
Read The Rulebook Edition

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First for home gyms

here's to a GOOD night lads

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Third for home gym chads

dont you like women with vaginas?

actually horrifying wtf lad

Imagine thinking you were ever a chad and posting on britfeel. Low IQ, mental illness and personality disorders. Can relate

here's to a GOOD and straight night

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*angrily refuses to put on his seatbelt*

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Dad is feeling good
Dad has can of food

if your town got hit heavy by corona virus would you try to flee somewhere else?

For me it's wanting to cooom inside of Layla Moran, Love awkward and shy looking girls I'll be honest lads, the fact that she's a Christian Arab just adds to the colonization fetish.

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Not got my setup with me becuase I'm moving soon. I've been playing on a controller rececently.

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Oh fuck lad! Been dying to ask the lads here, as someone who's dying to get into drive sim Learning to get more comfortable with driving in general How much would you recommend the Logitech G29 and a VR headset?

I find /britdrive/ the most perplexing of brit subcultures. Just an odd hobby and the set up looks retarded. Reminds me of those southpark episodes where tey play a game like guitar hero or warcraft or stealing teeth or smuggling chicken and get way too into it.

Shoutout to the UK drinking/streaming community

I'd say most of them just play it KB+M, getting a steering wheel always felt a bit tragic to me even when they were quite popular for PS1 games, and more so now I do actually drive

wtf is kb+m?

Not him but I would guess keyboard and mouse

Stacey dooleh

oh neveemind o got kb+m

The G29 is the best bang for buck driving setup imo, perfect for anyone who wants to get into it without spending a fortune. The gear stick does the job but it does feel a bit cheap and the break pedal is notoriously stiff, although there's a solution to it on YouTube. Unless you've got lots of money to burn then I'd avoid VR, although the price has dropped recently so you might get a used one on the cheap. Cost me 600 bong a year or two ago, it's cool but still very gimmicky and will give you motion sickness over prolonged periods. I really dislike any driving games with VR due to the motion sickness.

/britfit/, /britdrive/ what'll complete the holy trinity lads?

I can't stand her ever since she did those 'dooley investigates' bbc documentary things which were always completely biased propaganda pieces that didn't even attempt to be objective

>dooley meets the young people who vote for the DUP

who comes up with this shit? almost like the bbc has a problem with the democratic process

/britpunt/ had potential


Well most people didnt know who the fuck the DUP were until that election.

/britphil/, where all the Philips and Phillips (possibly Philomenas too) in the general just bum about together talking about nonsense.

I truly despise that women. Aside from the fact she has the most annoying voice possible, all she does in her "investigations" is preach her values to others despite the obvious culture difference. I was hoping one of the cartels would take her head off when she was in Columbia.

im gonna play the coin game for a bit, very comfy, i recommend it to the lads

The reason you don't like Stacey is because she called the Japs nonces to their flat faces, be honest.
But yeah she is shite.

She insulted people who watch anime and I'll never forgive her.

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Love this pic user. Make sure you stop for a happy meal along the way for the lad


want to play a game that i can just chill/get absorbed into
cannot be fucked with the grinding of stuff like The Division at the moment.
keep opening shit up, playing it for 30 minutes, then closing it.


Who else here /prepared/?
10 tins of sardines
10 tins corned beef and spam
plenty of rice and beans
vitamins and pain killers
few shin cups to trade for sex and booze after the collapse

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I had a bit of fun recently with Simairport

bit expensive on steam but there's torrents floating around lad

Been smoking rollies for ten years and l swear l'm worse at it now than when l started

She touches on the issue of child abuse which is true, but in the minority. She should be honest instead of trying to shill her own agenda by suggesting everyone who watches anime/enjoys those sorts of things is a pedo or child abuser. Fake news spreading, forgettable thot, a pathetic excuse for journalism imo.

I agree, there's nothing noncey about grown men who post images of little cartoon girls.

Sounds like you need to start driving trucks across europe.

>not a nonce just like watching cute little girls

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>suggesting everyone who watches anime/enjoys those sorts of things is a pedo or child abuser.
Indeed they are
>child abuser
Likely if they were given the chance

>heart underblade

>Chika Crona Mayuri and Karen called out.jpg

>Crona Mayuri
l dont know much about anime how old are those characters meant to be?

>Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade
Changes form based on her vamperic power, doesn't exclusively look young but thanks for more fake news. If you can't watch anything that depicts a child or youthful features without sexualizing it then I've got some news for you buddy.

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*makes a cup of tea and watches another episode of the shield*

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l think Mayuri is 17ish and Crona isnt even a girl it's a weird gender bender with mental problems

not following any of this gook shit tbqh
nice giant tits though


>"and who else (was there?)
>michael jackson
>and uh
>pause, looks at audience, audience laughs
>a bunch of kids
>audience laughs

Holy shit lol

Fucking hate Mayuri tbqh. The character, the bloke that used to avatar fag as her seems alri

Shs tries to do that being a 'keen ear' thing that Theroux does except she's really condescending and uses fake sympathy in the most obvious way.

"Oh really?"
"Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that"
>Goes off to the camera to talk shit about them immediately afterwards

How would Stacey have handled this?

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God I love Louis Theroux, Staceh doesnt even compare

"I think I'm real" said in a deadpan voice

Bloody hell lads, haven't had caffeine in months and now I'm on my sixth cup of tea and now I'm getting the shakes and in dire need of a shit, gonna enjoy the energy then stop drinking again for a few months.

Most of anime is unironically terrible. I have never understood how grown men can watch slice of life bollocks about cute girls doing nothing, its unironically worse than following love island.

how come youre ODing on caffiene tonight lod?

Well that ppv was a waste of time. Going back to bed

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>just woke up in a puddle of my own watery ball juice


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doing nofap, lad?