I wish i lived in england so bad

im a dumb american and this country sucks. everything about england looks so clean, cool and better. fuck why couldn't i be british


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>everything about england looks so clean, cool and better.

Haha, if only you knew user, if only you knew.

England is a stuffy, old smoggy place with mudslimes crawling out of every crack and crevasse or as the British would say every nook and cranny.

>everything about england looks so clean, cool and better.
Thanks for the laugh.

>England looks so cool in the media and tv!
yeah no shit they choose the best locations. you could make north korea or syria look beautiful doing that shit

you mean there arent a lot of cute girls that sing nice songs in england

I'd like to live in the English countryside. Sister married a Brit long ago, and I quite enjoyed it when I visited there. The restrictions on gun ownership, increasingly Orwellian government laws and restrictions, etc make me reconsider wanting to move there though. Woudln't mind finding a British waifu at some point, provided she's not a degenerate ogre.

Seeing the degradation of many of the cities as they become "cosmopolitan" and "diverse" meccas is also another cause for concern for moving there. Still the cities are better than most cities in the US, outside of the midwest and some northeast cities. Not really concerned with Britain's future with Brexit as I imagine they will do just fine if not better. Have looked into jobs over there, but most pay significantly less.

You talk about England like you're from Canada. Your ignorance irritates me.

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England's a shithole. Don't bother honestly, i'm convinced that it has the most small towns in a single country. The cities aren't better. London, Manchester, Kingston upon Hull, Liverpool, Birmingham and Plymouth are crap. I'd rather not spoonfeed you the details.

He was on about the countryside. But I agree the cities are crap.

>tfw just want a muslim paki brummie gf

England is pretty much the same as every other country. Towns and Cities are ethnic shitholes and rural areas are nice with low crime but expensive.

I immagrated from the UK to the US user
Dont move there.
Youll regret it

I'm moving to LA from UK. Lived in manc, london, essex and they all suck dont do it user

The only people who wish they lived in England are pajeets and other third world ghouls. Nobody from a sunny, free and clean first world country really wants to live in England.

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>fuck why couldn't i be british
nothing is more cringe than americans using the word "british" and "brits"
fucking yikes dude

and yeah you're a dumb american, shut the fuck up and go eat your canned cheese

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It's the same. Chavs are everywhere.

You wouldn't want to live in this place?

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>nothing is more cringe than americans using the word "british" and "brits"
>fucking yikes dude
what the fuck do you want to be called, bongs?

Chose a picture of a ghetto to represent a whole country. Please die

the fucking english
the fucking scottish
the fucking welsh

is it true that London is basically new delhi now?

Not quite but it's in the works.

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cool. its also pretty cringe when you call them yanks too. can you come up with any more fitting names, like the ones you are suggesting for the "british"?

the uk is probably the most depressing place to live in civilised europa

Until they kick down your door for misgendering someone on social media, oh and I hope you don't watch tv.

england is probably the best place in the world to live a self-centred life. travel in london is great, always something you can do with your time, if you're a wagie with competence a job isnt hard to get, the weather is pretty aesthetic for solitude, it doesnt lack any significant modern features other first world countries have, if you somehow are bored of the green belt and the cities the entire continent of europe is on your doorstep and is cheap to access, nobody really bothers you with anything

i really like it here.

will you please marry me so i can be citizen
t. your future comfy husband

then stop bitching and move

Only normies find it depressing.

i'm a hetero user-san, but if you come from a country that isnt bumfuckistangeria you can get here on a student/work visa and then dance with the home office for a few years until they let you stay
then you can spend the rest of your life listening to uninformed peoples opinions being featured on the news about how britain isnt british enough

>i'm a hetero
i am too but home office doesn't have to know that. we can be an asexual same-sex partnership.
but i am not fresh meat uni age.
i probably couldn't do that because i dont have a job and have a terrible and mostly empty cv.
>then you can spend the rest of your life listening to uninformed peoples opinions being featured on the news about how britain isnt british enough
i'll take it, compared to this.

what attracts south asians (indians, pakis) to england? is it revenge for colonization?

>le rain is actually best weather
>I love rain and grey skies XD
>only normies like sun XDDD
Shut the fuck up normalfag retard

Good yoke user

Dude britain is so disgusting, too many indians and the streets are completely dirty. You should move to czech slovakia or diffrent western slavic countries, it's better here

Because of the commonwealth, most already speak a basic level of English. It is the easiest country for them to move to and since they are hard workers they generally do pretty well here. Trouble is, they are nepotistic bastards and once they get a hold of a business or property, they will only hire or rent to their family or friend. They generally have no plans to integrate with the locals.

Gotta give it to them though, without Indians and Arabs our health service probably would have died long ago. No sane white person wants to become a doctor in this country

>then you can spend the rest of your life listening to uninformed peoples opinions being featured on the news about how britain isnt british enough
It's not though. What are you, one of them coloured people?


America is so big though- why not go and try living in another part of the country before you think about moving across the Atlantic? And if you did want to leave America, I can guarantee you there are so many better places to live than here. If you are after an eccentric island full of polite gentlemen, you've missed the boat when it comes to Britain. I suggest Japan instead. If you really want to be in Europe, try France, Spain or Germany. Britain is scraping the bottom of the barrel

>they are hard workers they generally do pretty well here
what about grooming gangs and acid attacks? if they're such good people why do they do it? or does Yas Forums exaggerates these things?
>without indians and arabs
do you guys have actual arabs (middle easterns) or do you consider pakis arab?

>what about grooming gangs and acid attacks?
That's mainly pakis yeah, not Indians though. I guess I should have separated the two. You do get some hardworking and decent people from muslim families who have been here a while and built wealth up. You also get a whole lot of scum who commit acid attacks and rape girls.

Honestly visually I can't tell Indians from pakis apart most of the time so it's hard to know who is who. All I know is they only ever pick two career paths- doctor or working at a convenience store/ corner shop. Our NHS would likely collapse without them since no one wants to study for years only for a decent paying job. At least in America you can make a shit ton for being a doctor, which of course comes with the cost of having no national health service so everyone who gets ill goes in debt.

>do you guys have actual arabs (middle easterns) or do you consider pakis arab?
I always considered pakis arab. I've no idea what the population of other middle easterners is.

Crime in general is pretty bad here and Yas Forums is not exaggerating things. Black gang crime is absolutely massive here. White roadmen are almost as bad. Unfortunately we imported american black gang culture through your rap music and it combined with the equally barbaric african cultures we already have here. "refugees" are the absolute worst no matter where they come from since they are fresh off the boat from barbaric shithole countries

Don't listen to this mong

Nice little cities and towns where there's still a moderate sized population, amenities, and things to do in america are increasingly falling into decay or being consumed by urban sprawl and gentrification replacing the local culture and people. The youth leaving for bigger cities and immigration are also factors and i don't just mean just foreign citizens. I mean other americans who fucked their own communities relocating only to start ruining another town implementing the same shit they wanted to leave behind that made where they came from undesirable to live in anymore. I think that's a trend pretty much all over though.

I lived in England and this country sucks. I don't know who's worse, leftist immigrants or right wing retards who think they are some kind of old nobles. I moved back to my eastern Europe shithole after 3 years, I'm without a job and I don't regret it. UK is the worst country in the world, the mentality of people is terrible. I would rather live in Nigeria than UK. Climate is nice but lifestyle is shit, starting with their stupid rows of identical houses, ugly women and society without morals.

poles were moving to england, do they qualify as third worlders?

All of those are true though. The reason the UK is a depressing shithole has nothing to do with the climate

The rural areas (especially the seaside parts) are full of druggies and gangs of youths causing shit everwhere because the police are fucking useless

England is good but only in the country side exactly the same as the us

Where in England did you live slavbro?

>starting with their stupid rows of identical houses
I'm a bit biased in that I actually enjoy the council-estate aesthetic... It's a shame the people living on them are the biggest scumbags on the entire planet who treat the area like it's some sort of mini-prison.

This film is actually set in Scotland. Even then, it is nothing like the UK. If you want an impression of what actual British young people are like watch The Inbetweeners

>fucking yikes dude
>nothing is more cringe than americans using the word "british" and "brits"
>the fucking english
>the fucking scottish
>the fucking welsh
We're Brits, you cretin. We are a kingdom united. Stop trying to divide us you smarmy little cunt.

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Or this country on BBC, that gives an accurate representation of what it's like to live in a small countryside village in the UK.

London is full of niggers and pakis and smells like dog shit, the rest is probably okay but I just went to London

oi m8 pay ya telly loicense n bin dat knoif ya git or ill give ya nan a tumble n trow ya in da fockin gaol ah weel innit *spits*

you can't handle england

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I thought that way until I went to the UK for a business trip
>Everything is small and cheaply made
>everyone is poor
>everything is covered in moss, mold, or spray paint
>The people are either nice and ignorant as fuck or mean, stupid, and ignorant as fuck

Don't care about people calling my country a shit hole cause it is, just can't bear yanks being racist

Everything that's fucked is the Conservatives' fault. Blame they for almost literally everything

What country are you from?
What part of the UK did you travel to?
What were they ignorant about?

>Everything that's fucked is the Conservatives' fault.
Look at this pathetic Corbyn loving cuck. Tony Blair wrecker this fucking country after 1997. Based Boris is not perfect but he is a damn side better than a fucking communist, IRA loving, Britain hating, cuck.

Oh I see you're one of them huh. Country was absolutely fucked before 97 lad. Where you even alive then? Thatcher fucked this country's industry so badly that the effects still reverberate around the country today.
Oh, and it was delicious when Mountbatten was killed and an absolute crying shame Thatcher escaped the Provos

I was in the London Metro, Birmingham, and York.
Ignorant about most things that didn't involve pop music, movie stars, or football.
Like most people in most countries, TBPH

>The people who hated Britain the most wanted to kill the Conservatives
>Labourites think this means the COnservatives were weakening the country
Fucking hilarious.
Thatcher didn't kill industry - the industry was dying. She got a bunch of people to switch from the "we're miners, PAY US!" dole to the official dole, that's all

as a rural lad i'm happy to live here, but god help you if you're from london, manchester or birmingham
pic related is a meadow near my house, love the nature around here

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>supports the party that shackled Britain to the globalist world order

Oh lad, have you no sense of patriotism? Does it make you mad that I unironically support the IRA?