Let's say you woke up and your body has changed to match your favourite fetish, what is it and how do you deal with it?
Let's say you woke up and your body has changed to match your favourite fetish, what is it and how do you deal with it?
I've sort of been dealing with this over the past few months and I'm surprised at some of the small things I never thought of.
i would be a giant ass overweight female
probably would be hard wiping my ass but besides that i dont see anything hard, just making my life easier in the social spectrum
In my mind i would turn into a strong chinese dyke looking woman but in my heart i would turn into a bara daddy.
Fox girls and...
Idk, probably touch my boobs and my tails I guess?
You gotta remember that you've gotta adjust to your new body, you think it'll be easy getting used to a tail?
waking up as a loli with a dick seems fun.
The world would be full of anthropmorphs and I would try to impregnate one as quickly as possible
I would somehow be a trans loli
Nope, only you're effected
I'd be this bitch. I'd probably just dominate middle aged men with my pristine cunny and take their money.
forgot pic
muted baka
same. i'd just play with my nipples after i stop freaking out
oh fuck i wish i were a foxgirl
how else are you gonna adjust besides messing around with it?
I am now one with the abyss, the whole; the sum of its parts and the parts individual.
I deal with it by exploring the eternal and ever changing metascapes of consciousness so that I may mark my influence on the world of rationality
So i become a short-haired tomboy with abs? It would probably be boring after a while.
Considering I'd be only a couple inches tall, I'd probably have to get the attention of my family. They should still recognize me despite probably also being changed to be more androgynous and cute looking.
Clothing, sitting, just generally having control over it. Remember that everyone else is still totally normal.
I like it, I'm scared of your porn folder but I like it
does everyone just remember my old self? that'll be kind of hard to explain. everything else will come with time
I'd be a 6'6 toned athletic brown girl.
Yep, the past is still the same, you just have a different future now. Trust me, having your body change into something uncommon is more annoying than you'd think
I would be a regular girl, and I would deal with it by trying to seduce other girls.
just having a different identity is nearly impossible in this day! hiding the tail and ears will be annoying but that's not the hard part.
That's not what I'm talking about, it's more the small things like where does your tail go when you're driving? Do you have to clean your ears out? Small things that people forget about.
yeah, it'll certainly take a lot of getting used to. gotta be some benefits to it though
My fetish is ABDL so I guess I become a cute girl small enough to be carried around and babied. Possibly incontinent
Benefits like what? Not trying to grill you or anything, I'm just curious to your ideas
Looks like I'm now an all powerful reality bending tentacle demon. I dunno, I'd probably go on a raping spree.
besides being a cute foxgirl there has to just be some physical advantages of being a kitsune over human. it's not really sexual so it doesn't really fall into the theme of this thread
Doesn't have to be sexual, I want to hear your ideas
You realise you won't have a daddy right out of the gate right? You'll have to live with your body until you find someone willing to adopt you
>waking up as an extremely overendowed borderline shota
I'd sit next to busty women on crowded public transport and then see what happens. Then I'd probably see about doing porn or something because having a normal life is out of the question anyway.
The first issue that comes to mind is the fact that using the bathroom would probably take some getting used to. Like taking a piss would be normal enough, but taking a shit without pissing on the floor seems like it'd be a tedious process.
Jerking off would probably be a concern, since it'd probably require both hands so I couldn't hold my phone while I do it, but I would also need to do it in the shower so I couldn't sit at my desk and use my computer.
I doubt walking would be that much of an issue, but running might be. And getting random boners would be a serious problem.
That's all I got at the moment, might add to it if I think of anything.
Thank you for being the only good post here, that's exactly what I'm looking for
Thanks. There's not enough content about the hypothetical inconveniences of living with a /d/ tier body, but that's like 90% of the appeal for me.
>You realise you won't have a daddy right out of the gate right? You'll have to live with your body until you find someone willing to adopt you
Fine by me. Being a female Little is the easiest thing in the fucking world. The community has to be like 90% men.
And if I've literally turned into the embodiment of the fetish, then I'd be an adorable girl. I'd find a daddy in a matter of weeks.
The real trick is finding a GOOD daddy. So many doms think that submission means doing anything the Dom wants.
Fuck right! It's such a niche fetish for no reason. I don't really care too much about the sex or immediate growth, show me how she goes to work the next day, show me how she deals with chairs with her new ass.
>Doesn't have to be sexual, I want to hear your ideas
it's really cringe. at the very least being a cute foxgirl is an improvement over my current body, ideally more physically capable, sexually and otherwise hehe
and i wouldn't mind having a futa cock buuuuuuuuut~~~
>ywn have to work entirely from home out of embarassment from your massive futa cock
>ywn clog your toilet with cum
>ywn hide your identity from everyone you know while you try to find out what the fuck happened to you
>ywn wonder how many other people were affected and seek out others with similarly extreme conditions
>ywn do all of this while trying to control your raging lust
>ywn live like a hikki in your room or in the woods while society fixes itself
I'd be more fit, vampiric version of myself, it'd be rough trying to explain that to my chain of command. My religion professor would probably be uncomfortable with me, but it would be more of a struggle to not get fired due to the logistic strain of having to get blood packs for one student.
Other than a change of rooms, night classes, and the sourcing blood shit probably wouldn't change a ton.
I mean, there's actually a fair amount of it, but it's only ever breast expansion, ass expansion, or futa. There's next to no male content, and even less straight male content.
Yeah it'd be pretty easy.
Based foxgirl chad, foxgirls are awesome
Is there? Because it's pretty hard to find it and I've never seen huge ass slice of life.
Don't worry dude, it wasn't cringe until you said 'hehe' which is fucking creepy. No shame though, well, some shame maybe.
Yeah it's not super common or anything,
But it's around. It's mostly one off pics though, not full doujins.
it's a serious desire in my life to be a foxgirl
>Don't worry dude, it wasn't cringe until you said 'hehe' which is fucking creepy. No shame though, well, some shame maybe.
that was pretty creepy to say, sorry about that
I wouldn't have to deal with it because I would be dead
So I just become my oneitis' doppleganger?
How would I explain that shit to my parents?
At least let me wait at least a decade
>what is it and how do you deal with it?
Unspeakable, and I kill myself.
>short-haired tomboy with abs
My fucking nigga
Yeeah that's the problem, I'm looking for a touch more substance. Not much mind you, I'd be happy with a small diary entry. Think anyone would be into that sort of caption?
All good dude so long as you realise.
That's the point of the thread dude, get creative like did
Mate, life's not worth living at that point, suicide is the only valid answer.
Why isn't life worth living as your fetish?
>Think anyone would be into that sort of caption?
100%. There are already plenty of captions like that when it comes to breast expansion. I have no doubt that there's an audience for it for lots of other fetishes too. Consider just regular writefagging though, because people seem to prefer that over captions.
I guess I'd cover myself in burn tissue and pretend to be mute and act like I've been in a major accident, and convince my weird parents that it must have been an act of god or that they have malformed memories
The worst part would be explaining it to my actual oneitis jesus Christ dude this is nightmare shit
True, though let's be honest 90% of all BE captions are fucking terrible. I prefer captions over full on writefagging because I have zero attention span.
Well, I'd lose my job for starters, and pretty much the only "job" I could get is as a prostitute for people with similar tastes. I also would rather not randomly become a female.
Okay but what would you turn into?
Similar to
I just decided to ignore my family. Like not even just pretending nobody else notices it's weird, just straight up not considering that angle because the only response is just "I don't know how I'd explain it to my parents so I'd get surgery/kill myself/fake my death" and all that shit is just boring. Fetishes immediately become super weird once you start thinking about your family, so for the sake of the thread, just don't think about it.
The thread is just "Die Verwandlung" but so, so much worse for some people.
>wake up
>dick is in chastity cage
>6'5'' fit gf next to me
>asks me if i had a good rest
>pins me down before I can respond and sits on my face
>finishes multiple times before finally letting go
>i make her breakfast while she gets ready for her work
>we eat together, she kisses me goodbye as she heads off to work while I stay and tend after the house
>when she gets home she gives me her now slightly damp shoes to sniff before riding me again
>if im lucky, she lets me out of the cage to have a brief erection
>if i'm super lucky she even allows me to gasm but thats pretty rare and i really have to earn it
I guess I'd chat up my oneitis then and be like "hey, I saw your vsco profile, we're like twins xd!" and she'd either be flabbergasted or terrorized but I just might make it into her inner social circle, which is more than I can ask for now so I'd say it all works out when you factor out my parents.
You don't automatically get the gf dude. Read the thread.
This but the girl is like 4'11" instead.
>foxgirl spirit like the girl from wolf and spice
get to live in heaven, and roam the wilderness
sorry if some feminine looking boys and women go missing in the forests
>Oh wow, I got my anatomically complete foreskin back and my dick is as if I had developed with it, thanks God. Knew you were looking out for me.
And I'd go about my day and have quality sexual pleasure for the rest of my sexually active career. And I live happily ever, the end.
since i like yuri i'd be turned into a girl(?). i'd definitely need someone to teach me how to take care of that body since i have no idea about anything...
guess what, I don't care??
me: 1
you: 0