Cuntoid hate general: Found out my oneitits is a sex worker

>Be me
>Like a girl at work
>Find out today she's a hooker, stripper and a camwhore
>Turns out its common knowledge in the workplace and Im the last to find out
>Friend accidentally let it slip assuming i already knew
>Shes bubble, funny, huge tits, thick ass but has homely face and non stacey personality
>Not blonde, brown haired and nerdy
>Really nice and friendly with everyone even me
>Got really close at xmas party but didnt make a move because I knew she'd reject me because Im not a 10/10, tall handsome alpha. It would be laughable for us two to be together
>Havent spoken to her since, 3 days ago
>Rejected her invite to her birthday party
>Everyone at work is start to clue on to whats happened
>Moral is being affected
>Shes upset I wont talk to her, other people are asking why even though they know why
>I play dumb and say 'im busy' when they know Im not.
>She was found sobbing at lunch time
>Getting bad looks from HR, all are female btw.

FFS why cant women just be homely and humble and not sell their asses for money. Also why the fuck are women surprised that Men would take offence to them being whores? I don't care if its the current year, nothing changes.

Inb4 incel. Like that matters anyway. Stay mad norman cuntoids.

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This is literally the only thread you cunts should be replying too right now. I dont ive a shit if it requires 3 mins+ of attention span.

Gave you your way. Bump.

She's crying because she missed a potential beta supporter as she may probably hit the Wall soon.

fucking reply to this NOW

No more replies needed OP

>I'm sorry but my religion forbids me from interacting with a woman of such character

roastoids are subhuman trash

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bumping a based thread. we need to start having w*man hate threads again. this place is such cancer now.

Actually say this user.
Sex workers are haram. HR wouldn't dare offend a muslim would they? That'd be an easy lawsuit

>nearly went to that uni

Fellow ausfag, whats up?

Never said I was one. The fact that it had gotten that far as to why people would ask me shit, especially hr, that is none of their business is reason enough to throw out a vague but semi legally protected statement.
>well, we're going to need to talk to the religious leader at your place of worship to confirm
You can talk to my lawyer.

>attractive and big boobs
>broken psyche to make her act "like one of the guys"
you retards fall for it everytime

>he thinks the meme is to add "fag" to every noun he associates with
curb this habit user

Oh god...that's honestly pitiful...

>being this much of a newfag
ok fag

posting in basado thread

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Ok fag

>go back to melbourne

Post pics. Also, you shouldve pumped and dumped her.
Last thing, you said you didnt made a move bc shed reject anyone but Chad.
Dont act all high up showing that cunt she cant hav all men bc shes a whore!!! if you were a pussy.

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Dude, you could've literally paid your oneitis to have sex with you. A lot of incels don't get that chance. Fuck her once then get a new oneitis.

If you want to keep your job play ball OP, they will plot behind your back and easily find a reason to fire your ass, perform the minimum required social interactions and pleasantries, you don't have to look at the bitch with disgust and shout "whore" every time she passes by.

>why cant women just be homely and humble and not sell their asses for money
I'm a "put yourself in their shoes" kind of guy, camwhoreing requires minimum effort, and if you're good enough you can do fin dom and get thousands each month without even having to take your clothes off.

In short If I, as a man, looked good enough to camwhore, model, or even do porn, I wouldn't hesitate, it's even worse for women, the industry is extremely predatory, and hardcore porn is full of "sweet homely girls"

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woah these girls still look so wholesome, where do i still find girls that dress cute like this?

Used to be the south or the midwest, all the hot girls moved out to the coasts to pursue "modeling" and "acting" careers, all that is left are fatties and uggos.

And women don't were dresses no more bigot, this isn't the 1950s, pic related, same homely girl.

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oh well life sucks nowadays, and she looked better in the dress

>be incel
>jerk off to sex workers
>shun sex workers
hurr have some integrity

>In short If I, as a man, looked good enough to camwhore, model, or even do porn, I wouldn't hesitate
Because you're a disgusting hedonist.
I would never tarnish my dignity, my honor or my moral values for such a petty reason.
That woman is trash, you are trash.
Now, for the few men of honor, we seek proper and decent women, nothing else.

I fucking hate this clown world.

Same user here, the only reason I actually wouldn't do sex work if I had the looks is anonymity, I'm still off the grid to this day.
>I would never tarnish my dignity, my honor or my moral values
Kindly step off your high horse user, this is Yas Forums after all my man.

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Avoid the pretty workplace girl. Every workplace has one, I've seen it time and time again, and it's always toxic as hell

>Find out today she's a hooker, stripper and a camwhore
>Havent spoken to her since, 3 days ago

Nice fiction. Had me going there for a second.

user you dont have to be mean to her wtf

>I had the looks is anonymity
Yeah, only the fear of any Form of social backlash can put most people in the ranks.
That's why we need religion. Not so much for the faith but for the moral values it enforce on the mindless animals that are the plebs.
And it's not because it's Yas Forumsthat we need to be degenerate, you know?

>insulting a actual woman you know irl when a woman just got murdered for being a woman

You're on the FBI watchlist, they literally can't risk another women's murder trend

Name and link to her videos or youre full of shit

Why do you keep saying your "oneitis" is homely? You are an adult male virgin who has a crush on a girl. You're not morally superior here, you're pathetic.

You don't sound like an incel but you do gotta realize that all those girls who do stripping/camming/sex work were abused as kids or teens or exposed to porn from a really young age and warped by the liberal sex positive bullshit on the internet. A lot of them have some sort of trauma and not much confidence in themselves that theyll ever be able to do anything else. I feel bad for them.

years ago a cute girl used to come into my work. she started flirting with me and told her friends she liked me. i dont know how to respond to that kind of thing so i just didnt do anything. then i found out she works as a stripper and i told some people i wasnt interested in her. word quickly got back to her and she took offense at me not being interested and stopped coming in. think i saved myself getting all kinds of stds and later found out she already got with at least one other staff member there. the sad part was appearance-wise she was just my type and she had a nice personality. in another timeline it might have worked out well.

Bro why you lying on the internet? There's no way a roastie is crying over you and there's no way your colleagues care enough about you that you're effecting moral

You are pathetic you might as well go get TOPPED

How old is she?
Is she a "sex" kind of sex worker or "striping and E-whore" sex worker?

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Op probably tried to autistically pay for her services and she laughed and told everyone.

You did good OP. You dont owe anyone an explanation. Do not associate with this woman. She belongs to the streets. Tis a pity she was a whore. But alas, all women are whores.

Memes aside, iktf op. My oneitis is a homely dark haired qt who was shy and spent most of her time with her family. Turns out she is a major slut and everyone knew but me. Broke my heart, but theres nothing you can do but move on. Or kill her

There is no such thing as a BETA SUPPORTER. Betas barely can feed themselves and never make enough to support a wife and kids.

>>Everyone at work is start to clue on to whats happened
>>Moral is being affected
>>Shes upset I wont talk to her, other people are asking why even though they know why
>>I play dumb and say 'im busy' when they know Im not.
>>She was found sobbing at lunch time
>>Getting bad looks from HR, all are female btw.
how old are you? what's that high school? do burgers' place of work is really like that?

>It would be laughable for us two to be together
Everybody is laughing at you at work I guarantee that

Wamyn and trannys are useless and disgusting

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My bf just broke up with me because I won't quit my new job as a server at Hooters. One of my friends works there and she got me an interview and they hired me right away and then I called my bf with the good news and he got so angry and called me a prostitute. You guys are crazy. Its a restaurant.

fuck you you larping nasty tranny fuck

By your own admission, you believe you never had a chance. But now that she has even less value to you than the zero value of something unattainable, you feel deeply betrayed.
The only thing she betrayed was the view of her that you made up in yiur own head. It's not as if a girl you liked became a whore; you were already friends with a whore the whole time. Now you're making the lives of your coworkers more difficult over your own delusions about putting pussy on a pedestal. Of course they want to get rid of you.

Post your nudes and fetishes

I've read the article and she left him because he wasn't successful enough. This dumb bitch just wanted more money. Now she has none and no-one wants her old ugly face anymore

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Do they not realize posts like this say a lot more about them than the women they hate? Dude sounds like a bitter faggit who got hurt by an e-girl and is also a degenerate drug dealer so is in no position to judge.


Yawn. Words cant hurt me these shades are gucci.

you aren't required to talk to her but what you're doing is kind of harsh.

Femoids back at it again

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even seen posted the picture of, i think, a reddit post by a girl asking for help because she dumped her boyfriend who she otherwise really liked but she thought he wasnt ambitious enough and it turned out he was actually a millionaire but just liked to live modestly and not tell people about it.

He's not wrong tho, vid related

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Whoever made that starter pack is a fucking retard and a tourist

And what are robots quirky traits? Liking anime, vidya and hating women? Wow, so unique and interesting.

Chill anonette, we're just having fun.

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