How do fat people exist?everytime I look at a fat person I'm so confused. Like, can you not do the basic function of just eating less? I eat fast food everyday and I've never been over 130. If you're fat you must have a 0 IQ because you cant figure out how to not be fat.
How do fat people exist?everytime I look at a fat person I'm so confused. Like...
Impulse control.
There is also a STRONG correlation between low intelligence and obesity
I've been morbidly obese in the past and the case there was that tasty food was the only thing I had to look forward to in the day, to the point where it was something of an addiction. that being said, it's not hard to lose weight and anyone who says they're trying but can't manage to do so isn't putting in any effort.
idk i barely eat and im like 100lbs overweight
skinny cope while im smothering their mothers, sisters, and girlfriends with my hairy gut
I already eat just once per day. eating smaller portions for a meal isn't satisfying. the only thing I can think to do is just to eat a shitton of lettuce every day, so that I get full on basically no calories, but it sounds expensive and I'm not going to waste time going to the grocery store daily since lettuce goes bad fast and would be hard to store.
Some people have a greater urge to eat
Like said, for some of us food is one of our greatest joys in life and it's hard to deprive ourselves of that
t. just lost 22 pounds in two months and hoping to lose 70 more, but the temptation of food is constantly in the back of my mind
I'm confused more about healthy people. I mean don't they know that no matter how much they exercise they are going to die anyway?
What do you eat for lunch breakfast and dinner and dont lie?include drinks
This is just more proof of how moronic fat people are. You can eat fast food and candy all day and still lose weight.
Why would you want to live the short time you have on earth stinky, fat and sweaty with yeast under your fat rolls?
I've met plenty of very well educated fat assess with good careers
yesterday didn't eat breakfast, lunch I had a pizza burger, for dinner I had 2 drumsticks and a cup of mashed potatoes
We die, but our bodies' functionality fades with age and is accelerated by a shit diet.
I know I'm gonna die, but do I want the mental acuity, erectile dysfunction, medical conditions, and risk for disease of a 100 year old when I'm 60?
Besides, shit can start well before 60 if you don't take care of yourself. Your body is a system of pipes fueling your brain and organs with oxygen and nutrients, why would you let everything get clogged? Do you not want to have sex?
And there are retarded skinny people.
That doesn't change the verifiable, empirical fact that obesity and low intelligence are linked.
Large sample sizes friendo. Not anectdotal evidence.
>A study or two wins the argument
Include snacks and drinks lol
That's pathetic, if you had a decent amount of intelligence yourself you would already know stress factors are a primary cause of obesity. Your crackpot study means nothing
I didn't believe it when earlier user said obesity was correlated with low IQ but jesus christ that comment bout going to the store is making me reconsider
one cup of tea, water, one glass of diet soda
In my case I gained weight as a result of being put on antipsychotics. Pretty much impossible to avoid, and I was at least never obese.
However, now that I'm fully adjusted to the medication I'm losing weight no problem, feels fantastic.
How big was the sub?
The part of their brain that tells them how much to eat is damaged, user. Often they try diets but give up because they feel hungry all the time.
I didn't eat a sub yesterday
Not sure abot the first part, but one challenge of dieting is indeed always feeling hungry (and thus grumpy/irritable) nearly all the time until your stomach adjusts
I am overweight. Eating allows me to feel things other than the usual grey of life. Eating fills the emptiness for a few minutes. It makes me feel physically content and thus happy on a very base level. Warm and comfortable. I know it's not the right way to go, but the only other way I know is other drugs.
Cooking is one of few things I really have to do in life (food is essential for the continuation of my existence) and which at the same time allows me to get my mind off other things. It can be as simple as following a recipe or as complex as analyzing all the previous times I've cooked a meal and attempting to find a flaw and improve upon it. It is a great distraction, as is any hobby. It's easy to do, but hard to master.
Don't even get me started on bulimia.
In short; I use eating as a coping mechanism for depression.
Yeah and what you don't say is that half of your 2 liter of "diet soda" was ranch dressing
Holy shit this is cope. Keep telling yourself that you're fat as shit because of how hard you have it and not because you're too stupid and lazy to fix it.
I don't have any ranch dressing and I said a glass not 2 liters. soda gives me heartburn so I tend to avoid it
Fat people always try to down play how much they eat
do you think I sleepwalk to my fridge and eat while I'm asleep? idk
I've even bought an exercise bike and tried running for a few months
>No counter argument to substantiate his ignorant claims
>Calls common knowledge "cope" when he is proven wrong
>Most likely a self hating fatass projecting
I guffaw
Because fat people lie about how much they eat all the time. You all claim you barely eat anything.
>Calls a peer-reviewed study with substantiating evidence on a large sample size "crackpot".
>Rattles off some bullshit his mom told him with no source so that he can tell himself it's not his fault he's a lardbeast. He's a genius that's just got a lot on his plate.
>Resorts to ad hominem because he knows deep down that said study most likely applies to him
Just eat some snacks cakes buddy. It'll make all the pain go away. You're just stressed out.
When I post a source and you dismiss it and then make an unsourced claim yourself that is supposed to be gospel, you look like a fucking idiot
>Asking for source on kindergarten tier levels of knowledge that everyone should already know
Embarrassing yourself to a whole new level
Oh god this is embarrassing for you
>Speed replying
Fucking kek, you're pathetic
You are an idiot.
People who are overweight like me, are almost always this way because we're using food as an escape, a crutch to hold on to. It's more often than not also tied to mental health issues or past trauma where the person uses food to feel better. Even if it's none of those things, succumbing to the best tasting food doesn't make you 0 IQ, it means you're a human. We are naturally programmed to desire the best food in order to survive, the problem is, we have such a huge surplus of it, some of us overdo it. It can be undone if you're strict enough on yourself but that is very, very hard to do. If an alcoholic stops drinking forever, they will be fine. If a food addict stops eating they die. It's one of the hardest addictions to break.
Wow maybe if you stopped eating ao much and being fat, you could get a life and find more fulfilling ways to make yourself happy?
Reminder to thread my family physician is Obese
well some of us prefer to fuck fat people and they understand this, they just wanna get layed
Food tastes good
Releases endorphins
We do things we enjoy
Same reason people become gambling addicts, drug addicts, alcohol addicts, internet addicts, etc
Absolutely nothing to do with intelligence and anyone who thinks it is is delusional
Where I live all the smarter kids in school were more likely to be fatties and the most idiot chads that got straight F's in all of their classes had no fucking observable bodyfat and acted like actual retards just wasting their youth getting slum drunk and taking drugs.
snacking is the main problem for fatsos
Lad food isnt some magical alchemy process like turning piss into gold. You put in less fuel than what your body burns and you lose weight
btw males typically burn a minimum of about 2000 calories a day so dont bother saying you conserve calories really well, thats an old trick that fatties use to deflect blame
Possibly the only intelligent comment in this entire thread.
>anyone who thinks it is is delusional
You forgot that they're obviously uneducated morons
Why not eat fruits and vegetables that taste good? Oh, because you're a man child who thinks anything that cant be microwaved or comes in a box Is "icky"...just like a stupid toddler.
People who get straight A's but are fat are not that smart.
Dummies can get good grades, its literally a process of remembering shite.
Real smart people wont waste their life being a fat blob that will die of heart failure at 50 a slow and horrible death, meanwhile probably requiring open heart surgery where they saw away at all your ribs and fuck around with your insides... smart people dont do that. smart people exercise and eat well
A real smart person would recognize the amount of idiocy you displayed in this post signifies a low IQ narcissist.
im not a narcissist but i did get my iq tested high enough to join mensa, incidentally im not fat either
I am pretty sure every genius in history has had an addiction. That doesn't mean they weren't smart. We're fallible creatures but have big brains.
Being fat offers nothing of substance... geniuses want to do hard drugs that make them more creative. What does being fat offer? Bad knees and breathing issues due to a fatty neck? Thatll surely get the creative juices flowing
Are any of u retards takin this thread seriously?
>A real smart person would
>A real smart person would
>A real smart person would
>[lumps obesity and it's real scientifically proven causes all down to "it's actually just low intelligence"]
>feels the need to insult people for their weight while simultaneously praising yourself as knowing everything there is to know about what "real smart people do"
I'd rather die felling relatively healthy rather than die in a dragged out torture
Wow I see now literally everything you've posted so far is projection. Seethe harder Loser. You're dumb as they come, addiction isn't about truly wanting something, it's about being compelled to do it regardless of what your rational mind is telling you. That's why people find addiction so hard to break, most fatties don't REALLY want that cheeseburger, but they give into their addiction.
All im saying is you cant really be that smart if youre working your arse off to get good grades whilst simultaneously wrecking your body and heading to an early grave. Sounds like a nice healthy dose of cognitive dissonance. Truly smart people would address that.
>most fatties don't REALLY want that cheeseburger, but they give into their addiction
Then eat one cheese burger instead of 3?
How do you define genius though? Its all subjective and to me if youre getting straight A's but you got super high cholesteral and gunna be dead by 45 then you aint no scholar. You could have the IQ of einstein but still be poor in terms of intelligence.. paradox but true
So far you've proved without any doubt that (you) are the dumbest user in this thread
genius and monkey brain who cant even resist polysaturates for the life of them.... hmmm.... i feel like they wouldnt be in the same category.
>says the fatass defending being fat
>muh stress bro
> mom called me a smelly neet *smashes fifth pizza slice down his throat* *gulp gulp from a 2 liter of diet coke*
Pathetic whale
Opinion on this? Left graph shows how higher IQ decreases probability of being overweight at all ages
Graph on right shows how being smart vastly reduces your chance of being obese. Honestly to me, super obesity and genius just arent that compatible.
Pretty much this. My life is so shitty all I have to look forward to is food.
Fucking kek, you must be mindbroken. Actually calling yourself a genuis? delusions of grandiosity are a big indicator of low intelligence you know, among other things like making bold generalizing claims not backed by any evidence
You will never know real struggle if you've never been fat, thus you can't fathom it and can never understand it
Lol i never called myself a genius. Im far from it. You must be drunk on polysaturates, a deadly drug!
One of *these* threads
Ah.. you thought I was saying 'on one hand theres me, the genius, and on the other hand a fat person'
That makes no sense in that context lad. is english not your first language? I was saying
>I feel like genius and monkey brain are not in the same category....
In what way is that implying first person?