Lmao at the cope from tattoofags

Lmao at the cope from tattoofags

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Yes because you are so beautiful when you are old without tattoos

>other opinions
If they aren't retarded they would find it repulsive themselves, not because of others.

the same normies who say this end up getting laser removal not long after kek

>i dont really care now and i wont care then

Seeth harder tattooless fag, my flower tattoos make me masturbate to myself.

I understand when sailors, veterans, or convicts have tattoos, but regular shitheads just look like faggots.

"I'm not like the sheep!" Says the sheep doing everything that people tell them.

Isn't that contradictory though? Isn't the whole point of love to submit yourself to another person emotionally? Isn't that like being a slave to your own human instincts, and in a way, to another's person's actions?

Why are women so stupid?

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Tattoos are stupid and I dislike them but that logic is completely sound and you're all just retards who can only think in terms of meme phrases you learned to parrot, such as DURRR DO YOU KNOW HOW BAD TATTOOS LOOK WHEN YOU GET OLD?? You know what else looks bad when you get old? Literally everything,

Getting tattoos is marking yourself as cattle. All tattoos will fade and get uglier as you as. That is a fact. If your body is your temple, why ruin it with graffiti?

Yet they will live happy lives unlike you, an autist on r9k. How ironic

again you're just repeating memes you've seen on Yas Forums
If your body is a temple why don't you decorate it?

person: eh i did what i wanted dont really regret it

Why is not caring about what others think considered a virtue to Americans? Yeah it's so great that you only care about yourself and don't give a shit about the environment you create around yoursel

>That text at the bottom
It's literally the opposite, 99% of people get tattoos because of social pressures or to fit in more with people

Makes you look like a fucking retard.

Lmaoing at pic related. Imagine getting something that literally every other normies does and then feeling special about it.

got face tats lad, dont want to be old. you can fuck that shit

>but that logic is completely sound
Not really when you think about the tattoos that people like this actually have and how little they mean. The grandiose prose is tough to really feel when it's defending a tattoo of Spongebob.

And the thing is, if you were instead talking to some Maori warrior who got his tattoos in his manhood ritual, a ritual that his people have been performing for 10,000 years, he would not only never defend his tattoos as
>I'm a strong independent person and don't need no approval
he would also never need to defend his tattoos. People would see them and understand that they have deep meaning. That's true even of a yakuza, who are understood to be bad people in their own culture. How many tattoos do you see on a modern Western human that comes anywhere close to that?

The only traditional meaning tattoos have in the West is the same they have in Japan; sailors and criminals (same difference) get them, nobody else. But some pasty white woman working an office job and complying with all relevant regulations still often gets a tattoo in the modern day. Not only does that tattoo have no meaning, it actively works to erase what meaning tattoos have in our culture.

They're all just awash in relativity, severed from their tradition and people, floating in an inky abyss, dragging others beneath the waves.

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I still don't like tattoos too and i think it's for retarded people , but not caring what others think about you now that's extremely based

I saw this trucker with a scorpion and egyptian tats before, wow so deep and edgy did your mother pick them out ?

im all 3 of those and i appreciate your stance

Shut up faggot sailor. Join a real branch.

Why u a convict tho?

>in a way, to another's person's actions?
in what relevant sense are you/your own instincts another person you mongoloid? the whole distinction between ourselves and other people is predicated on the idea that you can't separate your identity into sub-identities - if you allowed for that, there is no inherent self/identity since you can keep disaggregating yourself into little groups of people.

>Join a real branch.
The Navy is the only one that actually does anything good instead of just being Israel's thugs.

>fall in "love"
>other person cheats
>get sad

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>slave trapped in what others think about you
>body is covered with writing and images purely designed for other people to look at and to peacock your personality

I'm noticing a trend here. The most controversial something is, the more normies love will love it.
>Pitbulls, a violent and dangerous dog breed, yet normies now love them thanks to the controversy with them.
>The controversy with tatttoos and drugs, now every normie does drugs and gets tattoos.

>the more normies will love it.

>being traditional is getting more and more controversial
>normies don't buy it

>Thinking old people will care about their skin


look hoe msf yhr ysyyoo gshd str om yjod yjtrsf lrl


Things that are controversial to normies today
>non-violent dog breeds
>no tattoos
>being a virgin
>being a conservative or traditionalist

Rent free

Why do you care what someone's going to look like when they're old and wrinkly? Everyone looks like a fucking ugly babbling idiot once they get old enough. Me personally, I'm killing myself before I hit 30.

i remember thinking that same thing when i was 19 too, you won't.

Let's pray that he will.

38 years old, lifelong depressive here, can confirm.

Everybody says that when they're kids.

That last point is false though, most normies are conservatives (which are just centrists who don't like abortion), centrists or liberals (which are just centrists who like abortion). It's very popular to be a complete cuck politically right now. Also establishment boomers are very traditional and hate controversial and popular things.

Turning 26 next month, I hope I don't puss out like you did. I can't imagine how terrible it must be to still be coming to this website post 30.


If only you knew how things really are. Suicide isn't something you premeditate years in advance KEK. Nobody in history has done it.

This is ribbon

Attached: ED4F8B66-9DBA-4275-A1BD-27312C4E6EFC.jpg (2003x2530, 920.46K)

This is clefairy

Attached: B65F92C1-EBC0-4C95-8DFE-C23AA98B3BD8.jpg (1561x2031, 538.22K)

This is a stray fairy

Attached: 389C0277-B939-4218-8C62-5BA7F6E280E9.jpg (2191x2530, 1.3M)

This is ms warp

Attached: AE2DA9DF-5E84-4625-87FF-C5D0D605399E.jpg (2013x2167, 818.28K)

This is bombette

Attached: D352FC50-B9EF-4BF7-9AF8-77239664C7FB.jpg (2264x2406, 874.42K)

This is chibi robo

Attached: 78CE7AF0-BB10-4AD9-9100-8CC3BFDD35EB.jpg (2206x2206, 635.33K)

I was in a mental hospital when i took these pics

Attached: D06966AC-0DA7-4DBC-A971-45C929CBBE44.jpg (4032x3024, 1.25M)

There is no set "way things are," user. Different things happen, people live different lives. Off the top of my head Sylvia Plath planned each of her attempts years in advance.

To be frank, I'll definitely make attempts before I'm 30. Christmas last year I took 50 or so Tylenol and Ambien and ended up on dialysis for a week and even longer in involuntary inpatient. Wasn't the smartest attempt, but at least I'm not brain damaged enough that I can't plan for smarter ones.

Into these actually. Really like the stray fairy one.

one day you'll wake up, 30+, and i hope you'll think of me

>coast guard
see you when the Mexican cartels are pillaging your waters buddy

I went on 3 dates with this really really amazing girl, she was this tomboy that could play guitar

She gave me the bell jar and i read the first third, then she told me she was a lesbian and was just cheating on her girlfriend and didnt want to go through with it

This happens alot to me its quite frustrating

Bro I don't remember what I had for breakfast this morning, you've got an hour or two up here at best.

What a cunt.

i think if you do it, you gotta do it big and well. you make yourself like a fucking spirit animal up in this bitch
are any of you old ass niggas going to tell me lil peep shouldn't have gotten his tattoos? he was a legend and everyone who watched him for like 2 minutes knew it
most people, however, are mediocre with their tattoos and do it not big money

forgot picture

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how old are you lil peep fanon

I've decided I'll only get tattoos once I'm 60+. Tattoos look better on old people than young people imo, and I want to look like the coolest old dude around.

>I was in a mental hospital when i took these pics
I shouldn't have laughed at that.

95% of the peep fans are stupid, hope u are not one of them.

>ms warp
Wtf I thought that nigga was a dude

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