>be me
>get a new job at the airport
>give out my phone number to trade shifts with people (everyone does it)
>receive this
What the fuck, never doing this again.
I hope it's not a gay dude
Be me
Lol, you're gonna get terrorized.
well they're speaking in afrikans so its either a zoomer or a black person
What does that even mean?
Even worse, I'm a blonde
>You cute
yup, whiteboy finna get it good black mamba style
They are bullying you because they think you are weird.
I hope not
Nah I'm not weird
They're gonna rape you in the employee showers
Update for you guys, what the absolute fuck
They have an Android its probably a dude
Literally just respond with
just stop talking to this freak until they tell you who they are, could actually be some faggot weirdo who overheard your number being given out
Show it to HR and he gets scolded for sexual harrassment.
Then again you probably haven't reply negatively yet...
No I don't want to give this person fuel. They took it too far bringing up sex.
I did not say it loudly, I gave it to the people in my training class. And none of them have that number that's texting me right now. I'm thinking maybe someone in my class gave my number to someone?
I don't even know what to say, I wanna find out who it is though
I don't even know if it's a girl or a guy dude
Imagine having a fake conversation with yourself to get attention on the tranny subreddit of Yas Forums
user have you literally never heard of a bot
It's a gay dude. I use to work at a restaurant and we'd swap numbers to trade shifts also. The restaurant I worked at had 4 or 5 fags and I received a message identical to yours. A female won't ask that question that quick. Fags don't give a fuck.
>works at the airport
OP can you send them my Discord? I'll free you out of this trouble.
Because i'll show him how airplanes can be sexy as fuck.
>i don't know who is number this is
>>get a new job at the airport
>>give out my phone number to trade shifts with people (everyone does it)
LOL no they don't.
If you work at an airport I'll bet it's as waitstaff or maybe you clean the tables and mop the floors.
You can't claim to have swapped numbers and not know them.
This is the ultimate gamble, you have to risk it all
That's retarded man.
It's not a bot though
My class had like 15 people, 3 girls. One is married. None of the dudes seemed like poofters. The two other girls were trash ass whores.
They're hormones, no discord
Yeah that was pretty bad, I'm kinda tired
Nope not working at a restaurant
God damn this is disgusting.
I'm not replying to this anymore. I don't care who it is anymore.
It's probably the spic or the negress.
The white girl was married
I read blonde as bionicle for a second
Lol yeah this is a girl, guys and especially not masculine gay guys who pass as straight pull this kind of bullshit
Start listing names, start with the two trash ass girls
Holy fuck, what's wrong with this person.
Anyone know how I can backtrack their number?
>"blocked. I gave out my number to trade shifts, not waste my time"
You can Probably use the first three numbers to find the General area they live in but ither than that no i dont think so
Why dont you just call them?
Well yeah I know where they are, they're my freaking co-worker but they're texting me through a number I don't know.
I think I'm gonna call the number in a couple days and recognize who's voice it is.
Call them now don't be niggardly
Should I star 67
That doesn't even work on a cellphone.
OP do you work at the terminal or at an FBO?
get a job at an FBO it's much nicer
that's messed up tell them to fuck off and that you're reporting them
I work for an airline company
No clue what a FBO is desu
Oh good thing I didn't do it then, what should I do then?
Yeah dude it's disturbing. Keep in mind, I didn't flirt with anyone. Hell I mostly kept to myself.
It does not matter, it's sexual harassment either way.
it's a gay nigger, that's all you need to know.
Yeah it's absolutely harassment, but if it's a girl it'll be easier to find out who it is since there were only 3 of them in my class and 1 was married.
Just call the number from someone else's phone when you're near someone you suspect
Start chatting about politics and rile them up.
that would be incredibly stupid
>I read blonde as bionicle for a second
>pretty big, how about yours
I know its fake but ill just say that I hate fags so god damn much because of shit like that, literally pure hatred and disgust when fags think they can outright pull shit like that
please respond with this OP
I swear to God we need to round up all the fags and burn them alive in open pits.
>that would be incredibly stupid
for you
I don't care about gays either way, but they do stupid shit
>start job in 2010
>a month or two in, i'm chilling in the break room
>a female coworker's there
>she asks what my last name is "so her friend could add me to facebook"
>thinking it's her being cute, tell her
>she adds me
>day or two after, another rando adds me
>accept because it's a cleaner i spoke to a couple times
>after we shot the shit for a bit, he asked if i wanted my dick sucked
>tell him i'm not gay, he apologizes and says he has to go
>couple weeks later, he IMs me again and asks me again
>block him
>he eventually gets fired for some reason
>i still see him when i'm out grocery shopping
>we just glance at each other and go on our merry way
I don't know how I'm a magnet for gays. A couple other gay guys came on to me, too. Not sure why, i'm a tall fat socially tetarded neckbeard
Or "pretty big for u"
Yeah I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna call and try to recognize the voice.
Fuck no, theyll say I'm gay.
I wish it were fake, and yeah I hate fags too but I think this is a girl.
Agreed my good man
Why didn't you report the fag?
Why are you making this such a big deal. It's just a random number texting you. Fucking relax, Jesus. Spaz.
you're being fucking autistic. just keep going with the convo until they tell you, then drop them or keep them based on how uggo they are.
Just say you're not gay and not into spic women.
it's not a random number it's someone he sees irl at work, and it's a violation especially because they're doing it anonymously. you don't know and it will be in the back of your head anytime talking to someone at work.
Did OP suck the dick yet?
What this guy said It's fucking annoying dude. I'm just trying to go to work and make money and go back home.
And look at the messages, it's fucking filthy. No hesitation, straight to sexually perverted questions, it's not right.
I'm just not gonna reply, will call in a couple days from a pay phone or something to recognize the voice
if they're not telling you who they are just block them. Its probably just a trick or ruse to get you fired. They prob gonna delete their messages on your phone and show your boss how you texted them telling them how big your penis was
delete your messages on their phone so it looks like you just randomly texted them telling them your dick size*
Yeah that's why I didn't wanna say anything even sarcastically like some anons suggested. Lack of context would fuck me over bad
user, report that bitch for harrasment IMMEDIATELY before she does the same to you.