Why is it illegal for me to force sex upon a woman but its perfectly legal for all women to force celibacy on me...

Why is it illegal for me to force sex upon a woman but its perfectly legal for all women to force celibacy on me? Why do all women say they dont care about sex, tehy just want a meanjngful relationship? When they wont give me a chance just cause im ugly and have a small cock?

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Because women are shit.
Originally true and based.

>Why is it illegal for me to force sex upon a woman but its perfectly legal for all women to force celibacy on me?
havent laughed that hard in a while. this statement is pure genious. thanks OP, this really made my day.

Because you're ugly and have a small cock? I'm sorry but just looking evolutionarily your genes are not meant to be passed down for the betterment of mankind. At the core of their biology, women can sense this.

The best you can hope for is to get rich and hook a women who'll tolerate you in exchange for your wealth. Sorry bud, life ain't fair sometimes. Could have been born deformed or with a terminal illness, so you're coming out slightly ahead in the grand scheme.

Why is it illegal for me to force sex upon a man but its perfectly legal for all men to force celibacy on me? Why do all men say they dont care about sex, tehy just want a meanjngful relationship? When they wont give me a chance just cause im ugly and unbelievably fat?

Why is it illegal to do that? Think about what you're saying bro. Would you want someone to force themselves on you? What if they tried to infect you with a disease while they were raping you?

I wish there was a test to show if a baby will grow up to be ugly or have a small penis kind of issue, and that they either fix it at birth or put the poor thing down before it can understand death

Thats different. I dont have a disease to infect women with, and vaginal sex provides pleasure for booth parties, anal rape only provides pleasure for the rapist not the rapee.

Maybe just don't be a stupid whore and have sex with any and everbody that makes your stinking vagina wet, then maybe there wouldn't be a chance of having an ugly child. And if you abort or intentionally miscarry, you'll probably be reborn as a hideous retarded inbred female or just burn in hell or something. That's only if there's an afterlife. Otherwise you are just a worthless person, since your life purpose is reproduction and you decided to forsake that, you've essentially defeated your own purpose and you are literally a walking talking fuck hole. What a way to live, lol

nah men can get pleasure from their prostate so anal rape can provide pleasure for both
open up those asscheeks boy


>Maybe just don't be a stupid whore and have sex with any and everbody that makes your stinking vagina wet
but if they do that they're more likely to have attractive kids

>but if they do that they're more likely to have attractive kids

But that's what they want, isn't it?
Why would they do something that resulted in something they DON'T want?
Are they just fucking retarded?

you're not capable of making an argument are you

You are not capable of not projecting your own ineffectiveness at critical thinking and inability to formulate an actual comeback, are you?

I really hope this thread is bait, rape is one of the worst things that can happen to a person OP. It goes beyond the physical, the psychological issues last for years.

drunk posting best posting.

Not drunk i just turned off autocorrect on my phone and have an iron deficiency

>we should get rid of babies if they are going to grow up ugly
>just stop sleeping with everyone you find attractive!
>actually that will increase the likelihood of attractive kids
>but that's what they want!
this is a summary of the argument so far, maybe if you're not a brainlet you can figure out where you went wrong



Look at this board and tell me that there are no lasting psychological problems caused by being an incel

Pay a prostitute already

you have a nice voice where are you from? orig

Why don't you lower your standards? Of course you won't get a 10/10 qt gf if you're deadass ugly.

She says she likes short feminine guys while hanging out with tall chads. Fuck women, fuck all of them, and yes, that includes the inevitable "me too?" femanon post. FUCK YOU TOO. Dumb bitches, fuck you and your stupid womens day. Fuck all that shit. The jews of gender.

>When they wont give me a chance just cause im ugly and have a small cock?
Not only.
Because you're also an entitled whiner.
You're kinda like them, no need of two pussy in a household.

>perfectly legal for all women to force celibacy on me
So you agree with the definition of rape that relies on the tacit assumption that all men are rapists even though they may be virgin, and you wonder why your explosively dilated definition of incel is thrust upon you because the one thing you lack is the acceptance of responsibility that would otherwise lay the foundation for a civilized adult man? It is true that you are innundated by propaganda designed to instill diseased concepts such as incel, beta, sissy, cuckold, and loser into your stunted identity. And as with all other propaganda you become the political tool of the most twisted designs. You have manifested a repeating amplifier in this foul echo chamber. Are you vulnerable, yeah but you can't survive like that and people are capable of stuff like growth and learning. are you victim to societal dysfunction, yeah but they are too busy virtue signalling to pay attention to real disease. Just have some responsibility. Recognize that the popular definition of rape is absurd and not all men are rapists. Recognize that you are celibate because you have chosen to be celibate. You get to learn to take some responsibility that will replace the need you have for a government that will never coddle you because it's too busy coddling irresponsible women.

Because a legal system based on negative rights is more stable than one based on positive rights. The same reason that socialism and entitlement programs lead to failure

you clearly have an ugly personality
why dont you find some fat guy to fuck your ass, then you wont be virgin anymore

I think you are more mainstream than some of the posters want to admit. For men everything is about their dick. I'm curious though, men think with their dick and the dick head isn't that big, so your dick head brain cannot have the cognitive ability of a bird.

>When they wont give me a chance just cause im ugly and unbelievably fat?
Hi, I'd love to marry someone like you, A/S/L?

Give you a chance how?

Perfectly valid point. Mostly it's because of lookism which is brought about by this age of "sexual openess", which started with the sexual revolution in the 1960's (Thanks boomers!) Now that women can strut around like a slut wherever they please they think "they can do better" then an average or ugly man, thus lookism in short. This is also provable by statistics.


^ No women allowed

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>t. shallow roastie desperate for big cock and chad jawline
to get to know me on a personal level instead of dismissing me as a bad person as soon as they see my face or my penis

i havent seen your face or dick and i still think you got an ugly personality, it screams entitlement and resentment

Of course i feel resentment, you females ruind my life by deciding im not worth the time of day. Do yo uthink psychological torture victims are going to have a nice personality? You did this to me, and any incel that snaps and rapes a woman, know that you did it to yourself

The fallacy is that men are born as angry entitled incels, no. Shallow roasties turn them into this.

they did alot worse than that but you've got to be better than this.

why are you projecting so hard? how many girls have you approached and been rejected by, seriously give me some numbers

>sorry you are not my type
>literally getting ptsd from not getting pussy

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every match on tinder has either been some psychopathic female who just swiped right so she could tell me how pathetic and ugly I am, or an accident

theres a glaring problem here, tinder isnt a dating app, its an "add me on insta

the point is that every girl doesnt want me, dumb fucking idiot
>literally getting ptsd from not getting pussy
you talk like a normalfag who regularly has casual sex so what the fuck do you think you're doing commenting on mental effects of celibacy? would you do the same for other issues that you havent been through? fuck off

both of these posters might as well be samefagging, the intent behind it is one and the same.
This post appears to be black propaganda but instead of being artificial a silly boy was duped into writing this shit unironically.
Fucks are cheap and dirty. They don't cure loneliness. The era of the american dream or whichever social contract you had imagined as a babe is over and it will never return. Happiness is underrated and can be found in unexpected places. Turn away from the obsession and seek within.

because our current society is cucked and does not realize that women are needed to be treated like slaves and men should only do the choosing of partners because when women do it a disaster will happen
My point
Aka Force women into arranged marriage and take womens rights away and dating apps need to be culled

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>the point is that every girl doesnt want me
have you considered that it might be a "you" problem, statistically it is

>a normalfag who regularly has casual sex
only once, call me a normie all you want

>so what the fuck do you think you're doing commenting on mental effects of celibacy
what is your qualifications, do you have a degree in psychology or are you just seething?

>would you do the same for other issues that you havent been through
give me an example. would i rape and kill because mommy didnt give me tendies? how entitled are you?

also, this guy is right if it was such a big deal spend the few bucks on a whore, looser

>what is your qualifications, do you have a degree in psychology or are you just seething?
24 year long study
>give me an example. would i rape and kill because mommy didnt give me tendies? how entitled are you?
dumb? Would you comment on effects of mkultra as someone who didnt go through it?
>bro just PAY for sex
do you not understand that still drills into you the same feeling of being completely worthless and undesirable as a male? you think the issue is just "waa waa no penis pleasure" and has no roots in feeling like you failed as part of the species just because you got unlucky with genetic lottery?

All good things come to an end. Society is a living organism and it ages, develops disease, and ultimately dies. None of the individual human actors involved really are evildoers. They take part in this shit and bring on the doom. It's better to save the self from suffering, then seek to pursue your own interests whatever they may be.

>24 year long study
anecdotal evidence, again did you consider that you might be the problem, have you considered doing anything to change yourself at all or are you a lazy cunt, i think the latter

oh mate, do you think the earth is hollow or flat?

>do you not understand that still drills into you the same feeling of being completely worthless and undesirable as a male
complain about no sex, doesnt want to buy it to avoid the ptsd

>complain about no sex, doesnt want to buy it to avoid the ptsd
no, i complained about the psychological effects of being an incel. switch with semantics all you like, you understand what I meant.
>oh mate, do you think the earth is hollow or flat?
do you not understand what I was saying by that? low iq. here another example instead.
Would you comment on the psycholigical effects of having a miscarriage, being someone who hasnt gone through it.
go ahed deflect some more faggot

Join the Wizard master race, bruh. Who cares about pussy? Get a few hobbies, a few things you love that take your mind off of sex, and come to terms with your celibacy.
See, you can't do anything about your celibacy outside of looking for a girlfriend. If you have terrible luck with the girls, then even that isn't going to help. So instead of wallowing in self pity, own it. Be proud to be a virgin. If you can do that, I will give you a 24-dick salute in your honor.

did you forget your original post? sorry i triggered your rejection trauma
you think i dont know what its like to be lonely or disliked?

>do you not understand what I was saying by that?
maybe use a sensible example then?
do i know the effect? no not personally, but theres plenty of evidence to make me have a good idea of it

>deflect some more faggot
do you even have a mirror in your bathroom?

You have your whole life ahead of you. Just get your shit straight. Do things for yourself. Right now you have an unreasonable idealized fantasy about the perfect relationship and you have become obsessed with it. mesmerized by an illusion. Now, i certainly do not dispute that you have endured years of inhuman treatment at the hands of the system. But the system is the one who you may not resist or you will meet only violence. You have to adapt to the environment and survive.

>did you forget your original post? sorry i triggered your rejection trauma
oh sorry bro I forgot you're too low iq to read all the words in it and just stop at the first couple sentences my bad bro, here
>Why do all women say they dont care about sex, tehy just want a meanjngful relationship? When they wont give me a chance just cause im ugly and have a small cock?

>you think i dont know what its like to be lonely or disliked?
>t. has had sex
so fuck off

>maybe use a sensible example then?
but your understanding of both issues is nada, no?

>do you even have a mirror in your bathroom?
I do but I do not like to look at mirrors so its covered with a towel

>do i know the effect? no not personally
actually, no, not at all. you don't know the feeling at all. do you talk to couples who have gone through it and tell them to get over it and adopt a baby?

>Why do all women say they dont care about sex, tehy just want a meanjngful relationship? When they wont give me a chance just cause im ugly and have a small cock?
gee, i wonder if i said that you have an ugly personality, i think i did

>so fuck off
upset. if you want an advice, its better to not have loved at all if you are going to lose it, that fucking hurts more than a normal rejection, but you wouldnt know about that

>but your understanding of both issues is nada, no?
what is your understanding then?

>I do but I do not like to look at mirrors so its covered with a towel
and this just confirms what ive been saying the entire time, you have issues, you have issues with yourself, you are deflecting because you refuse to look yourself in the eyes

yes, i know people who have had multiple miscarriages and a few who physically are incapable of having children

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Get a doll. You can trust her to help you feel less lonely.

>Why is it illegal for me to force sex upon a woman but its perfectly legal for all women to force celibacy on me?
you are not entitled to having woman

>Why do all women say they dont care about sex, tehy just want a meanjngful relationship?
not all of them i wouldnt even say most. maybe when they are older.

>When they wont give me a chance just cause im ugly and have a small cock?
i dunno maybe u have a bad character. lots of ugly losers have gfs

>ugliest person in the room has an opinion about your looks

>baseless assertion
stop seething, take a shower and shave your neck

You are embarassed that I was not referring to your looks.

>what is your understanding then?
seriously dumb, user. my understanding of both those issues is 0, so i dont comment on them. the point is why do you comment on a life long experience of being desired by exactly 0 people, when that isnt something you have experienced. thats what im trying to make you understand talking about miscarriage and mkultra.

>and this just confirms what ive been saying the entire time
the mirror thing is nothing to do with my self image, I dont like mirrors and I feel uncomfortable to see living beings in a mirror.
>its better to not have loved at all if you are going to lose it
yeah totally man, having spent 24 years with 0 reassurance that I can possibly be loved by someone is totally worse than you who knows for certain it is possible for a woman to find you desirable
>gee, i wonder if i said that you have an ugly personality
again, very low iq poster. you equate all these issues to just penis pleasure with
>>complain about no sex, doesnt want to buy it to avoid the ptsd
when in the original post i mentioned meaningful relationships.
You can't seem to follow anything that is being said and just harp on the same ideas