what would you do if your seat was the one next to him and you walked up to this?
What would you do if your seat was the one next to him and you walked up to this?
Politely ask the young man to move his trash so I can sit. If he refuses I call some authority in the train.
Sit somewhere else instead.
If someone complains I'll refer them to him.
Sucker punch him and slam his head into the window, not letting up until he's unconscious and has life-altering brain damage.
eat some of his fries
>h-hi t-thats my seat
>oh shit, I'm sorry bruv. Let me clean that up right quick
what you see here is actual autism. he simply feels NOTHING seeing himself surrounded in trash. there are beneficial autist in society and the autist in front of us is the non-beneficial type. if you try to take their kids away so they can be brain-washed to an extent of not growing up surrounding by trash you'll get berated for hurting their incompetent feelings.
>he beats your ass and a white girl sucks his dick
Nice try virgin
Tell him his mc donalds is on my seat so it's now my mc donald
>h-hi t-thats my seat
he looks pretty normal, asides from being a nigger, so his social inhibitions must be lowered to allow for a scene like this. he doesnt look fat, and he's well groomed, so this smorgasborg must be incongruent with his actual character. seeing that he's a nigger, and niggers are infamous for their drug use, i'd say this guy just has the munchies from smoking weed.
i'd tap on his shoulder, motion for him to move his stuff, and then make a smoking gesture to confirm my suspicions. if he smokes, we'll share a chuckle, and i'll ask him for plugs because im always dry.
irl, i'd just keep all of this in mind and not confront him because of anxiety. i'd occasionally peak a glimpse at him, and imagine a social interaction because i am a lonely loser fuck drug abuser.
Wait for the next train.
make the white girl my gf and i'm gonna fap to it
>"ayy bro that's my seat"
>lift the bag up and place on the floor
>sit down
I don't think man eating a burger is going to start throwing hands.
I have no clue how people like this can exist. It's so inconsiderate it's borderline sociopathic. To have no regards for your surroundings is just something I envy, like those people who blast music on the bus.
I wish sometimes that I would get hit in the soft spot with a ball-peen hammer so that it would fuck up my brain and I could live like this. I spend so much fucking time caring about maintaining order and politeness in society, it drains me. I want to let go and be a fucking retard like this.
Just get drunk. It's the same effect. You just have high inhibition.
This paid for reserved seat is the responsibility of the company selling tickets to provide in a useable state.
It is also up to customers not to act like inconsiderate nigger apes. If everyone acted like that guy, no company would bother keeping anything clean. That's why countries like India and places in Africa are so filthy. No consideration for their environment or other people.
>your seat
If we had assigned seats, I'd politely say it's my seat and ask him to move his stuff. Otherwise I'd just sit somewhere else but I don't see any numbers on the seat so I'm guessing there aren't any assigned seats. I wonder how many times OP has ever been on a train. Could be a bus but I doubt it.
take picture of him and ask for advice on Yas Forums
you must be fun at parties, virgin
Unbelievably based answer
>you must be fun at parties, virgin
>no one, absolutely no one
>inkwell inkwell inkwell
>i'd tap on his shoulder, motion for him to move his stuff, and then make a smoking gesture to confirm my suspicions. if he smokes, we'll share a chuckle, and i'll ask him for plugs because im always dry
You have to be a literal autist or just really stupid to do this
I'm alright I guess. I don't go to parties often, just smaller gatherings on occasion. If you know me, you know I'm decent.
imagine acting like a sissy faggot to keep normalfags happy. this dude is based as fuck. eating his meal like a low inhib KING
you white losers need to learn from this dude
get the fuck out normalfag
>you white losers need to learn from this dude
Haha yeah living in squalor and poverty is so BASED and REDPILLED haha fuck being civilised. Let's all dance around the fire and holler! Let's just poo where we want! In fact, I'm gonna do a big shit on the bus seat just for you this weekend, user!
>imagine caring about society when it doesn't give a single shit about you
you will never make it
stop being a little bitch and stop caring about what strangers think of you. the guy in OP's pic is enjoying his Big Mac while some little beta takes photos of him. I bet he feels more happy and confident than this weak pussy ever will be
i live in my head. i imagine whole conversations and how social interactions would play out in my head due to anxiety and loneliness. i do, however, have experience in talking to strangers on public transit, so this is nothing out of the ordinary. i like interacting with strangers, simply because of how interesting they are. everybody has a unique story, and its nice not always having to be the one who tells it.
People like you should be erased from society. This is why the modern world is a shithole. The wrong side won WW2
eeh obviously just sit somewhere else
Fuck it I wouldn't even want to sit there. Smells of mcdonalds and half his food would go on me
Why are you retards so scared of niggers? I used to insult and pick fights with them all the time in my youth, I was a huge racist.
am i on the bus
if so I'd just stand or leave him alone, he seems to be going through it
Dunno I have never seen a nignog irl.
>I have never seen a nignog irl.
you too? what a coincidence!
this nigga eating a whole family meal
Im from a small town in Russia.
>dammnn this shawty cute
I'd eat a whole family meal if I could afford it
Have you seen liveleak/worldstar?
Everyday nogs can't fight they just flail their arms around until someone drops.
>*sucks teeth* You aight, whiboi.
I dont care how much or little trash he has. I rather stand up
'Hey man, would you mind moving that shit, that's my seat'
Not difficult. If he didn't move I'd get increasingly aggressive and eventually get in his face. I'm not a pussy like most of the trannies on here
Sorry for what? Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our trash.
Id say
>Sorry mate can I sit down
Whilst sitting down anyway, worst case scenario he gets aggressive and I get up and walk to another seat. You shutin fags wont know how often this happens because youre too scared even go to the store to buy milk but its probably a percentage of less than 1 percent of people who comment on you sitting down without asking for permission
WHO THE FUCK ASKS FOR PERMISSION TO SIT DOWN ON PUBLIC TRANSPORT LOL. You just say something like excuse me whilst sitting down. you dont ask. This board man its wild
no way a train in 2020 is going to be completely full
the point is his mess is on your seat so you have to ask him to move it or move it yourself, FUCKING RETARD LOL LOL XD
yeah so id say sorry mate can I sit down whilst moving his shit over to his lap. Lad im not gunna sit down and smash my cheeks on his fries and big mac, you put it up and give it to him.
In the real world you dont get people stabbing you over stuff like that. Like I said 99 percent of people wont even say a word. The most common culprit is women with their bags, again you start sitting down, if they dont move it you pick it up and give it to them
>yeah so id say sorry mate can I sit down whilst moving his shit over to his lap.
if I was eating on a train and you literally picked up my food and put it on my lap without asking me first I would drop you on the spot. You're talking shit and you know it.
Sounds like youre an autist then.
Dunno where you live, probably bumsville by the sounds of it, but in the UK youd be just fine to say
>sorry mate can I sit down
>as your motioning to sit down
>99 percent of the time they move their shit
>otherwise you pick up the bag and hand it to him
>less than 1 percent chance of him kicking off
you dont take trains much do you?
>if I was eating on a train and you literally picked up my food and put it on my lap without asking me first I would drop you on the spot
You could just say you're a nigger
Also I didnt mean you LITERALLY TOUCH THE FOOD, you pick up the bag. I doubt you would drop someone for doing that and you know it. Either that or youre from bummsville shanty city, which is it
Why would I bother a man who looks to be in such joy? He looks happier eating that Maccies than I think I've ever been at any moment ion my life.
Nice roleplay, you'd probably manage to stammer out "S-s-s-s-orry f-f-friend I'll clear the seat for y y y ou"
lool say that to my face bitch I'd spark you out
Tell him to tounge my anus. Niggers are only strong in packs. When they are alone they are frightened little girls
Good LARP, but you're simply outmatched. You wouldn't land a glove on me.
As someone who's done MMA for 4 years I always fucking day dream about a situation with an user like this. And to then see his post on Yas Forums later that day. Never had something similar occur tho.
Same, I'm a NEET. All I do is Sleep, eat, train, internet addiction.
But the anons that talk like that are RPing, they wouldn't do shit IRL to anyone.
I live 30 mins outside of London and yes if you picked up my bag of food I'd hit you in the face, 100%. If you asked first no problem at all, I am specifically talking about moving my food with no prior warning