>Asian women better because they're easy
>black women bad because they have higher physical standards
okay dicklet
Asian women better because they're easy
Black bois goin extinct
Exact opposite in my dating experience.
Asian women tend to have higher standards because at this point, they know they're the most desirable of all the races.
Black women tend to be the easiest, since there's very little demand, but also hands down the most materialistic and shallow, at least initially.
Reminder these threads are made by coping sheboons
>black women bad because they have higher physical standards
First time I'm hearing this (though I'm pretty sure black women have some resentment towards white men for obvious reasons).
Reminder that some white guys dig black girls
What? No we don't. Why would we want some sheboon on our dicks. You're crazy. Okay, maybe sometimes we do.
Make what you will of that...
What a sweet gal. I still feel a little bad for her, though.
>black women have higher physical standards
Have you ever met a black woman?
Real funny Laquisha
Cuz I'm white. I'd do a full blooded fully dark negress
Most black Americans have some white ancestry, idiots. The idea of "bleaching" black women is stupid because that's already happened and their offspring were and are considered black by whites. Same with Latin Americans, many of them are the product of interracial and they aren't considered white.
they're still 80% black you idiot
of course they look more black than white
they look different than Africans
Moron, there was a one-drop-rule where even people who look white would be considered black if they had some black ancestry. You're just on the other scale of this racist stupidity, with virtually no support whatsoever.
support is irrelevant to biological reality you stupid piece of shit
of course American niggers don't look white. they're 80% black
half white/half black isn't black
it's a mutt
no matter what retarded southerners in the 1800s though
one of the reasons the Union were against slavery is because some of the slaves were so lightskinned that they looked white
>support is irrelevant to biological reality you stupid piece of shit
The reality is that many view those offspring as black and your genocidal fantasies will never come to fruition. "Bleached" will never catch on because most whitoids, even other racists, will never agree with an idiot like you.
how the fuck am I an idiot you stupid piece of shit?
because a bunch of retarded southerners made up the 1 drop rule in the 1800s that makes it real even though DNA proves it's bullshit?
if nigger genes were truly dominant then lightskin blacks wouldn't exist
>>black women bad because they have higher physical standards
All you have to do is be white. Simple as that.
most white people are retarded cuckolds so I don't give a fuck what they think
>DNA proves its bullshit
Retard no one looks at a mutt and thinks they're white. No one. Race is not just skin deep. All you have is a bunch of cherrypicked images. Mutts resemble blacks much more.
Bleached, ironically, hurts whites more than anyone else.
no one thinks they're a pure black African either
if the niggers in America were all pure then mutts wouldn't be referred to as black
the only reason we call mutts black now is because most of the "blacks" we are used to are actually mutts
literally anyone in the world can tell that Malcolm X for instance isn't a full blooded nigger
Race is more than skin color, brainlet. Even the basic poltard can tell you that. That child looks like a nigger to them. Most white men aren't interested in black women and the offspring of black-white relations tend to be considered black anyway. Your fantasies will never be fruition (and never has) because whitoids generally believe the opposite. Which is why "blacked" is a real thing to them, something they fetishize or fear immensely, while "bleached" is some cope shit perpetuated out of anger.
beliefs can easily change you stupid piece of shit
people used to believe that the sun revolved around the Earth
the fact is that mutts are just as white as they are black
"blacked" is just a nigger cope to make blacks feel better that white white men were raping and impregnating nigger women for hundreds of years and that blacks were our slaves
>Most white men aren't interested in black women
yet slave owners fucked them so much that they're 20% white today
just give up you pathetic Asian bitch
this is why your kind shouldn't live in America you Corona Virus infected freak
Lol, what matters is that they aren't pure white. Only a racist would get behind you and most racists wouldn't because you're creating half-breeds who will likely be absorbed into black culture like X was. What a dipshit lmao.
>Malcolm X was absorbed into black culture
actually he took over black culture with his muttness and diluted them to accept mutts as leaders
>yet slave owners fucked them so much that they're 20% white today
To produce more slaves, and they considered them black. Those conditions don't exist now and most white dudes want nothing to do with black women, especially not other racist fagloids like yourself.
Malcolm X spoke proper English
sounds pretty white to me
>beliefs can easily change
Kek. Good luck convincing those nigger-hating white nazis that racemixing with blacks is a great idea.
>slave owners
Were jewish
>to produce more slaves
you mean cause they were horny
keep coping Chinkcel
>slave owners were Jewish
nice fallacy
thanks for losing the entire argument with this load of bullshit
almost all white DNA in blacks is Anglo and blacks have Anglo last names not Jewish ones
thanks for bringing lies into the equation so I can dismiss the rest of your bullshit
plenty of whites with racial domination fetishes
This is common knowledge. The slave trade was ran by Jews. There weren't even that many slavers.
Why do you want to flood white countries with blacks and mutts so badly?
Even more with "get me the hell away from blacks" fetishes
>beliefs can easily change
They don't easily change into what you want them to be.
>"blacked" is just a nigger cope
Blacked is white cuckshit. White men have long had this fear of black men "stealing" white women. Some fetishize it, surprise. "Bleached" is dumb reactionary shit, non-white women have already been "bleached" yet the offspring weren't considered any whiter, and now whites fear the descendants of "bleaching" as if they don't have any white in them at all....Racism really is a mental illness.
>calling out azns to bump your otherwise zero interest thread
kinda sad. but continue as you are
show me the proof you deluded subhuman faggot. a list of 10 Jewish ran slave ships isn't sufficient proof. there were thousands of slave ships
yes they do
the Jews have managed to put niggers in a place of cultural dominance strictly through propaganda
yet niggers get just as mad when white men fuck black women as vice versa
you are just butthurt cause your deluded nigger power fantasy is nothing but a fantasy
Sure because the pussy was their property, but moreso free labor. Explain why most white men are not interested in black women now.
lol nigger loving Chinks and Jews are so mad in this thread
A. because it was considered of low social status to be with a black woman before but plenty of white men were fucking black women in the 60s-80s they just didn't keep them as wives and contraception was widely available
B. since the 90s the Jews have portrayed white men as weak and unmasculine thus limiting white men's access to black women
>there were thousands of slave ships
Ran by jews. You really fell for the meme that whites just went over there with nets? Slaves were sold to jews and brought over to white countries.
>when you want to breed even more with blacks and flood everywhere with mutts but everyone who disagrees are nigger lovers
Lmao you're mentally ill. I doubt you're even white.
>the Jews have managed to put niggers in a place of cultural dominance strictly through propaganda
Whites dominate culture.
I don't know a single black guy who gives a shit. Then again, I don't know any white guys who care either, people who push this shit like you do are a deranged minority.
>ran by Jews
where's your proof you lying faggot
mutts aren't black
they are mutts
they are equally black and white if they have one black and one white parent
>whites dominate culture
rap is the most popular genre of music
White men are weak and unmasculine if they can't be open about their real tastes. I see white guys with black girls. People like you and spammer are obviously pussy ass incels though.
you are a pathetic cuckold disgrace to whites
you make me sick you fucking disgrace
you probably let niggers fuck your wife and think having a small dick makes you more civilized
yet I've fucked black girls and been out with them openly so what's your point, faggot
black women are hotter than white women
they feel better to fuck
you're a cuckold faggot disgrace to whites
>where's your proof
It's easy to verify just go on Yas Forums
>mutts aren't black
And they aren't white. Kind of a problem when you're a global minority with no country to call your own.
So what you're saying is you love niggers?
Lol you literally promote racemixing (and homosexuality) and you're talking about disgracing whites. Why don't you stop shitposting porn and go create more white children?
What a nigger loving race traitor. You'll be the first to go on the day of the rope.
>easy to verify/ go on pol
there are people on pol who believe the Earth is flat you fucking moron
where is your proof you lying dipshit
most slave boats were ran by white non Jewish men
slavery denial is fucking pathetic
there will be no day of the rope you deluded fucking faggot
you're impotent
you let a mutt nigger be president
you will never do shit you deluded retard
there's nothing wrong with white men fucking black women
only white women getting fucked by male niggers is bad
there's no reason a white man can't impregnate black and white women
>you let a mutt nigger be president
I thought mutts were based what happened?
they're only based when the father is white
Obama has a nigger's Y chromosome
mutt males are only based when they have a white man's Y chromosome
you're the one who said mutts are bad
if they're so bad and they're niggers why did you let one become president
i thought whites dominated?
>just accept jewish actions as your own and racemix to oblivion, that's what Chad would do!
It's not hard to see retard, I found this in one search
literally no facts or statistics supporting the false claim that the MAJORITY of slave ships were run by Jews
You are open nigger lovers killing the white race. You are promoting niggerfication. Proof of how society has degraded, you would never have admitted this openly in a white society. You should be hanged from the highest trees.
>now he's arguing whites are weak
Lmao @ you clown, watch who you call nigger lover
no one cares what you think impotent bitch
I will fuck all the black women I want
stay mad incel
you already did
pot calling the kettle black
Disgusting dick obsessed faggot, you're a white nigger.
Cope rabbi. Jews ran the whole industry
I'd rather be a white nigger than a weak impotent cuckold faggot like you
>I want to be a nigger
Nice confession, you trash.
can you provide me with some direct links/statistics that show/ prove that the majority of slave traders were Jewish
I'd rather be a "white nigger" whatever the fuck that is than a lying impotent dipshit like you
you still haven't provided any proof that the MAJORITY of slave traders were Jewish
cause you're a lying faggot
if whites didn't run the slave trade then how are white better than niggers? have whites always just been cucks then? how are whites superior? slavery is a huge part of what makes whites superior to blacks. without slavery there is not much evidence that whites are better.
Fuck you, you want to be a nigger. You want to fuck sheboons and make niglets. You'll destroy the white race because all you care about is your dick like a dumb nigger.
what's so great about being white if whites couldn't even keep niggers as slaves? what proves whites are superior?
maybe if white men cared more about using their dicks whites wouldn't be dying out from low birth rates
Now if most black women would get rid of that trashy ghetto attitude then maybe they would get more interest from guys, unless they're straight from Africa, most American blacks are stuck in that mentality. Dunno about blacks in europe though. Also most are too religious for my tastes personally.
Stupid wigger trash like you would rather fuck sheboons than procreate with white women. You're not helping, you are cancer and should eat a bullet.
>he wants to be black
>he thinks white superiority is unsteady and needs slavery otherwise whites can't compare to blacks
Notice how every time you disagree with him he starts screaming that you want black men to fuck your wife. Cucks are always projecting.
You are a literal cuck.
how about no bitch? what's a weak little faggot like you who never leaves the house gonna do? i bet you've never even been in a fight you pussy ass bitch. ive beat up niggers in street fights. I called the Hebrew Israelites downtown niggers on their face. I held up signs that said "Holohoax" and "Jews promote white genocide" in front of a synogogue and I swear all that on my mother's life. what have you ever done for the white race you pathetic faggot?
here you go talking about nigger men fucking white women
yep you're a closet case nigger dick porn Jew brainwashed faggot exposing his closet cuck fetish
why would I want to be black? I'm the white slave master. the master is superior to the slave.
I gave you a thread full of links on jews. You're just not reading it because then your whole "ideology" falls apart.
See there he goes again, he can't stop thinking about cuckoldry.
You were the first to state blacks fuck white women right here Kys cuck
Lmfaoo you're that guy that gets triggered by the BLACKED threads I post on Yas Forums
How's it going?