the problem?
meat eaters trigger me, but out of all meat eaters, nothing triggers me more than the dog lovers who eat meat
same thing with the faggots who get morally outraged when harambe was killed or cecil the lion was killed, but eat bacon double cheeseburgers with fried chicken on the side. endless hypocrisy from these delusional neurotypicals
Next time think twice before joining a diet based cult.
>haha look mom i can't actually prove him wrong, so i'll just say he's a part of a cult
>prove me wrong
atheist and vegan, what a failure.
Imagine being so absolutely triggered by pets that you gotta make a thread about it on reddit9k of all places lmfao