Opinions about incels?

opinions about incels?

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>opinions about incels?


an outmoded concept

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They need to get the fuck out of this site

surrounding your identity over the fact that you can't have sex then constantly obsessing over women and sex is dumb

brothers in arms to robots. I respect all of the autism they direct into academic papers and well researched arguments


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Incels are great and the scientific black pill is pretty good and fuck the guy who posted gay porn in the thread

Basically a cult, or at best a bad mind virus. It is easy to get sucked into their way of thinking. Lots of people have problems in life, and it is easier to blame it on some external force. Like "There are people controlling the world economy, stopping you from being happy". This one isn't so popular now a days, but if someone believes it then it can be comforting in a way, because it takes responsibility away from you. Incels are the same way, "Oh I would be happy if I could be loved, but the world is arranged so that can't happen". Then they reinterpret things around them to fit this world view, which reinforces their belief. And the more they believe it the harder it is to actually fix their problems as incel ideology promotes self destructive behavior. It isn't hard to get stuck in this kind of thing, so I feel bad for them more than anything.

You're not really going to convince anyone though with one dimensional thinking though user. The part you mention about responsibility is key. Painting yourself as the victim is extremely effective, but the mechanics of that exploitation have been monopolized by groups who have been granted protected status by the united nations. No group will be added to this privileged class unless it coincides with a compelling underlying agenda. Instead of being able to argue and obtain similar status and abolution of responsibility, they only make an easier target of themselves. As they continue, they will be scapegoated until they are the ones at fault for everything that is wrong in this world. So these self styled incels have become the ultimate useful idiots.

Incels need to realize that they can physically fuck so they actually arent involuntarily celibate. Sex is something that society has a fixation on because it is useful for controlling populations through lust and shame. Sex is not as great as they make it out to be. Relationships are actually 80% miserable hell and there is a definite silver lining to your lonesome lifestyle, make the best of what you've got.

Based user calling out the faggotry

Don't get why people have a problem with blackpillers.
In what way does it hurt you, that some user out there just gave up on romantic success because he realised his dire situation?

Why are you denying social science? Is it really incels that are insecure, or is it you, clinging to your predatory moral faggotry and your delusions of free will, denying the social darwinism you're so obviously taking part in because you'd have to admit being a pathetic cringe ass hypocrite by complaining about Bezos wealth while laughing at incels.

>nOt mY fAuLt I'm pOoR, tHe sYsTeM iS rigged

>what a fucking incel dude, you're responsible for the fact your PeRsOnAlItY is flawed, get a life sweaty

Most of them are spoiled and lazy. They probably never learned that a lot in life is about "you get out what you put in". Rarely things fall into your lap.
Only a tiny part of the incel community is really involuntary celibate like me. I have a micropenis with 3.5 inches in length and the two girls I have ever dated in my life outright rejected me. However, I would never directly identify me with the incel movement because they almost all are miserable larping faggots.

They're pretty swell guys. Don't mind them one bit.

autists in denial mostly

this. i cant say i disagree with them desu

I'm an incel. I don't have an opinion on a group of people because I'm intelligent enough to realise that all of them are individuals.

I just hope they will find happiness one day. No one deserves to walk around with that anger and pain all the time. Personally I do have a problem with their view on most things but i also understand it comes from a place of pain. Therefore i won't judge them and hope life will get better for them :)

Guys that don't get laid and trash women online are funny and usually have a lot of interesting takes.
Guys that don't get laid and call everyone "incels" hoping for a crumb of some art hoe's Arby's are fucking awful people and I hate them.

The absolute majority them don't base their personality around this, it's just that you only know a guy's an incel when they talks about it. That's like going to an hospital, speaking to a nurse, and then wanting to complain she's talking about medicine.

This, I dislike the whinny ones, but I love the blackpill researches.

Perfectly said

I disagree, but still, based.

"I may be a 32yo virgin but at least I'm not an incel" lmao.

What about guys that get laid but call out incels because they're fucking annoying

pretty sure most incels are just young men with problems they don't know how to cope with so they sperg about it until they either grow up or kill some whore

>I defended you my queen, may I get some pussy scraps pwetty pwease?? :((

Why do we give grants to disadvantaged groups then? I mean sure they were born in total poverty but why can't they get a job? See how ridiculous your point is ?
The only difference between incels and disadvantaged groups is that governments won't get money from limiting sexual relationship, where as grants are an investment, they'll make benefits with the money they're making later

I am one. Not by choice tho

They can solve their problem rather quickly though. They just need to go outside and have sex.

still beat tho


The difference is the realness of the problem. Sure there are some guys who are more attractive than others, but the despair spiral that incels go down is totally fake. Of course the argument "You can't blame other people for your problems and you have to clean your room" is not universal, but it applies in this situation. Incel ideology is not a rational thought about how things are, but a unhealthy emotional response to the world.

Incels are a product of the modern environment. It's this strange oxymoron where the proliferation of social media has caused young people to either be hypersocial and paradoxically antisocial. There is no normal middle ground, the femoids glued to their phones 24/7 and taking anonymous dick twice a week are equally ill as the friendless male incels. We're all isolated by our dependence on screen time but also forced to interact with unprecedented intimacy. There is no more normal friendship with healthy separation of individuals with their own personal lives. You have to send snapshots of yourself to everyone you know every day. You have to share profiles that list all your friends and family, interests events and photos. You have to participate in perpetual group chats with a number of different interconnected friend groups. It's overwhelming and if your level of socialization can't handle it you're excluded from society. You have to commit 110% with conforming to and sharing the normie lifestyle or it's over. That means listening to popular music that you don't like, watching popular shows you don't care about, keeping up with meme culture from twitter and insta and -reddit- etc all just so that you have something to discuss. You have to join the hivemind and embrace the idea of becoming an empty hollow void like the other shells. All constructing a common identity so that they can share and interact on all levels in a unified hypersocial manner, just to fit in and handle the burden of friendship.

many men are incels. its not a gang or a club. volcels dont exist either.

All robots are just incels

That or you fuck off with porn and video games and anime to live a lonely life. Live their way and join society, or do it your way and be rejected. That's the choice. I've been trying on normie life in my late 20s and it's surprisingly comfortable. For example, incel common sense is the rational belief that clothes don't really matter, wear what you want. Normie common sense says clothes make the man. I started paying attention to fashion and dressing better and now I get compliments all the time, from strangers just walking around. When you do what everyone wants you to do they react positively. Logic says that wage slaving is pointless and you should avoid it if you can. Common sense says everyone respects a hard working man, and it's true. Logic says cars are a pointless expense, just ride the bus instead. Common sense says women love a man with a nice car. It's true. There's social currency to be gained from following the rules of society. Being rigidly true to yourself and knowing what's best is what makes an incel. Opening up and embracing the herd mentality is what makes a normie, and you know what being a normie isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Oh believe me when I say I've tried... I've tried and I've tried again, and then I have tried some more... and now I am over 30 years old and I have syill never had a relationship. Fuck everything

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Shitty right now but it could've been a nice way for lonely men to improve ot at least learn you don't need a GF to have fun. Currently filled with pseduo-intellectuals complaing for the sake of complaing

There's plenty of these "being lonely is fun guyz, beliv mee" communities on Reddit if that's what you want, even policing what people say so no one will be critical or negative about it. Unless you want to go to Reddit or Yas Forums to police speech just like Reddit, get used to it.

I can't blame them, being a guy sucks these days unless you're on top

I don't really think it needs to be policed it's just painful watching people make the same retarded mistakes over and over again

>implying you need someone to be happy

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really well put user. props. i agree with a lot of what you said, but i do think that living outside of this social media culture is possible, yet difficult. speaking from experience, there is a middle ground. i used to completely abstain from both it, and phone usage in general as part of a pseudo dopamine fast. i wasn't the most popular kid by any means, but i had decent social skills and healthy friendships with a lot of people. i think the argument most normies have when starting a social media account is "i don't want to miss out on what my friends are up to," but i find social interactions to be more enriched because i don't have to worry about anxiety from unrealistic expectations that stem directly from social media use, or learning social media cultural norms. i completely get what you're saying though. stamp of approval
its comfy, but you lose a part of your individuality following the herd. but its not like incels are exempt.

Kill yourself dumb newfag incel, simp, coomer, are all retarded words only newfags use them. They make no sense. Tell me what an incel is and I'll you why you're an absolute retard


incel = adolescent/adult male with no sex life.

its not a gang or a club, its a state of being. many people who bash incels or attack incels are in fact incels themselves regardless of what they believe.

a lot of people dont seem to understand this simple concept, they think if they have some personal ethics or philsophy like stoicism/apatheticism that they are above the label. this is false.

many men are incels

this is the truth, never forget this.

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Well im not child like you anymore so i have different lifestyle you will grow up eventually

>incel = adolescent/adult male with no sex life
Exactly so like half of young men are technically incels. You faggot retards spend all day creating new words to make yourselves, then the mainstream gets ahold of it and does the same thing. Makes us look bad. This board really is pathetic. Even pol has more self respect then this

I have no quarrel with incels. A lot of them have to realize that they are volcel though. I used to think I was an incel but then I just kind of started dating. I was technically a volcel the whole time because I had it in me to attract women but did not capitalize on it. There are true incels out there like ethniccels or disabilitycels. Most 'incels' are little more than failed normies. It's like body positivity, important for some but also taken over by lazy oafs

Certain "incels" are delusional. Face > Height fags are the worst.

Autismcels and shortcels can legitimately swallow the blackpill, especially the former.

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didnt read

Ive browsed Yas Forums since 2007, browsed wizard since the first day, browsed Lookism since Sluthhate, browsed r/incels and incels.co from the beginning

my opinion is worst 100x the average 9gag retard here, thats why i tripcode like an elite

yeah i am 165cm and i took the black pill good since i took pol red pills and now i feel the need to ldar

Yeah cause Yas Forums wasn't a bunch of self hating cucks back in the day. Worst thing we would call each other was a wizard which isn't even an insult wizard sounds badass. Nowadays it's all fuck you incel simp coomer basedboi coomer, zoomer, bloomer, cuck, etc,etc

>I've browsed Yas Forums since 2007
you sure did kid

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The phrase incel only came about to the mainstream lexicon in 2017. These faggots told on themselves and now get mad when others refer to them as the word they created for themselves. These people are objectively beyond stupid.
>since 2007
Literal newfag. Fuck off.

You children should take the MGTOW pill

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That's too hard for you to believe huh

Whatever dude

I think it's a distorted version of the red pill (i'm not talking Yas Forums shit). There are a lot of similarities in where they describe the true nature of women. But 'incels' give up on dating all together, instead of lifting and working with what they got.

>That's too hard for you to believe huh
definitely you type like a summer child, im going to leave now so don't bother to reply me

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They understand pain, and loneliness. They no what it is like to feel unwanted and betrayed by the world. They seem to have above average intelligence so I find interaction with them to be enjoyable. They do not really get caught up in trends or social norms and I respect that. I just wish they could find peace in life.

>These faggots told on themselves and now get mad when others refer to them as the word they created for themselves.
Except that imbeciles call everyone and everything they don't like incel; My brother, an unfuckable fat annoying basedboy calls anyone he's losing an argument to an incel, IN REAL FUCKING LIFE.

Go away Shekelberg

Yeah 160cm here bro. Feels bad being legitimately incel

Yeah because the retards from this board made it popular first. Like I explained here

90% of what they say is correct.

Like I care what some no-namer anonymous fag thinks bro

>90% of what they say is correct.

Not really, they're correct about some things but wrong about many others. pretty much like the broken clock

They're wrong about what? Originallyy

They only look at the negatives of things ignore all the positive

they need to have sex.

Checked but I disagree. They and MGTOW are the only groups that actually tell the truth on the current state of things.

It's phony you can just erase the tag and make anonymous posts then go back to your namefag. Something a women would do

> incel isn't real
> unless you are ethnic
> unless you are autistic
> unless you are short
Really makes you hmmm.

>Just work harder and invest it's your fault you're poor lmao
Tell me how being unattractive is any different to being from a poor household

>unless you are ethnic
>unless you are autistic
>unless you are short

but the existence of ethnics, autists and short men with gfs doesn't mean that you are automatically doomed to inceldom if you have one or more of those characteristics

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You can be a tall white incel anyone can be a incel that's why the word is retarded

What fucking positives? There's no fucking positives to being fucked up, retard. That's like getting raped and saying "welp, you had sex, you're incorrect about rape being bad".

>says he doesn't care
>still reply
not him but you cared enough to reply even after he said he was leaving fucking kek

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Incels only exist because we live in a socially oppressive society. At least this is the case if you live in the United States.

America is very socially regressive and backwards. They still hold on to their class-discrimination based views.

>They still hold on to their class-discrimination based views

Other countries like the UK are much worse in that regard