Do you want kids?

Do you want kids?
Why or why not?

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I have a kid. Didn't really want it but didn't have a choice.

i don't know man. it almost happened a few times and always turned out to be a miscarriage now i just fear it happening over and over again

No. I don't think I have the energy, stress management abilities and cope to raise another human. I have struggled with depression, anxiety and other issues for many years now.

No, my family has a bunch of genetic bullshit that I won't curse someone else with

Kids are:
>fucking idiots
>mean as shit
>time consuming
>and expensive
The list goes on

i don't want kids, because they would have to grow up in a shitty 3rd world excuse of a country.

If I can have kids with an Ashkenazi Jewish woman, sure. I had a brilliant grandfather (150+ IQ who worked an impressive job) and my cousins and uncles are doctors and lawyers. I also have a sibling with a 145 IQ who was always in gifted courses. I am a failure, though. But if I breed with an Ashkenazi Jewish woman, maybe any latent brainy genes I might have will combine with hers and create someone who can escape the lower class life I'm destined for.

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>Do you want kids?
wth is all this struggle for If I don't have someone to share it with? Ofcs I do.

Sell it on dark web.

no I'm an antinatalist and having children is deeply immoral

i dont want kids but the idea of getting a girl pregnant and having her carry my kid in her cute pregnant belly is one really awesome idea
and then it comes out and its a crying annoying ass

Nah I mean I didn't want the kid in the first place but I appreciate her now.

Why would I want to bring another life in this fucked up world, where we already are struggling from scarce resources? The more we populate the world, the less fun it gets for everyone else. Wanting a kid is literally being a slave to the demands of natural selection. I think most people want kids just for the emotional connection, but if you want unconditional love just get a dog lmao. It's less expensive and you dont have to give up on 25 different things just to feel that little bit of love in your weeny heart

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>Do you want kids?
fuck yes I'd love to have kids I'd think I'd be a great dad. unfortunately I'll never get to have them because I'm a male born with the ugly.

Nope, killing myself is top priority and leaving a family behind is a dick move

I'm sorry to hear about that maybe you should talk with your doctor for any solutions.

just marry an asian chick who wants a greencard

Honestly I don't like kids, they're awful I've dealt with my cousins growing up and i swear my aunt never knew about the concept of discipline, my step dad has 2 kids he gets to see every other weekend and i don't like them either, they're well behaved but they just want attention and will outright invade my privacy that i have stated to them MULTIPLE TIMES to not do.
Do i want kids Fuck no. Will i ever? Fuck no.

I wanted to have kids and lots of them. Year and a half ago I got destroyed by depression and I'm a completely different person now. Don't even want a girlfriend anymore.

In my fantasy world where everything turns out okay, I'd love to adopt. I'd never put a kid into this world myself, but an already existing kid needs a home. I like the idea of giving a kid a better childhood than I had. But really I'd probably end up fucking it up because I can't even take care of myself.

I agree with you and plus most people don't even realize that your doesn't have to be like you . They could even hate you and you have to live with them or take care of them.

I do because I never had family, only person who can carry on rare family name, and I want to create new life with a woman I love.

Unfortunately, it is a pipe dream that will never happen. Because of this I just isolate and entertain myself with my own hobbies.

I want to be better parents then mine but I know I cant have kids because autism and other thing :,[

Yes because I think I could improve the world by raising a child correctly in a world of shitty people

It's nice but futile

No. The environment/culture that made that viable no longer exists. Asides from that, it may not even be inherently right to bring someone into existence in the first place.

Nope. I'm not a slave to my biology and humanity has reached a point that further unchecked procreation is gonna be unsustainable. Also, may be a shitty excuse, but when you have a kid, they (should) become the single most important thing in your life. More important than your job, your spouse, even yourself. That's way too much investment of the precious few years in our lives in someone that can turn out to be a piece of shit. I'd rather not chance it and use the extra time and money to see the world, experience all life has to offer, and die fulfilled that I lived life as a decent person and on my own terms.

i think i would find purpose and pride in being the father i never had but i don't know if i'd be okay with putting another sentient being through the trauma of pregnancy and what entails

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>they would have to grow up in a shitty 3rd world excuse of a country.
You live in the United States too!?

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I do, but I have shit genes and can't even take care of myself in this American economy.

I do dream about it though, it's one of the few things that make me happy, aside from porn and dreaming of being someone who is normal and is capable of being loved.

Deep down, the answer is yes and I think it'd be great to pass on my family line into the future, etc.
But realistically I don't think I have the capacity to raise a child and I don't think I could ever have one. Besides the obvious problem of being forever alone and a KHHV, I am lazy, irresponsible, unreliable, and untrustworthy so I would be a horrible example, along with the fact that I have no idea how to raise a child and I think I would absolutely hate the "baby and toddler years".
The bottom line is that I can barely take care of myself and dementia is in my family genetics so it's not morally right or feasible for me to have or adopt a child. I guess I'll just stick to dogs or house plants or something.

bitch has implants

my life is fucking awesome there's no way in fuck if ruin it by shoving a screming bowling ball through my wife's vagina

>my life is fucking awesome
Doubt it when you post on this shithole.

Who are you trying to convince in that buddy? The only reason you wouldnt want kids is because you know youre not able to find a girl whos gonna love you and now youre listing excuses to convince yourself its because of "other reasons"

I want kids. I want to have them with a loving husbando who will be a good father to them. I want to give them all of the love in the world so they don't end up miserable like I do. My egg count is going down as we speak so it's going to need to happen soon.

this is exactly me. i feel you dude.

we can be fun uncles tho. load the kids up on sugar and then send them home like pic

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>Do you want kids?
Not biological but I would adopt.
>Why or why not?
Because breeding is immoral in light of current situation and there are enough kids out there that need a loving home so it would be better to help one of them.

its true boss awesome oives means alsp using yhe intent

I want kids WHEN I'm stable, both financially and mentally. If I ever have a wholesome wife and live a stable life, I'd want to have a kid and lead him/her to a positive lifestyle.

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Yes. I feel like continuation of the human species is important and as a well off white person in a western society my offspring could have a decent life and chance to contribute something to to the world.

at the risk of sounding like a good goyim... no, i actually really dont
>be me
>blond, blue eyes
>uni degree
sorry mom

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I used to really want kids. I thought about how I would raise them and what books to read them and what toys to buy them. But then I realized that if I truly wanted what was best for them, I would not bring them into this world.

Only real Chads get to have kids.

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34 virgin and I don't want children. Here's why:
-Dumbing down of society
-Rising costs of living
-Risk of epidemics
-Futility of having children

Are you ok autist?

nope. I like money and silence.

oh please. women become so fucking desperate after hitting the wall and not being good enough for chads anymore, they'll marry just about anyone willing to put up with them. the power dynamic completely shifts.

based strokeposter

>nope. I like money and silence.
That's the saddest way to put that.

>haha you sad faggot liking money and silence instead of having none of either because of kids haha faggot

Just imagine that someone paid like 100 euro for these shirts just to attention signal to the internet that they are a happy family. Fucking hell.

Oh wow, I hit a nerve there didn't I? Sorry about that. I'm sure it'll all work out user.

Why do people seethe about someone else not wanting children?
Makes even less sense than sperging about abortion.

yeah nothing says happiness like buying a shirt that says you're happy

forcing another life into this hell is the ultimate sin

that wasn't me. some other faggot replied to you.

Maybe it's a brand, they don't look custom made.
It would be way worse if there was text like "le wifey" etc.

how is what user said the saddest way of putting it

people generally love telling other people what to do with their lives. also breeders have a crab bucket mentality. they know having kids is dumb, but they feel good about themselves if everyone else has to do it too. the fact that there are people who've made the decision not to have kids really pisses breeders off because those crabs escaped the bucket.

Hit the nerve for him though. We should really have id's on all boards.

Usually people who don't want children act as if they are some sort of saints and above those "filthy breeders" which tends to get a heated response.