
guess i'll make the new thread before going to bed edition

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Roger, we got the new thread. Send in the missile, over.

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Don't bother washing your hands. I can't even move my hands without them stinging like a cunt

I'm all womfy driving a virtual trucky wuck for 2 minutes then talking about it on here for 5, here's a screenshot I've posted 50+ times already to prove it XD

comfy little choon for you friends. gonna go have a cry and go to sleep, nighty night xx

So burnt out on gaming. I'm sick of the shitshow that is PvP in wow retail. Classic is just sprinting from one side of AV to the other. I just can't get into ESO, guild wars is ok I guess, but runs like ass for some reason. FFXIV is too Japanese, same with BDO. I just want to no life an MMO in peace

Did you not get the moisturiser, you stupid lanky cunt?

I bet he gets it then takes a photo of his hands to show us.
Honestly Ebin I know others have asked and you ignored them but what is it with you and your hands, do you genuinely have a hand kink or something?

the master race, lads.

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the inferior race, lads.

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>I keep them.
Maybe one day you'll be able to delete them? Every day you add a new record, maybe try and delete a day from 2018. I believe you'll be able to manage this
>I just used to go on early morning drives when there was no cars around, like 3am/4am till I felt comfortable driving again.
That sounds so chill and lovely. I love driving at night when the whole world seems so quiet
>Never go far though, always tell myself I will but I never do
What do you consider far lad?
I used to drive from Midlands to Exmouth a lot and I've driven to Inverness before. That felt bloody long.
>The 107 your first car? how much did it cost?
Yeah, poggers is my first. Cost me about 2.2k. I love the independence it brings me

Oi lad, there's no need to be mean to Ebin

I'm doing more to help this eejit than the rest of you that wank over his hand pictures

I bought some e45 lotion but i'm not sure how to apply it. Should have bought the tub of cream instead maybe. They are severely stinging.

I only drive in my immediate area. Furthest I go is Aldi, Bridlington (18 miles) . Slightly further or around the same distance would be the moors, whitey etc then past that York and the things around that so a lot of very nice places. I could do it any time I just never have good reason to do so I don't. I want to start driving to the football in Leeds next season instead of going on the train, least it gives me reason to. My family won't go in my current car, they think its too yobbo and fast/dangerous. It is for sale though but with no interest yet.

I was going to go to a place nearby called "Hole of Horcum" to take some scenic imagery to put on my car advert but a fucking bird shit all over the bonnet so now I have to clean it again

>not sure how to apply it
just fucking rub a bit on your hands and forget about it

Berniebros getting painfully dabbed on rn

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Whats going on lids. Anyone got some deep chat?

fucking hate that the new COD battle royale is trios only.
fucking annoying having to 1v3 every fight

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Amy on celebs go dating from love island is actually fit and very good looking. But mentally? Not for me.

I don't wank to his hand pictures. That's fucking weird. I want to help the lad too. Insulting him isn't the way forward though

what's the most one should wank in a day? 3 times?

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just put the lotion on. It's fucking burning bad now, looks and feels like I've cummed onto my hand and rubbed it around. It doesn't appear to be absorbing, just sat on my hand

i would say 3 max mate

Sounds really painful with your hands lad :( bathe them in salty water to help reduce infections and cuts. It can promote healing too.
Do you think you drive badly?
If you ever work up the courage to drive beyond and come into Greater Manchester area or Glossop/Hyde way, I'd maybe meet you for a coffee?
Tempted to go to the Moors this weekend and hike. Haven't cleared my head for a while and could do with some green scenes.
Do you need reasons to drive? Never thought to just drive aimlessly somewhere that a road takes you?
I hope you manage to get some interest soon.
Hole of horcum sounds like a cool place. Just had a quick Google and it's a couple of hours from me. Might visit it one day. The heather looks beautiful
Try to leave it on as long as possible lad. I know it hurts :(

VERY comfy viewing from 11:13

Looking forward to getting a kfc tomorrow

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>Do you think you drive badly?
In the Type R maybe. It's a yobbo car that makes me drive too fast at times. Though I let a dickhead who was probably wearing an ankle tag overtake me in his Fiesta ST with decals on yesterday because I couldn't be arsed driving fast. I like to plan things or stick to things I know out of habit. I can never bring myself to do things without a reason, it feels like taking unnecessary risks, same with holidays. Why travel when so much can go wrong and it can bring on so much stress? I don't think the rewards are there for it. It is only a couple of hours which doesn't seem like much

I don't want to drive much in the Type R because the mileage keeps going up and I don't want something going wrong on it before I can sell it. The car I buy after that I'll try take out and as far as possible


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Can't sleep. Got to be up at 6 for work at 8.
Wish I was NEET again.

suck a fart out of my arse you incompetent

just seen
>Scarborough Aldi to close for four days for huge refurbishment

they must have seen my earlier post calling it a grim shithole


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>there's no need to be mean to Ebin
There's every need to be mean to Ebin.

Just watched a BBC4 documentary where Bettany Hughes describes the Buddha's philosophy as "in other words... know yourself". Sad mischaracterization presumably in an attempt to connect with zoomers woke females.

well ive just had a nice ETS2 drive, it was multiplayer though and full of HUE HUEs but still ok, now what should i do?

its me again, im playing plague inc now

now im playing the long dark because im shit at plague inc, fuck greenland

the life of the lone nightguard of /britfeel/

Hows the night grind lids?

I'm stoned watching my big fat diary

someone has to do it lad, almost froze to death collecting firewood but ive got a nice fire going now so alls well

phwoar, just built a comfy house on a new minecraft world. got a treehouse element and a second story fishing pier. gonna make a new mine tomorrow at some point.

also, got this stuck in my head. youtu.be/L0fyYBXVaCU

how you lads doing?

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He isn't alone. I'm up too x

>be me
>shopping in morrisons
>see two asian girls wearing surgical masks

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I'm feeling down

Not spoken to anyone at work, my manager came over to me during my break and said I was quiet today, I told him that I'm on my break to get away from him

Which Morrison is this? Open this early?

Learning Japanese and struggling to get the ga and wa particles right. Feel like a bit of a spacker desu

Big annoying crane down the road annoyongly ruins the view because of its big light on for some reason today. maybe an abandoned crane would make a good hideout for someone to live in a postacopalyptic world though. nice and tall. difficult to access. see eveything around.

Anyone up? If so, up to ought?

There we were, now here we are
All this confusion, nothing's the same to me
There we were, now here we are
All this confusion, nothing's the same to me

*turns amp volume and gain to max*

I can't tell you the way I feel
Because the way I feel is oh so new to me

*ingests heavy drugs*

I can't sell you the way I feel
Because the way I feel is oh so new to me

*stares vancantly into space*

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Did you save Astrid yet or did you bottle it?

This was yesterday evening.

chika takami: meat rack boy

So why was Shippy in Wales?

You're a massive spastic mong boy if you think you can 'doxx'.

Just having a laugh is all lad! Some lad posts a couple of IPs and you fly off the rails! No smoke without fire, eh?

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Consult the Banbury local papers lad, who knows what tomes you may find?

So Greg- erm I mean Alan! So Alan is off to Wales now? Whats he running from?

Hope Iqbal's OK. No confirmed activity following 50 days of silence. Concerned.

Greg Iqbal Alan Austin is confirmed for hiding out in Wales.

Have heard the Oxford Mail is a good source of news for those wishing to learn more

Noncenest seething with fury that their IPs could be exposed at any moment

7 cans of Kestrel 9% lad here.

Still feel gritty behind the eyes. Two day hangover's are becoming the norm, it's bearable that said. So yeah, i'll be dead before 40, feel it in my bones.

You morons can't do shit, even with the unlikely scenario you captured correct IP addresses. We're proud paedophiles.

Cant be that proud lad, if you were loud and proud youd face a good kicking and rightfully so. No I think youll find bragging about being a nonce on an anonymous imageboard is the opposite of being a proud man

>w-we are proud nonces!
>*frantically googles how to change IP address*

We're here
We're peads
We're about to play with your kids peas
Goooooooooo NONCES!!!!!!!

I'm the one that give the kickings dick head. I kick a nonce hunters brains out with my foot.

Got to go to work on a couple hours sleep. Ragey wagey. Hope I get corona virus.

only 195 days until autumn my friends

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'magine getting kicked to death by a paedo. lol

Never known a nonce to be tough Im afraid. Their frail, skeleton like bodies and gaunt faces are a reflection of their inner soul. Nonces are good at getting kicked in, but giving a kicking? Dont make me laugh fella