Would robots date a girl who's obbessed with sex and probably has a higher sex drive than you?

Would robots date a girl who's obbessed with sex and probably has a higher sex drive than you?

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>Would robots date a girl who wants to have sex with them?

Gee I don't know

No because I havent had a sexual thought in 3 years and I would probably bore her

definitely, it would make life a little more tolerable

>would robots date a girl
do you happen to have brain damage

No. A wife, maybe.

I did date a girl like that but it didn't work out.

Thots will dangle from the elm tree on the day of the rope

i am right now and its amazing until your dick is limp and you cant cum lol. i just eat her pussy if i cant cum

two things to consider:

1. All the money and time I will save not having her use sex as leverage to get shit out of me, or manipulate me with it.

2. there is a high chance of her cucking because my dick breaks or I just can't keep up

Taking these two options in to careful consideration, I would much rather be a simp, than a cuck.

so no I wouldn't date her.

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Yes I have a very high sex drive despite being a 30 years old virgin who faps all the time

Do u have big boobies?

God I would fuck Iori's ass nightly.

Gouge out your eye if it causes you to sin, Jesus says.

Cut off your right hand if it causes you to sin, Jesus says.

FIee fornication, Jesus says.

Do not make a mockery of your salvation of Our Lord's death on the cross. AlI forms of sexual immorality is detestable in the eyes of God, both heterosexual and homosexual.

Jesus is coming soon, something that The Church has been expecting ever since the Age of the Apostles, and we must prepare ourselves for the Day of Resurrection, the Age to Come and the partaking of the everlasting Glory of God.

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No because she's probably fucked a ton of guys already and is more likely to cheat.

This. All these robots should get married at least.

>he believes in adult santa
lmaoing @ ur life

Been doing exactly that, best three months of my life

where do I get an iori gf?

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the latter has no evidence to support it but what's wrong with the former?

Nah. They will 100% cheat

>tfw think about sex almost constantly and finger myself whenever I get the chance to but still a virgin
>tfw don't want to sleep with someone random but also too autistic and low energy to find a bf

>I'm a girl give me attention

Been there, done that. It sounds fun until you have to deal with it. The hard part isn't so much keeping up with her in bed as much as it is trying to avoid the topic of sex when you want to be serious/romantic with her. I'm not saying this trait is a deal breaker in a woman but the key is one who's able to take no for an answer and not let sex dictate her decision making.

It worked didn't it? Now if you'll excuse me, I have a clit to rub.

Nobody wants to date a used up hag. The more sexual partners a woman has had, the less attractive she is, especially for relationships.
There's a significantly higher likelihood of an unsuccessful relationship and breakup associated with having had more sexual partners.

>The more sexual partners a woman has had, the less attractive she is
How does this work? Each time a woman gets a new sexual partner her skin wrinkles more and her boobs sag?

There is no evidence to support what you just said. Incel meme graphs are just that, meme graphs, not reality. Everyone knows virgins are more likely to cheat and break up with you.

Attractive in the general sense, not that her looks deteriorate.
>there's no evidence to support what you just said
>except those studies that show evidence for what you just said, but they don't count because I called them a meme
>here's my anecdotal claim that is 100% flawless and completely real, it's so real that it doesn't even need supporting evidence

>everyone knows...
are you retarded m8

....why am I getting an erection just from this pic?

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Depends on how degenerate you are, and how high your sexdrive really is.
Every time I heard a girl say that, they've been a complete dead fish and expected me to initiate every single time. I'd rather just fap at that point.
So tell me OP, what are your fetishes?

Sounds like a recipe for me to get raped so the answer is yes

i wanna get my bussy used by bbc uwu

Based. Making me feel bad though in a horny thread tho ffs

Not degenerate enough. This is amateur tier fetish.
Fuck off and try again

How does having sex make a woman less attractive? You sound even more illogical than a woman.

>except those studies that show evidence for what you just said
What studies? Go ahead and post your unsourced fake meme graphs so we can laugh at how stupid you are. You said you have studies that show evidence, so post them. Or rather just one. Post one such study or you lied.

>probably has a higher sex drive than you?
It would be impossible to sustain.
Except if both of us were NEET, it's completely impossible to do more sexual shit that I do myself.
You need time to wageslave

I would rather date low libido or asexual girl.

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Its not rape if you want it user that's just mating

post discord here and youll def find a bf

Hell yeah, just dont get pregnant though.

Yeah, but I probably wouldn't marry her.

I don't care about the sex part though, just the part of being trained to concede to her demands.

No she needs to have exactly the same sex drive as me

How worried am I gonna be that she cheats on me?
And what if I have a small dick?

No. Her leaving me for Chad would be an absolute guarantee.

How can you be so sure? You'd have to be the world's biggest loser in every way. And if you were, she wouldn't be dating you anyway.

I dont have the relationship skills to make up for not being up to her standards. She would get tired of me and leave me for Chad.
I am a loser, I am here.

My biggest dream is having a girl actually lusting over me, hugging me, kissing and patting my head/grabbing my butt, forcing herself on me and making me pleasere her whenever she wants

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Unfortunately a girl who would want either of us in that way doesn't exist ;_;

If i posted my discord, would you catch it?
May you want to get to know each other?
I'm on the same page, as yours... Except i'm not a coomer :^)

I have yet to meet a girl with a higher sex drive than me, so I would take her statement as a challenge

No way, I've done it before and its not worth the trouble.

are you at all attractive? i can romance you, but you better be at least as pretty as me.

Yes. It will never happen though.

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I wouldn't. I don't like female sexuality and it turns me off when they initiate it.

I have a pretty high sexdrive myself.
But that sounds like a girl that would not be loyal if I am suddenly not 'up' for it for a few days by whatever reason.
Too risky honestly, no.

>your meme is false, my meme is true
Sounds like reliable info, bro.

that seems like it would be fun for about 3 weeks and then i'd get sick of it. i dont want to fuck all the time

sauce on pic please sd sd sd s