>unknown agents slowing down my internet thinking I will get out of bed
>as if I didn't hear the car park at the neighbors house less than 30 minutes ago
Unknown agents slowing down my internet thinking I will get out of bed
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you should make a bomb
You realizing you're being watched is part of the plan
nice try cocksucker I will not leave the room.
You don't need to leave to follow our design
Hello robots does anyone know a good anime to watch on Tuesdays?
Are you just trolling or really batshit insane?
what happens when the torch goes out
So naive
I amm neither. They have tried before and I have evidence. The same car accross the street before, the same internet slowing down, and the sound of doors closing .they know something I can do that I don't know and they want me to
Are they glowing by any chance?
I must and can't open the curtain so I do not know
You need help before its to late, too bad you wont believe that youre psychotic
Not going to your plan anymore is it? Did you think you were clever to follow me after I bought drinks? That I am too weak to stop from going to the bathroom?
Fuck you user, youre not important we dont need you
so drive away fuckheads. BOTH doors be shut at the same time
listen buddy, nobody is watching you. nor is anyone trying to do anything that your crazed mind is convincing you. ok hear me out.. have you ever considered being crazy or are you completely convinced of your delusions? by these posts, I can only figure that you may be just insane, please get a hobby
We'll get you eventually.
Im from austria asshole, and not outside your door... find another faggot for your shizo delusions im going to sleep now
delusions cant create noises of a car parking, door closing out of nowhere , and slow down my internet, both at the same time too.
He bought drinks?
Pump it full of HRT
see these are mental gymnastics.. youre attempting to associate coincidental events with false connections. try to just ignore all these things and live your life normally. see what happens, just be brave and say even if you have to play into your delusion for a while, don't give any mind to these things and just tell yourself if they wanna do something they will and live with it
and why would someone go to sleep at 11AM? fuck off and drive away
it is not the 1st time it has happened. you want me to give up and lie down like a dog?
Thats called accoustic hallucinations
Delusions are surely able to do that, dont talk about shit you dont know.
those are like voices and shit, im not some schizo retard. this is real sounds of a car that has parked accross the street from me multiple nights now.
I sleep when I fucking want even if its at 11 am faggot, I was drinking and doing drugs till this morning thats why I go to sleep
bomb their car
How many days in a row you been hitting the pook now OP? Get some fucking sleep ya tweak.
and you are still here despite saying you left to sleep over 15 minutes ago. is that also part of your design? fucking dumbasses
Accoustic hallucinations can be any fucking noise possible not just voices. No fucking way there are people after you because you stupid as fuck. Why would they need a morron?
Yeah I ask myself the same question. Why am I still here talking to an irrational psychotic nutbolt when I could sleep instead...
I dont know their criteria. Even if it could be acoustic hallucinations which it isnt, i saw the car parked there yesterday.
I found a snails shell today out in the yard, I wonder where the little guy scurried off to without his house.
>he thinks its the car
you got b8d. they could very well be under your mattress right now or under your floor or between the walls and you wouldnt even know it cause your attentions on the car
no i must and haven't opened the curtains today
What you see could also be an optical hallucination.
Lol mentally ill people are so fuckin stupid bros
you need help yourself and take your meds
Have your senses failed you before? What makes you think that they are telling the truth this time?
holy shit user of all the the things u coulda done wrong you chose the most fatal possible mistake. Im sorry but like the other guy said you played right into their hands. Youre burned son. YOU ARE COMPRAMISED i repeat YOU ARE COMPRAMISED.
>he thinks they're still outside
user... acoustic hallucinations are often just mundane things just like that that you end up overthinking. From one person who's had a bit of a history, you sound like you need help. I know a therapist is someone you could never trust (I know I don't), but you have to recognize that these things aren't real. When it all gets to be too much to think about, run all "I'm being watched" thoughts through this quick checklist;
1. Why would anyone be watching me in the first place? What have I done that's worth watching?
2. Am I genuinely worth using manpower and money to keep tabs on?
3. If one and two somehow sound reasonable, what possible organization am I siphoning resources from by existing, what possible benefit could they be gaining from watching my dumbass shitpost on Yas Forums and jerk off to anime girls?
Especially keep that third one in mind. Many delusional thoughts can be ran through the "What is this person/group gaining from this, in contrast to the cost?" condition, and it helps put things back in logical perspective. Stay safe out there, user. Please don't let your thoughts eat you up.
i dont have meds, im not a schizo.
no, i have never hallucinated and I am not a schizo. I am being tracked for reasons i am not
knowledgeable of
the captcha for this post was select the squares with a car in them. explain that
how are you not a schizo
t. unknown agent
because i have never hallucinated ever?
Having a lack of insight to mental illness is typical for psychotic/shizos.
You dont consider it being mentally at the least even though everyone in this fucking thread is telling you that your behavior isnt normal.
Im afraid you cant help yourself anymore, the only help you got left is that anyone drags your out of your room and into the ward
How do you wanna know if you hallucinated or not? You cant tell the difference... thats what fucking hallucinations are about.
goddamn user are you really that fucking stupid and unreasonable?
no but im telling you i am not schizo. i havent experienced anything abnormal ever. im not even depressed or socially anxious. i am just a uni student who they started to track and i dont know why
>OP larps as a crazy person
>OP simultaneously larps as concerned anons calling him a crazy person
Very lower-tier schizoposting, please try harder in future.
>i dont know why
u kno exactly y
I used to feel bad for schizos like this but really they are just asshole narcissists who can't get over the fact that nobody would ever track them because they're not special.
t. unknown agents
If they were monitoring you, why would they make you go through a car captcha? Why would they give you hints that they're watching you? What part of that makes any fucking sense? Seriously man, you need to stop.
op here. yep i am larping for fun
They seem to know that I know and are posting in this thread too. They said that this is part of their design in this thread and I don't know how
I hope your just trolling us all...
The situation youre in right now is very abnormal, I worked 2 years at a mental hospital and every psychotic patient there was talking exactly the same stuff you told us.
Your unreasonable and you refuse to take our advice so Im out, good luck user
>Everyone in this thread except for me is the same person playing out some retard stage play
Maybe you're the schizo, user
You heard it here, OP, you're not the first one they've tracked.
if by any chance you are still here, did any of them find out why they were tracked
taxis captcha
Maybe we are all shizos and that fucker is the only normal person.
Dont we all have a strange car parked inside us?
Taxis + capture
>The situation youre in right now is very abnormal
sloppy job unknown agent
The real strange car parked outside our houses was the friends we hallucinated along the way.
They strangely stopped tracking them after they took a pill called haldol. Maybe these pills deactivated the tracking key inside their brains
Ok, keep going with that thought. First off, you're trusting that someone posting on Yas Forums is anything other than some random retard, and not only that, but they're people who are intentionally jeopardizing the entire idea of sending some hidden, secretive car to survey you, by openly announcing it, and actively hurting any chance they'd have on getting any useful data out of you, and invalidating all their work up to this point, and beyond. How does that make any sense?
Ohh well user... What a long strange trip its been...