Im graduating from uni with a CS degree this may and all my classes have been full of these people. Is working in the industry any better or will it only get worse? Was CS a legit meme?
Why is CS so full of bugmen and numale soicucks?
Because the kikes have infiltrated almost everything that was once good. Google the kalergi plan
Because you take a bunch of impressionable losers with some liberal beliefs and put them into an echo chamber (twitter, college, etc.) and you get dedicated worker bees who will lick your boot if you promise to do something (nothing) about systematic ???-ism.
Kind of like transexuals, just a bunch of broken men with no identity because they spent their teen years on the internet without doing anything remotely worthwhile and are now trying to make themselves stand out in any way possible before they end up dead and alone.
Judging from the stickers on his shitbook,
this guy is from Germany.
Assuming you are from GER too;
As soon as you leave university,
you will realize, that the education
you got is worth SHIT,
because getting a graduation certificate
has been made easy,
to push the 'demand for specialist workers'.
If you want to get employed in a reasonably big company, you gotta put on your leftist-smile and pretend to be politically correct all the time during the
day, while you'll be working all night to
work on the skillset required to maintain
your job position, that university missed you to provide.
... Meanwhile, if you have a GF,
she will get pounded by some dumb ass
Shithead, because you are busy working
your ass of.
so yeah... Future is looking bright for you
Despite all the German stickers he's unfortunately British, the labour party is a British leftist party and the plugs behind him on the wall are shaped like British plugs.
Just go to a normal, mid-size company and not a startup or FAANG and you won't have to deal with them.
Should have went into a trade.
Are startups really that bad?
do you know why CS/IT is full of betas? because that is the type of person who wants to play with computers their entire life. this is the future you chose, and the truth is you are probably just as beta as them for sticking out a degree in computers.
its only going to get worse. and you will be forced to report to Transgender freaks as your managers.
just like to add that, this is only for big companies.
He is from the UK. Not Germany don't know where you got that from?
>gegen nazis
Didn't zoom in.
Just read the stickers on his shitbook.
Didn't believe that english speaking
folks would punch german stuff on their things.
One proof more that this person is a retard.
it's shit. 0 hour contracts, no job security (might go bankrupt within a year), overtime (prolly unpaid most of the time), corporate PC cringe and on top of that they make it seem as if it was the opportunity of a lifetime with stuff like """"equity"""", open space, "perks" and so on. Avoid unless you're starving and have nowhere else to go.
Sounds oddly specific
Britbong leftists worship the EU and by extension Germany so that's no surprise.
Because most men in this age range are basically bugmen and soicucks
Because they're simps who are trying to impress girls
Indeed it is.
Within a timespan of about 5 years,
exactly this happened to half a dozen
of my friends I graduated with.
It's always the same pattern:
> Work hard to keep up -> GF gets unhappy
> Become 'woke' -> GF gets bored
> Get cucked -> GF gets pounded elswhere , BASEDBOY gets less paid
> BASEDBOY gets BROKE (in many ways)
why the Fuck did 'basedboy' got changed to 'basedboy'?
>t. Newfag
what the fuck????
I meant soiboi.
Is this Yas Forums or what???
Since when did it get politically correct?
Did I miss something?
Because it kept getting spammed and the mods are faggot niggers
Ouuuuh.... F.U.C.K....
I'm gonna go kill myself.
because liking computers makes you a massive söyboy
Yas Forums has always had wordfilters for overused words you dumb fucking newfag.
looks like he is doing sth with his life and not crying about you on the internet. This 'beta' is probably pounding ur gf right now, while u vent off ur insecurities...
gegen means to be against, not to punch
desu baka senpai cuck
as always there is not yes/no.
Depends on the startup, if you find one that has a solid usecase/product and management (ideally it's bootstrapped) then it can be so much better then established companies in terms of freedom to do things, less meetings, practical thinking.
The strucutur and way of working in older mid to big sized companies can be crushing. In many cases every decision goes through several layers and marathons of meetings, often involving people that should not make the decisions due to lack of expertise. And then the whole machine move slow as fuck and generally it does not feel rewarding
i came to troll but this actually sums it up perfectly.
It's not really like that you know. I've met a couple of those types and they contribute very little to the team.
My advice is just do your best and keep being who you are. The old timers recognise real programmers.
Because they avoid the things that require any degree of physical competence as they know they don't measure up to basic physical prowess expected from the average male.
CS requires IQ above room temperature in Celsius.
What you call "soi" and "bugmen" are just men who aren't retards.
easy and doesn't require any physical ability past hands and not being so baseded you can't type effectively
unless they market hard and get the boomer coin they are shit and have no idea what to do
My interpretation was based on the image (closed fist), which implies the act of punching, my fellow. The original slogan from what I've seen here was "punch Nazis". Intentional typo is "pinch" (u is next to the i). Pinch sounds about right.
I believe you meant to say you candyass roadypoo
imagine being at computers
CS is good, CS majors fucking suck
- A CS Major
Seriously though I think every CS major hates every other CS major.
Shit I work with like 5 "guys" that look just like that.
Greentext of grievances:
>Open offices
>Office politics
>Diversity hires
>Most women
>Most men now too
Then I realized, I was the constant in this equation and figured it wasn't the right environment for me anymore.
If you're complaining about the field being filled with soiboys you need to find a small startup where the situation is more agreeable. I've worked with guys who would sperg whenever the new capeshit would come out but as long as they're cool most of the time it's bearable.
Lastly we could back track 18-25 years ago and I guess do a comparison of trends.
From what second and forth got replaced? I only triggered filters with other two a couple of times
>Why is CS so full of bugmen and numale soicucks?
some people think it's trendy to look and be a certain way. they all look the same - no matter what country - it's like a dresscode that comes complete with personality traits, beliefs and political ideology. no sense of individualism, continuously fearful of being rejected from their social peer groups for "wrong think". it's sad but eternally entertaining to witness.
Hilarious when basement dwelling schizoid nerds imagine that the world looks like they said on Yas Forums.
Try meeting real people once in a while
> the bugman is mad
> everyone is a basement dwelling fedora tipping fatty
> just mention Yas Forums.. that always wins arguments
spoken like a true fedora tipping landwhale/bugman. it brings me much joy how such accuracy in describing literal sheep of society starts making the bugmen mad. :)
>everyone but me is a consoomer
Yep, schizoid alright
user was saying how you were a sheep and here you are with sheep replies from reddit? what a monumental spastic. YOU'VE PROVEN user RIGHT YOU FUCKING RETARD.
>i don't like it therefore ur reddit
Yep, schizoid alright
>vote labour sticker
>also a sticker against an austrian coalition of right-wing parties
What's with people being obsessed with other countries' politics? I've come across Europeans screaming to vote for Bernie, as if there aren't enough problems here.
> replies with reddit quotes
> you can't say that about bugmen!
> you are Yas Forums!
amen brother, and also fuck you
- a cs major
>why do people care about other countries hurting themselves and portraying propaganda and demagoguery as not just acceptable but desirable?
Must be some bleeding heart liberal thing.
A real man only cares about his own wallet and nothing else.
i wonder who could be behind these posts? hrmmm i wonder.
not enough math and actual algorithms to filter out the brainlets
My post got deleted yesterday for asking if someone was a tranny.
Welcome to hiroshima's nu-Yas Forums.
t. pic related
t. angry schizoid having narcissistic rage over his grandiosity being voilated
It's going to get worse. You'll see bugmen that weren't even able to graduate
this post belongs on reddit, I can smell the basedcucks upvotes
>bro that's totally not cool you can't mock my coonsumerist friends!
>REEEE I AM SO ANGRY! you are attacking my freedom of speech by laughing at my schizo ramblings and conspiracy theories!
>t. pic related
what an impotent rage
You are a literal redditor though
you're also a nu-male, OP
Think about the kind of guy who'd WANT to work on a computer all day for a second
No one likes Yas Forumscels desu. just do trade or something else gay
A schizo Yas Forumstard who hates people
Certainly not an overly socialized, friendly but whiny guy who cares about opinions of women.
Yes, this is the state of Western IT right now.
Learn chinese or japanese and move to Asia.
Because you will be doomed to stay in this leftist cattle forever after graduation.
>gegen schwarz-blau
i hate austrians.
>reee left bad
>move to china and earn good boy points
learning japanese kanji made me realize China is a really cool place (Before Qing dynasty, but there are some exceptions) and hong kong/Taiwan movies are awsome.
Maybe leaning chinese makes people realize Japan is cool too.
(But i cannot like pinyin or find the appeal of Korea yet, i guess Ragnarok online was ok)
More like WAS a cool place.
Insular China > continental China
>Kind of like transexuals, just a bunch of broken men with no identity because they spent their teen years on the internet without doing anything remotely worthwhile and are now trying to make themselves stand out in any way possible before they end up dead and alone.
>"the left" vs "the right"
do americans really?
People with no personal achievements love to associate themselves with achievements of others like them and to put others down based on the groups they belong to.
It's not just an american right thing.
it's your brain on a two party system
everything has to be us vs them with two rigid groups
newḟags can't sѹbѹ
Honestly, yes.
I'm honestly thinking about quitting college and never going back, if I don't need a degree to get a job, what's the point of spending all this money and time? Smh.