Give me one argument against why the age of consent shouldn't be at 10 years old
Give me one argument against why the age of consent shouldn't be at 10 years old
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if you fuck them too hard their brain will pop
I know the term literal children gets thrown around a lot. But come on man, 10 years old? Hope this is b8
There isn't one!
I wanna be cucked by a smug loli so bad!
it robs children of their childhood innocence. Obviously, children can't consent. They will have to recover from the rape.
That alone sounds like enough to me. I mean its not like an anime. Children have their hearts and souls.
so.. does that mean that you let me have sex with your 10 year old daughter?
I did not understand what the fuck I was doing when I was 10
>Children have their hearts and souls.
I wouldn't be so sure, children are monsters
what in the fuck has happened to this website
It would result in too many happy, loving marriages and (((they))) don't want that.
that sounds like some weird rape revenge fantasy
target the correct people user
Public health. Stds are already rampant amongst adults
>so.. does that mean that you let me have sex with your 10 year old daughter?
sure, if you're OK with used goods
its funny because people like you are the reason the age of consent is never going to be lowered
the people have set rules what is morally wrong and what is right. you cant change the mindset. the jungle niggers cannibalize each other and we in the west find it unciviliced but for them its normal. thats just how the world works
My best friend was severely traumatised after being raped as a child. Her memories resurfaced not long ago. It's the reason why she has always been so mentally ill and why her perception of the world is so wrong all the time.
I whole heartedly invite you to get out and be friends with someone like that, and if you have a trace of compassion, then you'll revert. If you don't, then immediately kys.
rape != consensual with a loli
Its her fault for being a little bitch. Also, who said anything about rape?
It's never going to happen unironically, I cant tell if pedos are serious or joking but i dont want to give birth to a sex slave and render my life even worse
>i dont want to give birth to a sex slave
>not wanting your own lil daughteru sex slave for only yourself
>me: consents
>my future loli wife: consents
>her parents: consent
why should I care about anyone else
>children can't consent.
Not myself either, I have seen it in the news brah and it's not cute or funny or quirky
this, but raping them will make them worse.
Only if they are constantly smug and lewd. These can only be found in fiction though so aint gonna happen
pls give me the source pls famalam
Why not pick a realistic age like 14-16?
No 10 yr old girl will lay with you. Most haven't even had puberty.
An objective sense of moral responsibility; morality comes from on high my friend, if morality is decided in the hearts of each man then it is not objective, but an opinion.
We need to criminalize sex outside of a parental approved marriage first.
Read it and weep you insufferable fag. It takes a two second google search to see why you shouldn't fuck children.
How about the fact that they haven't even been through puberty yet you sick fuck.
14 is the absolute lowest I'll go, although I prefer 16 as the age of consent as it is in most places. Any younger than that and you should neck yourself immediately.
when i was 11 all i could think about was being fucked, when i did get fucked i was so happy, then it never happened again because the guy who fucked me went to jail. i was depressed because he was locked up.
Age of consent for sex is degenerate and should not exist. Fornication is unacceptable.
As for marriage, I would say that it's ideal for girls to marry during teenagehood. 10 is too soon and literally pedo territory. They can't even make babies at that age ffs
child that age have next to no notions of sex, what is it etc, plus you have a lot of power over them if your older, thus creating unconsenting sex scenarios
for the love of god, don't stick your dick in a child, even if she "likes it"
How did he go to jail if you didn't tell anybody?
he fucked another kid who told someone
Sounds like he was a piece of shit then desu.
10 years old? Are you fucking kidding me? Children can consent the minute they understand the meaning of the word. And consent is a pretty fucking simple word.
>Give me one argument against why the age of consent shouldn't be at 10 years old
>a few hours later at OP's residence
>is this the house? yep, this is OP's house, lets book him
You talking about libre or cgarden? Probably not though, I usually just lurk for hot girls.
"Age of consent" is a postmodern feminist concept. It only exists in brave new worlds where sexuality is hedonistic in nature has been cut loose from family, community and society. There is no place for a 10 year old girl in the jungle that is modern sexuality.
1. Because females at this age are generally not physically ready for intercourse.
2. Females of this age are easily manipulated into doing sexual shit they otherwise would not want. aka they can't consent.
If the child needs to be protected and shielding from people wanting to fuck them then this is a good indication that they are not ready for sexual with adults.
>Children can consent the minute they understand the meaning of the word
This is one of the problems. They don't understand the true meaning of the words and what is actually involved.
An adult in a position of power can very easily say things in a way using doublespeak to make them think they understand when they really don't.
>consent is a pretty fucking simple word
Is it really?
Are they of an age where you can reasonable assume they know every little detail that is involved with sexual acts like an adult would?
Do they understand the potential consequences?
You are a seriously fucked up person if you seriously think a young child can consent with the full understanding of whats going on and what can happen.
>the jungle niggers cannibalize each other and we in the west find it uncivilized but for them its normal. thats just how the world works
No brainlet. Niggers cannibalize each other because they don't understand the basics of morality. If niggers think 2+2 = 10 it doesn't mean they have a different mathematical system then we do, it means they don't understand maths at all.
>Age of what now?
Why do people have such a hard time accepting that the age of consent is merely a law of convenience? Statutory rape is not even considered the same crime as rape. Consensual sex with a minor will result in being charged with one, while non-consensual sex will result in a charge of the other. The law literally makes a distinction between consensual and non-consensual here, implicitly stating that children can consent. It's just a sensitive subject so they don't want to have to investigate these cases.
Normie kids are literally animals that are stupid and defenseless and incapable of understanding what's actually going on
Excuse me miss, You should like ya know fuck your kid.
Nah listen it's cool trust me! She can consent so it's all totally normal!
Because most 10 year old are not mature enough and they don't have enough knowledge nor experience compared to 20+ year old adult.
I don't know how you could even have working relationship with a 10 year old, they have completely different interests and mindsets.
Lower age of consent made some sense in the past because society wasn't as complex as it is now.
Classic pedo trying to normalize underage relationships.
If you want to ignore the fact that the vast majority of them are not even physically ready for sex with an adult and also ignore the massive ramifications it would have on our society then below is the main reason.
>They don't have enough knowledge nor experience compared to 20+ year old adult.
Imagine if you expected a 10 year old child to do their parents taxes or invest in a commercial property.
You can tell them what to do but they will not understand what they are doing and what these things actually mean because they are not old enough to have learned or experienced whats necessary to completely understand.
I could sit down and teach a child about how to select and analyse for a decent property development site, what fees and consultant rates are involved to plan, m2 rates for the building and where to research the codes for the building limits of the council area, what the loan rates are for certain developments and the exit strategies required for each loan. Do you think they will understand what these are? No... and no matter how many times you tell them they will truly not understand and will just repeat what I have said.
That's a bit of a false equivalence there, desu. You could sit down many adult women and try to explain that shit to them and they wouldn't get it. Sex really isn't that complicated.
>You could sit down many adult women and try to explain that shit to them and they wouldn't get it.
True, but the point he was making is that most children don't have the same capacity to truly understand sex and other mature concepts.
>Sex really isn't that complicated
Do they understand if they are physically developed yet?
Do they understand how they can even tell if they are physically ready yet?
Do they understand what can happen if they engage in intercourse when they are not ready physically?
Do they understand sexual diseases, contraception? pregnancy? Everything related to these 2 topics such as giving birth at 10-11 years old and how they can seriously injury their bodies?
>You could sit down many adult women and try to explain that shit to them and they wouldn't get it.
Now imagine how little a child would understand.
Give me one argument for why the age of consent should be at 10 years old.
Because woman who have the mental maturity and experience will not consent to letting me fuck them me so I gotta find females who I can manipulate into fucking me.
Imagine being such an incel you need want to change the laws to so you can try and target children to have sex with.
I had no capacity to understand shit when I was 10 and any person over the age of 18 trying to do something sexual with me would have been horrific for my life, my growth, and would have been a downright abuse of power. A little kid's version of love does not match a grown person's version of love. A little kid is naive and love to them might as well just be a fun game. I have no qualms with people like you being killed in the street, not that I'd join in.
Pedophilia is more of a fetish. You dont really "love" children like you would an adult yourself. Not to say it's only to get your dick wet, but something in your mind is attracted to something that's considered "pure", "young", and easy to manipulate. You cant form real connection with adult women, so you go to little girls/boys and mold them into your fantasy. You probably have a daddy/child complex, and you want to inflict those on younger people. With the power, experience , and ulterior motives most people have, nobody should really trust people outside of family all that much. It's only right and natural to be protective of children. Why would any sane parent let some old guy take that advantage from their child? It's like telling a random person your bank information and hope he'll wont take all your money. If YOU cant stick to women your own age, that's YOUR problem, not everyone else.
Adults don't want to be loved.
This is why femdom is the purest expression of pedophilic love, giving them the power and experience needed to grow into a sexually confident teenager.
You all are a bunch of bluepilled fags. Read Rind et. al
What are your certifications?