What do you think of people who are aroused by little girls?

What do you think of people who are aroused by little girls?

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Scum who should be skinned alive.

nice brainlet normie response. The brainwashing still working I see.

Don't really care they are cute enough I guess and honestly as long as no one is raping or molesting then its harmless.

I wonder if they rape kids cuz they got a small penis

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Only thing I think about is how to get rid of the body

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Is he going to put her shoe back on for her

whose body?

Meh its Miu she probably wants to get fucked.

Ana on the other hand is a good girl and not going to end up a THOT like Miu.

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I don't think much about pedophiles. So long as you don't fuck kids, whatever. I fucking have a job; why would I give a shit?

They need to be rehabilitated for prying on children. No parent should witness their child being stolen and no child should be raped at such a youthful age. As for consent, the child needs to live their life and learn to think and feel for themselves, pedophiiles need to leave children alone. No amounts of ad hominems will change my mind.

with quads like that, you're probably right

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>tfw 7.5x5.5 pedo
>tfw even if actually get a little girl to love, vaginal sex wouldn't be possible

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> Powerless and impotent in his day to day life
That's why you want someone weaker to manipulate.
> Cowardice and an inability to take responsibility
A child won't realize how worthless this is if you can brainwash them early enough. Thus (theoretically) circumventing nobody on your level wanting to deal with your issues.
Basically just a garbage person trying to victimize someone else.

> inb4 a flood of cope
By all means whatever helps you not off yourself or whatever but you're not fooling anyone else.
Just remember she WILL grow up one day and it won't take long to realize what you are after that.

We know where you are, Christopher. It's just a matter of time.

Grooming actually works though. I ain't saying it's not bad, but pedophiles exist for a reason.

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>Just remember she WILL grow up one day
yes, sadly. That's why you use burner phones.

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It only works for so long. Nobody said they don't get them initially.

This was meant for this obviously but some of you need crayon diagrams.

>Just remember she WILL grow up one day and it won't take long to realize what you are after that
I wouldn't have a problem marrying a little girl and living happily ever after, user

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Hahaha well it's a relief to know at least one of you is all talk. Otherwise you'd know how fucking stupid you sound rn.

He said completely missing the point. What will you do when your wife really understands just what the fuck you are? I know at least one man that went very badly for. And with the metoo attention whores brining sex crimes into the forefront you think you'll be able to keep her in ignorance? Even if you cut her off from the world she'll eventually become suspicious and begin educating herself.
You might hurt someone for a while but you won't get away with it forever.

>she WILL grow up one day
Yeah that's not a problem because I'm attracted to women my age and I want to grow old with who I end up with.
Just the closer to 18 you get the higher the chance they aren't any or all of the following, cute acting, innocent, virgin.

Didn't realize a fellow king posted the same thing.
We will get our loli to love and live happily ever after with king.

obviously we just need a cultural reset or to move to a country where they dont care. Used to be normal to marry young girls and what not. Maybe not as young as 10 but 12 to 14 was pretty typical.

Anyway I doubt any of that will come about again unless the world goes post apocalyptic or things get really weird but I would say 50 years out minimum. No the best the solution is the same the as the Incel solution honestly. Sex dolls and sex robots. No reason not to make a loli sex doll and we all know damn good and well the teen ones will sell like hot cakes. Perhaps the average man will have a family of sex robots the 20 something wife, the teen neighbor he cheats on and the precocious loli daughter bot.

meanwhile real women can just rot in their homes with 50 cats shitting everywhere.

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Here's the thing: no matter how fake sweet and loving you try to appear to her your rot will show through eventually. Beatings only do so much and death frees you forever. Even if you hurt a child your hold is only temporary. Even if you hurt a child you still have no power. You have been cast away by your species because we can all smell how wrong you are on the inside. You can argue biology until you're blue in the face but it's because you know you're fundamentally broken.

Yes, yes, eventually she'd fall for society brainwahsing her into believing that humans should only start mating after an arbitrary number of years, I was talking about perfect-world scenario in which prepubescent girls could get married and live normally with their husbands (aka most of our history). Nowadays "casual sex" is the only option for pedos, and that's degenerate as fuck and obviously damages the little girl just like it damages the sluts we see posted on this board.

They're pretty based desu family

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You don't understand. They will grow up totally fucked in the head. Some will escape the abuse but most don't. Being sexually abused from childhood does things to people's minds.

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Yeah we also used trepanation to get the demons out of our heads to cure headaches too. That's a shit argument. We know how adults using children for sex fucks their psyche now.
Believe it or not I support the use of child sex dolls.

It's not an arbitrary number. You're so interested in children how do you know fuck all about child development.
How about you be an adult human man and control yourself? We all think of doing awful shit.

actually the internet has taught me something and that is there are a shit ton of pedophiles out there. Its just most never act on it or do anything with it so it never shows beyond some pedo jerking to lolicon and many don't even do that.

Deal with it, its always been there and you likely personally know tons of them and will never know it. Its absolutely absurd to think everyone who is into that shit just automatically goes out and molests or rapes children. That is like saying just because you like Asians or blonde girls you are going to go out rape them. This is typical normie think everything is either a 1 or 0 there is no in between you are either pure evil or a fucking saint. Its ridiculous and brainlet mob culture at its highest form.

Not saying we should be nice to the people who do go overboard and commit the sin of sexual assault on a minor or an adult for that matter. Fuck those people they deserve jail and a public whipping. But yeah its always going to be there because its always been there. Just like murder and theft and cheating on your spouse has always been there. Welcome to humanity

They should be banned from their own family unironically, incest sex cults aren't cute and babies shouldn't be born just to be someones free sex slave

>Yeah we also used trepanation to get the demons out of our heads to cure headaches too.
False analogy
>We know how adults using children for sex fucks their psyche now
Except there's no distiction between actual rape of children (using violence, etc) and child love in studies about this topic, which you obviously have never read


What makes you think I don't understand that? What you don't understand is resiliance and living with your damage and still being healthy, Doctor Fuckwit. People can heal even if YOU can't figure out how to unfuck yourself.

>How about you be an adult human man and control yourself? We all think of doing awful shit
The only awful thing here is throwing our children loose into the word and letting them become everything that we see today. Do you really think girls having casual sex in their early teens is preferable to them having an actual relationship with a responsible adult man?

I applaud the ones that don't actually make their issues anyone else's problem. I wish them the best and if there were a way to thank them I would. I don't assume everyone with the urge is an offender. I obviously wasn't addressing those people as they aren't actually contemplating harming someone. Unfortunately I'm all to aware of the ones around me. You're not saying anything I don't already understand.

The fact that you're even asking that shows you're fucked beyond saving. Yes children experimenting on an even playing field with parents who teach them self respect is far preferable to them being manipulated by some neckbeard scumbag that can't even get control of his own life. Your knowledge and experience puts you in a place of creepy and abhorrent advantage

I'm not the one resorting to insults and anger to defend my point you are. All I am trying to explain is that pedophilia exists in society because it has been a successful reproductive strategy. Most abused children will not leave their abusers. Stockholm syndrome has been extensively studied, and that basically applies to children times a million.
If you actually want to fight pedophilia in society, your attitude of "most victims will just seek themselves out of the abuse by themselves once they become adults" is incredibly harmful, because most wont.

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Pity and disgust. They should be castrated or put to death. Same with pedos who like little boys

You want a source war then, faggot? I've got sources and empirical evidence. I've facilitated support groups. You're not playing this with me.

>Yes children experimenting on an even playing field with parents who teach them self respect
You really can't see how destructive casual sex is, my God
>manipulated by some neckbeard scumbag that can't even get control of his own life
The typical arrogance of "modern" man, believing himself better than all before him...

Christ have mercy

There's no correlation between my understanding that they will seek knowledge and the outreach I do.

Why is "modern" in quotations, fuckwit? For someone trying to sound smart it sure is apparent why you have to victimize children to fuck.

Rephrase your statement in an way that is more understandable.

Did you seriously just ask me to write at your reading level in a debate in which you're trying to act as if you're more intelligent?

>Why is "modern" in quotations, fuckwit?
It's got nothing to do with pedophilia, but study the works of Carl Jung, pretty based psychiatrist -- unless you're obsessed with materialism, that is

so what happens if you like lolicon
But you imagine you are the loli?

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You posted a statment that is poorly worded and therefore hard to interpret.

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Well I'm done throwing rotten fruit at you hapless fucks. I'm reassured you're too fucking stupid to get away with anything, you aspiring predators you.
Get fucked!

That's pretty gay, kys orginaloli

It's perfectly cohesive. You're just actually retarded. Doctor.

Sexual attraction is a desire to inflict harm. Better just castrate all males because they will immediately rape anybody who does not give consent when they want sex.

This is the first time I've met someone that uses their poor understanding of the english language as an excuse to chicken out of a productive discussion.

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honestly surprised the thread hasn't been deleted yet.

Every single straight man is aroused by them.

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Children dont sweat like that. At least, i didnt.

It's cause we haven't started posting them yet

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>Just remember she WILL grow up one day
93% of pedos are non-exclusive.

>honestly only attracted to girl 16-26 which i don't know what that would categorize me as but i think wanting to fuck anyone younger than that is pretty damn bad.

Wasn't there a study where they showed a bunch of men CP and the vast majority of them were aroused by it?

For reasearch purposes, how many years of age would you assign to those tits?

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You mean every study?

was it actual CP or just girls in risque outfits? I cant imagine being allowed to show people real CP even for a scientific study.

I am one
Yas Forums is a lolicon website. If you're not a lolicon then you don't belong here and aren't welcome. I won't give you the pleasure of a (You)

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