Okay, Trans women are women

Okay, Trans women are women.

What now?

Attached: Beautiful White Women.jpg (876x1200, 137.62K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Trans women are men playing dress up

This is a guy thats taken hormones

Remove the glasses, the anterior pelvic tilt (arse sticking out, stomach jutting forward) due to being a nerd. Sitting down too much causes it, also high heels

Cut the hair, change angle, and its a geeky twiglet guy. I dont wanna fuck a poindexter with a small cock

why are all the pretty trannies right-wing while all the ugly ones lefties?

>What now?
Now we impregnate them!

Because ugly trannies have no community that will accept them except ugly trannies. They trick themselves into believing that if they all banded together and became socialists, they can change the world to fit their mould..

despite being too scared to order a pizza over the phone. These people are deluded and in echo chambers, incidentally the polar opposite of this place.

People here face severe adversity but they have no desire to better themselves so right wing, they see people who wanna get better as weak basedboys

Because right-wing faggots love being dominated by people in authoritative positions. Most conservicucks are bottoms in the closet. Ever hang out with a bunch of conservicucks at a party? They literally all do border line shit and need to come out of the closet already.
>tfw went to a party and watched a bunch of faggots defile some guy that was sleeping by putting their fingers in his ass

haha bro look at this orange bro its just an apple just make the skin red switch up the insides a little and its clearly an apple bro haha im definitely not gay i swear!

>imagine caring about semantics debates.
I shall relish the day it become legal to punch any man in the face who cares about semantics debates.

>What now?


good looking people in general are more likely to hold conservative views.

Slamming her in the butt isn't sex.
It's just degenerate pleasure

Interstellar cope.

Imagine making love to her boi pussy. Making her feel like a girl as much as possible. Cuming into her as deep and hard as your cock can go.

Fill her body with semen, eventually that semen is gonna me absorbed an synthesized as part of her body.

Then take her out to a nice dinner with your load between her legs, wearing a skimpy outfit looking hotter than most real girls out there.

Right-wing Dom faggot here, and almost every single sissy sub faggot that I've fucked has been a simpering lefty who desperately wants someone more assertive than them to take control while they pretend to be a little girl while daddy rams their ass.

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what the appeal to thiese masks? why are you faggots obsessed with them?

i'm not conservative but it's true


Masks are incredibly liberating. Knowing that your identity is concealed allows you to release your inhibitions and act out your innermost desires.
I also do webshows and don't want to be identified.

Reminder that this guy has a discord server full of pathetic orbiters who donate to his patreon.

alkag ajgjg ee8ea8aisksk Pic related.

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Dam, I need to get on that HRT then.

What an ugly man, faggots playign dress-up and hormone-up can never pass

def would impregnate

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absolutely disgusting tbh0n3st

Some Transwomen completely BTFO Stacies.

How would it be gay then?

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The Aesthetics of that Boi Pussy Make me Diamonds

Good for her. Beautiful girls should have orbitters

Attached: ffc086878b00969a0908d56f089439e4 (1).webm (1136x720, 1.95M)

Trans Girls Deserve orbiters because of how much work they put into their bodies.

"btfo stacies" what a gay mindset

disgusting thread

I don't consider myself trans but spending your time trying to look as irresistible as possible to hundreds of thousands to millions of thirsty fans honestly sounds like a lot of fun.

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nothing disgusting about this

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now we just go on with our lives
and nothing changes

Now get ready to wipe shit off your dick

trannies are subhuman but i'd fuck a cute one regardless
wouldnt care if they had existed or not, if my pp dont get big then you're a waste of time

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Honestly if tranners could maintain their looks and keep on looking like actual women as they age, I wouldn't mind having a serious relationship with one. If they have a believable face, voice, and a somewhat believable look, I would absolutely consider them to date and maybe marry as long as their whole personality didn't revolve around being a trans girl.

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ok tranny 0igingally

Natalie Mars is in her 40's I believe.

Probably by the end of this decade, they will have perfected transwomen beauty upkeeping.

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I guess I do hate some women after all, then.

>What now?
I only masturbate to the ones who pass. The overwhelming majority look like old men in dresses.

Trans is a game. Children playing games. What other games will they try to play on us? They are trying to push sexual operations, hormones and mental illness onto children who don't even have the capacity or life experience to make decisions for themselves. If this continues to be accepted, they will push something even more extreme, who knows how far the rabbit hole will go. This never existed in the old days, and if it did, it existed for a very specific case, a particular person with real trauma and reasoning. Mental illness is being manufactured, created, pushed and pulled, it is a tool that is being wielded, shielded, siphoned and buffed for status and political scheming. Fuck all these stupid asshat twats who think they're special and damaged. You're all pricks and cunts. Just be faggots instead if you want to turn your life into a perverted parade, there's nothing wrong with being a faggot because it helps with population control and slices down the competition.

yeah, but no hair :DDD

true, OP is tiers above most girls i know.
>Not passing
literally delusional
im beginning to think "pass" just means are attractive.
Lots of older/ugly women look trans tier or worse.

>t-think of the children
>((they)) make mental illness
>t-the r-rabbit hole

keke i forgot how schizoid some of you are
never change r9k

>"pass" just means are attractive.
More or less.
Hot trans are hot. Ugly trans are ugly.

How is anything I said schizoid? Repeating my words in a mocking nature does not give you a point, you smug prick. Why SHOULDN'T we think of the children? How AREN'T they manufacturing mental illness? How ISN'T the rabbit hole being tunneled? I know it's being tunneled because it leads directly up your ass, the center hub black hole of all things black hole and empty. Children deserve better than our mistakes. Mental illness should be treated, not praised and pushed. Love and acceptance should only be given to those who deserve and need it, not to those who have problems that need to be fixed. Once the person comes to a sane and sound mind and is working for the betterment of themselves and others, THEN love and acceptance should be given.

The thing is we base whether or not they are female entirely on that
Despite knowing ugly women do infact exist

Its weird that we do not exactly hold this kind of restriction on transmen
ugly/handsome/weak/strong they are still men.

Why do we do this to transwomen?

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Hormones make you age like a woman if you already pass.

because ugly ftms look like men, while ugly mtfs also look like men

Ugly women have value to the eyes of society outside of the internet: they can have children. No matter how abominable a woman can look she can have children.
>ugly/handsome/weak/strong they are still men.
No these men have different disparaging names that have been normalised and encouraged after millennia of use. Transgenders have their own terms but give it a few decades and they will be BEGGING to go back to the time where people didn't see transgendered women as women.
Society is evil to everyone. Things are only going to get worse to those who don't fit in.

vid name?

I'm a bio female and I'm exclusively attracted to trans women and it's Yas Forums's fault

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>while also looking cute
Its a direct upgrade for women, im only suprissed more are not taking it

wanna be my gf femanon

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I would be neat Having a GF to Share Clothes and help each other do our makeup with.

Then go to the club and pickup a Chad and take turns Chocking on his Cock and destroying our little holes.

No thanks, I have a very strict policy about not making friends with Yas Forums people and I already have feelings for someone I know in real life

aw I understand

No they are not gay retard faggot

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rent free origgi

This is the most retarded take I've seen on this yet. Congrats user you win!

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They're not women. They're boys with problems. I still want to love one though

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what do she smell like ?

Nigga I know this shit makes me gay. I have accepted there are some gays that are good and some that are bad. I just stopped giving a fuck

>Natalie Mars is in her 40's
Nah, early 30s like 32-34

You must understand. I've given up almost completely on the NatSoc stuff. It's hopeless. America will deteriorate naturally. There will be no NatSoc revolution. As the cost of living goes up people will be naturally drawn to the more smutty sexual ideas that are out there. Eventually they will legalize child porn and eventually pedophilia within our lifetimes.

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>tfw went to a party and watched a bunch of faggots defile some guy that was sleeping by putting their fingers in his ass
haha you just have gay friends and I bet you masturbated to that thought later

I think younger but still stunning

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Imagine Having son this hot.

Continue living your life

Ella mogs the shit out of her fridge body here

>Happy Birthday daddy I hope I've made you proud

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It's pointless. You will grow out of this phase eventually. The optical illusion of trannies will pass. They are just optical illusions. Every now and then you will want to fuck a bigger dick tranny like Ella Hollywood, because males are naturally drawn to big penises - especially smaller dick'd white males to big white penises on a "female" looking male. But they hardly exist, so you will realize that it's not worth the effort. The best traps are in porn because they are the best traps. You will never find one unless you get really lucky.

My best advice is to try to find a cute little twink gay guy, but they're rare also. Most gay sites are masculine dudes that we aren't interested in at all.

Porn is such fantasy. Almost none of these featured traps/twinks exist unless you go to the big cities and get AIDS.

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