
NEETs shagging fit birds whilst wagies slave away edition

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Work agency said they had work for me and would phone me back later. They didn't phone again. Still unemployed.

Do you think we'll see some kind of UBI introduced somewhere in the world in our lifetimes?

Mum picked up the phone after I spend 10 hours downloading half a nude of Pamela Anderson. I'm fuckin PISSED.

Call them back you div

bf might have to work from home because of the coroooonas
dumb meme virus

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We're not that lucky and it's easier to just import a million pakis every year

Wonder if the coronavirus will kill of any britfeel lads.


>dumb meme virus
Not really a meme though is it mate, it's got very serious.


Hope it kills this autstic lad on about mbits haha he's a mong

Why is there a nonce posting underage anime kids?

>kills a few boomers

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>tries to brag that his internet is actually faster
>turns out it isn't he doesn't know what he's on about

>sorry the one handling your case isn't in today, he'll get back in touch
Sasuga unemployment agency

this board is full of weeaboo paedos
prime example:

yep... i think it's ets2 time

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I get 200Mbps download speeds on my 800MBps connection. Simple as, mongboy. Haha.

No. I strongly believe that in 30-40 years civilisation will not exist AS WE KNOW IT. I don't think that it will literally be a post-apocalyptic wasteland type thing going on with roaming bands of crazies and survivors, but certainly the classical nation state of first world countries will not exist as it does today. There simply won't be the highly developed and wide spread economic infrastructure based on a post-industrial, tertiary-quaternary, limited population economy needed to sustain UBI.

Reckon Schizoid PD is another form of autism lads, debate me

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For me? It's hoping for an outbreak like The Walking Dead so I have an excuse to be a cannibal.


I have a 10 Gbps leased line that provides me 1.25 GBps to my firewall. Through my network switch my Xbox gets 900 Mbps.

lads, i'd like something comfy to have on my second monitor while i'm working. any recommendations? something longform (or a livestream), so i don't have to keep clicking on the videos to change them. want something real comfy like.

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Got 52kg OHP for 5, 4 and 3 the other day which was nice but I feel like i'm going to be stuck on this for a loooong time, at least the bench is going up though
I mogged two zoomers by shoulder pressing 20kg 3 x 10 next to them when they were using 10kg then when I was doing barbell curls with 35kg grunting loudly (at 2am, it was just me and them) they started taking the piss out of me by grunting while doing lat raises with 2.5kg plates lel
Kids these days..

China is the only country where female suicide rates are higher than male suicide rates

Anyone got any ideas why that is?

Obligatory "Your nation a shit, America number one" post.

Fuck your dental hygiene.


sound so inscure lol

should clarify for all the high est posters that I didn't mean to mog them, I just sat down and did shoulder press then looked over and realised they were doing the same exercise

How can you be a single woman in a country with way more males than females. How mental must she be.

are you the webmaster?

>are you the webmaster?
yeah, why?

It's a very particular cultural artefact. I think the more important question to address is 'why are male suicide rates so much greater than female suicide rates in every country on earth except China?'. It's pretty insane when you look at the numbers, and on top of the rates being higher they are growing at a FASTER rate than female suicide rates are growing, so the problem is already dramatic but it is projected to get even worse in the future i.e. men will be committing suicide at even greater rates than women ten years from now, on top of how they do already.

But of course is this male suicide pandemic really being investigated or addressed in any substantial or meaningful way? Not really, no. There's a few programs being set up (mostly by local groups of men, not funded by non-profits or governments ofc) like Andy's Man Club, but you know that if the genders were reversed you'd have tons of media campaigns, entire uni sociology research groups set up dedicated to the problem, endless funding from dozens of sources etc. etc.

Men are invisible, especially the low FLMS males that tend to be the ones who kill themselves. It fucking sucks.

Oh also, just an aside, trannies that kill themselves are counted as women in official statistics, and they kill themselves at insane rates (something like 40% by 40 years old) so the stats you see are actually veneered to look better than they really are.

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there's this /britfeel/ trailer for ETS2 you could host on it

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>Not AMERICAN Truck Simulator


When's my P,
And When's my P,
When's my P,
And When's my P
And When's my P - I - P gonna come.

Attached: 195.png (1054x750, 352.19K)

Cheltenham desu

hadn't considered the tranny thing but it makes sense, of course they count them as women on the official statistics because this is clownworld
so the official suicide rates produced actually inflate the female rate and deflate the male rate, yet they're STILL as disproportionate as they are
really makes you think...

shave and a shower time

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HHL why did you have to go to hospital after being drunk?

N-no. You don't understand! We live in a patriarchy!!!!
Check your privilege you rich white straight male.

here you go lad

weatherfu is a good lad ain't he

women are cowards. simple as.

the amount they inflate the stats by is probably not worth being called inflation

I just thought, what are italian women going to do without access to chads? it's going to be tough for them

phwoar lovely

ATS is prime comfy lad

It seems to run a lot smoother compared to ETS

Cant keep up with all the DLCs recently tbqh

Always wait for the summer sales and pick them all up for cheap but they are starting to release 5+ dlcs a year over both games

I think you can port skins over to ATS if you really want lad, i have no clue how do do it but it should be easy if you are already messing around with skins

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>the amount they inflate the stats by is probably not worth being called inflation
Every Little Helps ;)

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the ATS trailers are different so you'd have to change and rename the texture yourself but if you just drop the ets2 mod into your ATS folder you get pic related

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anyone feel like they're just going in circles with self-improvement

I don't know if I'd say going around in circles, more like someone disconnected my bike's chain from the wheel so I can peddle as much as I want but never end up going anywhere. Doesn't matter how much I self-improve, women still find me repellent.

nah because i'm actually improving
i'll be the strongest poster on Yas Forums in a couple of weeks


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Depends how we are measuring self improvement. The past 5 or 6 years I've cycled between neet and wagey. Been employed for about 15 months now and renting a room but other than that no other improvements.
What are you experiencing?

Tesco Finest, Tesco Finest

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I had a dream a women touched my per pee again

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the time I feel the most happy is when I'm eating a pack of cool original doritos

I had a dream where I touched a woman's pee pee and it got hard and I sucked it and she shot a ton of this thick white sticky stuff down my throat

Saw this girl on the bus earlier. made ne feel sad.

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no you didn't but those are some top slav genetics
look at those asiatic eyes, straight outta siberia

>that filename
you can't fool me mate

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how does the filename give it away?

>BBC News running a 5 minute feature on a boy with an egg allergy
What the fuck is this

she doesnt have asian eyes you blind mong

eeny weeny teeny weeny shrivelled little short dick man

>why are there pedophiles on Yas Forums

he's saved it from somewhere on Yas Forums
4chan filenames consist of a unix timestamp + 3 random numbers

Underage or newfag or both?



thinking about doing some drugs

If we have Italy/China style lockdowns here it will be fucking chaos. Locked down cities will become lawless as the trapped hordes panic. Us womfy NEET lids better prepare.

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which droogs?

>he's saved it from somewhere on Yas Forums
Well there is the Yas Forums-x feature
>Randomize Filename: Set the filename to a random timestamp within the past year.
Doubt he's using that tho tbf it's not enabled by default and not everyone uses Yas Forums-x anyway

Almost went to bed with a sexy tranny this weekend. She passed 100% convincingly and was hot as fuck. Much hotter than most actual women.

Still glad I decided against it though. Enjoyed kissing her but it's definitely for the best I didn't go further.

ah thanks. wont make the same mistake again.

got some oxycontin lying around

I'm gonna buy loads of noodles and pizza wizzas later on, need to stock up

are you out kissing blokes lad?

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other user is correct lots of russian girls have it due far east mixing.

so why did you go to the doctor after getting drunk?

Apparently so. Didn't expect to.

Walked into a random pub and my mate knew her from uni.

What makes you feel that way improver lad?