
Okay I'm gonna make /doll/ on a different, slower, less retarded board.
Yas Forums has too many blogging, race baiting, women hating shit being made at a constant pace and kills threads too fast.

Candidates are /toy/, and /jp/.
I'll make it after this thread dies.
Then if THAT doesn't work out, RIP.

All old threads:

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Other urls found in this thread:


we don't need any more of you 3DPD shitters on /jp/
go to /toy/

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>implying I would put /jp/ in high priority
I hate janny

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want... tifa gf...

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I'm voting /toy/

/jp/ already has the onahole thread. They got a bjd thread called doll thread on there also already. So i recommend /toy/ or /g/ cause dolls are going robo soon anyway.

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same, sucks that it's a blue board, but it is what it be....

Make a strawpoll OP, so we can vote.

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How much would it cost to get a doll that would look EXACTLY like a certain fictional character that is not based on any living real human? Would it even be possible, considering all the intellectual property rights?

This nonsequitur when there are perfectly good reasons not to select /jp/

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Alright polls up


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That depends on who you're asking to make it. Plenty of manufacturers do custom head dolls and some do anime style dolls. Someone threw out a figure of around 1k usd for the custom head in another doll thread. IP is not a concern.

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Some heads are also similar enough.

Honestly, 70% of the likeness is going to be in the wig and makeup.

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It'll be great once they get sensors for their pussys so we can have sex contest.

>tfw no Tifa gf to punch you in the balls

never went on /toy/ before desu. looks like they even have a doll thread for western style dolls. I did feel the feel on here once in a while cause the robots are very helpless and lost I don't know if they can afford dolls though.

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Got more of her? I've always been a Tifa fag

I want /doll/ to succeed so bad.

I do believe this is a big future hobby for lonely people. I might get some stock in a doll manufacturer.

You got it broder duder.

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Bro dude.. bro....

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Thanks, I wanna play FF7 remake with a tifa doll

Holy fook that just gave the best idea.
>New game comes out
>Dress doll waifu up in cosplay for the respective game
>Build even bigger hype

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>I might get some stock in a doll manufacturer.
ngl, you'll probably go RICH

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What is the absolute MAXIMUM you can spend on a doll right now?

At the most? like 10k, but at that point you're overspending for some dumb brand name crap.

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>go to catalog
>sort by creation date
Holy fuck you're not kidding.

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Its even sadder when you sort by reply count.
What the fuck

I think I'll get one from catdoll at some point

/toy/ and /jp/ do move at a pretty relaxed pace. /g/ goes about as fast as Yas Forums

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>tfw theres like 50 different doll shops online
>can't pick just one.
I hate being a brainlet.

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> (You)
>>tfw theres like 50 different doll shops online
>>can't pick just one.
>I hate being a brainlet.

Consider "Catdoll half EVO Coco" she cute

It'd be kind of weird but I kinda wish they would include a food disposer in the dolls mouth.
I wanna feed it strawberries

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You can't buy dolls that look a certain age they'll confiscate it in transit

for regular dolls you can get some pretty detailed information on one of those forum things. just lurk there for info. If you can find a doll that you love, then go for that one. For lolidolls the forums are australian so there are only some makers that ship overseas. catdoll, dollter, dollhouse168. axb. thats what i got off the top of my head. Maybe there are some other ones. I think you should pick the doll you love and then try to gain info about it from searching related terms and stuff.

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Stay away from lolidolls if you are in australia, UK and canada. In the US some states banned them. It's really sad but unless you are very confident it's best not to take a risk on it. If you live in another part of the world you can buy and receive them. There is some risk of customs illegaly confiscating a shipment maybe, if they somehow feel offended about your shipment. Not sure how common that is.

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Well depends on the place you live... Definitely not for germany

You mean you can't get them in germany? Maybe it has something to do with the shipping route. I heard that a catdoll shipment was confiscated in canada even though the destination was a US state where they were legal. It's pretty sad that they do this because some people need lolidolls to treat their loneliness. Also they have a big advantage of being lightweight so you should get them if you aren't physically strong.

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No I meant you can definitely get them in Germany

And for me... the loli part of it is because ... I don't wanna offend

Threads on Yas Forums get made like every minute, /toy/ threads get made once every 5 hours.

Gives the thread a long grace period to die down especially during nighttime where these threads usually die. But probably wont see an increase of new people join the thread unless people forward posters from other boards.

I hope you get a doll you love and that your life becomes happier.
I just looked at some long threads to see the starting date so my method is totally shit.

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Which one is that? adding her to my list of dolls I may get.

WMdoll 156cm body / #85 head

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What's the least I could spend for a decent doll? Only work part time and don't make much.

I found a pre-owned one for 650 on a trusted retailer.

Theres ones on Amazon and Ebay, but you're literally asking to get scammed buying from there.

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>Those votes for keeping on Yas Forums
i'm not remaking the thread everytime it dies overnight, fucking faggots.

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So it looks like it's going to be /toy/

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Can someone give me a list of all these "trusted retailers"?

How can you know which ones are good and which ones are bad?

I don't really know but i stole this pic from doll forum. they have a whole section about manufacturers and retailers. I wouls suggest lurking that a bit to gather info.

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>go to the sex dolls reddit
>extremely vulgar
>mostly just porn
>dolls posted show big signs of deterioration/lack of care
Reddit give doll bros a bad name.

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Most of them are merchants too selling their shit

God I fucking hate r*ddit so much holy shit.

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Tons of Dolls posted without any makeup on too which is a big red flag for me.
I mean if you're not even gonna 'doll' up your doll for the internet, then what is the point?

Anyone else think designers should go in a different direction with sexbots? The quality just is not there to mimic a person, and the differences are really off putting. What if instead they just tried to model it as a humanoid alien or a robot style sexbot, it would be far easier to make a product with sensual qualities that overlooks its flaws in reproducing human traits.

Because literally nobody would buy it except fetishits and legit weirdos.

I really never understood the appeal of automatons.

It's probably to attract people who will be impressed by the artificial mimicry for months after purchase before they finally tire of it. They need that money though to fund their r&d to be able to make the robots that can do useful stuff like help you get up and take you to the toilet or wash you.

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Nobody buys dolls except weirdos and fetishists already, just seems like a good way to avoid this uncanny valley disturbing look dolls have.

Making up the Faq right now, shit is taking forever.

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Good thing that everyone on this board is either a weirdo or a fetishist.

reporting for australia
meet dolly my new life companion

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How the fuck doi you get past the imgur nsfw links. Im not giving those kikes my phone number

Congrats on your doll.