Would you date a scarred girl? a-asking fot a friend haha

would you date a scarred girl? a-asking fot a friend haha...

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I did actually "date" a girl who was severely burned up. It was unpleasant because her self-esteem was so low that it was kind of depressing, like she didn't want to be touched or looked at or complimented, and didn't think she was worth a relationship.

I think have a fetish for weird/broken girls so definitely yes. Hard to explain, but for example I've had a small crush towards a girl just because she was missing her leg
I guess empathy hits me too hard when it comes to people with disabilities etc.

It's pathetic broken wing syndrome I know

It would be nice to comfort them, yes.
To make their insecurities wash away.

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Depends how her self esteem is. If she is like then that would be a problem for me. I am not good at comforting people.

>tfw no badass battle scarred gf who looks like she could kick my ass

Depends on where and how severe the scarring is.
And honestly on how she looked before the scarring too. If she was already born with a fucked up face structure the scarring might not even be her worst appearance problem.

Actual burn marks look nothing like that

How bady was she burned? 50% of her body? More? Could you tell me more about your relationship was, I dont think I have seen any cute scarred girls

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I would date a scarred girl if she has the will to live and is willing to confront what had scarred her, even if it's only 1% at a time.

I love the idea of a damaged girl. You can call me a fetishist if you want but I don't see anything bad with it. Although real girls are not as cute as muh animu girls.

No Op, I have no interest in dating you. Or your friend

bacon skin is not attractive irl unless you have teratophilia

Where would she be from though?
I only date girls from Luxembourg...

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yes. she would give me a reason to live, I'd want to make her happy no matter what

Badly, like the kind of horrorshows you see online. I'd say about 50% or so yeah, maybe more. She was in a car accident and unconscious while it burned before they dragged her out.

The "relationship" was pretty bleak, she essentially begged me sobbing, to let her fool around with me since she'd never experienced anything like it and felt lost and desperate. She was so hung up about her injuries though that she basically just wanted me to lay there in a pitch black room while I let her do what she wanted and didn't want me touching her or saying anything. I tried to make it more like a relationship but she only gave so much and it never really worked well. I feel bad because I don't think she'd ever change from that.

STFU dumb Luxembourgposter

Absofuckinglutely. Would I date someone who did self harm like in your image? FUCK no.

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Never, ever! I'll keep going forever!

Well, maybe I'll shut up eventually.. definitely soon so I can get some sleep...

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>ywn have a self conscious burn victim femdom gf who uses you as a living dildo
That's so fucking hot user, my God. 10/10 would happily lay down and let her use my thick pp.

No point in wasting my time with damaged goods.

At this point I'm so lonely I'd take anything. Maybe that's my problem too desperate. Even girls with third degree wouldn't want me. I'm too much of a self pitying faggot little bitch.

no, 3d will always be inferior
fuck w*men

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Yes. I wish I had a scarred girl to shower with love and try to make happy again.

No I wouldn't
Scars are not cute

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I dont see how scars could stop me loving someone. As long as she's a good person who I'm compatible with I'd give her just as much love as a girl with no scarring.

dumb tranny u kill urself lol

Duh. Scars don't really change how attractive someone is, unless it's like full blown Hannibal-tier entire face removal. Something like is literally nothing.

She's still a total qt.

Sure as long as she isn't black.

Yes I would date any woman so long as I feel an emotional connection with them except if they are obese or a tranny

fug i want to touch it

Dated a girl with Poland syndrome for a few weeks, was nice. People with physical scars/problems need love too.

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>a bad case of poison ivy

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I have some minor burns, I could use it to bond with them.

Yeah, but would she date me is the question?

From my experience, no. I'm missing my right eye and beyond it being called "cool" almost everyone has expressed disgust or pity. I'm assuming the same thing applies to scars.

I don't think anyone cares about sh scars on an SO. Maybe if you did your wrists in it would turn people off

How'd you lose it?

yes id date any girl so long as they were decently nice to me, genuinely liked me, and were cute by my standards


Based Letzeburgfag

Nearly every guy would date a girl who is scarred. Its been shown in studies that guys dont care about things like that unless they are so severe as to be genuinely disfiguring. Not that that matters since this is an obvious LARP anyways and any girl who is actually scarred would never have to go asking about it in a place like this.

do you have a glass eye and shit? seems interesting.

yes I would! in fact, I would prefer it

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I have a few yeah, but I usually wear a patch regardless. "Interesting" is a nice way of euphemising it.

have you considered doing cosplay? seems a good way to make a positive out of it.

I'm fine with almost any woman God has to offer, sadly though I would have to decline as she like the others would get in the way of my plans.

Now if befriending was an option, for sure if allowed.

I really want a spunky little gf with a badass diagonal scar across her eye.

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>tfw no yandere girl who cuts her own face so that you'll like her cool scar

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I'm 90% sure that's just a birthmark user.

>a-asking fot a friend haha...
a larping male made this post

>femdom gf who uses you as a living dildo
I'm glad I'm not the only one who read his post and thought this. God damn it's all I want bros. I already have a big dick and everything. It's just not fair.

yes but not because I'm noble or open-minded
I just hate fat chicks THAT much

Hey, I wear a patch as well. I tried to cope by telling myself, hey at least I might look interesting and others might think it's cool (even though people have told me so).
But I miss seeing from both eyes...

>used to do
You don't "used to do" kungfu

Biologically, most men should be attracted to scars. It would mean she survived a deadly encounter and thus has strong survivor genes

>Would you date
Many of the people on Yas Forums are forever alone who would date ANYONE. the issue is the dating market is so screwed even a burnt, scarred and disfigured woman would still have thousands of simps at her fingertips. why chose someone from here?

The girl in your pic, yes. There really isn't too much of a downside to her. The only red flag is the wrist cutting. It's kind of like dating a girl who isn't particularly attractive, but you actually get along with her personality, which in the long run is nicer. So going by your picture, the things which stand out are:
>afraid of tree frogs
They're cute and it's weird she'd be afraid of them, but that in itself is cute.
This is always a huge red flag.
>does/did kung fu
I think a girl that does martial arts or most athletic things is attractive as long as she's not too into them.
Everything else is kind of expected or not too bad.

No, you! Good morning, by the way..

I have acne scars and feel like a total freak, I could only guess how someone with half their face burned feels like. Tho I don't know if this is actually worse than severe acne scars. It seems kind of interesting, like it gives your face some history. With acne it's just people think you're gross or don't wash yourself or whatever garbage stereotype they have in their normie heads.

Without tatoo, piercing, scars or burns or whatever some kind of anomaly like dichromatic irises, or freckles in iris ... Or whatever ... It's kinda boring ... Oh ... Short colored is just boner fuel ... But all that is largely subjective ofc

My physical dealbreaker is fat, scars aren't a big whoop. Fucking hate fatties tho

I don't think I have a fetish, but I dated a girl who was disabled. She had had a major stroke on the left side of her brain, had to relearn how to talk, walk everything over years (before I met her). She was a 10/10 without the stroke, popular D1 athlete recruited to a well known school, extremely popular outgoing lots of friends beautiful blond. She still has the body and all the friends and a great personality but she may come off as a retard at times. She dumped me when I answered a trick question wrong in a split second after months I never saw it coming. I was the happiest I've been in about a decade with her, would have stayed with her forever even if it ment being her caretaker and no kids. I've been thinking about her tonight and cant sleep.