Is your life authentic? Do you stay true to yourself and your beliefs when making decisions?
Is your life authentic? Do you stay true to yourself and your beliefs when making decisions?
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As much as I try, I don't get anywhere unless I'm fake. I think normies lose themselves so much in a fake persona and that's why they end up being so simple minded. I try not to go off the deep end of being fake but am enough to be able to avoid conflict
i'm fake without my friend
I would've accepted the request, thought about it too much, though why did you add me?
I don't have a self or beliefs
Do you think you could live your life being authentic or is that too hard?
It doesn't matter anymore.
Try to stick to don't hurt others, do what you'd want done to yourself mantra. Not to good at it seeing how I'm a habitual liar
Definitely too hard. I tend to find most people irritating so it wouldn't end well
I used to adopt personas and social mask etc. I am 31 now. Somewhere along the way in the last few years I have just grown sick of dishonesty in social interactions. I have started being very open and honest with people, never lying or gossiping about someone behind their back. If I will not say something bad about someone to their face, then I do not say it at all, but lately I have even been telling everyone what I think.
People are really shocked by blunt honesty. You can see it in their eyes and they do not quite know what to think of it. It is not something they are used to. Sometimes it is appreciated but more often people almost are repulsed by it and keep their distance from you. But oh well, it is honestly liberating to know longer act like you are someone else just in order to fit in.
There are also the lies that we tell ourselves, about who we truly are. I think eventually, with enough introspection, a person grows tired of lying to themselves and seek the truth irrespective of how discomforting it is. No more running, no more avoidance. Be about what you say you are about and ensure your actions match up with your words. It can be painful when you realize that your image of yourself is not an actual reflection of reality, but it is essential to growing as a person desu
It sure doesn't, it would have been the same, I just wanted to know and maybe get some closure on the matter since it was me that ended up not doing anything, well either way it's ok.
I'm not bothering with Discord and really regret ever doing making "friends" in the first place. You only end up hurting yourself and others.
I guess you just had something to say when you did it and you weren't feeling like this, I'll assume.
Nothing really. Just heard you were hanging out with discordfags, so was wondering about it. I've heard of some things you were worried/insecure about. I'm not sure if it means anything from me, but you really shouldn't care about it all. In fact, you should be glad you aren't like those people. They're trash. I'm trash too. In the long run, if you stick with who you truly are, you'll be the real winner.
I try to, but I still get talked out of things by my parents.
I thought about applying for a PhD in Hong Kong because they have a few hundred really high value stipends to give out every year. I also had a project that they might have liked. And I have yellow fever.
It's something I really wanted to do, but I still let my parents talk me out of it. They didn't explicitly forbid me from doing it but they basically said I would be making a mistake if I did. They do that for a lot of things.
Fast forward to now and I've been a NEET for 8 months and everywhere I've applied either rejected or hasn't got back to me, and I'm going to have to send off some last-minute applications in April.
Not really I'm a communist but like the second I met a cute pol tard I wanted to throw it all away cause being a tranny tradwife who worships big white cock sounds more fun
I basically want to become a slave so I don't have to make any choices myself
you disgust me
I immediately thought ''no'' but the more I think about it, yes. I'm actually pretty fucking punk.
I'm pretty obsessed with genuineness to the point I check basically all my thoughts and words to try to figure out if they're subconsciously not genuine or not. I refrain from saying mean things but what I do say I at least mean off the top of my head almost always. I don't have many offensive opinions or if I do I'm not confronted about them.
I disgust myself too lol don't worry I'm self aware about it
only someone like you could think that question could be answered with anything but "no" really. unless youre a shut-in and your parents take care of everything for you its simplly impossible, even the most boring and simplest person is at odds with what society wants and what the individual wants, there cant be anything but compromise. the question therefore should be more along the lines "are you satisfied with the level of authenticity in your life". its really mostly about having a few important principles and stick to them really. everything else is a spectrum if you dont want to get into serious trouble.
That doesn't really matter for me, being a winner, or not being trash, well either way me is me and I am coping well already.
i try to appear real while acting real
Not exactly. My mind manipulates and controls me. But I stay out of everyone's way and don't hurt anyone. Anytime I reach out it feels inauthentic in some way. I don't know if it's my fault or not. I think I lost touch with society
These ''friends'' really aren't worth it. You can definitely do better than that. Don't buy le ebil normalfags meme.
says you. you wouldnt be exactly the person to know the worth of friends. you really shouldnt give advice in this matter
I try to keep to mom's rules as much as I can. Sometimes I will let the anger take. I kinda knew I fucked up but I did it anyway.
I'm not too concerned about authenticity on a micro level. Since I work in customer service, I have to put on a mask when dealing with people at work. That doesn't bother me, because I'm getting paid to put on that performance.
Broadly, I think your 'self' is a story you tell yourself. I often have antisocial or depressing thought, fantasies of petty vengeance, etc, but I don't define myself by those thoughts, don't make my decisions by them. Would it be authentic to live by these, or would it be base impulsiveness? I think it depends on what story you tell yourself about who you are.
Well i think differently but either way it wouldn't happen the way i want it to happen because it wasn't meant for me.
Diff user. whats your definition and metrics of trash?
Why do you think its important to say true to self? Instead I do usually, what makes most sense in a situation
Yeah, I know. It's a worthless meme.
Whatever. Just don't be a discordfag.
Well i do use discord and almost everyone is nice, i'm learning that no one is better than anyone since everyone is so unique.
Okay. I heard otherwise about your misadventures, but if you say so. Some people can really seem nice at first but really aren't. Some can be very problematic because of their insecurities and mental problems.
No. I want to quit my job but I'm afraid. If I was true to myself I'd up and quit.
Interesting thoughts user. The issue is more complex and nuanced than it is simple. It can't really be boiled down into a black and white, authentic or not, either-or type of thing.
I think, though, that the more principled a person is, the more likely they will encounter conflicts. If you have a lot of principles then eventually you could arrive in a scenario in which you hold two opposing principles. You would need to prioritize and choose the higher principle, which one is more important. The less principled a person is, and thus the fewer values that would be at odds with each other, the easier it is to live. Holding to your principles is never easy.
What is your issue with using discord? It seems like most of your grievances and criticisms are directed at the people using it rather than at the medium itself. Is this type of association somehow more convenient than judging individuals as individuals?
I'm not sure what you heard though i am talking about dming anons, what happen at the server is mostly inconsequencial to me. You might be right about people being nice at first only, i haven't really manage to go too deep with anyone so i might not be able to tell, i'll sort it out if i get there, it's not like i don't have my problems too so rough times are to be expected i guess.
Do as you wish then. I'm just waiting until I'm inevitably doxed.
You sound incredibly insecure.
I am incredibly insecure.
Youre not paying attention to anyone except him. Why did you make this thread if youre just going to remeniss and ignore any actual discussion?
I just want to read the answers. I've long since stopped participating in my own threads.
That is unfortunate, actually.
I half suspect that it's the same person, simply engaging in some type of dramatized roleplay - doing so for entertainment, perhaps their own or ours. Who knows, maybe it's legit and the thread was created for the sole purpose of conversing with a particular user. In short, perhaps it was bait and we all got suckered into it. It's a shame, to be sure. There's actually some good and genuine discourse going on in here if you can be bother to sift through the bullshit.
yes unfortunately not all principles play well with all cultures or people. depending where you are your principles might encounter heavy resistance from the locals. this is why you put another layer above your principles: importance. depending on how important you value a principle it will be broken regularily or never. it also depends on how proper you are. ive seen vegans walk out of stores when they saw that their veggies were fried in the same oil as cheesesticks. its really something with so many layers and affected by so many factors that its in perpetual motion, liquid so to say. and like you said since opposing priciples can happen, and even a scenario where both are equally important, we deal with it with cognitive dissonance.
actually aiste did reply to me once :^)
who is this guy anyway? saki? secret?
death to all discordfags!
As much as I can, but life requires compromises and, sometimes, you gotta swallow the pill.
Well i'll look foward to that? I think, seems wrong but i want to see how you are though, actually it is wrong, well it's not like it has anything to do with me.
>even a scenario where both are equally important, we deal with it with cognitive dissonance.
What to you mean by cognitive dissonance, if you don't mind elaborating. I'm just curious.
I have observed that oftentimes when there's a conflict of values or principles, that instead of admitting that it was a difficult quandary, they make justifications and rationalizations. Sometimes doing it to such an extreme that they discard or dismiss an opposing value or principle entirely. Is that what you mean?
I do some light customer service, maybe 4-5 calls per night. I can't put on the mask anymore. It sickens me. I tell people the truth even if it isn't something they want to hear. Most customer service people spin their webs of sophistry and put their customers on spin cycle by feeding them half truths or outright lies. I don't see how you can so easily accept such acts simply because "you're getting paid to do it". It just seems like the flimsiest of justifications.
>Would it be authentic to live by these, or would it be base impulsiveness?
I think the admission of them is enough to be authentic. You aren't repressing them, at least. But acting on every impulse, while arguably authentic, is unwise.
What you say about telling yourself stories about who you are seems like you're crafting an image of yourself. I'd think that it should match with reality as closely as possible in order to be considered authentic. Most people tell themselves convenient and comforting lies. Or have delusions of themselves.
Just ask vv. I'm sure he ll be glad to share.
>cognitive dissonance
i mean exactly what it means
TLDR you bend your mind until the two values arent opposing each other in your mind anymore, which is somewhat done like you said, with rationalisations and justifications until it works.
oh vv would never do that!
I mean I'll look at it if it's in front of me but I'd ask you for it not him.
Then you're very naive, friend.
Why do you think people do it? Because it makes things easier? Because it avoids difficulty or relieves a person of the burden of actual introspection and inquiry about themselves. I guess people find it uncomfortable to question themselves and why they do the things they do.
Typical, playing the victim now, like before. You're just an inmature child, honestly.
That's none of them, it's a namefag from a while ago. Anyways, it's kind of hard and long to explain but, in a sense, you're right; "I would never do that". But there's some other things in this case I need to think hard about myself. And honestly, one of them is if it is worth the effort. If I wanted already I could've posted somethings but what would be the point?
After all, considering most stuff, he's even worse than any other discordfag. But really, is it worth the effort to put more time into this?
I was called "autistic" in real life by a woman because I adhere strictly to my morals and refuse to make exceptions, even when it would benefit me greatly. A woman even once screamed at me asking "where the fuck have your principals gotten you?" in a public place.
Maybe it is autism.
Yes, so immature that I feel the need to record vocaroos and other information because there's absolutely no other way to break off aside from le ruining everything epic style. Oh wait, that's you.
First, you gave me the idea. Second, didn't you do the same thing to someone in the past too? hmm.
Again, I didn't need to save anything because most of it is on the archives and the cache.
For me, there isn't another way to cut contact, not because of the other person but because I know if I don't do it this way I will eventually keep trying to reach out. And well, I am glad it is this way for me.
Anyways, you have a lot to worry about and all that, don't know. The thought of it is already in your mind and that's enough for now.
Too bad I didn't give you the idea to rope.
I removed you already, so go ahead and do whatever you want. It's all my own fault. Should've known better. Too late now. At least I won't be reaching out to you for sure this time. So I guess it worked.
exactly. its pretty common with religious people who work in capitalist societies, you cant combine these two usually but both kind of want you to not think for yourself anyway so it works pretty well.
are you just ticked off because vv broke it up or do you really think that? i guess you will never be able to trust anybody, but i dont fault you for that, i dont either, i just like to play along.
the only other namefag i know is that burger king manager guy, but i dont think thats him. guess i need to brush up on my r9k lore a bit.
anyway if it takes effort, its already a sign of bad compatibility, unless of course, theres an active quarrel to sort out. but if it takes effort all the time, well, i dont think thats healthy, unless youre really desperate for friends and having none would be worse.
>what would be the point?
revenge of course. but you dont seem like a petty individual, in fact you hate those types i think.
and well if you have better things to do with your time and energy, then do those. i cant really say aiste is that bad because i think im not all too different from him unfortunately, im just not as honest and upfront as he is about it and also try not to act on it as much. in a way its refreshing to see him actually have the guts to be himself. but yeah, those types make very bad friends, i know well enough. nobody would fault you from just walking out of this.
interesting, what did he do? how do you break off epic style, i need to try that too someday. please dont tell me removing someone from your discord friends list counts as epic style
Well, you wanted to face the concequences of your actions, didn't you told me that a few times? I'm just being a good friend here, dude. Everything catches up to us in the end, you know this very well. Doesn't it works for the best too? Whatever happens you either leave and be alone, like what you wanted or just keep here and be alone, like you wanted.
Tman or tripman.
It has always taken effort, a huge ammount, mostly because of him always playing games and all that weird shit. I am up to put up with that if I like the person enough, but we all have a point, I guess.
Nah, all of this goes against my principles, ideals and views on things. But there are other things troubling me as I feel this is somewhat necessary, Of course, not actually dox him here. But with just him knowing I have it would be enough for him to reflect on the things he did to others, again, worse than most discordfags or those he hate so much! After all, he's not too different but denies it. I really don't hate anyone, maybe those who tell me what to do lel.
I'm not saying he's too "bad", I'm no angel myself, He knows someshit I have done in the past too and to him and others too. So I guess in a way I am also being a bit of an hypocrite and immature too, yet not entirely.
He's only been more honest and "upfront" about somethings not too long ago, I have known him since he started posting here so he knows how he was in the past and what things he did. That's another reason being friends with me was hard for him, don't blame him being honest.
>what did he do?
I actually just asked if he just wanted me to completely fuck up the relationship and I knew this to be the only way, so that's what I did.
He thinks that the only way for him to break off is to make me hate him a lot. So he wants to dox me or something ''to completely ruin it''. He already posted some of my info before when I removed him the last time. I don't care now. He can do whatever. I was stupid not to end things outright instead of constantly hesitating with everything.
ah i see, the whole crash and burn, no going back after what you did thing. some people need closure i guess, myself im more the ghosting type, i dont need closure at all.
i remember tman, the name at least, but didnt pay any attention. im too much of a visual type and only really follow avatarfags i guess.
yeah aiste i like that, the main actor in a big drama play. sure not fun when youre directly involved unless you like acting too, but sure is fun for all onlookers. well not all, theres many people here that feel disturbed actually. id expect for someone like you its pretty stressful, you dont seem the type that enjoys drama at all, how did you even get involved with aiste to begin with, things being like this, id expect someone like you to avoid those people actually. guess there was something that made you really interested to overlook this very important flaw.
but yeah i get it, you feel the need to teach him a lesson, youre not alone. i tried already, bullied him hard in one thread. in fact i think most of the board wants to teach him a lesson at this point. he brought this upon himself and well, probably deserved. not encouraging you to do anything, its definitely wrong, just saying nobody would fault you.
>not too long ago
i remember actually. aiste going trough different phases, learning, reflecting and developing his internet persona was part of the fun following him. its a bit like the truman show.
well think about your ultimatum, two wrongs dont make a right, you can always prove youre better than him if you want.
What you all are doing is beyond the ridiculous. You are giving us hints and alluding toward some epic drama but you are not really given us anything of substance. You are torturing anons who happen by and see these little glimpses that are not properly given context. It is very intriguing but GODDAMN, what you are perpetuating is the emotional and intellectual equivalent of a fucking cocktease....
Who are all of the players
Who did what to who
What is the backstory
Give us details
Someone provide us with a quick rundown for Christ sake
its like a series, you cant just a single episode and expect to understand anything. you have to start from the beginning. dont expect anyone to sum it up for you. maybe try searching "aiste" in desuarchives if you really want to know. have fun!
Eh, but dude, I was a namefag before. I guess I did actually also was some sort of avatarfag since I always used the same characters, just that I change them a lot.
It is, but not for the reasons you would think. I can't lie, I dislike drama that directly involves me, but love others drama, like everyone.
When I first met Aiste, was because of his nightwalk threads, what attracted me to him was the misery he presented in his posts and the images themselves. Somethings he wrote resonated within me as I saw a younger me in him, in a way. I never knew until around summer last year that Aiste was Eye-han and eventually became Aiste. Both personas totally different, well Aiste as first wasn't so bad, I guess the main problem was he just larped as a schizo girl and did somethings to some people that while I don't care, I saw them as totally wrong. So that's a big dilema for me doing this now. But again, I won't go to the same extend he is, I just want to make sure he knows I have this over him or something, don't know.
He definetely brought all this upon himself, and he knows it. But knowing him, he won't learn alone from this, he never did in the past.
> internet persona was part of the fun following him
Yeah, I just used to shitpost to trigger him until I realized he was that nightwalk poster, that's when I began putting effort to actually talk to him. I remember I started talking to him first as Aiste to make him be friends with other namefag that seemed to like eachother haha.
>two wrongs dont make a right
Maybe, but from bad things you can also learn some good lessons or knowledge. That's what I believe.
I'm not better than him or anyone, if anything I'm probably more trash lol.
Again, not in that sense. And I only posted a picture you sent me and that's saved in the cache. I told you, you should've investigated more about the stuff you use. Besides, I have always said I act on impulses and that's what I felt like doing that time.