Who else /jobhunting/ here?

Who else /jobhunting/ here?

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Me, altho I already got a job.
Just want something closer, with better hours (work from 9 to fucking 7) and without thaving to deal with my boss whom I do not respect in the slightest.

Temp fag here, been with the agency six months now and sick of them siphoning my money so resuming the hunt once this job ends.

Yeah I got a bullshit factory job I want a warehouse job but there's nothing out there right now, either that or it's places I've already been rejected from

No. The job market is openly hostile towards white males. I'll take a job of it presents itself through nepotism but for the most part I'm aiming at starting my own business.

I had an interview today for a place just up the street from me, like 5 minutes walking. I think it went well I'm really hoping I get called back.

me legit had like 12+ interviews this year alone

I always feel good about the interview too

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I'm in college and a junior and I've applied to so much shit I thought I'd be a good candidate for but my email is so dead it's sad

>hostile towards white males
>lol i'll take my white male nepotism privilege now

If this don't sum up every white man working today.

>why does someone else who works harder than me get rewarded more than me?
>i should get a raise just because i come here!
>fucking women and nakers ruining my life taking everything i deserve to be given by my white man rights!

yes, hunting is a bitch though
job market is a complete fucking meme right now

if you aren't directly related to anyone in charge of hiring then you're fucked since the manager can make whatever bullshit excuse to not take you
>"Why don't you have more experience for this ENTRY LEVEL COLLEGE GRADS ONLY position user?"
>"Why are you applying for this job when you're educated user? You're overqualified and probably going to leave after a month anyway!"
>"You're too young for this job user!"
>"You're too old for this job user!"
>"user, you need to /look/ a certain way for this job. I had colored hair in the past but I had to change for an office setting"
most confusing one of them all tbqh since the brainlet stacey was a hypocrite
>"You have the job user, we'll have another meeting soon. I'll send the details later!" *proceeds to ghost/never follow up*
it's especially bad since interviews are often just bullshit socialization exercises that have nothing to do with the job and it's clear that the person in charge has no idea what the fuck they're doing. I'm an anti-social sperg so of course half of my interviews are garbage but goddamn.

It's even worse when you go through a recruiter for a job because 80% of the time the dipshit recruiter gave you the wrong details or impersonated you/changed your information and that just makes the entire interview go head over heels

retard, it has nothing to do with race or sex when a large amount of high school and college grads aren't able to find work
quit being so fucking fragile and assuming that anything bad that happens to you is a result of your skin and genitals
nepotism has nothing to do with race or sex either you racist retard

i've been rejected from so many places that it's causing me a bit of depression at this point. I hate that the world is like this, I wish we could just work the jobs we want to work, I mean people always try to talk about contributing to society and yet society is trying its fucking hardest to stop people from getting good jobs

I kinda uhmmm gave up, I'd suck in an interview anyway

Isn't it official policy that if a white man and a black man apply for a job and are equally qualified, the black man must be given the job?

guys come on this is the chill thread, no need to get testy at each other we are all just trying to make it here

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>Be the janitor
>Company is a walking talking joke
>get shafted into doing non janitorial things
>Basically told I'll never advance
>Yet still expected to do come in and do whatever

jobs are non existent locally higher education requires a better paying job better paying jobs require higher education somehow shoe horned my way into being the company nigger eventually I'll end up homeless and probably just kill myself because I'm fucked.

I haven't had a job in my life and I don't have anything except a high school diploma I don't neee a lot of momey because I live with my parents but they stopped paying for things for me. Is there any sort of comfy/easy job I can do for someone with my experience?

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>dont have a GED
>cant do basic math
>parents and grandparents pestering me to get a job

who here /fucked/?

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>Wanted to be an engineer as a kid
>Grew up and realized that I fucking hated mad and always struggled to some degree with it
>Gave up on my dreams of ever being an engineer or biologist
>tfw I'm a NEET now still in debt desperately trying to salvage my life by getting a decent job

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>flood your country with visa migrants that dont pay taxes and will work for far cheaper than the native whites
>they take all the decent paying jobs that normally would have gone to students and teenagers
>all teens and grads are stuck working retail for years after graduating and being 20-100k in debt
>megacorps just happen to get super cheap labor (but that's totally not the reason we take in migrants!! it's because we are so tolerant and nice :^)
I bet you unironically think women joining the work force was a good thing and are too low IQ to realize it was a corporate ploy to double the employment pool thus cutting wages in half, just like nu america and its obsession with being a "melting pot" and a "nation of immigrants"

arizonas are shit sometimes you get them and they are actually good and taste sweet but most of the time you get them and they literally just taste like shitty cold water.
it's better to make green tea yourself and sweeten it with honey (real honey not grocery store shit)

exact same i dropped out in grade 8 to become a hiki and mentally dropped out in grade 3.
i'm still at roughly about a grade 4 level of math and i'm an adult now.
the only path forward for me is neetdom i'm hoping that i can get retardbucks one day.

>Work harder, wagie!
>No, you don't deserve a fair wage and better hours!
>See Miguel over there? He's worked 16 hour shifts every day for the past 7 weeks and managed to make it to all anti-union and diversity meetings this week!
Good bait

>real honey not grocery store shit

Is honey from grocery stores all artificial? Where do you get real honey?

I'm job hunting but my anxiety never lets me follow up. They call my phone and i cant even pick up. I just sit there staring at my screen completely frozen. the real world is scary and im not ready for it nor did i ask to be apart of it. idk what im supposed to do because i fucking need money to live and im not a girl.

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I know this sounds stupid, but just fucking pick it and sperg out. I realized the only way to do stuff you hate or need is by pure force. Be scared of what could happen without a job, rooting until yours 30 and becoming another Yas Forums loser. Lucky you if you got your calls. I lost my job in 2 weeks after 6 fucking months looking everywhere, I hated the job, and hated the people, was paranoid, and wanted to die. Just keep all that inside and u will realize it wasnt so bad, and the people weren't trying to kill you.

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Looking for a job is fucking hell. I'm absolutely terrible at it, and in the end a charismatic and outgoing idiot usually has the advantage.

sauce pls iqdb is not finding this

I haven't sent out a single CV
I just can't fucking do it

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ok never mind im retarded, it's Uramichi Oniisan if anyone was wondering

Temp agency fag as well. I'm currently waiting for a call from them for a new job, wish me luck bros.

Dude same. If you threw me into a physical conversation with anyone, I'll be totally fine. I just fucking HATE picking up the phone for some reason, I just get so awkward and slip my words up all the time. I think it's the lack of visual cues that messes me up, I'm never sure when to say the next thing. Why can't they just fucking email me instead? I feel like such an idiot.

Hell no. Never. I'm a NEET for life.

>Finally decided to learn to code and really like it
>Good luck finding a job in this field, it's completely bullshit.

Tried while at uni to get any sort of customer service job - didn't get anything though because I "don't smile"

Currently upskilling, networking, trying to get a marketing internship

>and in the end a charismatic and outgoing idiot usually has the advantage

Yet the people who need and want a job the most are discriminated against for shit like this

I want my fuckin' human rights, now!

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I really should be and parents are pressuring me to, but just can't anymore. I'm a neet but I've had multiple jobs before, and it was always awful. I just can't cope and always quit after a year. Now they tell me I need to jump through a million hoops and suffer through interviews just for the privilege of working a shitty mcjob where my coworkers are all braindead pajeets? If thats whats passes for living to normalfags and boomers then I give up.

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I can't decide what's more wretched, my old job as a waiter or trying to find a new job that won't make me put the barrel of my P320 to my temple.

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yeah, though it's basically impossible with my shit resume, last years restaurant apocalypse and Coronavirus in town. the few places still hiring want someone who can stay for more than a couple months before they get burned out

I can't get any warehouse or factory job. I can't get any job.

Been working a casual job for a year and a half and it's just getting depressing
Was hired being told I'd be trained in multiple departments so I get a good variety
I had a gap year last year and won't be going to uni this year 'till July, tell manager this

Been working as only a cashier and they only give me 3 hour shifts each time, usually only 2 shifts a week literally for the past year and a half
Been job hunting for the past month, even with working in customer service for a year and a half I apparently aren't good enough for any job I apply for

I just want good consistent work and money and actually make work friends
I just work with women in their 60-70s

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Yeah and they get to fuck our wives too right guys!

Me. I cant seem to find a job that I wont instantly hate after getting. I really hate dealing with the public so I've been trying to get stock/warehouse jobs.

why don't i feel like drinking arizona anymore after seeing op's pic
fucking zoomers

Im supposed to but im scared

Is a warehouse job better than retail? It certainly pays more, and my job just gives me 20 hour weeks now.

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I gave up a long time ago. There's no point trying anymore. Getting a job is like getting a girlfriend. It's not going to happen. No one wants me. I'm not qualified for the worst available. The only thing that keeps me going is dreaming about some day making music and scraping by on pennies from that. But I'm too lazy to start songwriting or transcription. I pray that the US starts a euthanasia program to end the suffering of worthless retards like me. I'm too lazy and stupid to kill myself and need help.

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I'd rather break my back than deal with normies on the daily. Retail is fucking hell unless you're a social butterfly

I just wish I had my license so I could go back to warehouse...I can't stand all the bullshit required to get these shitty jobs that pay

Then what's the word for the white bosses who push out perfectly good women and nonwhites to hire their retarded junkie friends while everyone else has to do extra to pull this incompetent junkie's weight. Racism? Alright, let's go with that.

See above. It happens more often than people want to admit. But then again, people don't talk about it because they pass it off as "normal".

I've been in the hiring process myself at a couple of places. Most times people will do their damnedest to find an excuse NOT to hire black men. And if they do, they will make his work there hell to push him to quit or make up excuses to let him go. Of course, they don't only do this to black men but I've seen it happen a lot more at places you don't typically see black employees. I've watched people try to setup black workers to steal or frame them for stealing, only to give some racist, stereotypical excuse for it when it doesn't apply because the employee is from a well off family or is a hard working blue collar type or whatever.

Who I don't see this happening to are white men. Because once employers fill their equality and diversity quotas for hires and interviews they pretty much fall back on their status quo of putting "relatable", "less risky", "more hard working" white male faces on their payroll. I pushed for nontypicals who can blossom with a little nourishment but again, the higher ups don't like breaking status quo, only giving the image that they're doing it until they don't have to anymore. Most white guys still at entry or mid level are poorly managed junkies who fucked up their lives somewhere else. They're given jobs with easier, usually bullshit interviews and are allowed to fuck up as much as they want til they get a better offer somewhere else.


Yeah you make better money. Do it while you're young for a couple years while saving your money and quit. Otherwise you'll easily end up with health problems if it involves heavy lifting. You also probably won't be seeing many women there.

I really wish segregation would come back. Blacks often fuck up on purpose in "white" establishments, they are more likely to steal and lie and vandalize, on top of sexual harrassment. If blacks worked in black-only businesses, they wouldn't succumb to their pathological need to fuck things up. Everyone would be happier. Just send every one of them to the state of Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana and give them their own sovereignty. Same with the spics, give them Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Socal.

Any white guy who had a hard time getting hired was probably fucked over by a white woman whose biggest threat are white men and often don't want to risk having one work under her unless she wants to fuck him or she wants to push out POC. I've never really seen white guys turned down that hard by anyone else unless it's the type of place that only hires their own immigrants. And that's common sense to not even bother unless you're buying the whole fucking place out from under them.

But that whole blacks getting "given" shit is a fucking myth and never works out for them anyway.

I know but I get tired of white guys acting like nobody has a hard time but them when they will always have it better in the Euro led countries where all the money is made.

>whites while on top: you guys only don't have shit because you're lazy immigrants, it totally has nothing to do with us!
>immigrants: -gets education, works for cheap, buys stores from whites to give their own a chance-
>rich whites: ooh we love immigrant slave labor, let's exploit this for ourselves!
>also not-rich whites: -leeches welfare for "autism", commits tax fraud b.c their richer counterparts are doing it, ignores the fact that rich Russians are also abusing American benefits to hoard wealth and resources for themselves but it's okay because they're not brown :^)-

Literally doing it to yourselves. Everyone else is just trying to survive. You're just mad that your survival can't be based in stifling the survival of nonwhite people anymore.

Again, doing it to yourselves. Europs went to overseas started wars, fucked their gov'ts, economics and resources while bragging how much better it is over here and now you're pissy mad they've come here trying to make the best things. Regardless whites still have it better so its your own fault if shit sucks for you.

>tfw the best boss I had was a qt older white lady from northern Italy
then she had to go back due to passport issues, and a fat black early 20s woman took over instead, she was awful

Are you originally Jewish by any chance?

Segregation didn't work because whites couldn't stand the idea of "inferior" black people being as capable and well off as them. I mean, if whites can't keep the fuck out of other people's countries what in the hell would keep them out of other people's areas on the same continent. Your racist need to segregate everyone nonwhite isn't going to fix yourself or the country. Especially considering whites can't do shit without stealing labor and resources from other people. Go work on yourself, man.

I might sound racist as hell but I do appreciate white people are who aren't secret neo-nazis. My favorite boss was the middle aged white woman who used to be a bar crawling biker's woman and a drug addict. My second favorite was a Pakistani guy who took nobody's shit and valued plain hard workers. My third favorite was a black man who used to be a cop. What they all had in common was that they did their best to take care of their own but they also didn't put up with their bullshit and didn't feed into racial superiority or favoritism bullshit. They knew good and bad existed in every race and that some people need more nurturing than others to get by but they had to potential to be excellent workers. It would be nice if more people in America were like this.

Why would you think that

Lost a temp job 2 weeks ago because it was shit production thing and I was always late (only like 2-5 mins at most) but still, they didn't like it and let me go.
I kinda regret losing it cause money is money and now I got only 200 quid and that's it. I want to get a nintendo switch asap, therefore I need any kind of a job really.

Me, not a single agency called me its been 3 months now

I've been a neet for over 2 years. I used to work for my Aunt as a receptionist, but she downsized her business and didn't need me anymore. I have a bachelor of science in human resource development, a previous HR internship and two other previous office jobs. My resume is polished and I've been through coaching with multiple recruiters and my old college's career services center. I am a 25 year old with no social media, no IRL friends and bad social skills. I have been trying really hard, lately, though. My Aunt is even letting me lie about still working for her to hopefully make my resume look more attractive to prospective employers, but it isn't going well. I can get the initial interview for the jobs I am applying for (data entry, hr internship/hr assistant, medical billing) but once I get past the phone screen and they get to know me I am rejected, even if I am overqualified for the position on paper. I think it is my personality. I am bad at projecting confident body language and answering questions. I project the image of a stupid, uncertain person that would be a pain to have around. The funny thing is that I briefly worked at a place that taught job-seeking strategies and interview etiquette to people with autism and even helped teach the class and mentor them. But I can't even get a job, myself. It's like I know everything on paper that I am supposed to do but in practice I just fail. I just feel really bad lately and hopeless. It's like I was on this upward escalator to getting an ok-job and being normal but then I graduated and my internship ended and my life was over. I spend all day applying to jobs I will never get, reading manga, and drinking. DESU I don't even know where to work. I can't work a cash register. I'm too timid to do sales. WTF is the point of me

How do wagecucks cope hard enough not to shoot yourself or other people

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The same way everybody who isn't the well off majority is expected to do: either suck it up or die.

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Trying for an IT job. It pays well(better than retail at least) and I will actually have a set schedule to work with. Hope I get it.