Do you have personality disorders?
Let's try this meme test .
Do you have personality disorders?
Damn, how can you even get so many red ones lmao
these never work for me because I feel like a different breed of retard everyday I wake up
proove that many disorders have the same symptoms and that online tests are worhtless
Just your average Yas Forums hero
It does not prove much but a normie would not get so many red . My old normie fren took these test and they think 2 high equal a nervous mess.
Also check em
How difficult should it be to get reds?
>do you have a hard time throwing things away
what personality disorder does this correspond to?
OCD maybe?
I didn't think it was this bad bros.
Guess I'm mostly normal? Definitely not a schizoid.
I hate my life.
Yea comment was original.
Not really a surprising set of results to be honest.
mine's too embarassing to even show but I guess it's anonymous here goes bros
I'm a trainwreck, should I just end it
If you're at the point of ending it no harm going talking to a therapist or a psychiatrist, nothing left to lose.
I know it sounds kind of stupid, but I'm in almost constant mental anguish.
DisorderResultParanoidDisorderLowSchizoidDisorderModerateSchizotypalDisorderVery HighAntisocialDisorderModerateBorderlineDisorderHighHistrionicDisorderModerateNarcissisticDisorderLowAvoidantDisorderHighDependentDisorderHighObsessive-CompulsiveDisorderModerateDo I Have a Personality Disorder? --
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Original comment
I guess so. I really wish life didn't turn out like this. What this user said. Just wish I could start all over again in a different universe and timeline. I'm just afraid of what the psychiatrist/therapists might say. I have a shit ton of problems.
> I'm just afraid of what the psychiatrist/therapists might say.
Not that it would make anything worse, and you probably desperately need a reality check or a someone else's outlook to get you out of the cireclejerk mindset Yas Forums has put you in for years.
On another note, a huge part of the job is not being judgemental, a judgemental therapist or a psychiatrist that lets his emotions interfere with sessions and patients is a horrible one.
Looks like I'm like ol' Teddy K.
wew laddy. whats the fucking point someone let me know
is it time to neck myself ?
>If you answered yes to the previous question, do you tend to have these suicidal thoughts during and after a break-up with someone?
Bitch, how the fuck would I know
Why did it give me histrionic and paranoid?
This test is meaningless. These are just regular normal person questions lol
should i just kill myself asap or?
The only disorder most of you fags suffer from is desperate-for-attention syndrome
this test is retarded, according to this everyone has at least one of the mental illnesses.
mental illness is a spectrum. also these people for some reason think its eppic to be mentally ill so they fudge some of the answers
the test is telling me I am shizoid with OCD, in real life I have been to different psychologist and a psychiatrist and none of them diagnosed me wit this shit. in fact I do desire attention and social interaction and answered as such, but somehow I'm still very high in shizoid
it's got an embed link for profiles, it was literally made so chatango kids in 2013 could have a chart on their profile showing how epic and mentally ill they are. creepypasta etc
I didnt do too bad I guess?
Is that the reason everybody here is anonymous?, how do I get upboats?
>implying attention requires a username and points on your profile instead of just a (you)
weird deflection.
here's the (you) you're so desperate for attention whroe
>dependent over low
you're a fucking virgin
Why are you such a cunt user?, out of all the anonymous robots sharing their scores in this thread, how many will get (you)s?, how many posted expecting someone to actually reply to them?
why are you so desperate for attention that you lie about your answers to a fucking internet quiz written by 16 year olds?
all of you fags posting in this thread like "i hope someone looks at my post and thinks 'wow that guy is crazy!' hehehe"
joker ruined an entire generation of men
that's histrionic personality disorder and OP scored high, so while you're a retard, you're also right.
How bad is this? I can't tell.
Baiting is an artform you've yet to master user.
and the """clever""" ones who add a question on to theirs, even further attempting to get a (you)
>if i call it bait, i dont have to accept that i am a complete retard trying to argue with someone far smarter than i am
no more (you)s for you retard :DD
I have been diagnosed with asperger's and bipolar
also the captcha had a bus from my city and I'm weirded out
No reason to get excited.
who wants me to be their insane, codependent bpd gf? i'm also a literal sex addict. i'll fuck your life up
if i met you i wish i could break your nose and jaw
hey retard
>i'm also a literal sex addict. i'll fuck your life up
Highly highly doubt that, we'll spend our days with my dick glued inside your pussy.
This shit so bullshit
seeing all you other fags do so shit makes me feel good about myself
Disorder | Rating
ParanoidDisorder | Very High
SchizoidDisorder | Very High
SchizotypalDisorder | High
AntisocialDisorder | Moderate
BorderlineDisorder | Very High
HistrionicDisorder | High
NarcissisticDisorder | High
AvoidantDisorder | Moderate
DependentDisorder | Moderate
Obsessive-CompulsiveDisorder | High
i am pretty sure its randomized, I gave normal answers and it gave all high / very high
I've lost the motivation to take these quizzes. They're just so dumb.
I have no idea why people are taking this meme quiz seriously.
I feel like superior shit
Any other bots with shcizoid personality disorder?
damn im a super autist ig
Huh. I didn't think I'd be this bad. But I probably should have.
I didnt feel to bad about my results untill i looked at the rest if the thread. Mines one of the worst
borderline, avoidant and ocd very high; paranoid and dependent high; rest moderate
i guess its inevitable if you grow up in a household where you cant put away a fork without a written permission
Im a very retard man
Am I a normie all of a sudden? What the fuck? I answered yes to liking weak people BTFO, prioritizing my needs, stealing, jail and a bunch of shit, and got moderate.
I'm someone unironically diagnosed with Anti-Social personality disorder. This test is shit if it can't even pick that up.
Shit, wrong pic. Somehow I clicked that. Yeah, this test is shit.
Jesus, captcha is assraping me tonight