INFP edition
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why does everyone hate us?
>inb4 you're a weakling pussy faggot beta male haha
Really is
>get punched in the face
>don't notice because you were thinking about how math is beautiful
>go home and start crying because the person that punched you was being mean
>I*F* edition
Someone tell the ENTPs!
nobody hates INFPs, it's all in your head. The only people that say INFPs are bad are INFPs fishing for sympathy and ENTPs trying to get a ruse out of them.
I hate masculinity. I hate the masculinity rat race. I hate people who always call people "pussy" or "beta" to perpetuate the masculinity rat race. The world would be better without masculinity. All men should be systematically killed except the softer ones.
Schizoid INFP autist with no friends checking in
Chad ENTP with no friends checking in
beta pussy bitch
Dont self-diagnose mental illnesses
You only say that to elevate yourself above me on the hierarchy of masculinity, second last must be a lot easier on your pride than last place. I think you're garbage.
How do you have no friends?
What's the difference. The pain never goes away.
Introverted ENTP here.
Everyone thinks Im a fucken weirdo or something I dont know. Im just that guy that everyone gets along with but no one cares about outside of class
Nothing wrong with masculinity, we're still males after all. I do cringe at hyper masculinity though, it just seems like larping and subtle homosexuality
Any other INFPs have problems with lethargy? I'm mostly over it but I still remember the time where I couldn't find the motivation to do anything unless I was told to.
I do, but it comes in waves. Sometimes I'll have trouble even getting out of bed, while other days I'll be high energy and creative. Caffeine helps
t. baby dick tranny
Yeah me too. Most people just think im weird and dont engage with me but I'm always kinda there. I have no real friends or anybody who knows me well.
ISFP here. I never want to do anything, but I'm pretty enthusiastic and energetic when I do, do things. It's not like I'm floppy, I just never want to do things. Perhaps part of the problem is that I associate doing things with wearing myself out. What gave you the motivation to start doing things in the end?
I try to talk to a lot of people and be their friend but the relationships never last I hate that part about me.
>What gave you the motivation to start doing things in the end?
I was always hesitant towards starting activities and good habits. That was probably out of laziness. Now I just pull myself into doing things and I found that once I'm midway through doing something, I always see it through. It's like that saying which kinda goes
"You never want to go to the gym but once you're there you never regret it."
Being a man can be cool, but the competition and game people put on us is just too overwhelming.
kek this is me
i'm an INTP on paper but i think i'm actually just an ENTP with autism
do you think highly intuitive people are more likely to have trouble with basic tasks?
i usually have my head in the clouds and as a result i often have trouble following very simple instructions
Good morning!!! \(^o^)/
Everyone at least here seems to hate me as well! Let's start an outcast gang~! (>;_;)>
where my fellow writers and musicians at?
hello turbie
Seems most of yall are like that
I'd love to make music. I already have ideas on what kind of music I want to make, but learning music theory is a bitch.
ISFJ here. Just crying watching some SkyKing tribute videos
I fell in love with girl who is INFP, but sometimes I wonder do INFP girls like INFP guys?
Me cutting myself bc I want the guy I met from here to actually like me
That's a bad idea. We both know that's not how that works. Chances are he's just as cripplingly lonely as you are. The razor won't make it better g.
INFP women belong to POWERFUL ENTP bulls
Introvert INTP-T here.
Working on building robot waifu; just gotta make prints, catalog/collect tools & parts, and work until I have the prerequisite tools (cnc router, bandsaw, 3d printer) ,skills (programming,robotics,engineering) and materials (money, metal stock, fukkin robot shiz) needed.
Est. time until the project kicks off is < 2 years, current est. cost is >20k
When it's done, I'll teach people how to build waifus of their own.
INFP is better off with an ENFJ or INFJ, INFP's like being told what to do and NFJ's enjoy taking the lead but aren't as cold as T's
everything has to be some contest in posturing as the better man, getting into a race to the bottom to be the most alpha. unless you're someone that really cares about that stuff, it's exhausting to put up with.
>But likes masculinity to an extent, just not when it comes to feelings
My INFP friend is really nice, I think I spend more time with them than my actual girlfriend. But I've been warming up to my gf slowly over time.
I used to value relationships over friendships first but now I realize what having a really good friend is like. I'd rather not pass that up for a relationship I can find again in the future like always. INFPs in general are cool to talk with. They're very honest.
Hello folks, ENFP-T checking in, how's everyone doing?
Hello ENTP fren, INFJ here just listening to songs.
You been up to anything lately? What are you studying in university if anything?
What are you listening to bud? I'm just enjoying my break at my shitty workplace. I tried doing IT remotely because poorfag, but I dropped out because I lacked the discipline, so here I am with a job way below my skill level, cause there's nothing else in my area.
Would ascribe curiosity as main Ne thing?
I see Ne more as synthesis and connecting dots, the extreme version of Ne would probably be schizophrenia
>synthesis and connecting dots
Isnt this a Ni thing?
So curiosity is more of a Se?
I usually listen to this song when I celebrate something and take a bunch of stimulants.
What job are you exactly taking if its not IT? You probably saved yourself the trouble anyways. Haven't met one fucking person who actually likes working IT. That and accounting.
I'd give it a play, but sadly I can't rn. What are you tripping on? Gimme! And I am working a factory job, so you can imagine how exciting that it. And hey, I graduated top of my class from an IT oriented high school (not murican, so different school system) and I loved it. IT is something I always loved doing and even better, I'm pretty good at it. My 3 expensive certificates are proof.
Nah, fuck you
>be INFJ
>think I'm better then everyone else
>feel this way because I care so incredibly much about everyone around me
>understand that these two facts show I have a massive ego
>hate myself for having this massive ego
>low self esteem because of this
>realize the absurdity of thinking you're great and garbage at the same time
>think it's probably a good balance to have in life
>hope that thought isn't coming from my ego
>go back into logic loops
I hope I'm not the only one.
lolfag numale
lol I wish that was my experience. "The only thing worse than saying no is saying yes" and "You can always leave whenever you want" are my sayings. Keeping doing something just because you've started it is chasing after sunk costs imo
I'm INFJ and I don't think I'm better than anyone or have ever really met another INFJ like this. The others have been way more humble. And I'm pretty selfish myself.
Are you sure you're that type?
I've been watching CS Joseph's videos and I don't know whether I'm INTP or INFP. A lot of traits from both apply to me. Can anyone assist in finding out the truth?
>hu-hu-hurarchy of maculinidy !! :((((
shut the fuck up.
read on having Ti dom function and Fi dom.
It's tough being an INTJ writefag/musicfag because I'm grievously critical of my productions.
What is the largest barrier for you?
Genuinely wishing you luck. Though I admit I still do question if this will mostly be another wound to modern society. And then I question if wounds are
>Part and parcel
This sounds like a young INTJ loop. If you observe and think upon some of your weaker functions, you can get out of the NiFi loop and get more comfortably into a "flow mode".
Thought this stuff was flawed at first, but then I took functions into consideration and got my drive and meaning back.
Though don't tell any ENTPs this. They may not understand things that work. :^)
I have, but it still hasn't brought me closer.
This thread and almost every MBTI centred communities out there are intuitive circle-jerks and INTJs are probably the worst of the bunch, especially when it comes to elitism and being an asshole to sensors, women and minorities.
to be fair, fuck sensors they are NPCs the lot of them
ISFP's ISTP's ESTP's are far from npc's