What's the best way to reject a boy without hurting his feef-fees?
What's the best way to reject a boy without hurting his feef-fees?
Politely say you're not interested and don't simply ignore messages
what a fucking beta male. I would kick that guys ass so badly. not because of le white knight but just that he is so pathetic he deserves to have his face dragged on concrete
I would be kind of pissed if a friend gave out my number.
>What's the best way to reject a boy without hurting his feef-fees?
stop caring about his feelings.
just say no, only worry about yourself
he's obviously a beta but you should have answered from the beginning, maybe he wouldn't be that frustrated
Shut the hell up you pathetic larping bitch boy.
Not responding at all is just rude.
Just say no. If you had to appease every guy that showed interest in you, you would be miserable. If they offer you dating and you say no, it's on them to take it reasonably, and it's entirely their fault if they start sperging out.
Send him a pic of your dog eating you out and say you're busy
I dunno why guys get so mad over rejection. I've been rejected by guys and while it's upsetting it didn't make me want to say such things to them.
I don't want him to shoot up the school.
hahahah that dude is unbelievably based
Send him a picture of you fucking someone else.
>I don't want him to shoot up the school.
if he will shoot up the school he will do it anyway, aybe just file report saying he said he would aftery ou reject him.
come on user it is not your fault you do not like him
thats a good idea but seeing this guy is an absolute cuck, he will probably try to blackmail her for sex
>I hate that a lot
What a faggot
The guy is still in the wrong and likely would've sperged out anyways, but if I had to nitpick I'd say this was a mistake. Guys are a lot more straightforward than women generally and he probably didn't know how to interpret radio silence. In the future reject them more quickly, at least to get the inevitable over with.
le incel has arrived
Honestly, it's just a guy that likes you.
I Dunno why girls gotta be so worked up when I show interest. They'll often act weird or annoyed and it makes me not want to talk to them anymore . The average guy isn't going to risk getting in trouble beating up a female. He'd rather not give you anymore attention. Girls get flipped when a guy ignores them, but I dont see the problem.
Just say you're flattered but turn down his advances.
because they have testosterone which makes them violent and irrational. why were you rejected?
Just fucking say no, this is basic human decency and manners. Men get mad like pic related because you lead them on for weeks wasting their time.
Here's a newsflash: men cannot read minds. Shocking, I know. You have to tell us what you want if you want it.
And while I'm on it, standing in the corner of a room and glancing at people hoping to be noticed isn't a signal, you have to tell guys if you like them. Guys aren't gonna bother with most women in today's culture.
This is why courting women is a losing game
Just tell him that you are not interested? Ghosting is, in my opinion, kinda rude, so I do not think that is a good idea. It just gets people riled up. Just be honest
tedious boring faggot. are you stupid enough that making these awful posts is fun for your pea brain
>being nice to someone is leading them on
this is your brain on testosterone
"Tehe user! wow im so flattered that you impotent raged and texted me evil and rude things...FUCK ME"
>was just trying to be a nice person
>was just trying to talk
>I'm tired of getting rejected, I'll anhero
really rustles my jimmies
>why were you rejected?
Just stuff that I'd rather not talk about. I'm still friends with them though.
Yea, way to dodge my point, jackass.
If he's rude to you, tell him to fuck off obviously. But if he isn't at first, just be cool about it and say ya dont see him that way.
thats pretty /fa/ desu famsquad
this, he's 100% a cunt for acting that way, and in order to avoid that in the future as soon as you see them trying something just put a stop to it or else if you're dealing with an insecure wreck as that dude then you're bound to have the same response, and sometimes even worst desu
Fake your own death.
Works every time.
Exactly like that
the last messages are whinge bullshit and women should be familiar with it because they use it every second of their lives
translated for brainlets: in that image the woman is the one with the fee-fees being hurt
1. The text message is fake because why would she have him saved as a contact
2. Just be upfront and assertive. At the same time, don't be rude or make him seem like some sort of predator for asking a question. Realistically most guys won't freak out about it, even if it does hurt their feelings.
Why are women so fucking retarded? They always try to act so vunerable and like they are suddenly in danger because some ugly guy tried to approach them.
not giving an immediate and assertive response is leading them on. Let them move on. It's literally that simple.
Block him you fucking retard
imagine actually typing this comment into the reply field without being completely ironic. Imagine being a 12 year old (or adult black male equivalent) growing up in today's low time preference society. imagine how fucked you'd be to have such a low IQ. God i pity these people.
>(or adult black male equivalent)
was that part really necessary?
This is why social media and texting ruined the dating game. You obviously see their text and you think not responding to them is "being nice"? Is just easier for you to not put up more social interaction.
Guy's reaction is clearly out of control and crazy, but she clearly wasn't being very obvious with her disinterest if the guy kept messaging her in false hope. She dodged a bullet and it's not her fault he's acting crazy, but did she expect that by leaving him on read he would just disappear or eventually die from old age? If you want to reject someone just reject them. Even if he wasn't acting out like a maniac he would still be pissed off because no one likes to be left on read.
the picture is confirmed to be fake
Simple, just be polite and direct.
>Hi Thomas. What do you want.
If he makes a move just say no. If he DON`T make a move after you challenge him like this you scared him off.
I mean sure you're right it's self evident, but entirely worth it for the edgy points.
So is it okay to feel any kind of annoyance over rejection at all, or are you automatically a Nice Guy if you experience the first microsecond of negative emotion? I've been turned down by girls and responded as maturely and graciously as possible, but sometimes I do feel pinpricks of irritation or mild resentment whenever I remember those incidents, though I brush the feeling aside quickly because it's not that big a deal ultimately.
My point still stands and there are many other examples of guys freaking out after rejection. I don't blame the guys for getting upset for pursuing a girl that turns out to be a wild goose chase, but I don't blame the girls either for not knowing how to reject someone. I blame the way how we date by pretending to be asexual aliens and avoid direct communication with each other. Everyone wants to be loved, everyone knows it, but we can't say it out loud.
>dude threatens suicide after getting rejected
>somehow this is not peak beta behavior.
Tell him no, give no explanations. If you give a reason why, it will tear him up inside far more. He will get over it faster of you tell him in one word and leave it at that
>tfw rejection kink
w-would any femanons like to chat for a while until i ask you out, and then give me the cruelest and most brutal, soul-crushing, heart-shredding smack-down you can think of? i-i'll even pay you if you tell me you only keep me around to buy you stuff
be upfront, but dont be the "please leave me alone" bitch.
>if you're looking for a date or something, im just not interested, sorry.
then it's up to them not to go total retard.
also tell your dumb fucking friend to stop giving out your number
You can feel annoyed, rejection is hardly a pleasant experience. The important thing is to not make the girl feel punished for being honest to you. You're welcome to feel shit about it, but you need to not take it out on her and call her a "dumb bitch who doesn't know what she's missing" or whatever.
To quote fucking Skyrim of all things: "What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?". Nobody's perfect, but the sign of a good person is TRYING to be good.
What about if I lead you on beforehand and treat you in a way that makes you fully believe I'm romantically interested, only to leave you in stunned disbelief whenever I tell you I only love you as a friend? I can help your feelings grow as much as possible by being your closest friend and talking to you for hours every single day for years on end, but your feelings will never be returned.
The irony is that if anyone takes you up on your offer, you've already lost.
>tfw one time actually threatened suicide after girl rejected me
Feels bad man. I apologized her on and she accepted my apology after I told her all about my mental problems to have her understand why I said what I said. She understood and apologized me in return for not realizing to let me down softer and I told he it's okay and that it was just as much my fault. It was the first and the last time I ever threatened that.
Man, one thing that kinda pisses me off is the fact that there's no reward for being decent when you're rejected. With most things, if you're nice people will be nice in return, but when you're rejected you have no incentive to not freak out. Like I never get mad when I'm rejected or ghosted, but I hate hearing people complain about guys who do, when they do literally nothing to encourage not chimping out. It's a case where nice guys really do finish last by a marginal amount. From a strictly game theory perspective, freaking out about it is probably a a good strategy because there's a minute chance that you could guilt her into dating you (I've seen it happen), whereas there is a 0% chance she'll date you if you're calm and rational about it. The only way you'll ever get guys to stop taking rejection so poorly is to incentivize taking rejection well.
Yeah you did an asshole thing, but it's good that you understand that. I know you might have been trying to be honest, but putting the weight of a death on her hands is completely unfair, and puts her in an incredibly uncomfortable position. It was completely your fault, but we all make mistakes, and it sounds like you've learnt your lesson and won't do that to another person.
Yes it literally is. It's always woman's fault.
Why would she not just say she's not interested instead of having him spam messages to her for days? Leaving him on read doesn't mean anything except that she's busy.
No. People should stop having to give in to the emotional manipulation of these betas.
That's not quite true from a game theory perspective. I'd argue that a girl can eventually develop feelings for you, or at the very least you can gain a friend, if you remain civil. However, freaking out means that you won't get in contact with this girl again, and if she, God forbid, has ANY mutual friends with you, you'll lose a lot of respect in their eyes. Plus how healthy do you think relationships that start with "I'll kill myself if you don't date me" are? I know for a fact I would hate to be in such a relationship.
That's how I see it. It's not reasonable for us to know each other's minds, that I would take her niceness as flirting and she would take my flirting as niceness. In that sense I think it was both of our fault for creating that situation. What I did afterwards was bad and I'm very lucky I got the chance to explain myself and learn from it when she told how it made her feel.
thanks god I only hit up stuck up jannies with inflated ego so they're never nice
A girl does not have to reply to you or validate your attempt at dating her with a reply. I don't even go outside and I know this. You just sound entitled and definitely NOT HUMBLE.
Why do women use the fakest text ever to justify their regards behavior? Just admit that you want no personal agency or responsibility and are mentally incapable of doing something so simple as politely rejecting someone because you are shit with conflict management and you thrive on the attention from the undesirables.
>inb4 someone calls me an incel because I choose not to sugarcoat the truth
that is unironically the dream. i'd let you play with my heart, toy with my emotions, evoke jealousy and anger and crushing sadness whenever the mood took you. i'd become wholly yours - spend every spare penny i have trying to make you smile.