Should infidelity be illegal?

Should infidelity be illegal?

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Yes. Punishable by death.

It is in about half of the US, but the laws aren't enforced.

Yes, and public stoning should be the punishment

Would you really want to punish almost every man?

Most men would like infidelity to be illegal but that wouldnt suit them as they are more likely to cheat than women.

No. My wife and I were with other people when we got together. We worked together, and there was an instant attraction, so we flirted and eventually ended up fooling around after a christmas party. I was engaged to a girl I had been with since collage but had grown apart from, and she was married. She was Chinese, and pretty new in the US having come over after she finished her masters, her husband was also chinese and they got married young at alot of insistance from her and his parents.

After about 6 months I left my ex and she left her husband, it was a massive shitstorm, but we started living together and now 6 years later we're married with 2 daughters and life is literally perfect.

Moral of the story, sometimes you need to cheat to get what you want. Don't cuck yourself out of hapiness.

Men cheat more than women though

So should infidelity be illegal?

No. Anyone who wants the government to be able to punish you more is a cuck. There should be less laws not more.

It might just be more practical to genetically alter people to be more loyal.

Why? If you can't keep a woman loyal you deserve to have her taken from you.

Bad things happened the last time we criminalized it.


the whole idea of government-recognized marriage is stupid without government-sactioned punishments for adultery

Because women cheat regardless what their bfs/husbands do.
Also men cheat too, they need genetically changed as well.

Then maybe cheating is human nature and we should just embrace it. I like fucking other girls on the side, it's exciting.

>stole a gooks wife and bred her
Based and coloniser pilled

Would you be comfortable with your gf doing the same though?

>sorry honey, I know I cheated on you and got spit roasted by two chads last week, but its only because women are biologically hardwired to seek out the best and strongest seed, and you just arent cutting it, so its not my fault TEEHEE

No thanks, I don't wanna do that faggot shit

Your comeuppance for cheating is having hapa kids though.

>Then maybe cheating is human nature
For men in general it isn't like you are AVP1a disabled

>I like fucking other girls on the side, it's exciting.
You're the first to get edited.

There are no negative side effects to cheating. It might even give evolutionary advantage. Having a variety of side chicks is nice, im a different user and see it all the time in otherwise happy men

I never had a girl cheat on me. Bitches worship me

Hapa daughters though. Eurasian girls are literally perfect females, which is weird coz Eurasian men are almost always genetic trash

>There are no negative side effects to cheating.
Other than a general distrust between partners and the illegitimacy of their children.

You're seriously genetically deformed.

>There are no negative side effects to cheating

Except when you are a post wall lonely old boomer who burned every bridge with the women in his life and has no friends because no other dude trusts you around his wife. Most kids hate their adulterous parent too, especially if it broke up the marriage.

Aside from the risk of getting your feelings hurt, I dont see whats so wrong with cheating.

Nice LARP, we know you want to fuck your hypothetical hapa daughters, no need to make up an elaborate backstory.

>implying they all find out
Yikes, quit fantasizing. A lot of girls are forgiving.

>I never had a girl cheat on me

Cope. Thats what you think.

Larping as Chad on r9k of all places. Sad, many such cases.

i was born to a single mother who tricked her bf into signing my birth certificate while she was fucking someone else, they both left her ass
i have suffered so much just from merely existing i refuse to enter relationships or have kids

Girls dont fuck or forgive cringey faggots who larp as sex havers on this board and use reddit tier expressions like yikes, even ironically. Do better.

Fool you are to claim a Chad would be the one clapping girls cheeks behind his girlfriends back after the argument that cheaters have shitty genes. Sounds like cheating is a good thing after all.

>I dont see whats so wrong with cheating.
That's kinda the problem, you're not biologically capable to understand or to form the right opinion, and why you need a DNA specialist so you can have a better functioning brain.

>uses the word tier
>thinks yikes comes from reddit and not just 90s cartoons and then black people
Ya failed

Hello Tenga Spencer

>cucking yourself out of happiness because of something someone else has done
Literally lower than the cheaters itt

No, but it should be much more socially unacceptable than it is. Say why you're unhappy and get divorced before fucking other people. Women in particular rationalize it completely to their friends like "he didn't pay enough attention to me!"

Two different anons retard. Also women are biologically driven to fuck Chad depending on their fertility cycle and people can look good but still be rotten inside, not exactly news you goalpost moving brainlet.

Maybe youre just genetic trash who doesnt like cheating because you know youll end up raising someone elses kid, not being the one fathering them

it is in fact ilegil

>cucking yourself out of happiness
>the conditioning you're subject to in your formative years is your fault
you're stupid
i have happiness, but only after i left my feminist man-hating family and started living for myself
nice projection though

Its fun to cheat and there are no negative side effects. Stay mad

But youre not crushing puss on the regular and are afraid to pass on your genes? Sad. Enjoy your Lego or whatever I guess

>your girlfriend is my girlfriend
Based and Chadpilled

Copecels are the saddest incels

Why, when people can enter open relationships?

Are open relationships the way? Should people just accept their partners would have sex with other people if they had the opportunity? You really think your girl wouldn't fuck some celebrity or whatever? Or you wouldn't do the same?


The real question isn't if they won't fuck other people but do you want to know or not.

It's better to know, screw the details. People go on about breach of trust. If you trust your partner to pretend she's single in the presence of some R&B singer, no problem. Even better if you're both open to begin with.

>she gets incurable STDs from that R&B singer
>she then passes them onto you

nasty degenerate fuck

Takeaway from this: lot of people fish before break ups/divorces instead of just ending it.

It is impossible to be truly happy and an adult virgin.

No, the reality is that typically: White female + Asian male = Attractive child, and White male + Asian female = Ugly child.

White women only go for the very most attractive Asian men whereas white men fight over the ugliest Asian women

definitely originnalka

Attached: 687474703a2f2f7374617469632e7a65726f6368616e2e6e65742f4765726d616e792e66756c6c2e3533303633342e6a7067.jpg (771x600, 94.42K)

Almost. Its

White male + Asian female = Pretty female hapa
White male + Asian female = ugly male potential school shooter male hapa

White Female + Asian male = Pretty female hapa
White female + Asian male = ugly male potential school shooter male hapa

You forgot how easy is for wom*n to find a partner for sex and how hard for man to do the same.

No! It should be legal and HIGHLY encouraged when married with pathetic betas like me!

Its no harder for a man to find a woman than it is for a woman to find a man. Men statistically cheat more than women, if what you were saying was true that wouldnt be possible

no, there are some things legislation cannot effectively address which must be addressed by engaged communities. universals like 'dont murder/steel' are obvious, but when entering the social realm seem to backfire