Don't like how you & your life is?
>create a solid daily routine: go to bed at a set time; wake up at a set time; get a good, solid 7.5-8 hours of sleep a night
>Have three good meals a day high in protein; have one snack a day. Eat at regular times.
this frees up mental energy for other things
>Start exercising: if you must, just march in place for 20 minutes while watching TV for a while; build up to a good, vigorous walk for 20-30 minutes every day. Do this at a regular time
>Maintain your hygiene: Shower every day; brush your teeth twice a day; floss once a day
Build good habits
>Start simply by making your bed every morning every day.After 7 weeks this is a habit. Add more things - taking out the trash every night; doing the dishes every afternoon; vacuuming once a week. Do these things on a schedule. Soon you will have these as habits
After building up these habits you are now in the habit of change and the habit of success.. Now improve your life
>Read good books (classics) for 30 minutes or more every day; take a class in cooking; start buying less packaged food and do more cooking from scratch
Prepare a budget
>Track every penny you spend every day for a month. Look at where your money goes and find ways to save. Set up automatic transfers so you are saving money for big purchases.
Improve your social skills
>go to book readings or adult ed classes - this will get you accustomed to being around strangers without interacting. Then join a book club or similar - you will interact, but the topic is chosen for you. After months of this you can join active groups for art viewing, hiking, etc. This will allow you to ease into speaking to and interacting with strangers
After some time with this look for the local Toastmasters group - they specialize in helping people learn social skills and public speaking.
This is take time. This will be uncomfortable. You will be forced to change a great deal.
But in the end you will be better off.
In the end, robothood is a choice
Wpmen hate thread
>150 replies
How to fix your shit thread
>0 replies
somewhere, right now, a robot is saying
>"the only advice ever is 'just beeeeee urself'"
does any of this shit work or are you spewing stuff?
Tried and true. Psych and business studies agree on the routine & habit-building (and that is the basis of an effective use of time, making as much BS an unthinking habit as possible so your mind can actually work on real things).
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is about using good habits & habits of success to drive out bad ones.
>just read a book
Wow! Thanks I just tried this and it totally worked!
See the robot in his normal, confused state.
The typical robot responds to good advice with fear expressed as japery.
Yes, following the process will take you years of effort and force you to change a great deal.
But doesn't that sound better than ending up in a Wizard thread in the same amount of time?
You know you're just proving OP right, right?
My lack of success in life is more to do with my permanent unemployment. Cooking and reading is great and all but it isn't going to create any jobs for me to apply for
A regular routine and self-improvement is always good.
and why the permanent unemployment?
Practically none of this advice would get me a girlfriend.
>Then join a book club or similar - you will interact, but the topic is chosen for you. After months of this you can join active groups for art viewing, hiking, etc.
All of those literally either don't exist near me or consist of middle age and old people.
>local Toastmasters group
No such thing anywhere near me.
>But in the end you will be better off.
Unless I have a girlfriend, I don't care. I've been down the self-improvement route already, you're not tricking me again.
I go walking every day so i don't have to deal with things inside the house.
I live in an area with high unemployment and can't move anywhere. No employable skills.
If you are a stuttering shut-in, no gf
nation? Region? Postal code?
op comes here every day and posts generally the same thread over and over
I haven't posted on Yas Forums in 4 months
other anons? sure
and he uses the same excuse every time
England, North east, no
>If you are a stuttering shut-in, no gf
I'm not.
What's your "excuse"?
York area, then?
Fuck, son, get one of the inbound call center jobs it took me 15 seconds to find. Or even an apprenticeship.
Then why no gf?
I live in a town where basically nothing happens. There's no place to naturally meet other people my age, and most people around that age are leaving town anyway. Couple that with low social skills and you have your answer.
This is the 40 year old virgin route. I actually do all this already and have been for years. It is the unhygienic unhealthy low iq people who get 2 hours of sleep because they spent the night getting wasted again and work at fast food who are out having sex.
this shit will work, but i am a tulpamancer and i need to preserve my purity. if i ever get touched by a woman my tulpa will abandon me and i will die.
>York area
No, the economic black hole between York and Newcastle.
Call centres I have applied for hire through agencies like warehouses and labouring jobs. They advertise jobs, but that doesn't mean there's a job available. I'm already with a few of them agencies and I haven't got any work through them.
If there was a job shovelling shit out of sewers I would do it, but there isn't a job for it. If there was, Mr Shitshoveller's son would have got the job.
I've had the same success applying for them as I have normal jobs. Competing with every 16-25 year old isn't fantastic either.
t.normalfag who doesn't understand mental illness
So improve for the sake of getting better and GTFO to a better life
90% of robots aren't crazy, they're afraid of change
All of those social skill suggestions will only put you around people three times your age
if you are 12, sure.
>North-east UK unemployment rate: 5.6%
Fuck, son, that's rough.
>What's your "excuse"?
the same as yours despite you hiding it
Nope, I'm 27 but I've checked out local interest clubs and they're all for boomers and their parents
>youngest boomers are 57-60 years old
Their parents
>Youngest Greatest Generation are 85+
My guess is you have never been to anything.
The average age in my town is 55, I never see young people anywhere
The bane of Liberalism - no children
The perks of liberalism: literally free sex. Unfortunately, you just can't get it. Go outside.
>not a robot
How "free" is the sex all the robots can never get, hmmmm?
All the young people move away for college and never come back until they're retiring and can't afford to retire somewhere nicer
I haven't because I can't imagine myself doing any job besides retail type shit
I am outside
Where is sex
What do you gain from being a bitchy woman about it?
We get it. You're a victim for not having a girlfriend and you don't need to try.
Everything in that list is super easy and I've done it pretty much always except
>go to book readings or adult ed classes - this will get you accustomed to being around strangers without interacting. Then join a book club or similar - you will interact, but the topic is chosen for you. After months of this you can join active groups for art viewing, hiking, etc. This will allow you to ease into speaking to and interacting with strangers
>After some time with this look for the local Toastmasters group - they specialize in helping people learn social skills and public speaking.
Way too social for me.
Well social skills are the big thing . Being social is a choice.
after doing them for a while that won't be true any more
What the fuck? I just go to these places and do what? What do people even do outside?
I'm already getting a panic attack thinking about it.
It takes me MONTHS to start to feel comfortable speaking to one new person, and that experience never seem to carry over to talking to more new people
Why does it never get better
Is that real? I don't even feel comfortable talking with my parents. Way too much of a struggle.
People are just hard. I don't understand them.
For starters grow up. The world won't be how you and your feelings want it to be.
You also need to grow the fuck up.
Just saying it how it is for me, I can never get past the "acquaintance I feel awkward around" stage
My mom is pretty much the only one I currently feel comfortable with IRL, talking to dad always feels a bit weird and stilted because we're on different wavelengths
You have the social skills of a toddler that's all. You need to work on that. Being uncomfortable isn't an excuse to not do anything. You're acting like a manchild.
Look OP, this is objectively good advice for anyone, but it is misleading to tell people that following it WILL fix your problems. I think westerners in general have a very difficult time accepting that fate/luck has a huge role in everyone's lives. Westerners want to believe that effort is a guarantor of success, because their entire philosophical framework is built around this assumption. But it is false: you can increase your odds of success, but nothing is guaranteed. Many people are born with psyches that will never mesh with modern industrial society, and no amount of self help will change that.
You said it better than I could have.
You can't just blame robots for everything that goes wrong in their lives Opie.
im a complete normie and this advice is terrible
you faggots always view yourself as some sort of intellectual yet dont have the first idea what factors play into mental health
quit larping as some health professional
I'm reasonably successful except for the fact that I haven't had a girlfriend in my entire life. I generally have healthy habits.
Yesterday, I saw my friend who I hadn't seen since highschool. He told me that he was in rehab for being addicted to pills, he had been to jail for disorderly conduct and that he had a baby momma plus a current girlfriend.
This advice is objectively a bunch of horseshit assuming your ultimate goal is to stop being an incel. Depending on how you set your goalposts, it absolutely may be true that society is the problem and not you. Anyone who says otherwise is an 80IQ retard.
These threads never justify why they assume that you're not already doing basic shit like brushing your teeth twice a day. Exactly what are you assuming about the fucked up broken human that is your intended audience?
How many more years until I see progress? I'm communicating with people every day at work and volunteer shit but still can't carry a conversation beyond answering the other person's questions
This is it.
It's not that I believe I have to some kind of adonis gigaChad to get a girlfriend. It's that while I do have a job, good education, good background, no criminal history, no drug history, and make a decent living, no girl gives me the time of day ANYWAY. Meanwhile I see druggies, dropouts, and literal criminals with women loyal to them, and if one falls out they can go through another 3 within a week.
It made me wonder what I was even trying so hard for, when I realized none of it actually matters. Some people are just able to connect to others emotionally, and others like me were just born without that function. So now I just work minimal hours to subsist, enjoy the simple things till it's my time to go.
>b-be social
I can be when it is rewarding or necessary, but why would I bother? I hate being around people esp. when it is more than 2-3 persons and group dynamics start to raise their ugly head.
I want a gf who feels the same, not torture myself with a fucking social life.
You know wife beaters and drug addicts don't fix shit to get laid?
>Yesterday, I saw my friend who I hadn't seen since highschool. He told me that he was in rehab for being addicted to pills, he had been to jail for disorderly conduct and that he had a baby momma plus a current girlfriend.
>You know wife beaters and drug addicts don't fix shit to get laid?
They don't want to acknowledge that most people act instinctually and aren't self concious enough to fix problems. It's funny that despite this they are able to get shit like girlfriends and social lives.
Ah yes, the assumption that anybody who is dissatisfied with life is a lazy NEET who doesn't shower or exercise.
>Lol just get a routine
>Lol just eat reuglarly
>Lol just work out
>Lol just shower
>Lol just make your bed
>lol just keep things tidy
>Lol just read
>lol keep track of your finances
>Lol just join a hobby or sports club
Yep its another empty platitude and sayism thread :D
didn't read, too much work, would rather masturbate
I do everything there except the last one and I'm still a sperg.
There's people that do none of them and have a gf.
THIS. You try and follow this advice when you have physical deformities and you are schizotypal, avoidant and you have clinical depression. Nobody wants to be nice to people like me.